Logo ROOT   6.07/09
Reference Guide
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // @(#)root/geom:$Id$
2 // Author: Andrei Gheata 24/10/01
4 /*************************************************************************
5  * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
6  * All rights reserved. *
7  * *
8  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
9  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
10  *************************************************************************/
12 #ifndef ROOT_TGeoArb8
13 #define ROOT_TGeoArb8
15 #ifndef ROOT_TGeoBBox
16 #include "TGeoBBox.h"
17 #endif
19 class TGeoArb8 : public TGeoBBox
20 {
21 protected:
22  enum EGeoArb8Type {
23 // kArb8Trd1 = BIT(25), // trd1 type
24 // kArb8Trd2 = BIT(26), // trd2 type
25  kArb8Trap = BIT(27), // planar surface trapezoid
26  kArb8Tra = BIT(28) // general twisted trapezoid
27  };
28  // data members
29  Double_t fDz; // half length in Z
30  Double_t *fTwist; //! [4] tangents of twist angles
31  Double_t fXY[8][2]; // list of vertices
33  TGeoArb8(const TGeoArb8&);
34  TGeoArb8& operator=(const TGeoArb8&);
36 public:
37  // constructors
38  TGeoArb8();
39  TGeoArb8(Double_t dz, Double_t *vertices=0);
40  TGeoArb8(const char *name, Double_t dz, Double_t *vertices=0);
41  // destructor
42  virtual ~TGeoArb8();
43  // methods
44  virtual Double_t Capacity() const;
45  virtual void ComputeBBox();
46  virtual void ComputeNormal(const Double_t *point, const Double_t *dir, Double_t *norm);
47  virtual void ComputeNormal_v(const Double_t *points, const Double_t *dirs, Double_t *norms, Int_t vecsize);
48  void ComputeTwist();
49  virtual Bool_t Contains(const Double_t *point) const;
50  virtual void Contains_v(const Double_t *points, Bool_t *inside, Int_t vecsize) const;
51  Double_t DistToPlane(const Double_t *point, const Double_t *dir, Int_t ipl, Bool_t in) const;
52  virtual Double_t DistFromInside(const Double_t *point, const Double_t *dir, Int_t iact=1,
53  Double_t step=TGeoShape::Big(), Double_t *safe=0) const;
54  virtual void DistFromInside_v(const Double_t *points, const Double_t *dirs, Double_t *dists, Int_t vecsize, Double_t *step) const;
55  virtual Double_t DistFromOutside(const Double_t *point, const Double_t *dir, Int_t iact=1,
56  Double_t step=TGeoShape::Big(), Double_t *safe=0) const;
57  virtual void DistFromOutside_v(const Double_t *points, const Double_t *dirs, Double_t *dists, Int_t vecsize, Double_t *step) const;
58  virtual TGeoVolume *Divide(TGeoVolume *voldiv, const char *divname, Int_t iaxis, Int_t ndiv,
59  Double_t start, Double_t step);
60  virtual Double_t GetAxisRange(Int_t iaxis, Double_t &xlo, Double_t &xhi) const;
61  virtual void GetBoundingCylinder(Double_t *param) const;
62  virtual Int_t GetByteCount() const {return 100;}
63  Double_t GetClosestEdge(const Double_t *point, Double_t *vert, Int_t &isegment) const;
64  virtual Bool_t GetPointsOnFacet(Int_t /*index*/, Int_t /*npoints*/, Double_t * /*array*/) const;
65  Double_t GetDz() const {return fDz;}
66  virtual Int_t GetFittingBox(const TGeoBBox *parambox, TGeoMatrix *mat, Double_t &dx, Double_t &dy, Double_t &dz) const;
67  virtual TGeoShape *GetMakeRuntimeShape(TGeoShape * /*mother*/, TGeoMatrix * /*mat*/) const {return 0;}
69  Double_t *GetVertices() {return &fXY[0][0];}
70  Double_t GetTwist(Int_t iseg) const;
71  virtual Bool_t IsCylType() const {return kFALSE;}
72  static Bool_t IsSamePoint(const Double_t *p1, const Double_t *p2) {return (TMath::Abs(p1[0]-p2[0])<1.E-16 && TMath::Abs(p1[1]-p2[1])<1.E-16)?kTRUE:kFALSE;}
74  virtual void InspectShape() const;
75  Bool_t IsTwisted() const {return (fTwist==0)?kFALSE:kTRUE;}
76  Double_t SafetyToFace(const Double_t *point, Int_t iseg, Bool_t in) const;
77  virtual Double_t Safety(const Double_t *point, Bool_t in=kTRUE) const;
78  virtual void Safety_v(const Double_t *points, const Bool_t *inside, Double_t *safe, Int_t vecsize) const;
79  virtual void SavePrimitive(std::ostream &out, Option_t *option = "");
80  void SetPlaneVertices(Double_t zpl, Double_t *vertices) const;
81  virtual void SetVertex(Int_t vnum, Double_t x, Double_t y);
82  virtual void SetDimensions(Double_t *param);
83  void SetDz(Double_t dz) {fDz = dz;}
84  virtual void SetPoints(Double_t *points) const;
85  virtual void SetPoints(Float_t *points) const;
86  virtual void Sizeof3D() const;
88  ClassDef(TGeoArb8, 1) // arbitrary trapezoid with 8 vertices
89 };
91 class TGeoTrap : public TGeoArb8
92 {
93 protected:
94  // data members
95  Double_t fTheta; // theta angle
96  Double_t fPhi; // phi angle
97  Double_t fH1; // half length in y at low z
98  Double_t fBl1; // half length in x at low z and y low edge
99  Double_t fTl1; // half length in x at low z and y high edge
100  Double_t fAlpha1;// angle between centers of x edges an y axis at low z
101  Double_t fH2; // half length in y at high z
102  Double_t fBl2; // half length in x at high z and y low edge
103  Double_t fTl2; // half length in x at high z and y high edge
104  Double_t fAlpha2;// angle between centers of x edges an y axis at low z
106 public:
107  // constructors
108  TGeoTrap();
109  TGeoTrap(Double_t dz, Double_t theta, Double_t phi);
110  TGeoTrap(Double_t dz, Double_t theta, Double_t phi, Double_t h1,
111  Double_t bl1, Double_t tl1, Double_t alpha1, Double_t h2, Double_t bl2,
112  Double_t tl2, Double_t alpha2);
113  TGeoTrap(const char *name, Double_t dz, Double_t theta, Double_t phi, Double_t h1,
114  Double_t bl1, Double_t tl1, Double_t alpha1, Double_t h2, Double_t bl2,
115  Double_t tl2, Double_t alpha2);
116  // destructor
117  virtual ~TGeoTrap();
118  virtual Double_t DistFromInside(const Double_t *point, const Double_t *dir, Int_t iact=1,
119  Double_t step=TGeoShape::Big(), Double_t *safe=0) const;
120  virtual void DistFromInside_v(const Double_t *points, const Double_t *dirs, Double_t *dists, Int_t vecsize, Double_t *step) const;
121  virtual Double_t DistFromOutside(const Double_t *point, const Double_t *dir, Int_t iact=1,
122  Double_t step=TGeoShape::Big(), Double_t *safe=0) const;
123  virtual void DistFromOutside_v(const Double_t *points, const Double_t *dirs, Double_t *dists, Int_t vecsize, Double_t *step) const;
124  virtual TGeoVolume *Divide(TGeoVolume *voldiv, const char *divname, Int_t iaxis, Int_t ndiv,
125  Double_t start, Double_t step);
126  Double_t GetTheta() const {return fTheta;}
127  Double_t GetPhi() const {return fPhi;}
128  Double_t GetH1() const {return fH1;}
129  Double_t GetBl1() const {return fBl1;}
130  Double_t GetTl1() const {return fTl1;}
131  Double_t GetAlpha1() const {return fAlpha1;}
132  Double_t GetH2() const {return fH2;}
133  Double_t GetBl2() const {return fBl2;}
134  Double_t GetTl2() const {return fTl2;}
135  Double_t GetAlpha2() const {return fAlpha2;}
136  virtual TGeoShape *GetMakeRuntimeShape(TGeoShape *mother, TGeoMatrix *mat) const;
137  virtual void SetDimensions(Double_t *param);
138  virtual Double_t Safety(const Double_t *point, Bool_t in=kTRUE) const;
139  virtual void Safety_v(const Double_t *points, const Bool_t *inside, Double_t *safe, Int_t vecsize) const;
140  virtual void SavePrimitive(std::ostream &out, Option_t *option = "");
142  ClassDef(TGeoTrap, 1) // G3 TRAP shape
143 };
145 class TGeoGtra : public TGeoTrap
146 {
147 protected:
148  // data members
149  Double_t fTwistAngle; // twist angle in degrees
150 public:
151  // constructors
152  TGeoGtra();
153  TGeoGtra(Double_t dz, Double_t theta, Double_t phi, Double_t twist, Double_t h1,
154  Double_t bl1, Double_t tl1, Double_t alpha1, Double_t h2, Double_t bl2,
155  Double_t tl2, Double_t alpha2);
156  TGeoGtra(const char *name, Double_t dz, Double_t theta, Double_t phi, Double_t twist, Double_t h1,
157  Double_t bl1, Double_t tl1, Double_t alpha1, Double_t h2, Double_t bl2,
158  Double_t tl2, Double_t alpha2);
159  // destructor
160  virtual ~TGeoGtra();
161  virtual Double_t DistFromInside(const Double_t *point, const Double_t *dir, Int_t iact=1,
162  Double_t step=TGeoShape::Big(), Double_t *safe=0) const;
163  virtual void DistFromInside_v(const Double_t *points, const Double_t *dirs, Double_t *dists, Int_t vecsize, Double_t *step) const;
164  virtual Double_t DistFromOutside(const Double_t *point, const Double_t *dir, Int_t iact=1,
165  Double_t step=TGeoShape::Big(), Double_t *safe=0) const;
166  virtual void DistFromOutside_v(const Double_t *points, const Double_t *dirs, Double_t *dists, Int_t vecsize, Double_t *step) const;
167  virtual TGeoShape *GetMakeRuntimeShape(TGeoShape *mother, TGeoMatrix *mat) const;
168  Double_t GetTwistAngle() const {return fTwistAngle;}
169  virtual Double_t Safety(const Double_t *point, Bool_t in=kTRUE) const;
170  virtual void Safety_v(const Double_t *points, const Bool_t *inside, Double_t *safe, Int_t vecsize) const;
171  virtual void SetDimensions(Double_t *param);
172  virtual void SavePrimitive(std::ostream &out, Option_t *option = "");
174  ClassDef(TGeoGtra, 1) // G3 GTRA shape
175 };
177 #endif
void SetDz(Double_t dz)
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:83
virtual void SetPoints(Double_t *points) const
Creates arb8 mesh points.
Definition: TGeoArb8.cxx:1223
Double_t SafetyToFace(const Double_t *point, Int_t iseg, Bool_t in) const
Estimate safety to lateral plane defined by segment iseg in range [0,3] Might be negative: plane seen...
Definition: TGeoArb8.cxx:1126
void SetPlaneVertices(Double_t zpl, Double_t *vertices) const
Computes intersection points between plane at zpl and non-horizontal edges.
Definition: TGeoArb8.cxx:1193
Box class.
Definition: TGeoBBox.h:19
static double p3(double t, double a, double b, double c, double d)
virtual Bool_t IsCylType() const
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:71
virtual TGeoVolume * Divide(TGeoVolume *voldiv, const char *divname, Int_t iaxis, Int_t ndiv, Double_t start, Double_t step)
Divide this shape along one axis.
Definition: TGeoArb8.cxx:825
float Float_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:53
Gtra is a twisted trapezoid.
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:145
const char Option_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:62
Geometrical transformation package.
Definition: TGeoMatrix.h:40
Double_t GetBl2() const
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:133
virtual void Safety_v(const Double_t *points, const Bool_t *inside, Double_t *safe, Int_t vecsize) const
Compute safe distance from each of the points in the input array.
Definition: TGeoArb8.cxx:1323
TGeoVolume, TGeoVolumeMulti, TGeoVolumeAssembly are the volume classes.
Definition: TGeoVolume.h:61
virtual void Contains_v(const Double_t *points, Bool_t *inside, Int_t vecsize) const
Check the inside status for each of the points in the array.
Definition: TGeoArb8.cxx:1287
Double_t fBl1
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:98
int Int_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:41
bool Bool_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:59
const Bool_t kFALSE
Definition: Rtypes.h:92
virtual Bool_t GetPointsOnFacet(Int_t, Int_t, Double_t *) const
Fills array with n random points located on the surface of indexed facet.
Definition: TGeoArb8.cxx:957
Double_t GetBl1() const
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:129
Short_t Abs(Short_t d)
Definition: TMathBase.h:110
Double_t GetTwist(Int_t iseg) const
Get twist for segment I in range [0,3].
Definition: TGeoArb8.cxx:382
Double_t GetH2() const
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:132
Double_t x[n]
Definition: legend1.C:17
Double_t GetTl1() const
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:130
#define ClassDef(name, id)
Definition: Rtypes.h:254
Double_t DistToPlane(const Double_t *point, const Double_t *dir, Int_t ipl, Bool_t in) const
Computes distance to plane ipl :
Definition: TGeoArb8.cxx:550
static double p2(double t, double a, double b, double c)
Double_t fXY[8][2]
[4] tangents of twist angles
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:31
virtual void SetVertex(Int_t vnum, Double_t x, Double_t y)
Set values for a given vertex.
Definition: TGeoArb8.cxx:1247
Double_t GetTwistAngle() const
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:168
Double_t fTl1
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:99
Double_t fAlpha1
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:100
TRAP is a general trapezoid, i.e.
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:91
virtual void ComputeBBox()
Computes bounding box for an Arb8 shape.
Definition: TGeoArb8.cxx:264
TH1F * h1
Definition: legend1.C:5
Double_t GetH1() const
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:128
virtual void ComputeNormal_v(const Double_t *points, const Double_t *dirs, Double_t *norms, Int_t vecsize)
Compute the normal for an array o points so that norm.dot.dir is positive Input: Arrays of point coor...
Definition: TGeoArb8.cxx:1297
virtual Int_t GetFittingBox(const TGeoBBox *parambox, TGeoMatrix *mat, Double_t &dx, Double_t &dy, Double_t &dz) const
Fills real parameters of a positioned box inside this arb8. Returns 0 if successful.
Definition: TGeoArb8.cxx:872
Double_t fDz
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:29
virtual void ComputeNormal(const Double_t *point, const Double_t *dir, Double_t *norm)
Compute normal to closest surface from POINT.
Definition: TGeoArb8.cxx:461
Double_t GetAlpha2() const
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:135
point * points
Definition: X3DBuffer.c:20
Default ctor.
Definition: TGeoArb8.cxx:144
virtual TGeoShape * GetMakeRuntimeShape(TGeoShape *, TGeoMatrix *) const
In case shape has some negative parameters, these has to be computed in order to fit the mother...
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:67
virtual void InspectShape() const
Prints shape parameters.
Definition: TGeoArb8.cxx:1033
Base abstract class for all shapes.
Definition: TGeoShape.h:27
virtual Double_t DistFromInside(const Double_t *point, const Double_t *dir, Int_t iact=1, Double_t step=TGeoShape::Big(), Double_t *safe=0) const
Compute distance from inside point to surface of the shape.
Definition: TGeoArb8.cxx:699
static Bool_t InsidePolygon(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t *pts)
Finds if a point in XY plane is inside the polygon defines by PTS.
Definition: TGeoArb8.cxx:1013
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:22
Double_t fPhi
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:96
Double_t fAlpha2
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:104
virtual Double_t Safety(const Double_t *point, Bool_t in=kTRUE) const
Computes the closest distance from given point to this shape.
Definition: TGeoArb8.cxx:1048
void ComputeTwist()
Computes tangents of twist angles (angles between projections on XY plane of corresponding -dz +dz ed...
Definition: TGeoArb8.cxx:290
Double_t fTheta
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:95
Double_t fH2
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:101
Bool_t IsTwisted() const
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:75
virtual void SavePrimitive(std::ostream &out, Option_t *option="")
Save a primitive as a C++ statement(s) on output stream "out".
Definition: TGeoArb8.cxx:1165
Double_t E()
Definition: TMath.h:54
static Bool_t IsSamePoint(const Double_t *p1, const Double_t *p2)
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:72
static double p1(double t, double a, double b)
virtual Double_t DistFromOutside(const Double_t *point, const Double_t *dir, Int_t iact=1, Double_t step=TGeoShape::Big(), Double_t *safe=0) const
Computes distance from outside point to surface of the shape.
Definition: TGeoArb8.cxx:671
virtual Bool_t Contains(const Double_t *point) const
Test if point is inside this shape.
Definition: TGeoArb8.cxx:527
Double_t GetClosestEdge(const Double_t *point, Double_t *vert, Int_t &isegment) const
Get index of the edge of the quadrilater represented by vert closest to point.
Definition: TGeoArb8.cxx:394
virtual Int_t GetByteCount() const
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:62
virtual void Sizeof3D() const
Fill size of this 3-D object.
Definition: TGeoArb8.cxx:1264
Double_t fTwistAngle
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:149
double Double_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:55
virtual Double_t Capacity() const
Computes capacity of the shape in [length^3].
Definition: TGeoArb8.cxx:247
virtual void DistFromInside_v(const Double_t *points, const Double_t *dirs, Double_t *dists, Int_t vecsize, Double_t *step) const
Compute distance from array of input points having directions specified by dirs. Store output in dist...
Definition: TGeoArb8.cxx:1305
Double_t y[n]
Definition: legend1.C:17
Double_t GetTl2() const
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:134
An arbitrary trapezoid with less than 8 vertices standing on.
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:19
static Double_t Big()
Definition: TGeoShape.h:90
static void GetPlaneNormal(Double_t *p1, Double_t *p2, Double_t *p3, Double_t *norm)
Computes normal to plane defined by P1, P2 and P3.
Definition: TGeoArb8.cxx:929
#define BIT(n)
Definition: Rtypes.h:120
Double_t GetTheta() const
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:126
virtual ~TGeoArb8()
Definition: TGeoArb8.cxx:239
Double_t fH1
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:97
virtual void GetBoundingCylinder(Double_t *param) const
— Fill vector param[4] with the bounding cylinder parameters.
Definition: TGeoArb8.cxx:854
Double_t GetAlpha1() const
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:131
Double_t fTl2
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:103
TGeoArb8 & operator=(const TGeoArb8 &)
assignment operator
Definition: TGeoArb8.cxx:222
Double_t fBl2
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:102
Double_t GetPhi() const
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:127
virtual void SetDimensions(Double_t *param)
Set all arb8 params in one step.
Definition: TGeoArb8.cxx:1209
const Bool_t kTRUE
Definition: Rtypes.h:91
double norm(double *x, double *p)
Definition: unuranDistr.cxx:40
virtual void DistFromOutside_v(const Double_t *points, const Double_t *dirs, Double_t *dists, Int_t vecsize, Double_t *step) const
Compute distance from array of input points having directions specified by dirs. Store output in dist...
Definition: TGeoArb8.cxx:1313
char name[80]
Definition: TGX11.cxx:109
Double_t GetDz() const
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:65
Double_t * fTwist
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:30
virtual Double_t GetAxisRange(Int_t iaxis, Double_t &xlo, Double_t &xhi) const
Get shape range on a given axis.
Definition: TGeoArb8.cxx:835
Double_t * GetVertices()
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:69