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TBufferJSON Class Reference

Definition at line 36 of file TBufferJSON.h.

Public Member Functions

 TBufferJSON ()
 Creates buffer object to serialize data into json. More...
virtual ~TBufferJSON ()
 destroy buffer More...
virtual Int_t ApplySequence (const TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence &sequence, void *object)
 Read one collection of objects from the buffer using the StreamerInfoLoopAction. More...
virtual Int_t ApplySequence (const TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence &sequence, void *start_collection, void *end_collection)
 Read one collection of objects from the buffer using the StreamerInfoLoopAction. More...
virtual Int_t ApplySequenceVecPtr (const TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence &sequence, void *start_collection, void *end_collection)
 Read one collection of objects from the buffer using the StreamerInfoLoopAction. More...
virtual Int_t CheckByteCount (UInt_t startpos, UInt_t bcnt, const TClass *clss)
 suppressed function of TBuffer More...
virtual Int_t CheckByteCount (UInt_t startpos, UInt_t bcnt, const char *classname)
 suppressed function of TBuffer More...
virtual Bool_t CheckObject (const TObject *)
 Check that object already stored in the buffer. More...
virtual Bool_t CheckObject (const void *, const TClass *)
 Check that object already stored in the buffer. More...
virtual void ClassBegin (const TClass *, Version_t=-1)
 Should be called in the beginning of custom class streamer. More...
virtual void ClassEnd (const TClass *)
 Should be called at the end of custom streamer See TBufferJSON::ClassBegin for more details. More...
virtual void ClassMember (const char *name, const char *typeName=0, Int_t arrsize1=-1, Int_t arrsize2=-1)
 Method indicates name and typename of class member, which should be now streamed in custom streamer Following combinations are supported: More...
virtual void DecrementLevel (TVirtualStreamerInfo *)
 Function is called from TStreamerInfo WriteBuffer and ReadBuffer functions and decrease level in json structure. More...
virtual void ForceWriteInfo (TVirtualStreamerInfo *, Bool_t)
virtual void ForceWriteInfoClones (TClonesArray *)
virtual Int_t GetBufferDisplacement () const
virtual TVirtualStreamerInfoGetInfo ()
virtual TProcessIDGetLastProcessID (TRefTable *) const
virtual Int_t GetMapCount () const
virtual void GetMappedObject (UInt_t, void *&, TClass *&) const
virtual UShort_t GetPidOffset () const
virtual UInt_t GetTRefExecId ()
virtual Int_t GetVersionOwner () const
virtual void IncrementLevel (TVirtualStreamerInfo *)
 Function is called from TStreamerInfo WriteBuffer and ReadBuffer functions and indent new level in json structure. More...
virtual void InitMap ()
virtual void MapObject (const TObject *, UInt_t=1)
virtual void MapObject (const void *, const TClass *, UInt_t=1)
virtual Int_t ReadArray (Bool_t *&b)
 Read array of Bool_t from buffer. More...
virtual Int_t ReadArray (Char_t *&c)
 Read array of Char_t from buffer. More...
virtual Int_t ReadArray (UChar_t *&c)
 Read array of UChar_t from buffer. More...
virtual Int_t ReadArray (Short_t *&h)
 Read array of Short_t from buffer. More...
virtual Int_t ReadArray (UShort_t *&h)
 Read array of UShort_t from buffer. More...
virtual Int_t ReadArray (Int_t *&i)
 Read array of Int_t from buffer. More...
virtual Int_t ReadArray (UInt_t *&i)
 Read array of UInt_t from buffer. More...
virtual Int_t ReadArray (Long_t *&l)
 Read array of Long_t from buffer. More...
virtual Int_t ReadArray (ULong_t *&l)
 Read array of ULong_t from buffer. More...
virtual Int_t ReadArray (Long64_t *&l)
 Read array of Long64_t from buffer. More...
virtual Int_t ReadArray (ULong64_t *&l)
 Read array of ULong64_t from buffer. More...
virtual Int_t ReadArray (Float_t *&f)
 Read array of Float_t from buffer. More...
virtual Int_t ReadArray (Double_t *&d)
 Read array of Double_t from buffer. More...
virtual Int_t ReadArrayDouble32 (Double_t *&d, TStreamerElement *ele=0)
 Read array of Double32_t from buffer. More...
virtual Int_t ReadArrayFloat16 (Float_t *&f, TStreamerElement *ele=0)
 Read array of Float16_t from buffer. More...
virtual void ReadBool (Bool_t &b)
 Reads Bool_t value from buffer. More...
virtual Int_t ReadBuf (void *, Int_t)
virtual void ReadChar (Char_t &c)
 Reads Char_t value from buffer. More...
virtual void ReadCharP (Char_t *c)
 Reads array of characters from buffer. More...
virtual TClassReadClass (const TClass *cl=0, UInt_t *objTag=0)
 suppressed function of TBuffer More...
virtual Int_t ReadClassBuffer (const TClass *, void *, const TClass *=0)
virtual Int_t ReadClassBuffer (const TClass *, void *, Int_t, UInt_t, UInt_t, const TClass *=0)
virtual Int_t ReadClassEmulated (const TClass *, void *, const TClass *=0)
virtual Int_t ReadClones (TClonesArray *, Int_t, Version_t)
virtual void ReadDouble (Double_t &d)
 Reads Double_t value from buffer. More...
virtual void ReadDouble32 (Double_t *d, TStreamerElement *ele=0)
 read a Double32_t from the buffer More...
virtual void ReadFastArray (Bool_t *b, Int_t n)
 read array of Bool_t from buffer More...
virtual void ReadFastArray (Char_t *c, Int_t n)
 read array of Char_t from buffer More...
virtual void ReadFastArray (UChar_t *c, Int_t n)
 read array of UChar_t from buffer More...
virtual void ReadFastArray (Short_t *h, Int_t n)
 read array of Short_t from buffer More...
virtual void ReadFastArray (UShort_t *h, Int_t n)
 read array of UShort_t from buffer More...
virtual void ReadFastArray (Int_t *i, Int_t n)
 read array of Int_t from buffer More...
virtual void ReadFastArray (UInt_t *i, Int_t n)
 read array of UInt_t from buffer More...
virtual void ReadFastArray (Long_t *l, Int_t n)
 read array of Long_t from buffer More...
virtual void ReadFastArray (ULong_t *l, Int_t n)
 read array of ULong_t from buffer More...
virtual void ReadFastArray (Long64_t *l, Int_t n)
 read array of Long64_t from buffer More...
virtual void ReadFastArray (ULong64_t *l, Int_t n)
 read array of ULong64_t from buffer More...
virtual void ReadFastArray (Float_t *f, Int_t n)
 read array of Float_t from buffer More...
virtual void ReadFastArray (Double_t *d, Int_t n)
 read array of Double_t from buffer More...
virtual void ReadFastArray (void *start, const TClass *cl, Int_t n=1, TMemberStreamer *s=0, const TClass *onFileClass=0)
 redefined here to avoid warning message from gcc More...
virtual void ReadFastArray (void **startp, const TClass *cl, Int_t n=1, Bool_t isPreAlloc=kFALSE, TMemberStreamer *s=0, const TClass *onFileClass=0)
 redefined here to avoid warning message from gcc More...
virtual void ReadFastArrayDouble32 (Double_t *d, Int_t n, TStreamerElement *ele=0)
 read array of Double32_t from buffer More...
virtual void ReadFastArrayFloat16 (Float_t *f, Int_t n, TStreamerElement *ele=0)
 read array of Float16_t from buffer More...
virtual void ReadFastArrayString (Char_t *c, Int_t n)
 read array of Char_t from buffer More...
virtual void ReadFastArrayWithFactor (Float_t *ptr, Int_t n, Double_t factor, Double_t minvalue)
 read array of Float16_t from buffer More...
virtual void ReadFastArrayWithFactor (Double_t *ptr, Int_t n, Double_t factor, Double_t minvalue)
 read array of Double32_t from buffer More...
virtual void ReadFastArrayWithNbits (Float_t *ptr, Int_t n, Int_t nbits)
 read array of Float16_t from buffer More...
virtual void ReadFastArrayWithNbits (Double_t *ptr, Int_t n, Int_t nbits)
 read array of Double32_t from buffer More...
virtual void ReadFloat (Float_t &f)
 Reads Float_t value from buffer. More...
virtual void ReadFloat16 (Float_t *f, TStreamerElement *ele=0)
 read a Float16_t from the buffer More...
virtual void ReadInt (Int_t &i)
 Reads Int_t value from buffer. More...
virtual void ReadLong (Long_t &l)
 Reads Long_t value from buffer. More...
virtual void ReadLong64 (Long64_t &l)
 Reads Long64_t value from buffer. More...
virtual TObjectReadObject (const TClass *)
virtual voidReadObjectAny (const TClass *clCast)
 Read object from buffer. Only used from TBuffer. More...
virtual TProcessIDReadProcessID (UShort_t)
 Return the current Process-ID. More...
virtual void ReadShort (Short_t &s)
 Reads Short_t value from buffer. More...
virtual Int_t ReadStaticArray (Bool_t *b)
 Read array of Bool_t from buffer. More...
virtual Int_t ReadStaticArray (Char_t *c)
 Read array of Char_t from buffer. More...
virtual Int_t ReadStaticArray (UChar_t *c)
 Read array of UChar_t from buffer. More...
virtual Int_t ReadStaticArray (Short_t *h)
 Read array of Short_t from buffer. More...
virtual Int_t ReadStaticArray (UShort_t *h)
 Read array of UShort_t from buffer. More...
virtual Int_t ReadStaticArray (Int_t *i)
 Read array of Int_t from buffer. More...
virtual Int_t ReadStaticArray (UInt_t *i)
 Read array of UInt_t from buffer. More...
virtual Int_t ReadStaticArray (Long_t *l)
 Read array of Long_t from buffer. More...
virtual Int_t ReadStaticArray (ULong_t *l)
 Read array of ULong_t from buffer. More...
virtual Int_t ReadStaticArray (Long64_t *l)
 Read array of Long64_t from buffer. More...
virtual Int_t ReadStaticArray (ULong64_t *l)
 Read array of ULong64_t from buffer. More...
virtual Int_t ReadStaticArray (Float_t *f)
 Read array of Float_t from buffer. More...
virtual Int_t ReadStaticArray (Double_t *d)
 Read array of Double_t from buffer. More...
virtual Int_t ReadStaticArrayDouble32 (Double_t *d, TStreamerElement *ele=0)
 Read array of Double32_t from buffer. More...
virtual Int_t ReadStaticArrayFloat16 (Float_t *f, TStreamerElement *ele=0)
 Read array of Float16_t from buffer. More...
virtual void ReadStdString (std::string &s)
 Reads a std::string. More...
virtual char * ReadString (char *, Int_t)
virtual void ReadTString (TString &s)
 Reads a TString. More...
virtual void ReadUChar (UChar_t &c)
 Reads UChar_t value from buffer. More...
virtual void ReadUInt (UInt_t &i)
 Reads UInt_t value from buffer. More...
virtual void ReadULong (ULong_t &l)
 Reads ULong_t value from buffer. More...
virtual void ReadULong64 (ULong64_t &l)
 Reads ULong64_t value from buffer. More...
virtual void ReadUShort (UShort_t &s)
 Reads UShort_t value from buffer. More...
virtual Version_t ReadVersion (UInt_t *start=0, UInt_t *bcnt=0, const TClass *cl=0)
 read version value from buffer More...
virtual Version_t ReadVersionForMemberWise (const TClass *=0)
virtual Version_t ReadVersionNoCheckSum (UInt_t *, UInt_t *)
virtual void ReadWithFactor (Float_t *ptr, Double_t factor, Double_t minvalue)
 Read a Double32_t from the buffer when the factor and minimun value have been specified see comments about Double32_t encoding at TBufferFile::WriteDouble32(). More...
virtual void ReadWithFactor (Double_t *ptr, Double_t factor, Double_t minvalue)
 Read a Double32_t from the buffer when the factor and minimun value have been specified see comments about Double32_t encoding at TBufferFile::WriteDouble32(). More...
virtual void ReadWithNbits (Float_t *ptr, Int_t nbits)
 Read a Float16_t from the buffer when the number of bits is specified (explicitly or not) see comments about Float16_t encoding at TBufferFile::WriteFloat16(). More...
virtual void ReadWithNbits (Double_t *ptr, Int_t nbits)
 Read a Double32_t from the buffer when the number of bits is specified (explicitly or not) see comments about Double32_t encoding at TBufferFile::WriteDouble32(). More...
virtual void Reset ()
virtual void ResetMap ()
virtual void SetBufferDisplacement ()
virtual void SetBufferDisplacement (Int_t)
virtual void SetByteCount (UInt_t cntpos, Bool_t packInVersion=kFALSE)
 suppressed function of TBuffer More...
void SetCompact (int level)
 Set level of space/newline compression 0 - no any compression 1 - exclude spaces in the begin 2 - remove newlines 3 - exclude spaces as much as possible. More...
virtual void SetPidOffset (UShort_t)
virtual void SetReadParam (Int_t)
virtual void SetStreamerElementNumber (TStreamerElement *elem, Int_t comp_type)
 Function is called from TStreamerInfo WriteBuffer and Readbuffer functions and add/verify next element of json structure This calls allows separate data, correspondent to one class member, from another. More...
virtual void SetWriteParam (Int_t)
virtual void SkipObjectAny ()
 Skip any kind of object from buffer. More...
virtual void SkipVersion (const TClass *cl=0)
 Skip class version from I/O buffer. More...
virtual void StreamObject (void *obj, const std::type_info &typeinfo, const TClass *onFileClass=0)
 stream object to/from buffer More...
virtual void StreamObject (void *obj, const char *className, const TClass *onFileClass=0)
 stream object to/from buffer More...
virtual void StreamObject (void *obj, const TClass *cl, const TClass *onFileClass=0)
 stream object to/from buffer More...
virtual void StreamObject (TObject *obj)
virtual void TagStreamerInfo (TVirtualStreamerInfo *)
virtual void WriteArray (const Bool_t *b, Int_t n)
 Write array of Bool_t to buffer. More...
virtual void WriteArray (const Char_t *c, Int_t n)
 Write array of Char_t to buffer. More...
virtual void WriteArray (const UChar_t *c, Int_t n)
 Write array of UChar_t to buffer. More...
virtual void WriteArray (const Short_t *h, Int_t n)
 Write array of Short_t to buffer. More...
virtual void WriteArray (const UShort_t *h, Int_t n)
 Write array of UShort_t to buffer. More...
virtual void WriteArray (const Int_t *i, Int_t n)
 Write array of Int_ to buffer. More...
virtual void WriteArray (const UInt_t *i, Int_t n)
 Write array of UInt_t to buffer. More...
virtual void WriteArray (const Long_t *l, Int_t n)
 Write array of Long_t to buffer. More...
virtual void WriteArray (const ULong_t *l, Int_t n)
 Write array of ULong_t to buffer. More...
virtual void WriteArray (const Long64_t *l, Int_t n)
 Write array of Long64_t to buffer. More...
virtual void WriteArray (const ULong64_t *l, Int_t n)
 Write array of ULong64_t to buffer. More...
virtual void WriteArray (const Float_t *f, Int_t n)
 Write array of Float_t to buffer. More...
virtual void WriteArray (const Double_t *d, Int_t n)
 Write array of Double_t to buffer. More...
virtual void WriteArrayDouble32 (const Double_t *d, Int_t n, TStreamerElement *ele=0)
 Write array of Double32_t to buffer. More...
virtual void WriteArrayFloat16 (const Float_t *f, Int_t n, TStreamerElement *ele=0)
 Write array of Float16_t to buffer. More...
virtual void WriteBool (Bool_t b)
 Writes Bool_t value to buffer. More...
virtual void WriteBuf (const void *, Int_t)
virtual void WriteChar (Char_t c)
 Writes Char_t value to buffer. More...
virtual void WriteCharP (const Char_t *c)
 Writes array of characters to buffer. More...
virtual void WriteClass (const TClass *cl)
 suppressed function of TBuffer More...
virtual Int_t WriteClassBuffer (const TClass *cl, void *pointer)
 Function called by the Streamer functions to serialize object at p to buffer b. More...
virtual Int_t WriteClones (TClonesArray *a, Int_t nobjects)
 Interface to TStreamerInfo::WriteBufferClones. More...
virtual void WriteDouble (Double_t d)
 Writes Double_t value to buffer. More...
virtual void WriteDouble32 (Double_t *d, TStreamerElement *ele=0)
 write a Double32_t to the buffer More...
virtual void WriteFastArray (const Bool_t *b, Int_t n)
 Write array of Bool_t to buffer. More...
virtual void WriteFastArray (const Char_t *c, Int_t n)
 Write array of Char_t to buffer If array does not include any special characters, it will be reproduced as CharStar node with string as attribute. More...
virtual void WriteFastArray (const UChar_t *c, Int_t n)
 Write array of UChar_t to buffer. More...
virtual void WriteFastArray (const Short_t *h, Int_t n)
 Write array of Short_t to buffer. More...
virtual void WriteFastArray (const UShort_t *h, Int_t n)
 Write array of UShort_t to buffer. More...
virtual void WriteFastArray (const Int_t *i, Int_t n)
 Write array of Int_t to buffer. More...
virtual void WriteFastArray (const UInt_t *i, Int_t n)
 Write array of UInt_t to buffer. More...
virtual void WriteFastArray (const Long_t *l, Int_t n)
 Write array of Long_t to buffer. More...
virtual void WriteFastArray (const ULong_t *l, Int_t n)
 Write array of ULong_t to buffer. More...
virtual void WriteFastArray (const Long64_t *l, Int_t n)
 Write array of Long64_t to buffer. More...
virtual void WriteFastArray (const ULong64_t *l, Int_t n)
 Write array of ULong64_t to buffer. More...
virtual void WriteFastArray (const Float_t *f, Int_t n)
 Write array of Float_t to buffer. More...
virtual void WriteFastArray (const Double_t *d, Int_t n)
 Write array of Double_t to buffer. More...
virtual void WriteFastArray (void *start, const TClass *cl, Int_t n=1, TMemberStreamer *s=0)
 Recall TBuffer function to avoid gcc warning message. More...
virtual Int_t WriteFastArray (void **startp, const TClass *cl, Int_t n=1, Bool_t isPreAlloc=kFALSE, TMemberStreamer *s=0)
 Recall TBuffer function to avoid gcc warning message. More...
virtual void WriteFastArrayDouble32 (const Double_t *d, Int_t n, TStreamerElement *ele=0)
 Write array of Double32_t to buffer. More...
virtual void WriteFastArrayFloat16 (const Float_t *d, Int_t n, TStreamerElement *ele=0)
 Write array of Float16_t to buffer. More...
virtual void WriteFastArrayString (const Char_t *c, Int_t n)
 Write array of Char_t to buffer. More...
virtual void WriteFloat (Float_t f)
 Writes Float_t value to buffer. More...
virtual void WriteFloat16 (Float_t *f, TStreamerElement *ele=0)
 write a Float16_t to the buffer More...
virtual void WriteInt (Int_t i)
 Writes Int_t value to buffer. More...
virtual void WriteLong (Long_t l)
 Writes Long_t value to buffer. More...
virtual void WriteLong64 (Long64_t l)
 Writes Long64_t value to buffer. More...
virtual void WriteObject (const TObject *obj)
 Convert object into json structures. More...
virtual Int_t WriteObjectAny (const void *obj, const TClass *ptrClass)
 Write object to I/O buffer. More...
virtual UShort_t WriteProcessID (TProcessID *)
 Always return 0 (current processID). More...
virtual void WriteShort (Short_t s)
 Writes Short_t value to buffer. More...
virtual void WriteStdString (const std::string &s)
 Writes a std::string. More...
virtual void WriteString (const char *)
virtual void WriteTString (const TString &s)
 Writes a TString. More...
virtual void WriteUChar (UChar_t c)
 Writes UChar_t value to buffer. More...
virtual void WriteUInt (UInt_t i)
 Writes UInt_t value to buffer. More...
virtual void WriteULong (ULong_t l)
 Writes ULong_t value to buffer. More...
virtual void WriteULong64 (ULong64_t l)
 Writes ULong64_t value to buffer. More...
virtual void WriteUShort (UShort_t s)
 Writes UShort_t value to buffer. More...
virtual UInt_t WriteVersion (const TClass *cl, Bool_t useBcnt=kFALSE)
 Ignored in TBufferJSON. More...
virtual UInt_t WriteVersionMemberWise (const TClass *, Bool_t=kFALSE)
- Public Member Functions inherited from TBuffer
 TBuffer (EMode mode)
 Create an I/O buffer object. More...
 TBuffer (EMode mode, Int_t bufsiz)
 Create an I/O buffer object. More...
 TBuffer (EMode mode, Int_t bufsiz, void *buf, Bool_t adopt=kTRUE, ReAllocCharFun_t reallocfunc=0)
 Create an I/O buffer object. More...
virtual ~TBuffer ()
 Delete an I/O buffer object. More...
void AutoExpand (Int_t size_needed)
 Automatically calculate a new size and expand the buffer to fit at least size_needed. More...
char * Buffer () const
Int_t BufferSize () const
void DetachBuffer ()
void Expand (Int_t newsize, Bool_t copy=kTRUE)
 Expand (or shrink) the I/O buffer to newsize bytes. More...
Int_t GetBufferVersion () const
TObjectGetParent () const
 Return pointer to parent of this buffer. More...
ReAllocCharFun_t GetReAllocFunc () const
 Return the reallocation method currently used. More...
Bool_t IsReading () const
Bool_t IsWriting () const
Int_t Length () const
virtual TVirtualArrayPeekDataCache () const
 Return the 'current' data cache area from the list of area to be used for temporarily store 'missing' data members. More...
virtual TVirtualArrayPopDataCache ()
 Pop and Return the 'current' data cache area from the list of area to be used for temporarily store 'missing' data members. More...
virtual void PushDataCache (TVirtualArray *)
 Push a new data cache area onto the list of area to be used for temporarily store 'missing' data members. More...
void SetBuffer (void *buf, UInt_t bufsiz=0, Bool_t adopt=kTRUE, ReAllocCharFun_t reallocfunc=0)
 Sets a new buffer in an existing TBuffer object. More...
void SetBufferOffset (Int_t offset=0)
void SetParent (TObject *parent)
 Set parent owning this buffer. More...
void SetReadMode ()
 Set buffer in read mode. More...
void SetReAllocFunc (ReAllocCharFun_t reallocfunc=0)
 Set which memory reallocation method to use. More...
void SetWriteMode ()
 Set buffer in write mode. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from TObject
 TObject ()
 TObject constructor. More...
 TObject (const TObject &object)
 TObject copy ctor. More...
virtual ~TObject ()
 TObject destructor. More...
void AbstractMethod (const char *method) const
 Use this method to implement an "abstract" method that you don't want to leave purely abstract. More...
virtual void AppendPad (Option_t *option="")
 Append graphics object to current pad. More...
virtual void Browse (TBrowser *b)
 Browse object. May be overridden for another default action. More...
virtual const char * ClassName () const
 Returns name of class to which the object belongs. More...
virtual void Clear (Option_t *="")
virtual TObjectClone (const char *newname="") const
 Make a clone of an object using the Streamer facility. More...
virtual Int_t Compare (const TObject *obj) const
 Compare abstract method. More...
virtual void Copy (TObject &object) const
 Copy this to obj. More...
virtual void Delete (Option_t *option="")
 Delete this object. More...
virtual Int_t DistancetoPrimitive (Int_t px, Int_t py)
 Computes distance from point (px,py) to the object. More...
virtual void Draw (Option_t *option="")
 Default Draw method for all objects. More...
virtual void DrawClass () const
 Draw class inheritance tree of the class to which this object belongs. More...
virtual TObjectDrawClone (Option_t *option="") const
 Draw a clone of this object in the current pad. More...
virtual void Dump () const
 Dump contents of object on stdout. More...
virtual void Error (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
 Issue error message. More...
virtual void Execute (const char *method, const char *params, Int_t *error=0)
 Execute method on this object with the given parameter string, e.g. More...
virtual void Execute (TMethod *method, TObjArray *params, Int_t *error=0)
 Execute method on this object with parameters stored in the TObjArray. More...
virtual void ExecuteEvent (Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py)
 Execute action corresponding to an event at (px,py). More...
virtual void Fatal (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
 Issue fatal error message. More...
virtual TObjectFindObject (const char *name) const
 Must be redefined in derived classes. More...
virtual TObjectFindObject (const TObject *obj) const
 Must be redefined in derived classes. More...
virtual Option_tGetDrawOption () const
 Get option used by the graphics system to draw this object. More...
virtual const char * GetIconName () const
 Returns mime type name of object. More...
virtual const char * GetName () const
 Returns name of object. More...
virtual char * GetObjectInfo (Int_t px, Int_t py) const
 Returns string containing info about the object at position (px,py). More...
virtual Option_tGetOption () const
virtual const char * GetTitle () const
 Returns title of object. More...
virtual UInt_t GetUniqueID () const
 Return the unique object id. More...
virtual Bool_t HandleTimer (TTimer *timer)
 Execute action in response of a timer timing out. More...
virtual ULong_t Hash () const
 Return hash value for this object. More...
virtual void Info (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
 Issue info message. More...
virtual Bool_t InheritsFrom (const char *classname) const
 Returns kTRUE if object inherits from class "classname". More...
virtual Bool_t InheritsFrom (const TClass *cl) const
 Returns kTRUE if object inherits from TClass cl. More...
virtual void Inspect () const
 Dump contents of this object in a graphics canvas. More...
void InvertBit (UInt_t f)
virtual Bool_t IsEqual (const TObject *obj) const
 Default equal comparison (objects are equal if they have the same address in memory). More...
virtual Bool_t IsFolder () const
 Returns kTRUE in case object contains browsable objects (like containers or lists of other objects). More...
Bool_t IsOnHeap () const
virtual Bool_t IsSortable () const
Bool_t IsZombie () const
virtual void ls (Option_t *option="") const
 The ls function lists the contents of a class on stdout. More...
void MayNotUse (const char *method) const
 Use this method to signal that a method (defined in a base class) may not be called in a derived class (in principle against good design since a child class should not provide less functionality than its parent, however, sometimes it is necessary). More...
virtual Bool_t Notify ()
 This method must be overridden to handle object notification. More...
void Obsolete (const char *method, const char *asOfVers, const char *removedFromVers) const
 Use this method to declare a method obsolete. More...
void operator delete (void *ptr)
 Operator delete. More...
void operator delete[] (void *ptr)
 Operator delete []. More...
voidoperator new (size_t sz)
voidoperator new (size_t sz, void *vp)
voidoperator new[] (size_t sz)
voidoperator new[] (size_t sz, void *vp)
TObjectoperator= (const TObject &rhs)
 TObject assignment operator. More...
virtual void Paint (Option_t *option="")
 This method must be overridden if a class wants to paint itself. More...
virtual void Pop ()
 Pop on object drawn in a pad to the top of the display list. More...
virtual void Print (Option_t *option="") const
 This method must be overridden when a class wants to print itself. More...
virtual void RecursiveRemove (TObject *obj)
 Recursively remove this object from a list. More...
void ResetBit (UInt_t f)
virtual void SaveAs (const char *filename="", Option_t *option="") const
 Save this object in the file specified by filename. More...
virtual void SavePrimitive (std::ostream &out, Option_t *option="")
 Save a primitive as a C++ statement(s) on output stream "out". More...
void SetBit (UInt_t f, Bool_t set)
 Set or unset the user status bits as specified in f. More...
void SetBit (UInt_t f)
virtual void SetDrawOption (Option_t *option="")
 Set drawing option for object. More...
virtual void SetUniqueID (UInt_t uid)
 Set the unique object id. More...
virtual void SysError (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
 Issue system error message. More...
Bool_t TestBit (UInt_t f) const
Int_t TestBits (UInt_t f) const
virtual void UseCurrentStyle ()
 Set current style settings in this object This function is called when either TCanvas::UseCurrentStyle or TROOT::ForceStyle have been invoked. More...
virtual void Warning (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
 Issue warning message. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static TString ConvertToJSON (const TObject *obj, Int_t compact=0, const char *member_name=0)
 converts object, inherited from TObject class, to JSON string More...
static TString ConvertToJSON (const void *obj, const TClass *cl, Int_t compact=0, const char *member_name=0)
 Converts any type of object to JSON string One should provide pointer on object and its class name Following values of compact parameter can be used 0 - no any compression 1 - exclude spaces in the begin 2 - remove newlines 3 - exclude spaces as much as possible When member_name specified, converts only this data member. More...
static TString ConvertToJSON (const void *obj, TDataMember *member, Int_t compact=0, Int_t arraylen=-1)
 Converts selected data member into json Parameter ptr specifies address in memory, where data member is located compact parameter defines compactness of produced JSON (from 0 to 3) arraylen (when specified) is array length for this data member, //[fN] case. More...
static Int_t ExportToFile (const char *filename, const TObject *obj, const char *option=0)
 Convert object into JSON and store in text file Returns size of the produce file Used in TObject::SaveAs() More...
static Int_t ExportToFile (const char *filename, const void *obj, const TClass *cl, const char *option=0)
 Convert object into JSON and store in text file Returns size of the produce file. More...
static const char * GetFloatFormat ()
 return current printf format for float/double members, default "%e" More...
static void SetFloatFormat (const char *fmt="%e")
 set printf format for float/double members, default "%e" More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from TBuffer
static TClassGetClass (const std::type_info &typeinfo)
 Forward to TROOT::GetClass(). More...
static TClassGetClass (const char *className)
 Forward to TROOT::GetClass(). More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from TObject
static Long_t GetDtorOnly ()
 Return destructor only flag. More...
static Bool_t GetObjectStat ()
 Get status of object stat flag. More...
static void SetDtorOnly (void *obj)
 Set destructor only flag. More...
static void SetObjectStat (Bool_t stat)
 Turn on/off tracking of objects in the TObjectTable. More...

Protected Member Functions

void AppendOutput (const char *line0, const char *line1=0)
 Info("AppendOutput"," '%s' '%s'", line0, line1?line1 : "---");. More...
void JsonDisablePostprocessing ()
Int_t JsonSpecialClass (const TClass *cl) const
 return non-zero value when class has special handling in JSON it is TCollection (-130), TArray (100), TString (110), std::string (120) and STL containers (1..6) More...
void JsonStartElement (const TStreamerElement *elem, const TClass *base_class=0)
void JsonStreamCollection (TCollection *obj, const TClass *objClass)
 store content of collection More...
void JsonWriteBasic (Char_t value)
 converts Char_t to string and add to json value buffer More...
void JsonWriteBasic (Short_t value)
 converts Short_t to string and add to json value buffer More...
void JsonWriteBasic (Int_t value)
 converts Int_t to string and add to json value buffer More...
void JsonWriteBasic (Long_t value)
 converts Long_t to string and add to json value buffer More...
void JsonWriteBasic (Long64_t value)
 converts Long64_t to string and add to json value buffer More...
void JsonWriteBasic (Float_t value)
 converts Float_t to string and add to json value buffer More...
void JsonWriteBasic (Double_t value)
 converts Double_t to string and add to json value buffer More...
void JsonWriteBasic (Bool_t value)
 converts Bool_t to string and add to json value buffer More...
void JsonWriteBasic (UChar_t value)
 converts UChar_t to string and add to json value buffer More...
void JsonWriteBasic (UShort_t value)
 converts UShort_t to string and add to json value buffer More...
void JsonWriteBasic (UInt_t value)
 converts UInt_t to string and add to json value buffer More...
void JsonWriteBasic (ULong_t value)
 converts ULong_t to string and add to json value buffer More...
void JsonWriteBasic (ULong64_t value)
 converts ULong64_t to string and add to json value buffer More...
void JsonWriteConstChar (const char *value, Int_t len=-1)
 writes string value, processing all kind of special characters More...
TString JsonWriteMember (const void *ptr, TDataMember *member, TClass *memberClass, Int_t arraylen)
 Convert single data member to JSON structures Returns string with converted member. More...
void JsonWriteObject (const void *obj, const TClass *objClass, Bool_t check_map=kTRUE)
 Write object to buffer If object was written before, only pointer will be stored If check_map==kFALSE, object will be stored in any case and pointer will not be registered in the map. More...
void PerformPostProcessing (TJSONStackObj *stack, const TStreamerElement *elem=0)
 Function is converts TObject and TString structures to more compact representation. More...
TJSONStackObj * PopStack ()
 remove one level from stack More...
TJSONStackObj * PushStack (Int_t inclevel=0)
 add new level to the structures stack More...
TJSONStackObj * Stack (Int_t depth=0)
 return stack object of specified depth More...
void WorkWithClass (TStreamerInfo *info, const TClass *cl=0)
 Prepares buffer to stream data of specified class. More...
void WorkWithElement (TStreamerElement *elem, Int_t comp_type)
 This is call-back from streamer which indicates that class member will be streamed Name of element used in JSON. More...
virtual void WriteObjectClass (const void *actualObjStart, const TClass *actualClass)
 Write object to buffer. Only used from TBuffer. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from TBuffer
 TBuffer ()
 TBuffer (const TBuffer &)
void operator= (const TBuffer &)
Int_t Read (const char *name)
 Read contents of object with specified name from the current directory. More...
Int_t Write (const char *name, Int_t opt, Int_t bufs)
 Write this object to the current directory. More...
Int_t Write (const char *name, Int_t opt, Int_t bufs) const
 Write this object to the current directory. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from TObject
virtual void DoError (int level, const char *location, const char *fmt, va_list va) const
 Interface to ErrorHandler (protected). More...
void MakeZombie ()

Protected Attributes

TString fArraySepar
 depending from compression level, " : " or ":" More...
Int_t fCompact
 flag to resolve situation when several elements of same basic type stored as FastArray More...
Bool_t fExpectedChain
 stack of streamer infos More...
unsigned fJsonrCnt
 map of recorded objects, used in JsonR to restore references More...
std::map< const void *, unsigned > fJsonrMap
 buffer for current value More...
TString fNumericLocale
 depending from compression level, ", " or "," More...
TString fOutBuffer
 main output buffer for json code More...
TString fSemicolon
 0 - no any compression, 1 - no spaces in the begin, 2 - no new lines, 3 - no spaces at all More...
TObjArray fStack
 counter for all objects and arrays More...
TString fValue
 current output buffer for json code More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from TBuffer
char * fBufCur
char * fBuffer
char * fBufMax
Int_t fBufSize
CacheList_t fCacheStack
 Realloc function to be used when extending the buffer. More...
Bool_t fMode
ReAllocCharFun_t fReAllocFunc
Int_t fVersion

Static Protected Attributes

static const char * fgFloatFmt = "%e"
 stored value of setlocale(LC_NUMERIC), which should be recovered at the end More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from TBuffer
enum  { kIsOwner = BIT(16) }
enum  { kCannotHandleMemberWiseStreaming = BIT(17) }
enum  { kInitialSize = 1024, kMinimalSize = 128 }
enum  EMode { kRead = 0, kWrite = 1 }
- Public Types inherited from TObject
enum  { kIsOnHeap = 0x01000000, kNotDeleted = 0x02000000, kZombie = 0x04000000, kBitMask = 0x00ffffff }
enum  { kSingleKey = BIT(0), kOverwrite = BIT(1), kWriteDelete = BIT(2) }
enum  EStatusBits {
  kCanDelete = BIT(0), kMustCleanup = BIT(3), kObjInCanvas = BIT(3), kIsReferenced = BIT(4),
  kHasUUID = BIT(5), kCannotPick = BIT(6), kNoContextMenu = BIT(8), kInvalidObject = BIT(13)
- Protected Types inherited from TBuffer
typedef std::vector< TVirtualArray * > CacheList_t

#include <TBufferJSON.h>

Inheritance diagram for TBufferJSON:

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TBufferJSON::TBufferJSON ( )

Creates buffer object to serialize data into json.

Definition at line 139 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

TBufferJSON::~TBufferJSON ( )

destroy buffer

Definition at line 176 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Member Function Documentation

void TBufferJSON::AppendOutput ( const char *  line0,
const char *  line1 = 0 

Info("AppendOutput"," '%s' '%s'", line0, line1?line1 : "---");.

Definition at line 698 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Int_t TBufferJSON::ApplySequence ( const TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence sequence,
void obj 

Read one collection of objects from the buffer using the StreamerInfoLoopAction.

The collection needs to be a split TClonesArray or a split vector of pointers.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 3026 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Int_t TBufferJSON::ApplySequence ( const TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence sequence,
void start_collection,
void end_collection 

Read one collection of objects from the buffer using the StreamerInfoLoopAction.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 3093 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Int_t TBufferJSON::ApplySequenceVecPtr ( const TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence sequence,
void start_collection,
void end_collection 

Read one collection of objects from the buffer using the StreamerInfoLoopAction.

The collection needs to be a split TClonesArray or a split vector of pointers.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 3060 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Int_t TBufferJSON::CheckByteCount ( UInt_t  startpos,
UInt_t  bcnt,
const TClass clss 

suppressed function of TBuffer

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1478 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Int_t TBufferJSON::CheckByteCount ( UInt_t  startpos,
UInt_t  bcnt,
const char *  classname 

suppressed function of TBuffer

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1487 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Bool_t TBufferJSON::CheckObject ( const TObject obj)

Check that object already stored in the buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 627 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Bool_t TBufferJSON::CheckObject ( const void ptr,
const TClass  

Check that object already stored in the buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 637 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::ClassBegin ( const TClass cl,
Version_t  = -1 

Should be called in the beginning of custom class streamer.

Informs buffer data about class which will be streamed now.

ClassBegin(), ClassEnd() and ClassMemeber() should be used in custom class streamers to specify which kind of data are now streamed. Such information is used to correctly convert class data to JSON. Without that functions calls classes with custom streamers cannot be used with TBufferJSON

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1229 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::ClassEnd ( const TClass )

Should be called at the end of custom streamer See TBufferJSON::ClassBegin for more details.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1238 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::ClassMember ( const char *  name,
const char *  typeName = 0,
Int_t  arrsize1 = -1,
Int_t  arrsize2 = -1 

Method indicates name and typename of class member, which should be now streamed in custom streamer Following combinations are supported:

  1. name = "ClassName", typeName = 0 or typename==ClassName This is a case, when data of parent class "ClassName" should be streamed. For instance, if class directly inherited from TObject, custom streamer should include following code: b.ClassMember("TObject"); TObject::Streamer(b);
  2. Basic data type b.ClassMember("fInt","Int_t"); b >> fInt;
  3. Array of basic data types b.ClassMember("fArr","Int_t", 5); b.ReadFastArray(fArr, 5);
  4. Object as data member b.ClassMemeber("fName","TString"); fName.Streamer(b);
  5. Pointer on object as data member b.ClassMemeber("fObj","TObject*"); b.StreamObject(fObj); arrsize1 and arrsize2 arguments (when specified) indicate first and second dimension of array. Can be used for array of basic types. See ClassBegin() method for more details.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1269 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

TString TBufferJSON::ConvertToJSON ( const TObject obj,
Int_t  compact = 0,
const char *  member_name = 0 

converts object, inherited from TObject class, to JSON string

Definition at line 187 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

TString TBufferJSON::ConvertToJSON ( const void obj,
const TClass cl,
Int_t  compact = 0,
const char *  member_name = 0 

Converts any type of object to JSON string One should provide pointer on object and its class name Following values of compact parameter can be used 0 - no any compression 1 - exclude spaces in the begin 2 - remove newlines 3 - exclude spaces as much as possible When member_name specified, converts only this data member.

Definition at line 227 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

TString TBufferJSON::ConvertToJSON ( const void obj,
TDataMember member,
Int_t  compact = 0,
Int_t  arraylen = -1 

Converts selected data member into json Parameter ptr specifies address in memory, where data member is located compact parameter defines compactness of produced JSON (from 0 to 3) arraylen (when specified) is array length for this data member, //[fN] case.

Definition at line 266 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::DecrementLevel ( TVirtualStreamerInfo info)

Function is called from TStreamerInfo WriteBuffer and ReadBuffer functions and decrease level in json structure.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1107 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Int_t TBufferJSON::ExportToFile ( const char *  filename,
const TObject obj,
const char *  option = 0 

Convert object into JSON and store in text file Returns size of the produce file Used in TObject::SaveAs()

Definition at line 293 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Int_t TBufferJSON::ExportToFile ( const char *  filename,
const void obj,
const TClass cl,
const char *  option = 0 

Convert object into JSON and store in text file Returns size of the produce file.

Definition at line 313 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

virtual void TBufferJSON::ForceWriteInfo ( TVirtualStreamerInfo ,

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 371 of file TBufferJSON.h.

virtual void TBufferJSON::ForceWriteInfoClones ( TClonesArray )

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 375 of file TBufferJSON.h.

virtual Int_t TBufferJSON::GetBufferDisplacement ( ) const

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 335 of file TBufferJSON.h.

const char * TBufferJSON::GetFloatFormat ( )

return current printf format for float/double members, default "%e"

Definition at line 3017 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

virtual TVirtualStreamerInfo* TBufferJSON::GetInfo ( )

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 314 of file TBufferJSON.h.

virtual TProcessID* TBufferJSON::GetLastProcessID ( TRefTable ) const

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 349 of file TBufferJSON.h.

virtual Int_t TBufferJSON::GetMapCount ( ) const

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 265 of file TBufferJSON.h.

virtual void TBufferJSON::GetMappedObject ( UInt_t  ,
void *&  ,
TClass *&   
) const

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 270 of file TBufferJSON.h.

virtual UShort_t TBufferJSON::GetPidOffset ( ) const

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 326 of file TBufferJSON.h.

virtual UInt_t TBufferJSON::GetTRefExecId ( )

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 354 of file TBufferJSON.h.

virtual Int_t TBufferJSON::GetVersionOwner ( ) const

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 260 of file TBufferJSON.h.

void TBufferJSON::IncrementLevel ( TVirtualStreamerInfo info)

Function is called from TStreamerInfo WriteBuffer and ReadBuffer functions and indent new level in json structure.

This call indicates, that TStreamerInfo functions starts streaming object data of correspondent class

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1058 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

virtual void TBufferJSON::InitMap ( )

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 286 of file TBufferJSON.h.

void TBufferJSON::JsonDisablePostprocessing ( )

Definition at line 770 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Int_t TBufferJSON::JsonSpecialClass ( const TClass cl) const

return non-zero value when class has special handling in JSON it is TCollection (-130), TArray (100), TString (110), std::string (120) and STL containers (1..6)

Definition at line 780 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::JsonStartElement ( const TStreamerElement elem,
const TClass base_class = 0 

Definition at line 718 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::JsonStreamCollection ( TCollection obj,
const TClass objClass 

store content of collection

Definition at line 1002 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::JsonWriteBasic ( Char_t  value)

converts Char_t to string and add to json value buffer

Definition at line 2824 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::JsonWriteBasic ( Short_t  value)

converts Short_t to string and add to json value buffer

Definition at line 2834 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::JsonWriteBasic ( Int_t  value)

converts Int_t to string and add to json value buffer

Definition at line 2844 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::JsonWriteBasic ( Long_t  value)

converts Long_t to string and add to json value buffer

Definition at line 2854 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::JsonWriteBasic ( Long64_t  value)

converts Long64_t to string and add to json value buffer

Definition at line 2864 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::JsonWriteBasic ( Float_t  value)

converts Float_t to string and add to json value buffer

Definition at line 2874 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::JsonWriteBasic ( Double_t  value)

converts Double_t to string and add to json value buffer

Definition at line 2887 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::JsonWriteBasic ( Bool_t  value)

converts Bool_t to string and add to json value buffer

Definition at line 2900 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::JsonWriteBasic ( UChar_t  value)

converts UChar_t to string and add to json value buffer

Definition at line 2908 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::JsonWriteBasic ( UShort_t  value)

converts UShort_t to string and add to json value buffer

Definition at line 2918 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::JsonWriteBasic ( UInt_t  value)

converts UInt_t to string and add to json value buffer

Definition at line 2928 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::JsonWriteBasic ( ULong_t  value)

converts ULong_t to string and add to json value buffer

Definition at line 2938 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::JsonWriteBasic ( ULong64_t  value)

converts ULong64_t to string and add to json value buffer

Definition at line 2948 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::JsonWriteConstChar ( const char *  value,
Int_t  len = -1 

writes string value, processing all kind of special characters

Definition at line 2958 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

TString TBufferJSON::JsonWriteMember ( const void ptr,
TDataMember member,
TClass memberClass,
Int_t  arraylen 

Convert single data member to JSON structures Returns string with converted member.

Definition at line 333 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::JsonWriteObject ( const void obj,
const TClass objClass,
Bool_t  check_map = kTRUE 

Write object to buffer If object was written before, only pointer will be stored If check_map==kFALSE, object will be stored in any case and pointer will not be registered in the map.

Definition at line 810 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

virtual void TBufferJSON::MapObject ( const TObject ,
UInt_t  = 1 

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 274 of file TBufferJSON.h.

virtual void TBufferJSON::MapObject ( const void ,
const TClass ,
UInt_t  = 1 

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 278 of file TBufferJSON.h.

void TBufferJSON::PerformPostProcessing ( TJSONStackObj *  stack,
const TStreamerElement elem = 0 

Function is converts TObject and TString structures to more compact representation.

Definition at line 1367 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

TJSONStackObj * TBufferJSON::PopStack ( )

remove one level from stack

Definition at line 673 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

TJSONStackObj * TBufferJSON::PushStack ( Int_t  inclevel = 0)

add new level to the structures stack

Definition at line 661 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Int_t TBufferJSON::ReadArray ( Bool_t *&  b)

Read array of Bool_t from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1648 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Int_t TBufferJSON::ReadArray ( Char_t *&  c)

Read array of Char_t from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1656 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Int_t TBufferJSON::ReadArray ( UChar_t *&  c)

Read array of UChar_t from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1664 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Int_t TBufferJSON::ReadArray ( Short_t *&  h)

Read array of Short_t from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1672 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Int_t TBufferJSON::ReadArray ( UShort_t *&  h)

Read array of UShort_t from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1680 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Int_t TBufferJSON::ReadArray ( Int_t *&  i)

Read array of Int_t from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1688 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Int_t TBufferJSON::ReadArray ( UInt_t *&  i)

Read array of UInt_t from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1696 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Int_t TBufferJSON::ReadArray ( Long_t *&  l)

Read array of Long_t from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1704 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Int_t TBufferJSON::ReadArray ( ULong_t *&  l)

Read array of ULong_t from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1712 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Int_t TBufferJSON::ReadArray ( Long64_t *&  l)

Read array of Long64_t from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1720 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Int_t TBufferJSON::ReadArray ( ULong64_t *&  l)

Read array of ULong64_t from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1728 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Int_t TBufferJSON::ReadArray ( Float_t *&  f)

Read array of Float_t from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1736 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Int_t TBufferJSON::ReadArray ( Double_t *&  d)

Read array of Double_t from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1744 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Int_t TBufferJSON::ReadArrayDouble32 ( Double_t *&  d,
TStreamerElement ele = 0 

Read array of Double32_t from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1760 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Int_t TBufferJSON::ReadArrayFloat16 ( Float_t *&  f,
TStreamerElement ele = 0 

Read array of Float16_t from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1752 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::ReadBool ( Bool_t b)

Reads Bool_t value from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2552 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

virtual Int_t TBufferJSON::ReadBuf ( void ,

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 240 of file TBufferJSON.h.

void TBufferJSON::ReadChar ( Char_t c)

Reads Char_t value from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2559 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::ReadCharP ( Char_t c)

Reads array of characters from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2643 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

TClass * TBufferJSON::ReadClass ( const TClass cl = 0,
UInt_t objTag = 0 

suppressed function of TBuffer

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1463 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

virtual Int_t TBufferJSON::ReadClassBuffer ( const TClass ,
void ,
const TClass = 0 

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 391 of file TBufferJSON.h.

virtual Int_t TBufferJSON::ReadClassBuffer ( const TClass ,
void ,
Int_t  ,
UInt_t  ,
UInt_t  ,
const TClass = 0 

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 396 of file TBufferJSON.h.

virtual Int_t TBufferJSON::ReadClassEmulated ( const TClass ,
void ,
const TClass = 0 

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 386 of file TBufferJSON.h.

virtual Int_t TBufferJSON::ReadClones ( TClonesArray ,
Int_t  ,

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 379 of file TBufferJSON.h.

void TBufferJSON::ReadDouble ( Double_t d)

Reads Double_t value from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2636 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::ReadDouble32 ( Double_t d,
TStreamerElement ele = 0 

read a Double32_t from the buffer

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1579 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::ReadFastArray ( Bool_t b,
Int_t  n 

read array of Bool_t from buffer

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1904 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::ReadFastArray ( Char_t c,
Int_t  n 

read array of Char_t from buffer

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1912 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::ReadFastArray ( UChar_t c,
Int_t  n 

read array of UChar_t from buffer

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1928 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::ReadFastArray ( Short_t h,
Int_t  n 

read array of Short_t from buffer

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1936 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::ReadFastArray ( UShort_t h,
Int_t  n 

read array of UShort_t from buffer

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1944 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::ReadFastArray ( Int_t i,
Int_t  n 

read array of Int_t from buffer

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1952 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::ReadFastArray ( UInt_t i,
Int_t  n 

read array of UInt_t from buffer

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1960 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::ReadFastArray ( Long_t l,
Int_t  n 

read array of Long_t from buffer

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1968 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::ReadFastArray ( ULong_t l,
Int_t  n 

read array of ULong_t from buffer

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1976 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::ReadFastArray ( Long64_t l,
Int_t  n 

read array of Long64_t from buffer

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1984 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::ReadFastArray ( ULong64_t l,
Int_t  n 

read array of ULong64_t from buffer

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1992 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::ReadFastArray ( Float_t f,
Int_t  n 

read array of Float_t from buffer

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2000 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::ReadFastArray ( Double_t d,
Int_t  n 

read array of Double_t from buffer

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2008 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::ReadFastArray ( void start,
const TClass cl,
Int_t  n = 1,
TMemberStreamer s = 0,
const TClass onFileClass = 0 

redefined here to avoid warning message from gcc

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2070 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::ReadFastArray ( void **  startp,
const TClass cl,
Int_t  n = 1,
Bool_t  isPreAlloc = kFALSE,
TMemberStreamer s = 0,
const TClass onFileClass = 0 

redefined here to avoid warning message from gcc

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2079 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::ReadFastArrayDouble32 ( Double_t d,
Int_t  n,
TStreamerElement ele = 0 

read array of Double32_t from buffer

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2043 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::ReadFastArrayFloat16 ( Float_t f,
Int_t  n,
TStreamerElement ele = 0 

read array of Float16_t from buffer

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2016 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::ReadFastArrayString ( Char_t c,
Int_t  n 

read array of Char_t from buffer

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1920 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::ReadFastArrayWithFactor ( Float_t ptr,
Int_t  n,
Double_t  factor,
Double_t  minvalue 

read array of Float16_t from buffer

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2025 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::ReadFastArrayWithFactor ( Double_t ptr,
Int_t  n,
Double_t  factor,
Double_t  minvalue 

read array of Double32_t from buffer

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2052 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::ReadFastArrayWithNbits ( Float_t ptr,
Int_t  n,
Int_t  nbits 

read array of Float16_t from buffer

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2035 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::ReadFastArrayWithNbits ( Double_t ptr,
Int_t  n,
Int_t  nbits 

read array of Double32_t from buffer

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2062 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::ReadFloat ( Float_t f)

Reads Float_t value from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2629 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::ReadFloat16 ( Float_t f,
TStreamerElement ele = 0 

read a Float16_t from the buffer

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1572 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::ReadInt ( Int_t i)

Reads Int_t value from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2587 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::ReadLong ( Long_t l)

Reads Long_t value from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2601 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::ReadLong64 ( Long64_t l)

Reads Long64_t value from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2615 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

virtual TObject* TBufferJSON::ReadObject ( const TClass )

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 320 of file TBufferJSON.h.

void * TBufferJSON::ReadObjectAny ( const TClass clCast)

Read object from buffer. Only used from TBuffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1534 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

virtual TProcessID* TBufferJSON::ReadProcessID ( UShort_t  pidf)

Return the current Process-ID.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 359 of file TBufferJSON.h.

void TBufferJSON::ReadShort ( Short_t s)

Reads Short_t value from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2573 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Int_t TBufferJSON::ReadStaticArray ( Bool_t b)

Read array of Bool_t from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1775 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Int_t TBufferJSON::ReadStaticArray ( Char_t c)

Read array of Char_t from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1783 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Int_t TBufferJSON::ReadStaticArray ( UChar_t c)

Read array of UChar_t from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1791 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Int_t TBufferJSON::ReadStaticArray ( Short_t h)

Read array of Short_t from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1799 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Int_t TBufferJSON::ReadStaticArray ( UShort_t h)

Read array of UShort_t from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1807 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Int_t TBufferJSON::ReadStaticArray ( Int_t i)

Read array of Int_t from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1815 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Int_t TBufferJSON::ReadStaticArray ( UInt_t i)

Read array of UInt_t from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1823 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Int_t TBufferJSON::ReadStaticArray ( Long_t l)

Read array of Long_t from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1831 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Int_t TBufferJSON::ReadStaticArray ( ULong_t l)

Read array of ULong_t from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1839 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Int_t TBufferJSON::ReadStaticArray ( Long64_t l)

Read array of Long64_t from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1847 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Int_t TBufferJSON::ReadStaticArray ( ULong64_t l)

Read array of ULong64_t from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1855 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Int_t TBufferJSON::ReadStaticArray ( Float_t f)

Read array of Float_t from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1863 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Int_t TBufferJSON::ReadStaticArray ( Double_t d)

Read array of Double_t from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1871 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Int_t TBufferJSON::ReadStaticArrayDouble32 ( Double_t d,
TStreamerElement ele = 0 

Read array of Double32_t from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1887 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Int_t TBufferJSON::ReadStaticArrayFloat16 ( Float_t f,
TStreamerElement ele = 0 

Read array of Float16_t from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1879 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::ReadStdString ( std::string &  s)

Reads a std::string.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2657 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

virtual char* TBufferJSON::ReadString ( char *  ,

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 250 of file TBufferJSON.h.

void TBufferJSON::ReadTString ( TString s)

Reads a TString.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2650 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::ReadUChar ( UChar_t c)

Reads UChar_t value from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2566 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::ReadUInt ( UInt_t i)

Reads UInt_t value from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2594 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::ReadULong ( ULong_t l)

Reads ULong_t value from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2608 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::ReadULong64 ( ULong64_t l)

Reads ULong64_t value from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2622 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::ReadUShort ( UShort_t s)

Reads UShort_t value from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2580 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Version_t TBufferJSON::ReadVersion ( UInt_t start = 0,
UInt_t bcnt = 0,
const TClass cl = 0 

read version value from buffer

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1510 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

virtual Version_t TBufferJSON::ReadVersionForMemberWise ( const TClass = 0)

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 303 of file TBufferJSON.h.

virtual Version_t TBufferJSON::ReadVersionNoCheckSum ( UInt_t ,

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 65 of file TBufferJSON.h.

void TBufferJSON::ReadWithFactor ( Float_t ptr,
Double_t  factor,
Double_t  minvalue 

Read a Double32_t from the buffer when the factor and minimun value have been specified see comments about Double32_t encoding at TBufferFile::WriteDouble32().

Currently TBufferJSON does not optimize space in this case.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1589 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::ReadWithFactor ( Double_t ptr,
Double_t  factor,
Double_t  minvalue 

Read a Double32_t from the buffer when the factor and minimun value have been specified see comments about Double32_t encoding at TBufferFile::WriteDouble32().

Currently TBufferJSON does not optimize space in this case.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1610 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::ReadWithNbits ( Float_t ptr,
Int_t  nbits 

Read a Float16_t from the buffer when the number of bits is specified (explicitly or not) see comments about Float16_t encoding at TBufferFile::WriteFloat16().

Currently TBufferJSON does not optimize space in this case.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1600 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::ReadWithNbits ( Double_t ptr,
Int_t  nbits 

Read a Double32_t from the buffer when the number of bits is specified (explicitly or not) see comments about Double32_t encoding at TBufferFile::WriteDouble32().

Currently TBufferJSON does not optimize space in this case.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1621 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

virtual void TBufferJSON::Reset ( void  )

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 282 of file TBufferJSON.h.

virtual void TBufferJSON::ResetMap ( )

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 290 of file TBufferJSON.h.

virtual void TBufferJSON::SetBufferDisplacement ( )

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 340 of file TBufferJSON.h.

virtual void TBufferJSON::SetBufferDisplacement ( Int_t  )

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 344 of file TBufferJSON.h.

void TBufferJSON::SetByteCount ( UInt_t  cntpos,
Bool_t  packInVersion = kFALSE 

suppressed function of TBuffer

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1495 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::SetCompact ( int  level)

Set level of space/newline compression 0 - no any compression 1 - exclude spaces in the begin 2 - remove newlines 3 - exclude spaces as much as possible.

Definition at line 209 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::SetFloatFormat ( const char *  fmt = "%e")

set printf format for float/double members, default "%e"

Definition at line 3008 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

virtual void TBufferJSON::SetPidOffset ( UShort_t  )

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 331 of file TBufferJSON.h.

virtual void TBufferJSON::SetReadParam ( Int_t  )

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 294 of file TBufferJSON.h.

void TBufferJSON::SetStreamerElementNumber ( TStreamerElement elem,
Int_t  comp_type 

Function is called from TStreamerInfo WriteBuffer and Readbuffer functions and add/verify next element of json structure This calls allows separate data, correspondent to one class member, from another.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1142 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

virtual void TBufferJSON::SetWriteParam ( Int_t  )

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 298 of file TBufferJSON.h.

void TBufferJSON::SkipObjectAny ( )

Skip any kind of object from buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1542 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::SkipVersion ( const TClass cl = 0)

Skip class version from I/O buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1502 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

TJSONStackObj * TBufferJSON::Stack ( Int_t  depth = 0)

return stack object of specified depth

Definition at line 687 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::StreamObject ( void obj,
const std::type_info &  typeinfo,
const TClass onFileClass = 0 

stream object to/from buffer

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2515 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::StreamObject ( void obj,
const char *  className,
const TClass onFileClass = 0 

stream object to/from buffer

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2524 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::StreamObject ( void obj,
const TClass cl,
const TClass onFileClass = 0 

stream object to/from buffer

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2540 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::StreamObject ( TObject obj)

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2530 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

virtual void TBufferJSON::TagStreamerInfo ( TVirtualStreamerInfo )

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 232 of file TBufferJSON.h.

void TBufferJSON::WorkWithClass ( TStreamerInfo info,
const TClass cl = 0 

Prepares buffer to stream data of specified class.

Definition at line 1069 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WorkWithElement ( TStreamerElement elem,
Int_t  comp_type 

This is call-back from streamer which indicates that class member will be streamed Name of element used in JSON.

Definition at line 1155 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteArray ( const Bool_t b,
Int_t  n 

Write array of Bool_t to buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2107 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteArray ( const Char_t c,
Int_t  n 

Write array of Char_t to buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2115 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteArray ( const UChar_t c,
Int_t  n 

Write array of UChar_t to buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2123 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteArray ( const Short_t h,
Int_t  n 

Write array of Short_t to buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2131 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteArray ( const UShort_t h,
Int_t  n 

Write array of UShort_t to buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2139 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteArray ( const Int_t i,
Int_t  n 

Write array of Int_ to buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2147 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteArray ( const UInt_t i,
Int_t  n 

Write array of UInt_t to buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2155 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteArray ( const Long_t l,
Int_t  n 

Write array of Long_t to buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2163 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteArray ( const ULong_t l,
Int_t  n 

Write array of ULong_t to buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2171 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteArray ( const Long64_t l,
Int_t  n 

Write array of Long64_t to buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2179 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteArray ( const ULong64_t l,
Int_t  n 

Write array of ULong64_t to buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2187 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteArray ( const Float_t f,
Int_t  n 

Write array of Float_t to buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2195 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteArray ( const Double_t d,
Int_t  n 

Write array of Double_t to buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2203 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteArrayDouble32 ( const Double_t d,
Int_t  n,
TStreamerElement ele = 0 

Write array of Double32_t to buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2220 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteArrayFloat16 ( const Float_t f,
Int_t  n,
TStreamerElement ele = 0 

Write array of Float16_t to buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2211 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteBool ( Bool_t  b)

Writes Bool_t value to buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2664 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

virtual void TBufferJSON::WriteBuf ( const void ,

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 245 of file TBufferJSON.h.

void TBufferJSON::WriteChar ( Char_t  c)

Writes Char_t value to buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2674 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteCharP ( const Char_t c)

Writes array of characters to buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2794 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteClass ( const TClass cl)

suppressed function of TBuffer

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1471 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Int_t TBufferJSON::WriteClassBuffer ( const TClass cl,
void pointer 

Function called by the Streamer functions to serialize object at p to buffer b.

The optional argument info may be specified to give an alternative StreamerInfo instead of using the default StreamerInfo automatically built from the class definition. For more information, see class TStreamerInfo.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 3204 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Int_t TBufferJSON::WriteClones ( TClonesArray a,
Int_t  nobjects 

Interface to TStreamerInfo::WriteBufferClones.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 3133 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteDouble ( Double_t  d)

Writes Double_t value to buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2784 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteDouble32 ( Double_t d,
TStreamerElement ele = 0 

write a Double32_t to the buffer

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1638 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteFastArray ( const Bool_t b,
Int_t  n 

Write array of Bool_t to buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2285 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteFastArray ( const Char_t c,
Int_t  n 

Write array of Char_t to buffer If array does not include any special characters, it will be reproduced as CharStar node with string as attribute.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2295 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteFastArray ( const UChar_t c,
Int_t  n 

Write array of UChar_t to buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2321 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteFastArray ( const Short_t h,
Int_t  n 

Write array of Short_t to buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2329 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteFastArray ( const UShort_t h,
Int_t  n 

Write array of UShort_t to buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2337 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteFastArray ( const Int_t i,
Int_t  n 

Write array of Int_t to buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2345 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteFastArray ( const UInt_t i,
Int_t  n 

Write array of UInt_t to buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2353 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteFastArray ( const Long_t l,
Int_t  n 

Write array of Long_t to buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2361 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteFastArray ( const ULong_t l,
Int_t  n 

Write array of ULong_t to buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2369 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteFastArray ( const Long64_t l,
Int_t  n 

Write array of Long64_t to buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2377 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteFastArray ( const ULong64_t l,
Int_t  n 

Write array of ULong64_t to buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2385 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteFastArray ( const Float_t f,
Int_t  n 

Write array of Float_t to buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2393 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteFastArray ( const Double_t d,
Int_t  n 

Write array of Double_t to buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2401 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteFastArray ( void start,
const TClass cl,
Int_t  n = 1,
TMemberStreamer s = 0 

Recall TBuffer function to avoid gcc warning message.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2427 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Int_t TBufferJSON::WriteFastArray ( void **  startp,
const TClass cl,
Int_t  n = 1,
Bool_t  isPreAlloc = kFALSE,
TMemberStreamer s = 0 

Recall TBuffer function to avoid gcc warning message.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2465 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteFastArrayDouble32 ( const Double_t d,
Int_t  n,
TStreamerElement ele = 0 

Write array of Double32_t to buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2418 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteFastArrayFloat16 ( const Float_t d,
Int_t  n,
TStreamerElement ele = 0 

Write array of Float16_t to buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2409 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteFastArrayString ( const Char_t c,
Int_t  n 

Write array of Char_t to buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2312 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteFloat ( Float_t  f)

Writes Float_t value to buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2774 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteFloat16 ( Float_t f,
TStreamerElement ele = 0 

write a Float16_t to the buffer

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1628 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteInt ( Int_t  i)

Writes Int_t value to buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2714 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteLong ( Long_t  l)

Writes Long_t value to buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2734 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteLong64 ( Long64_t  l)

Writes Long64_t value to buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2754 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteObject ( const TObject obj)

Convert object into json structures.

!!! Should be used only by TBufferJSON itself. Use ConvertToJSON() methods to convert object to json Redefined here to avoid gcc 3.x warning

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 650 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

Int_t TBufferJSON::WriteObjectAny ( const void obj,
const TClass ptrClass 

Write object to I/O buffer.

This function assumes that the value in 'obj' is the value stored in a pointer to a "ptrClass". The actual type of the object pointed to can be any class derived from "ptrClass". Return: 0: failure 1: success 2: truncated success (i.e actual class is missing. Only ptrClass saved.)

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 3162 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteObjectClass ( const void actualObjStart,
const TClass actualClass 

Write object to buffer. Only used from TBuffer.

Definition at line 1549 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

virtual UShort_t TBufferJSON::WriteProcessID ( TProcessID pid)

Always return 0 (current processID).

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 364 of file TBufferJSON.h.

void TBufferJSON::WriteShort ( Short_t  s)

Writes Short_t value to buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2694 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteStdString ( const std::string &  s)

Writes a std::string.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2814 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

virtual void TBufferJSON::WriteString ( const char *  )

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 255 of file TBufferJSON.h.

void TBufferJSON::WriteTString ( const TString s)

Writes a TString.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2804 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteUChar ( UChar_t  c)

Writes UChar_t value to buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2684 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteUInt ( UInt_t  i)

Writes UInt_t value to buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2724 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteULong ( ULong_t  l)

Writes ULong_t value to buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2744 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteULong64 ( ULong64_t  l)

Writes ULong64_t value to buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2764 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

void TBufferJSON::WriteUShort ( UShort_t  s)

Writes UShort_t value to buffer.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 2704 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

UInt_t TBufferJSON::WriteVersion ( const TClass cl,
Bool_t  useBcnt = kFALSE 

Ignored in TBufferJSON.

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 1526 of file TBufferJSON.cxx.

virtual UInt_t TBufferJSON::WriteVersionMemberWise ( const TClass ,
Bool_t  = kFALSE 

Implements TBuffer.

Definition at line 308 of file TBufferJSON.h.

Member Data Documentation

TString TBufferJSON::fArraySepar

depending from compression level, " : " or ":"

Definition at line 463 of file TBufferJSON.h.

Int_t TBufferJSON::fCompact

flag to resolve situation when several elements of same basic type stored as FastArray

Definition at line 461 of file TBufferJSON.h.

Bool_t TBufferJSON::fExpectedChain

stack of streamer infos

Definition at line 460 of file TBufferJSON.h.

const char * TBufferJSON::fgFloatFmt = "%e"

stored value of setlocale(LC_NUMERIC), which should be recovered at the end

Definition at line 466 of file TBufferJSON.h.

unsigned TBufferJSON::fJsonrCnt

map of recorded objects, used in JsonR to restore references

Definition at line 458 of file TBufferJSON.h.

std::map<const void *, unsigned> TBufferJSON::fJsonrMap

buffer for current value

Definition at line 457 of file TBufferJSON.h.

TString TBufferJSON::fNumericLocale

depending from compression level, ", " or ","

Definition at line 464 of file TBufferJSON.h.

TString TBufferJSON::fOutBuffer

Definition at line 454 of file TBufferJSON.h.

TString* TBufferJSON::fOutput

main output buffer for json code

Definition at line 455 of file TBufferJSON.h.

TString TBufferJSON::fSemicolon

0 - no any compression, 1 - no spaces in the begin, 2 - no new lines, 3 - no spaces at all

Definition at line 462 of file TBufferJSON.h.

TObjArray TBufferJSON::fStack

counter for all objects and arrays

Definition at line 459 of file TBufferJSON.h.

TString TBufferJSON::fValue

current output buffer for json code

Definition at line 456 of file TBufferJSON.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: