Logo ROOT   6.07/09
Reference Guide
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // @(#)root/proofd:$Id$
2 // Author: Gerardo Ganis 12/12/2005
4 /*************************************************************************
5  * Copyright (C) 1995-2005, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
6  * All rights reserved. *
7  * *
8  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
9  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
10  *************************************************************************/
12 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
13 // //
14 // XProofProtUtils.cxx //
15 // //
16 // Authors: G. Ganis, CERN 2005 //
17 // //
18 // Utility functions prototypes for client-to-server //
19 // //
20 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
22 #ifdef __APPLE__
23 # ifndef __macos__
24 # define __macos__
25 # endif
26 #endif
27 #ifdef __sun
28 # ifndef __solaris__
29 # define __solaris__
30 # endif
31 #endif
32 #ifndef WIN32
33 # include <sys/types.h>
34 # ifndef ROOT_XrdFour
35 # include <netinet/in.h>
36 # endif
37 #endif
38 #include "XrdSys/XrdSysPlatform.hh"
39 #include "XProofProtocol.h"
40 #include "XProofProtUtils.h"
41 #include "Bytes.h"
44 namespace XPD {
46 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
47 /// This function applies the network byte order on those
48 /// parts of the 16-bytes buffer, only if it is composed
49 /// by some binary part
50 /// Return 0 if OK, -1 in case the ID is unknown
53 {
54  switch(str->header.requestid) {
56  case kXP_login:
57  str->login.pid = htonl(str->login.pid);
58  break;
59  case kXP_auth:
60  // no swap on ASCII fields
61  break;
62  case kXP_create:
63  // no swap on ASCII fields
64  str->proof.int1 = htonl(str->proof.int1);
65  break;
66  case kXP_destroy:
67  str->proof.sid = htonl(str->proof.sid);
68  break;
69  case kXP_attach:
70  str->proof.sid = htonl(str->proof.sid);
71  break;
72  case kXP_detach:
73  str->proof.sid = htonl(str->proof.sid);
74  break;
75  case kXP_cleanup:
76  str->proof.sid = htonl(str->proof.sid);
77  str->proof.int1 = htonl(str->proof.int1);
78  str->proof.int2 = htonl(str->proof.int2);
79  break;
80  case kXP_sendmsg:
81  str->sendrcv.sid = htonl(str->sendrcv.sid);
82  str->sendrcv.opt = htonl(str->sendrcv.opt);
83  str->sendrcv.cid = htonl(str->sendrcv.cid);
84  break;
85  case kXP_admin:
86  str->proof.sid = htonl(str->proof.sid);
87  str->proof.int1 = htonl(str->proof.int1);
88  str->proof.int2 = htonl(str->proof.int2);
89  str->proof.int3 = htonl(str->proof.int3);
90  break;
91  case kXP_readbuf:
92  str->readbuf.ofs = htonll(str->readbuf.ofs);
93  str->readbuf.len = htonl(str->readbuf.len);
94  str->readbuf.int1 = htonl(str->readbuf.int1);
95  break;
96  case kXP_interrupt:
97  str->interrupt.sid = htonl(str->interrupt.sid);
98  str->interrupt.type = htonl(str->interrupt.type);
99  break;
100  case kXP_ping:
101  str->sendrcv.sid = htonl(str->sendrcv.sid);
102  str->sendrcv.opt = htonl(str->sendrcv.opt);
103  break;
104  case kXP_urgent:
105  str->proof.sid = htonl(str->proof.sid);
106  str->proof.int1 = htonl(str->proof.int1);
107  str->proof.int2 = htonl(str->proof.int2);
108  str->proof.int3 = htonl(str->proof.int3);
109  break;
110  case kXP_touch:
111  str->sendrcv.sid = htonl(str->sendrcv.sid);
112  break;
113  case kXP_ctrlc:
114  str->proof.sid = htonl(str->sendrcv.sid);
115  break;
116  default:
117  fprintf(stderr,"clientMarshall: unknown req ID: %d (0x%x)\n",
118  str->header.requestid, str->header.requestid);
119  return -1;
120  break;
121  }
123  str->header.requestid = htons(str->header.requestid);
124  str->header.dlen = htonl(str->header.dlen);
126  return 0;
127 }
129 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
131 void clientUnmarshall(struct ServerResponseHeader* str)
132 {
133  str->status = ntohs(str->status);
134  str->dlen = ntohl(str->dlen);
135 }
137 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
139 void ServerResponseHeader2NetFmt(struct ServerResponseHeader *srh)
140 {
141  srh->status = htons(srh->status);
142  srh->dlen = htonl(srh->dlen);
143 }
145 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
147 void ServerInitHandShake2HostFmt(struct ServerInitHandShake *srh)
148 {
149  srh->msglen = ntohl(srh->msglen);
150  srh->protover = ntohl(srh->protover);
151  srh->msgval = ntohl(srh->msgval);
152 }
154 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
155 /// This procedure convert the request code id (an integer defined in
156 /// XProtocol.hh) in the ascii label (human readable)
158 char *convertRequestIdToChar(kXR_int16 requestid)
159 {
160  switch(requestid) {
162  case kXP_login:
163  return (char *)"kXP_login";
164  case kXP_auth:
165  return (char *)"kXP_auth";
166  case kXP_create:
167  return (char *)"kXP_create";
168  case kXP_destroy:
169  return (char *)"kXP_destroy";
170  case kXP_attach:
171  return (char *)"kXP_attach";
172  case kXP_detach:
173  return (char *)"kXP_detach";
174  case kXP_sendmsg:
175  return (char *)"kXP_sendmsg";
176  case kXP_admin:
177  return (char *)"kXP_admin";
178  case kXP_readbuf:
179  return (char *)"kXP_readbuf";
180  case kXP_interrupt:
181  return (char *)"kXP_interrupt";
182  case kXP_ping:
183  return (char *)"kXP_ping";
184  case kXP_cleanup:
185  return (char *)"kXP_cleanup";
186  case kXP_urgent:
187  return (char *)"kXP_urgent";
188  case kXP_touch:
189  return (char *)"kXP_touch";
190  case kXP_ctrlc:
191  return (char *)"kXP_ctrlc";
192  default:
193  return (char *)"kXP_UNKNOWN";
194  }
195 }
197 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
199 char *convertRespStatusToChar(kXR_int16 status)
200 {
201  switch( status) {
202  case kXP_ok:
203  return (char *)"kXP_ok";
204  break;
205  case kXP_oksofar:
206  return (char *)"kXP_oksofar";
207  break;
208  case kXP_attn:
209  return (char *)"kXP_attn";
210  break;
211  case kXP_authmore:
212  return (char *)"kXP_authmore";
213  break;
214  case kXP_error:
215  return (char *)"kXP_error";
216  break;
217  case kXP_wait:
218  return (char *)"kXP_wait";
219  break;
220  default:
221  return (char *)"kXP_UNKNOWN";
222  break;
223  }
224 }
226 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
229 {
230  printf("\n\n================= DUMPING CLIENT REQUEST HEADER =================\n");
232  printf("%40s0x%.2x 0x%.2x\n", "ClientHeader.streamid = ",
233  hdr->header.streamid[0], hdr->header.streamid[1]);
235  printf("%40s%s (%d)\n", "ClientHeader.requestid = ",
236  convertRequestIdToChar(hdr->header.requestid), hdr->header.requestid);
238  void *tmp;
239  switch(hdr->header.requestid) {
241  case kXP_login:
242  printf("%40s%d \n", "ClientHeader.login.pid = ", hdr->login.pid);
243  printf("%40s%s\n", "ClientHeader.login_body.username = ", hdr->login.username);
244  tmp = &hdr->login.reserved[0];
245  printf("%40s0 repeated %d times\n", "ClientHeader.login.reserved = ",
246  *((kXR_int16 *)tmp)); // use tmp to avoid type punned warning
247  printf("%40s%d\n", "ClientHeader.login.role = ", (kXR_int32)hdr->login.role[0]);
248  break;
249  case kXP_auth:
250  printf("%40s0 repeated %d times\n", "ClientHeader.auth.reserved = ",
251  (kXR_int32)sizeof(hdr->auth.reserved));
252  printf(" ClientHeader.auth.credtype= 0x%.2x 0x%.2x 0x%.2x 0x%.2x \n",
253  hdr->auth.credtype[0], hdr->auth.credtype[1],
254  hdr->auth.credtype[2], hdr->auth.credtype[3]);
255  break;
256  case kXP_create:
257  break;
258  case kXP_destroy:
259  printf("%40s%d \n", "ClientHeader.proof.sid = ", hdr->proof.sid);
260  break;
261  case kXP_attach:
262  printf("%40s%d \n", "ClientHeader.proof.sid = ", hdr->proof.sid);
263  break;
264  case kXP_detach:
265  printf("%40s%d \n", "ClientHeader.proof.sid = ", hdr->proof.sid);
266  break;
267  case kXP_ctrlc:
268  printf("%40s%d \n", "ClientHeader.proof.sid = ", hdr->proof.sid);
269  break;
270  case kXP_cleanup:
271  printf("%40s%d \n", "ClientHeader.proof.sid = ", hdr->proof.sid);
272  printf("%40s%d \n", "ClientHeader.proof.int1 = ", hdr->proof.int1);
273  printf("%40s%d \n", "ClientHeader.proof.int2 = ", hdr->proof.int2);
274  break;
275  case kXP_sendmsg:
276  printf("%40s%d \n", "ClientHeader.sendrcv.sid = ", hdr->sendrcv.sid);
277  printf("%40s%d \n", "ClientHeader.sendrcv.opt = ", hdr->sendrcv.opt);
278  printf("%40s%d \n", "ClientHeader.sendrcv.cid = ", hdr->sendrcv.cid);
279  break;
280  case kXP_interrupt:
281  printf("%40s%d \n", "ClientHeader.interrupt.sid = ", hdr->interrupt.sid);
282  printf("%40s%d \n", "ClientHeader.interrupt.type = ", hdr->interrupt.type);
283  break;
284  case kXP_ping:
285  printf("%40s%d \n", "ClientHeader.sendrcv.sid = ", hdr->sendrcv.sid);
286  printf("%40s%d \n", "ClientHeader.sendrcv.opt = ", hdr->sendrcv.opt);
287  break;
288  case kXP_touch:
289  printf("%40s%d \n", "ClientHeader.sendrcv.sid = ", hdr->sendrcv.sid);
290  break;
291  case kXP_admin:
292  case kXP_urgent:
293  printf("%40s%d \n", "ClientHeader.proof.sid = ", hdr->proof.sid);
294  printf("%40s%d \n", "ClientHeader.proof.int1 = ", hdr->proof.int1);
295  printf("%40s%d \n", "ClientHeader.proof.int2 = ", hdr->proof.int2);
296  printf("%40s%d \n", "ClientHeader.proof.int3 = ", hdr->proof.int3);
297  break;
298  case kXP_readbuf:
299  printf("%40s%lld \n", "ClientHeader.readbuf.ofs = ", hdr->readbuf.ofs);
300  printf("%40s%d \n", "ClientHeader.readbuf.len = ", hdr->readbuf.len);
301  break;
302  default:
303  printf("Unknown request ID: %d ! \n", hdr->header.requestid);
304  }
306  printf("%40s%d", "ClientHeader.header.dlen = ", hdr->header.dlen);
307  printf("\n=================== END CLIENT HEADER DUMPING ===================\n\n");
308 }
310 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
312 void smartPrintServerHeader(struct ServerResponseHeader* hdr)
313 {
314  printf("\n\n======== DUMPING SERVER RESPONSE HEADER ========\n");
315  printf("%30s0x%.2x 0x%.2x\n", "ServerHeader.streamid = ",
316  hdr->streamid[0], hdr->streamid[1]);
317  switch(hdr->status) {
318  case kXP_ok:
319  printf("%30skXP_ok", "ServerHeader.status = ");
320  break;
321  case kXP_attn:
322  printf("%30skXP_attn", "ServerHeader.status = ");
323  break;
324  case kXP_authmore:
325  printf("%30skXP_authmore", "ServerHeader.status = ");
326  break;
327  case kXP_error:
328  printf("%30skXP_error", "ServerHeader.status = ");
329  break;
330  case kXP_oksofar:
331  printf("%30skXP_oksofar", "ServerHeader.status = ");
332  break;
333  case kXP_wait:
334  printf("%30skXP_wait", "ServerHeader.status = ");
335  break;
336  }
337  printf(" (%d)\n", hdr->status);
338  printf("%30s%d", "ServerHeader.dlen = ", hdr->dlen);
339  printf("\n========== END DUMPING SERVER HEADER ===========\n\n");
340 }
342 } // namespace ROOT
struct XPClientReadbufRequest readbuf
void clientUnmarshall(struct ServerResponseHeader *str)
struct XPClientInterruptRequest interrupt
char * convertRespStatusToChar(kXR_int16 status)
struct ClientRequestHdr header
char * convertRequestIdToChar(kXR_int16 requestid)
This procedure convert the request code id (an integer defined in XProtocol.hh) in the ascii label (h...
struct XPClientSendRcvRequest sendrcv
struct XPClientProofRequest proof
void ServerResponseHeader2NetFmt(struct ServerResponseHeader *srh)
void smartPrintServerHeader(struct ServerResponseHeader *hdr)
int clientMarshall(XPClientRequest *str)
This function applies the network byte order on those parts of the 16-bytes buffer, only if it is composed by some binary part Return 0 if OK, -1 in case the ID is unknown.
struct ClientAuthRequest auth
struct XPClientLoginRequest login
void ServerInitHandShake2HostFmt(struct ServerInitHandShake *srh)
void smartPrintClientHeader(XPClientRequest *hdr)