Logo ROOT   6.07/09
Reference Guide
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // @(#)root/meta:$Id: e0eac11e63ad37390c9467c97c5c6849c4ab7d39 $
2 // Author: Rene Brun 12/10/2000
4 /*************************************************************************
5  * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
6  * All rights reserved. *
7  * *
8  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
9  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
10  *************************************************************************/
12 #ifndef ROOT_TStreamerElement
13 #define ROOT_TStreamerElement
16 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
17 // //
18 // TStreamerElement //
19 // //
20 // Describe one element (data member) to be Streamed //
21 // //
22 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
24 #ifndef ROOT_TNamed
25 #include "TNamed.h"
26 #endif
28 #ifndef ROOT_ESTLType
29 #include "ESTLType.h"
30 #endif
32 class TMethodCall;
33 class TClass;
34 class TStreamerBasicType;
37 class TStreamerElement : public TNamed {
39 private:
40  TStreamerElement(const TStreamerElement &); // Not implemented
41  TStreamerElement&operator=(const TStreamerElement&); // Not implemented
43 protected:
44  Int_t fType; //element type
45  Int_t fSize; //sizeof element
46  Int_t fArrayLength; //cumulative size of all array dims
47  Int_t fArrayDim; //number of array dimensions
48  Int_t fMaxIndex[5]; //Maximum array index for array dimension "dim"
49  Int_t fOffset; //!element offset in class
50  Int_t fTObjectOffset; //!base offset for TObject if the element inherits from it
51  Int_t fNewType; //!new element type when reading
52  TString fTypeName; //Data type name of data member
53  TClass *fClassObject; //!pointer to class of object
54  TClass *fNewClass; //!new element class when reading
55  TMemberStreamer *fStreamer; //!pointer to element Streamer
56  Double_t fXmin; //!Minimum of data member if a range is specified [xmin,xmax,nbits]
57  Double_t fXmax; //!Maximum of data member if a range is specified [xmin,xmax,nbits]
58  Double_t fFactor; //!Conversion factor if a range is specified fFactor = (1<<nbits/(xmax-xmin)
60 public:
62  enum ESTLtype {
78  };
79  // TStreamerElement status bits
80  enum {
81  kHasRange = BIT(6),
82  kCache = BIT(9),
83  kRepeat = BIT(10),
84  kRead = BIT(11),
85  kWrite = BIT(12),
88  };
91  TStreamerElement(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t offset, Int_t dtype, const char *typeName);
92  virtual ~TStreamerElement();
93  virtual Bool_t CannotSplit() const;
94  Int_t GetArrayDim() const {return fArrayDim;}
95  Int_t GetArrayLength() const {return fArrayLength;}
96  virtual TClass *GetClassPointer() const;
97  TClass *GetClass() const {return GetClassPointer();}
98  virtual Int_t GetExecID() const;
99  virtual const char *GetFullName() const;
100  virtual const char *GetInclude() const {return "";}
101  Int_t GetMaxIndex(Int_t i) const {return fMaxIndex[i];}
102  virtual ULong_t GetMethod() const {return ULong_t(fStreamer);}
103  TMemberStreamer *GetStreamer() const;
104  virtual Int_t GetSize() const;
105  Int_t GetNewType() const {return fNewType;}
106  TClass* GetNewClass() const { return fNewClass; }
107  Int_t GetType() const {return fType;}
108  Int_t GetOffset() const {return fOffset;}
109  void GetSequenceType(TString &type) const;
111  const char *GetTypeName() const {return fTypeName.Data();}
112  const char *GetTypeNameBasic() const;
113  Double_t GetFactor() const {return fFactor;}
114  Double_t GetXmin() const {return fXmin;}
115  Double_t GetXmax() const {return fXmax;}
116  virtual void Init(TObject *obj=0);
117  virtual Bool_t IsaPointer() const {return kFALSE;}
118  virtual Bool_t HasCounter() const {return kFALSE;}
119  virtual Bool_t IsOldFormat(const char *newTypeName);
120  virtual Bool_t IsBase() const;
121  virtual Bool_t IsTransient() const;
122  virtual void ls(Option_t *option="") const;
123  virtual void SetArrayDim(Int_t dim);
124  virtual void SetMaxIndex(Int_t dim, Int_t max);
125  virtual void SetOffset(Int_t offset) {fOffset=offset;}
126  virtual void SetTObjectOffset(Int_t tobjoffset) {fTObjectOffset=tobjoffset;}
127  virtual void SetStreamer(TMemberStreamer *streamer);
128  virtual void SetSize(Int_t dsize) {fSize = dsize;}
129  virtual void SetNewType(Int_t dtype) {fNewType = dtype;}
130  virtual void SetNewClass( TClass* cl ) { fNewClass= cl; }
131  virtual void SetType(Int_t dtype) {fType = dtype;}
132  virtual void SetTypeName(const char *name) {fTypeName = name; fClassObject = (TClass*)-1; }
133  virtual void Update(const TClass *oldClass, TClass *newClass);
135  ClassDef(TStreamerElement,4) //Base class for one element (data member) to be Streamed
136 };
138 //________________________________________________________________________
141 private:
142  TStreamerBase(const TStreamerBase &); // Not implemented
143  TStreamerBase&operator=(const TStreamerBase&); // Not implemented
145 protected:
146  Int_t fBaseVersion; //version number of the base class (used during memberwise streaming)
147  UInt_t &fBaseCheckSum; //!checksum of the base class (used during memberwise streaming)
148  TClass *fBaseClass; //!pointer to base class
149  TClass *fNewBaseClass; //!pointer to new base class if renamed
150  ClassStreamerFunc_t fStreamerFunc; //!Pointer to a wrapper around a custom streamer member function.
151  ClassConvStreamerFunc_t fConvStreamerFunc; //!Pointer to a wrapper around a custom convertion streamer member function.
152  TVirtualStreamerInfo *fStreamerInfo; //!Pointer to the current StreamerInfo for the baset class.
153  TString fErrorMsg; //!Error message in case of checksum/version mismatch.
155  void InitStreaming();
157 public:
159  TStreamerBase();
160  TStreamerBase(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t offset);
161  virtual ~TStreamerBase();
162  Int_t GetBaseVersion() {return fBaseVersion;}
163  UInt_t GetBaseCheckSum() {return fBaseCheckSum;}
164  virtual TClass *GetClassPointer() const;
165  const char *GetErrorMessage() const { return fErrorMsg; }
166  const char *GetInclude() const;
167  TClass *GetNewBaseClass() { return fNewBaseClass; }
168  ULong_t GetMethod() const {return 0;}
169  Int_t GetSize() const;
170  TVirtualStreamerInfo *GetBaseStreamerInfo () const { return fStreamerInfo; }
171  virtual void Init(TObject *obj=0);
172  Bool_t IsBase() const;
173  virtual void ls(Option_t *option="") const;
174  Int_t ReadBuffer (TBuffer &b, char *pointer);
175  void SetNewBaseClass( TClass* cl ) { fNewBaseClass = cl; InitStreaming(); }
176  void SetBaseVersion(Int_t v) {fBaseVersion = v;}
177  void SetBaseCheckSum(UInt_t cs) {fBaseCheckSum = cs;}
178  void SetErrorMessage(const char *msg) { fErrorMsg = msg; }
179  virtual void Update(const TClass *oldClass, TClass *newClass);
180  Int_t WriteBuffer(TBuffer &b, char *pointer);
182  ClassDef(TStreamerBase,3) //Streamer element of type base class
183 };
185 //________________________________________________________________________
188 private:
189  TStreamerBasicPointer(const TStreamerBasicPointer &); // Not implemented
190  TStreamerBasicPointer&operator=(const TStreamerBasicPointer&); // Not implemented
192 protected:
193  Int_t fCountVersion; //version number of the class with the counter
194  TString fCountName; //name of data member holding the array count
195  TString fCountClass; //name of the class with the counter
196  TStreamerBasicType *fCounter; //!pointer to basic type counter
198 public:
201  TStreamerBasicPointer(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t offset, Int_t dtype,
202  const char *countName, const char *countClass, Int_t version, const char *typeName);
203  virtual ~TStreamerBasicPointer();
204  TClass *GetClassPointer() const { return 0; }
205  const char *GetCountClass() const {return fCountClass.Data();}
206  const char *GetCountName() const {return fCountName.Data();}
207  Int_t GetCountVersion() const {return fCountVersion;}
208  ULong_t GetMethod() const;
209  Int_t GetSize() const;
210  virtual void Init(TObject *obj=0);
211  virtual Bool_t HasCounter() const {return fCounter!=0; }
212  virtual Bool_t IsaPointer() const {return kTRUE; }
213  void SetArrayDim(Int_t dim);
214  void SetCountClass(const char *clname) {fCountClass = clname; }
215  void SetCountName(const char *name) {fCountName = name; }
216  void SetCountVersion(Int_t count) {fCountVersion = count;}
217  virtual void Update(const TClass * /* oldClass */, TClass * /*newClass*/ ) {}
219  ClassDef(TStreamerBasicPointer,2) //Streamer element for a pointer to a basic type
220 };
222 //________________________________________________________________________
225 private:
226  TStreamerLoop(const TStreamerLoop&); // Not implemented
227  TStreamerLoop&operator=(const TStreamerLoop&); // Not implemented
229 protected:
230  Int_t fCountVersion; //version number of the class with the counter
231  TString fCountName; //name of data member holding the array count
232  TString fCountClass; //name of the class with the counter
233  TStreamerBasicType *fCounter; //!pointer to basic type counter
235 public:
237  TStreamerLoop();
238  TStreamerLoop(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t offset, const char *countName, const char *countClass, Int_t version, const char *typeName);
239  virtual ~TStreamerLoop();
240  const char *GetCountClass() const {return fCountClass.Data();}
241  const char *GetCountName() const {return fCountName.Data();}
242  Int_t GetCountVersion() const {return fCountVersion;}
243  const char *GetInclude() const;
244  ULong_t GetMethod() const;
245  Int_t GetSize() const;
246  virtual void Init(TObject *obj=0);
247  virtual Bool_t IsaPointer() const {return kTRUE; }
248  virtual Bool_t HasCounter() const {return fCounter!=0; }
249  void SetCountClass(const char *clname) {fCountClass = clname; }
250  void SetCountName(const char *name) {fCountName = name; }
251  void SetCountVersion(Int_t count) {fCountVersion = count;}
253  ClassDef(TStreamerLoop,2) //Streamer element for a pointer to an array of objects
254 };
256 //________________________________________________________________________
259 private:
260  TStreamerBasicType(const TStreamerBasicType&); // Not implemented
261  TStreamerBasicType&operator=(const TStreamerBasicType&); // Not implemented
263 protected:
264  Int_t fCounter; //!value of data member when referenced by an array
266 public:
269  TStreamerBasicType(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t offset, Int_t dtype, const char *typeName);
270  virtual ~TStreamerBasicType();
271  TClass *GetClassPointer() const { return 0; }
272  Int_t GetCounter() const {return fCounter;}
273  ULong_t GetMethod() const;
274  Int_t GetSize() const;
275  virtual void Update(const TClass * /* oldClass */, TClass * /* newClass */) {}
277  ClassDef(TStreamerBasicType,2) //Streamer element for a basic type
278 };
280 //________________________________________________________________________
283 private:
284  TStreamerObject(const TStreamerObject&); // Not implemented
285  TStreamerObject&operator=(const TStreamerObject&); // Not implemented
287 public:
289  TStreamerObject();
290  TStreamerObject(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t offset, const char *typeName);
291  virtual ~TStreamerObject();
292  const char *GetInclude() const;
293  Int_t GetSize() const;
294  virtual void Init(TObject *obj=0);
296  ClassDef(TStreamerObject,2) //Streamer element of type object
297 };
299 //________________________________________________________________________
302 private:
303  TStreamerObjectAny(const TStreamerObjectAny&); // Not implemented
304  TStreamerObjectAny&operator=(const TStreamerObjectAny&); // Not implemented
306 public:
309  TStreamerObjectAny(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t offset, const char *typeName);
310  virtual ~TStreamerObjectAny();
311  const char *GetInclude() const;
312  Int_t GetSize() const;
313  virtual void Init(TObject *obj=0);
315  ClassDef(TStreamerObjectAny,2) //Streamer element of type object other than TObject
316 };
318 //________________________________________________________________________
321 private:
322  TStreamerObjectPointer(const TStreamerObjectPointer&); // Not implemented
323  TStreamerObjectPointer&operator=(const TStreamerObjectPointer&); // Not implemented
325 public:
328  TStreamerObjectPointer(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t offset, const char *typeName);
329  virtual ~TStreamerObjectPointer();
330  const char *GetInclude() const;
331  Int_t GetSize() const;
332  virtual void Init(TObject *obj=0);
333  virtual Bool_t IsaPointer() const {return kTRUE;}
334  virtual void SetArrayDim(Int_t dim);
336  ClassDef(TStreamerObjectPointer,2) //Streamer element of type pointer to a TObject
337 };
339 //________________________________________________________________________
342 private:
343  TStreamerObjectAnyPointer(const TStreamerObjectAnyPointer&); // Not implemented
346 public:
349  TStreamerObjectAnyPointer(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t offset, const char *typeName);
350  virtual ~TStreamerObjectAnyPointer();
351  const char *GetInclude() const;
352  Int_t GetSize() const;
353  virtual void Init(TObject *obj=0);
354  virtual Bool_t IsaPointer() const {return kTRUE;}
355  virtual void SetArrayDim(Int_t dim);
357  ClassDef(TStreamerObjectAnyPointer,1) //Streamer element of type pointer to a non TObject
358 };
360 //________________________________________________________________________
363 private:
364  TStreamerString(const TStreamerString&); // Not implemented
365  TStreamerString&operator=(const TStreamerString&); // Not implemented
367 public:
369  TStreamerString();
370  TStreamerString(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t offset);
371  virtual ~TStreamerString();
372  const char *GetInclude() const;
373  Int_t GetSize() const;
375  ClassDef(TStreamerString,2) //Streamer element of type TString
376 };
378 //________________________________________________________________________
381  enum {
382  kWarned = BIT(21)
383  };
385 private:
386  TStreamerSTL(const TStreamerSTL&); // Not implemented
387  TStreamerSTL&operator=(const TStreamerSTL&); // Not implemented
389 protected:
390  Int_t fSTLtype; //type of STL vector
391  Int_t fCtype; //STL contained type
393 public:
395  TStreamerSTL();
396  TStreamerSTL(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t offset,
397  const char *typeName, const char *trueType, Bool_t dmPointer);
398  TStreamerSTL(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t offset,
399  const char *typeName, const TVirtualCollectionProxy &proxy , Bool_t dmPointer);
400  virtual ~TStreamerSTL();
401  Bool_t CannotSplit() const;
402  Bool_t IsaPointer() const;
403  Bool_t IsBase() const;
404  Int_t GetSTLtype() const {return fSTLtype;}
405  Int_t GetCtype() const {return fCtype;}
406  const char *GetInclude() const;
407  Int_t GetSize() const;
408  virtual void ls(Option_t *option="") const;
409  void SetSTLtype(Int_t t) {fSTLtype = t;}
410  void SetCtype(Int_t t) {fCtype = t;}
411  virtual void SetStreamer(TMemberStreamer *streamer);
413  ClassDef(TStreamerSTL,3) //Streamer element of type STL container
414 };
416 //________________________________________________________________________
419 private:
420  TStreamerSTLstring(const TStreamerSTLstring&); // Not implemented
421  TStreamerSTLstring&operator=(const TStreamerSTLstring&); // Not implemented
423 public:
426  TStreamerSTLstring(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t offset,
427  const char *typeName, Bool_t dmPointer);
428  virtual ~TStreamerSTLstring();
429  const char *GetInclude() const;
430  Int_t GetSize() const;
432  ClassDef(TStreamerSTLstring,2) //Streamer element of type C++ string
433 };
435 class TVirtualObject;
436 class TBuffer;
438 #include "TSchemaRule.h"
440 //________________________________________________________________________
442 private:
443  TStreamerArtificial(const TStreamerArtificial&); // Not implemented
444  TStreamerArtificial&operator=(const TStreamerArtificial&); // Not implemented
446 protected:
450 public:
452  // TStreamerArtificial() : fReadFunc(0),fReadRawFunc(0) {}
454  TStreamerArtificial(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t offset, Int_t dtype, const char *typeName) : TStreamerElement(name,title,offset,dtype,typeName), fReadFunc(0), fReadRawFunc(0) {}
456  void SetReadFunc( ROOT::TSchemaRule::ReadFuncPtr_t val ) { fReadFunc = val; };
457  void SetReadRawFunc( ROOT::TSchemaRule::ReadRawFuncPtr_t val ) { fReadRawFunc = val; };
459  ROOT::TSchemaRule::ReadFuncPtr_t GetReadFunc();
460  ROOT::TSchemaRule::ReadRawFuncPtr_t GetReadRawFunc();
462  ClassDef(TStreamerArtificial, 0); // StreamerElement injected by a TSchemaRule. Transient only to preverse forward compatibility.
463 };
465 #endif
Int_t GetTObjectOffset() const
Conversion factor if a range is specified fFactor = (1<<nbits/(xmax-xmin)
ROOT::TSchemaRule::ReadFuncPtr_t fReadFunc
void(* ReadRawFuncPtr_t)(char *, TBuffer &)
Definition: TSchemaRule.h:43
Int_t fNewType
base offset for TObject if the element inherits from it
void(* ClassStreamerFunc_t)(TBuffer &, void *)
Definition: Rtypes.h:67
virtual void SetOffset(Int_t offset)
Int_t GetOffset() const
Int_t GetCountVersion() const
const char * GetTypeName() const
ClassConvStreamerFunc_t fConvStreamerFunc
Pointer to a wrapper around a custom streamer member function.
TStreamerArtificial(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t offset, Int_t dtype, const char *typeName)
Double_t GetXmin() const
virtual void SetSize(Int_t dsize)
const char Option_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:62
virtual Bool_t CannotSplit() const
Returns true if the element cannot be split, false otherwise.
Double_t fXmin
pointer to element Streamer
T ReadBuffer(TBufferFile *buf)
One of the template functions used to read objects from messages.
Definition: MPSendRecv.h:157
UInt_t GetBaseCheckSum()
const char * GetCountClass() const
void SetCountVersion(Int_t count)
Buffer base class used for serializing objects.
Definition: TBuffer.h:42
virtual void SetTypeName(const char *name)
TClass * GetNewClass() const
void SetReadFunc(ROOT::TSchemaRule::ReadFuncPtr_t val)
virtual Bool_t IsTransient() const
Return kTRUE if the element represent an entity that is not written to the disk (transient members...
virtual Int_t GetSize() const
Returns size of this element in bytes.
Basic string class.
Definition: TString.h:137
int Int_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:41
bool Bool_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:59
const Bool_t kFALSE
Definition: Rtypes.h:92
TClass * fBaseClass
checksum of the base class (used during memberwise streaming)
ClassStreamerFunc_t fStreamerFunc
pointer to new base class if renamed
virtual Bool_t IsBase() const
Return kTRUE if the element represent a base class.
virtual void SetArrayDim(Int_t dim)
Set number of array dimensions.
virtual ~TStreamerElement()
TStreamerElement dtor.
Int_t GetBaseVersion()
ULong_t GetMethod() const
virtual void SetMaxIndex(Int_t dim, Int_t max)
set maximum index for array with dimension dim
virtual Bool_t IsaPointer() const
Double_t GetFactor() const
const char * Data() const
Definition: TString.h:349
virtual Bool_t IsaPointer() const
#define ClassDef(name, id)
Definition: Rtypes.h:254
virtual void Init(TObject *obj=0)
Initliaze the element.
const char * GetCountClass() const
virtual Bool_t IsaPointer() const
The TNamed class is the base class for all named ROOT classes.
Definition: TNamed.h:33
TClass * GetClassPointer() const
Returns a pointer to the TClass of this element.
const char * GetCountName() const
virtual void SetNewClass(TClass *cl)
virtual Bool_t IsaPointer() const
void SetSTLtype(Int_t t)
void SetCtype(Int_t t)
UInt_t & fBaseCheckSum
void SetCountClass(const char *clname)
Method or function calling interface.
Definition: TMethodCall.h:41
void SetCountVersion(Int_t count)
virtual const char * GetInclude() const
Int_t GetCountVersion() const
void(* ClassConvStreamerFunc_t)(TBuffer &, void *, const TClass *)
Definition: Rtypes.h:68
Int_t GetArrayDim() const
virtual void Update(const TClass *oldClass, TClass *newClass)
function called by the TClass constructor when replacing an emulated class by the real class ...
Double_t fXmax
Minimum of data member if a range is specified [xmin,xmax,nbits].
virtual void SetStreamer(TMemberStreamer *streamer)
set pointer to Streamer function for this element
void SetErrorMessage(const char *msg)
Int_t fTObjectOffset
element offset in class
virtual void ls(Option_t *option="") const
Print the content of the element.
virtual Bool_t HasCounter() const
Int_t GetCtype() const
SVector< double, 2 > v
Definition: Dict.h:5
const char * GetTypeNameBasic() const
Return type name of this element in case the type name is not a standard basic type, return the basic type name known to CINT.
void SetCountClass(const char *clname)
Int_t GetMaxIndex(Int_t i) const
TClass * GetNewBaseClass()
void SetBaseCheckSum(UInt_t cs)
Int_t GetSTLtype() const
unsigned int UInt_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:42
Default ctor.
virtual Int_t GetExecID() const
Returns the TExec id for the EXEC instruction in the comment field of a TRef data member...
Int_t GetCounter() const
virtual Bool_t IsaPointer() const
ROOT::TSchemaRule::ReadRawFuncPtr_t fReadRawFunc
The ROOT global object gROOT contains a list of all defined classes.
Definition: TClass.h:81
void SetCountName(const char *name)
virtual void Update(const TClass *, TClass *)
function called by the TClass constructor when replacing an emulated class by the real class ...
Wrapper around an object and giving indirect access to its content even if the object is not of a cla...
TClass * GetClassPointer() const
Returns a pointer to the TClass of this element.
const char * GetCountName() const
void(* ReadFuncPtr_t)(char *, TVirtualObject *)
Definition: TSchemaRule.h:42
double Double_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:55
virtual TClass * GetClassPointer() const
Returns a pointer to the TClass of this element.
int type
Definition: TGX11.cxx:120
void SetNewBaseClass(TClass *cl)
unsigned long ULong_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:51
virtual void SetType(Int_t dtype)
Int_t GetNewType() const
virtual Bool_t IsOldFormat(const char *newTypeName)
The early 3.00/00 and 3.01/01 versions used to store dm->GetTypeName instead of dm->GetFullTypename i...
virtual void SetTObjectOffset(Int_t tobjoffset)
TMemberStreamer * GetStreamer() const
Return the local streamer object.
#define BIT(n)
Definition: Rtypes.h:120
TClass * fNewClass
pointer to class of object
const char * GetErrorMessage() const
TMemberStreamer * fStreamer
new element class when reading
TClass * GetClass() const
Mother of all ROOT objects.
Definition: TObject.h:44
virtual ULong_t GetMethod() const
virtual void Update(const TClass *, TClass *)
function called by the TClass constructor when replacing an emulated class by the real class ...
void GetSequenceType(TString &type) const
Fill type with the string representation of sequence information including &#39;cached&#39;,&#39;repeat&#39;,&#39;write&#39; or &#39;nodelete&#39;.
virtual void SetNewType(Int_t dtype)
you should not use this method at all Int_t Int_t Double_t Double_t Double_t Int_t Double_t Double_t Double_t Double_t b
Definition: TRolke.cxx:630
virtual Bool_t HasCounter() const
Int_t GetType() const
TVirtualStreamerInfo * GetBaseStreamerInfo() const
Double_t fFactor
Maximum of data member if a range is specified [xmin,xmax,nbits].
void SetBaseVersion(Int_t v)
TString fErrorMsg
Pointer to the current StreamerInfo for the baset class.
virtual const char * GetFullName() const
Return element name including dimensions, if any Note that this function stores the name into a stati...
TStreamerBasicType * fCounter
Abstract Interface class describing Streamer information for one class.
const Bool_t kTRUE
Definition: Rtypes.h:91
TClass * fNewBaseClass
pointer to base class
TVirtualStreamerInfo * fStreamerInfo
Pointer to a wrapper around a custom convertion streamer member function.
Double_t GetXmax() const
void SetReadRawFunc(ROOT::TSchemaRule::ReadRawFuncPtr_t val)
TStreamerElement & operator=(const TStreamerElement &)
char name[80]
Definition: TGX11.cxx:109
virtual Bool_t HasCounter() const
TStreamerBasicType * fCounter
TString fTypeName
new element type when reading
Int_t GetArrayLength() const
void SetCountName(const char *name)