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TMVA::DNN::TSharedLayer< Architecture_t > Class Template Reference

template<typename Architecture_t>
class TMVA::DNN::TSharedLayer< Architecture_t >

Layer class width shared weight and bias layers.

Like the Layer class only that weight matrices are shared between different instances of the net, which can be used to implement multithreading 'Hogwild' style.

Definition at line 145 of file Layer.h.

Public Types

using Matrix_t = typename Architecture_t::Matrix_t
using Scalar_t = typename Architecture_t::Scalar_t

Public Member Functions

 TSharedLayer (size_t fBatchSize, TLayer< Architecture_t > &layer)
 TSharedLayer (const TSharedLayer &layer)
void Backward (Matrix_t &gradients_backward, const Matrix_t &activations_backward, ERegularization r, Scalar_t weightDecay)
 Compute weight, bias and activation gradients. More...
void Forward (Matrix_t &input, bool applyDropout=false)
 Compute activation of the layer for the given input. More...
EActivationFunction GetActivationFunction () const
Matrix_tGetActivationGradients ()
const Matrix_tGetActivationGradients () const
size_t GetBatchSize () const
Matrix_tGetBiases ()
const Matrix_tGetBiases () const
Matrix_tGetBiasGradients ()
const Matrix_tGetBiasGradients () const
size_t GetDropoutProbability () const
size_t GetInputWidth () const
Matrix_tGetOutput ()
const Matrix_tGetOutput () const
Matrix_tGetWeightGradients ()
const Matrix_tGetWeightGradients () const
Matrix_tGetWeights () const
size_t GetWidth () const
void Print () const
void SetDropoutProbability (Scalar_t p)

Private Attributes

Matrix_t fActivationGradients
 Gradients w.r.t. the activations of this layer. More...
size_t fBatchSize
 Batch size used for training and evaluation. More...
 Reference to the bias vectors of this layer. More...
Matrix_t fBiasGradients
 Gradients w.r.t. the bias values of this layer. More...
Matrix_t fDerivatives
 First fDerivatives of the activations of this layer. More...
Scalar_t fDropoutProbability
 Probability that an input is active. More...
EActivationFunction fF
 Activation function of the layer. More...
size_t fInputWidth
 Number of neurons of the previous layer. More...
Matrix_t fOutput
 Activations of this layer. More...
Matrix_t fWeightGradients
 Gradients w.r.t. the weigths of this layer. More...
 Reference to the weight matrix of this layer. More...
size_t fWidth
 Number of neurons of this layer. More...

#include <TMVA/DNN/Layer.h>

Member Typedef Documentation

template<typename Architecture_t >
using TMVA::DNN::TSharedLayer< Architecture_t >::Matrix_t = typename Architecture_t::Matrix_t

Definition at line 151 of file Layer.h.

template<typename Architecture_t >
using TMVA::DNN::TSharedLayer< Architecture_t >::Scalar_t = typename Architecture_t::Scalar_t

Definition at line 150 of file Layer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<typename Architecture_t >
TMVA::DNN::TSharedLayer< Architecture_t >::TSharedLayer ( size_t  fBatchSize,
TLayer< Architecture_t > &  layer 

Definition at line 314 of file Layer.h.

template<typename Architecture_t >
TMVA::DNN::TSharedLayer< Architecture_t >::TSharedLayer ( const TSharedLayer< Architecture_t > &  layer)

Definition at line 329 of file Layer.h.

Member Function Documentation

template<typename Architecture_t >
auto TMVA::DNN::TSharedLayer< Architecture_t >::Backward ( Matrix_t gradients_backward,
const Matrix_t activations_backward,
ERegularization  r,
Scalar_t  weightDecay 

Compute weight, bias and activation gradients.

Uses the precomputed first partial derviatives of the activation function computed during forward propagation and modifies them. Must only be called directly a the corresponding call to Forward(...).

Definition at line 358 of file Layer.h.

template<typename Architecture_t >
auto TMVA::DNN::TSharedLayer< Architecture_t >::Forward ( Matrix_t input,
bool  applyDropout = false 

Compute activation of the layer for the given input.

The input must be in matrix form with the different rows corresponding to different events in the batch. Computes activations as well as the first partial derivative of the activation function at those activations.

Definition at line 343 of file Layer.h.

template<typename Architecture_t >
EActivationFunction TMVA::DNN::TSharedLayer< Architecture_t >::GetActivationFunction ( ) const

Definition at line 201 of file Layer.h.

template<typename Architecture_t >
Matrix_t& TMVA::DNN::TSharedLayer< Architecture_t >::GetActivationGradients ( )

Definition at line 208 of file Layer.h.

template<typename Architecture_t >
const Matrix_t& TMVA::DNN::TSharedLayer< Architecture_t >::GetActivationGradients ( ) const

Definition at line 209 of file Layer.h.

template<typename Architecture_t >
size_t TMVA::DNN::TSharedLayer< Architecture_t >::GetBatchSize ( ) const

Definition at line 194 of file Layer.h.

template<typename Architecture_t >
Matrix_t& TMVA::DNN::TSharedLayer< Architecture_t >::GetBiases ( )

Definition at line 206 of file Layer.h.

template<typename Architecture_t >
const Matrix_t& TMVA::DNN::TSharedLayer< Architecture_t >::GetBiases ( ) const

Definition at line 207 of file Layer.h.

template<typename Architecture_t >
Matrix_t& TMVA::DNN::TSharedLayer< Architecture_t >::GetBiasGradients ( )

Definition at line 210 of file Layer.h.

template<typename Architecture_t >
const Matrix_t& TMVA::DNN::TSharedLayer< Architecture_t >::GetBiasGradients ( ) const

Definition at line 211 of file Layer.h.

template<typename Architecture_t >
size_t TMVA::DNN::TSharedLayer< Architecture_t >::GetDropoutProbability ( ) const

Definition at line 197 of file Layer.h.

template<typename Architecture_t >
size_t TMVA::DNN::TSharedLayer< Architecture_t >::GetInputWidth ( ) const

Definition at line 195 of file Layer.h.

template<typename Architecture_t >
Matrix_t& TMVA::DNN::TSharedLayer< Architecture_t >::GetOutput ( )

Definition at line 203 of file Layer.h.

template<typename Architecture_t >
const Matrix_t& TMVA::DNN::TSharedLayer< Architecture_t >::GetOutput ( ) const

Definition at line 204 of file Layer.h.

template<typename Architecture_t >
Matrix_t& TMVA::DNN::TSharedLayer< Architecture_t >::GetWeightGradients ( )

Definition at line 212 of file Layer.h.

template<typename Architecture_t >
const Matrix_t& TMVA::DNN::TSharedLayer< Architecture_t >::GetWeightGradients ( ) const

Definition at line 213 of file Layer.h.

template<typename Architecture_t >
Matrix_t& TMVA::DNN::TSharedLayer< Architecture_t >::GetWeights ( ) const

Definition at line 205 of file Layer.h.

template<typename Architecture_t >
size_t TMVA::DNN::TSharedLayer< Architecture_t >::GetWidth ( ) const

Definition at line 196 of file Layer.h.

template<typename Architecture_t >
void TMVA::DNN::TSharedLayer< Architecture_t >::Print ( ) const

Definition at line 378 of file Layer.h.

template<typename Architecture_t >
void TMVA::DNN::TSharedLayer< Architecture_t >::SetDropoutProbability ( Scalar_t  p)

Definition at line 199 of file Layer.h.

Member Data Documentation

template<typename Architecture_t >
Matrix_t TMVA::DNN::TSharedLayer< Architecture_t >::fActivationGradients

Gradients w.r.t. the activations of this layer.

Definition at line 167 of file Layer.h.

template<typename Architecture_t >
size_t TMVA::DNN::TSharedLayer< Architecture_t >::fBatchSize

Batch size used for training and evaluation.

Definition at line 155 of file Layer.h.

template<typename Architecture_t >
Matrix_t& TMVA::DNN::TSharedLayer< Architecture_t >::fBiases

Reference to the bias vectors of this layer.

Definition at line 162 of file Layer.h.

template<typename Architecture_t >
Matrix_t TMVA::DNN::TSharedLayer< Architecture_t >::fBiasGradients

Gradients w.r.t. the bias values of this layer.

Definition at line 166 of file Layer.h.

template<typename Architecture_t >
Matrix_t TMVA::DNN::TSharedLayer< Architecture_t >::fDerivatives

First fDerivatives of the activations of this layer.

Definition at line 164 of file Layer.h.

template<typename Architecture_t >
Scalar_t TMVA::DNN::TSharedLayer< Architecture_t >::fDropoutProbability

Probability that an input is active.

Definition at line 159 of file Layer.h.

template<typename Architecture_t >
EActivationFunction TMVA::DNN::TSharedLayer< Architecture_t >::fF

Activation function of the layer.

Definition at line 169 of file Layer.h.

template<typename Architecture_t >
size_t TMVA::DNN::TSharedLayer< Architecture_t >::fInputWidth

Number of neurons of the previous layer.

Definition at line 156 of file Layer.h.

template<typename Architecture_t >
Matrix_t TMVA::DNN::TSharedLayer< Architecture_t >::fOutput

Activations of this layer.

Definition at line 163 of file Layer.h.

template<typename Architecture_t >
Matrix_t TMVA::DNN::TSharedLayer< Architecture_t >::fWeightGradients

Gradients w.r.t. the weigths of this layer.

Definition at line 165 of file Layer.h.

template<typename Architecture_t >
Matrix_t& TMVA::DNN::TSharedLayer< Architecture_t >::fWeights

Reference to the weight matrix of this layer.

Definition at line 161 of file Layer.h.

template<typename Architecture_t >
size_t TMVA::DNN::TSharedLayer< Architecture_t >::fWidth

Number of neurons of this layer.

Definition at line 157 of file Layer.h.

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