RE: [ROOT] TMonitor->Select not returning

From: Axel Naumann (
Date: Wed Aug 13 2003 - 16:46:08 MEST

Hi Brandon,
I can reproduce this problem with 3.05.04 win32gdk (seems like I didn't
update my win version for too long...) Out of curiousity I tried it with
win32gcc, and that works.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Brandon Kohn
Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 3:37 PM
To: Roottalk List
Subject: [ROOT] TMonitor->Select not returning

Hello All,

I'm messing around with building a client/server application with the
TSockets library, and I've run into a few snags with the
TMonitor->Select(). It appears never to return under any circumstances.
I'm running this with both 3.03 and the latest v. 3.05.06, on a win2000
machine. I've also tried running the hserv2.C macro with the
corresponding 2 hclient.C (from 3 separate rint consoles..) and get the
same results. Can anyone else running on win32 confirm or deny if this
is a windows specific problem (i.e. try running those two macros: at and )

Brandon Kohn                        Tel.: +377 97 97 41 51
Software Engineer/Sys Admin
The Maia Institute                   Fax.: +377 97 97 41 59
Le Patio Palace
41, Avenue Hector Otto
MC 98000 Monaco 

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