Logo ROOT   6.07/09
Reference Guide
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // @(#)root/eve:$Id$
2 // Authors: Matevz Tadel & Alja Mrak-Tadel: 2006, 2007
4 /*************************************************************************
5  * Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
6  * All rights reserved. *
7  * *
8  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
9  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
10  *************************************************************************/
12 #include "TEveDigitSet.h"
13 #include "TEveManager.h"
14 #include "TEveTrans.h"
16 #include "TColor.h"
17 #include "TRefArray.h"
20 /** \class TEveDigitSet
21 \ingroup TEve
22 Base-class for storage of digit collections; provides
23 transformation matrix (TEveTrans), signal to color mapping
24 (TEveRGBAPalette) and visual grouping (TEveFrameBox).
26 Base-class for displaying a digit collection.
27 Provides common services for:
28  - specifying signal / color per digit;
29  - specifying object reference per digit;
30  - controlling palette and thresholds (external object TEveRGBAPalette);
31  - showing a frame around the digits (external object TEveFrameBox);
32  - specifying transformation matrix for the whole collection;
33  by data-member of class TEveTrans.
35 Use method DigitId(TObject* id) to assign additional identification
36 to the last created digit. By calling SetOwnIds(kTRUE) tje
37 digit-set becomes the owner of the assigned objects and deletes
38 them on destruction.
39 Note that TRef is used for referencing the objects and if you
40 instantiate the objects just to pass them to digit-set you should
41 also call TProcessID::Get/SetObjectCount() at the beginning / end
42 of processing of an event. See documentation for class TRef, in
43 particular section 'ObjectNumber'.
45 If you use value-is-color mode and want to use transparency, set
46 the transparency to non-zero value so that GL-renderer will be
47 properly informed.
49 If you want to use single color for all elements call:
50 ~~~ {.cpp}
51  UseSingleColor()
52 ~~~
53 Palette controls will not work in this case.
55 A pointer to a rectangle / box of class TEveFrameBox can be set via
56 ~~~ {.cpp}
57  void SetFrame(TEveFrameBox* b);
58 ~~~
59 A single TEveFrameBox can be shared among several digit-sets (it is
60 reference-counted). The following flags affect how the frame-box will drawn
61 and used for selection and highlight:
62 ~~~ {.cpp}
63  Bool_t fSelectViaFrame;
64  Bool_t fHighlightFrame;
65 ~~~
66 TEveDigitSet is sub-classed from TEveSecondarySelectable -- this means
67 individual digits can be selected. By calling:
68 ~~~ {.cpp}
69  TEveSecondarySelectable::SetAlwaysSecSelect(kTRUE);
70 ~~~
71 one can enforce immediate feedback (highlight, tooltip and select on normal
72 left-mouse click) on given digit-set.
74 See also:
75 ~~~ {.cpp}
76  TEveQuadSet: rectangle, hexagon or line per digit
77  TEveBoxSet a 3D box per digit
78 ~~~
79 */
83 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
85 TEveDigitSet::TEveDigitSet(const char* n, const char* t) :
86  TEveElement (fColor),
87  TNamed (n, t),
89  fDigitIds (0),
90  fDefaultValue (kMinInt),
91  fValueIsColor (kFALSE),
92  fSingleColor (kFALSE),
93  fAntiFlick (kTRUE),
94  fOwnIds (kFALSE),
95  fPlex (),
96  fLastDigit (0),
97  fLastIdx (-1),
99  fColor (kWhite),
100  fFrame (0),
101  fPalette (0),
102  fRenderMode (kRM_AsIs),
103  fSelectViaFrame (kFALSE),
104  fHighlightFrame (kFALSE),
105  fDisableLighting(kTRUE),
106  fHistoButtons (kTRUE),
107  fEmitSignals (kFALSE),
108  fCallbackFoo (0),
109  fTooltipCBFoo (0)
110 {
111  // Constructor.
115  InitMainTrans();
116 }
118 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
119 /// Destructor.
120 /// Unreference frame and palette. Destroy referenced objects if they
121 /// are owned by the TEveDigitSet.
124 {
125  SetFrame(0);
126  SetPalette(0);
127  if (fOwnIds)
128  ReleaseIds();
129  delete fDigitIds;
130 }
132 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
133 /// Protected method called whenever a new digit is added.
136 {
137  fLastIdx = fPlex.Size();
139  return fLastDigit;
140 }
142 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
143 /// Protected method. Release and delete the referenced objects, the
144 /// ownership is *NOT* checked.
147 {
148  if (fDigitIds)
149  {
150  const Int_t N = fDigitIds->GetSize();
152  for (Int_t i = 0; i < N; ++i)
153  delete fDigitIds->At(i);
155  fDigitIds->Expand(0);
156  }
157 }
159 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
160 /// Instruct digit-set to use single color for its digits.
161 /// Call SetMainColor/Transparency to initialize it.
164 {
166 }
168 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
169 /// Override from TEveElement, forward to Frame.
172 {
173  if (fSingleColor)
174  {
176  }
177  else if (fFrame)
178  {
179  fFrame->SetFrameColor(color);
181  }
182 }
184 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
185 /// Virtual function called when both fSelected is false and
186 /// fImpliedSelected is 0.
189 {
190  fSelectedSet.clear();
192 }
194 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
195 /// Virtual function called when both fHighlighted is false and
196 /// fImpliedHighlighted is 0.
199 {
200  fHighlightedSet.clear();
202 }
204 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
205 /// Return tooltip for highlighted element if always-sec-select is set.
206 /// Otherwise return the tooltip for this element.
209 {
210  if (fHighlightedSet.empty()) return "";
212  if (GetAlwaysSecSelect())
213  {
214  if (fTooltipCBFoo)
215  {
216  return (fTooltipCBFoo)(this, *fHighlightedSet.begin());
217  }
218  else if (fDigitIds)
219  {
220  TObject *o = GetId(*fHighlightedSet.begin());
221  if (o)
222  return TString(o->GetName());
223  }
224  return TString::Format("%s; idx=%d", GetElementName(), *fHighlightedSet.begin());
225  }
226  else
227  {
229  }
230 }
232 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
233 /// Instruct underlying memory allocator to regroup itself into a
234 /// contiguous memory chunk.
237 {
238  fPlex.Refit();
239 }
241 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
242 /// Iterate over the digits and determine min and max signal values.
245 {
246  if (fValueIsColor || fPlex.Size() == 0)
247  {
248  min = max = 0;
249  return;
250  }
252  min = kMaxInt;
253  max = kMinInt;
254  for (Int_t c=0; c<fPlex.VecSize(); ++c)
255  {
256  Char_t* a = fPlex.Chunk(c);
257  Int_t n = fPlex.NAtoms(c);
258  while (n--)
259  {
260  Int_t v = ((DigitBase_t*)a)->fValue;
261  if (v < min) min = v;
262  if (v > max) max = v;
263  a += fPlex.S();
264  }
265  }
266  if (min == max)
267  --min;
268 }
270 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
271 /// Set current digit -- the one that will receive calls to
272 /// DigitValue/Color/Id/UserData() functions.
273 /// Note that various AddXyzz() functions set the current digit to the newly
274 /// added one.
277 {
278  fLastIdx = idx;
279  fLastDigit = GetDigit(idx);
280 }
282 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
283 /// Set signal value for the last digit added.
286 {
287  fLastDigit->fValue = value;
288 }
290 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
291 /// Set color for the last digit added.
294 {
296 }
298 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
299 /// Set color for the last digit added.
302 {
303  TEveUtil::ColorFromIdx(ci, (UChar_t*) & fLastDigit->fValue, transparency);
304 }
306 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
307 /// Set color for the last digit added.
310 {
311  UChar_t* x = (UChar_t*) & fLastDigit->fValue;
312  x[0] = r; x[1] = g; x[2] = b; x[3] = a;
313 }
315 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
316 /// Set color for the last digit added.
319 {
320  UChar_t* x = (UChar_t*) & fLastDigit->fValue;
321  x[0] = rgba[0]; x[1] = rgba[1]; x[2] = rgba[2]; x[3] = rgba[3];
322 }
324 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
325 /// Set external object reference for the last digit added.
328 {
329  DigitId(fLastIdx, id);
330 }
332 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
333 /// Set user-data for the last digit added.
336 {
337  fLastDigit->fUserData = ud;
338 }
340 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
341 /// Set external object reference for digit n.
344 {
345  if (!fDigitIds)
346  fDigitIds = new TRefArray;
348  if (fOwnIds && n < fDigitIds->GetSize() && fDigitIds->At(n))
349  delete fDigitIds->At(n);
351  fDigitIds->AddAtAndExpand(id, n);
352 }
354 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
355 /// Set user-data for digit n.
358 {
359  GetDigit(n)->fUserData = ud;
360 }
362 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
363 /// Return external TObject associated with digit n.
366 {
367  return fDigitIds ? fDigitIds->At(n) : 0;
368 }
370 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
371 /// Get user-data associated with digit n.
374 {
375  return GetDigit(n)->fUserData;
376 }
378 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
379 /// Paint this object. Only direct rendering is supported.
382 {
383  PaintStandard(this);
384 }
386 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
387 /// Called from renderer when a digit with index idx is selected.
388 /// This is by-passed when always-secondary-select is active.
391 {
392  DigitBase_t *qb = GetDigit(idx);
393  TObject *obj = GetId(idx);
395  if (fCallbackFoo) {
396  (fCallbackFoo)(this, idx, obj);
397  }
398  if (fEmitSignals) {
399  SecSelected(this, idx);
400  } else {
401  printf("TEveDigitSet::DigitSelected idx=%d, value=%d, obj=0x%lx\n",
402  idx, qb->fValue, (ULong_t)obj);
403  if (obj)
404  obj->Print();
405  }
406 }
408 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
409 /// Emit a SecSelected signal.
410 /// This is by-passed when always-secondary-select is active.
413 {
414  Long_t args[2];
415  args[0] = (Long_t) qs;
416  args[1] = (Long_t) idx;
418  Emit("SecSelected(TEveDigitSet*, Int_t)", args);
419 }
421 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
422 /// Set TEveFrameBox pointer.
425 {
426  if (fFrame == b) return;
427  if (fFrame) fFrame->DecRefCount(this);
428  fFrame = b;
429  if (fFrame) {
430  fFrame->IncRefCount(this);
431  if (!fSingleColor) {
433  }
434  } else {
436  }
437 }
439 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
440 /// Set TEveRGBAPalette pointer.
443 {
444  if (fPalette == p) return;
445  if (fPalette) fPalette->DecRefCount();
446  fPalette = p;
447  if (fPalette) fPalette->IncRefCount();
448 }
450 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
451 /// Make sure the TEveRGBAPalette pointer is not null.
452 /// If it is not set, a new one is instantiated and the range is set
453 /// to current min/max signal values.
456 {
457  if (fPalette == 0) {
459  if (!fValueIsColor) {
460  Int_t min, max;
461  ScanMinMaxValues(min, max);
462  fPalette->SetLimits(min, max);
463  fPalette->SetMinMax(min, max);
464  }
465  }
466  return fPalette;
467 }
const Int_t kMinInt
Definition: Rtypes.h:104
TEveChunkManager fPlex
Definition: TEveDigitSet.h:65
virtual void DecRefCount(TEveElement *re)
Decrease reference count and remove re from the list of back-references.
Definition: TEveUtil.cxx:590
void DigitId(TObject *id)
Set external object reference for the last digit added.
A generic, speed-optimised mapping from value to RGBA color supporting different wrapping and range t...
Bool_t fSingleColor
Definition: TEveDigitSet.h:62
Char_t * Chunk(Int_t chk) const
DigitBase_t * NewDigit()
Function providing highlight tooltips when always-sec-select is active.
return c
const char Option_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:62
virtual void Expand(Int_t newSize)
Expand or shrink the array to newSize elements.
Definition: TRefArray.cxx:474
TObject * GetId(Int_t n) const
Return external TObject associated with digit n.
Int_t fDefaultValue
Definition: TEveDigitSet.h:60
Bool_t fCanEditMainColor
Definition: TEveElement.h:92
Int_t Size() const
virtual void DigitSelected(Int_t idx)
Called from renderer when a digit with index idx is selected.
TRefArray * fDigitIds
Definition: TEveDigitSet.h:58
#define N
virtual void PaintStandard(TObject *id)
Paint object – a generic implementation for EVE elements.
Basic string class.
Definition: TString.h:137
TEveRGBAPalette * AssertPalette()
Make sure the TEveRGBAPalette pointer is not null.
int Int_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:41
TArc * a
Definition: textangle.C:12
const Bool_t kFALSE
Definition: Rtypes.h:92
Bool_t fEmitSignals
Definition: TEveDigitSet.h:78
Description of a 2D or 3D frame that can be used to visually group a set of objects.
Definition: TEveFrameBox.h:18
An array of references to TObjects.
Definition: TRefArray.h:43
virtual void UnHighlighted()
Virtual function called when both fHighlighted is false and fImpliedHighlighted is 0...
virtual void SecSelected(TEveDigitSet *qs, Int_t idx)
Emit a SecSelected signal.
virtual const char * GetElementName() const
Virtual function for retrieving name of the element.
TEveDigitSet(const TEveDigitSet &)
virtual void Paint(Option_t *option="")
Paint this object. Only direct rendering is supported.
void SetMainColorPtr(Color_t *color)
Definition: TEveElement.h:267
virtual TString GetHighlightTooltip()
Definition: TEveElement.h:123
Int_t VecSize() const
DigitBase_t * GetDigit(Int_t n) const
Definition: TEveDigitSet.h:129
Bool_t fOwnIds
Definition: TEveDigitSet.h:64
void SetFrameColor(Color_t ci)
Set color of the frame.
void IncRefCount()
Definition: TEveUtil.h:175
Double_t x[n]
Definition: legend1.C:17
TObject * At(Int_t idx) const
Definition: TRefArray.h:184
static TString Format(const char *fmt,...)
Static method which formats a string using a printf style format descriptor and return a TString...
Definition: TString.cxx:2335
Bool_t fCanEditMainTransparency
Definition: TEveElement.h:93
The TNamed class is the base class for all named ROOT classes.
Definition: TNamed.h:33
virtual void UnSelected()
Virtual function called when both fSelected is false and fImpliedSelected is 0.
Int_t NAtoms(Int_t chk) const
void Refit()
Refit the container so that all current data fits into a single chunk.
virtual TString GetHighlightTooltip()
Return tooltip for highlighted element if always-sec-select is set.
Color_t * PtrFrameColor()
Definition: TEveFrameBox.h:67
void DigitColor(Color_t ci)
Set color for the last digit added.
Int_t fLastIdx
The last / current digit added to collection.
Definition: TEveDigitSet.h:67
TooltipCB_foo fTooltipCBFoo
Additional function to call on secondary-select.
Definition: TEveDigitSet.h:80
short Color_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:79
void Emit(const char *signal)
Acitvate signal without args.
Definition: TQObject.cxx:561
Color_t fColor
The last / current idx added to collection.
Definition: TEveDigitSet.h:69
TEveFrameBox * fFrame
Definition: TEveDigitSet.h:70
Definition: Rtypes.h:60
void UseSingleColor()
Instruct digit-set to use single color for its digits.
void DigitUserData(void *ud)
Set user-data for the last digit added.
virtual void InitMainTrans(Bool_t can_edit=kTRUE)
Initialize the main transformation to identity matrix.
void SetFrame(TEveFrameBox *b)
Set TEveFrameBox pointer.
virtual ~TEveDigitSet()
TRandom2 r(17)
SVector< double, 2 > v
Definition: Dict.h:5
void SetMinMax(Int_t min, Int_t max)
Set current min/max values.
Bool_t fValueIsColor
Definition: TEveDigitSet.h:61
TEveRGBAPalette * fPalette
Definition: TEveDigitSet.h:71
void * GetUserData() const
Definition: TEveElement.h:302
virtual void SetMainColor(Color_t color)
Set main color of the element.
long Long_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:50
virtual void AddAtAndExpand(TObject *obj, Int_t idx)
Add object at position idx.
Definition: TRefArray.cxx:336
Int_t S() const
virtual Int_t GetSize() const
Definition: TCollection.h:95
#define ClassImp(name)
Definition: Rtypes.h:279
virtual const char * GetName() const
Returns name of object.
Definition: TObject.cxx:416
void SetPalette(TEveRGBAPalette *p)
Set TEveRGBAPalette pointer.
void RefitPlex()
Instruct underlying memory allocator to regroup itself into a contiguous memory chunk.
unsigned long ULong_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:51
virtual void UnHighlighted()
Virtual function called when both fHighlighted is false and fImpliedHighlighted is 0...
Callback_foo fCallbackFoo
Definition: TEveDigitSet.h:79
Mother of all ROOT objects.
Definition: TObject.h:44
void SetCurrentDigit(Int_t idx)
Set current digit – the one that will receive calls to DigitValue/Color/Id/UserData() functions...
const Int_t kMaxInt
Definition: Rtypes.h:103
char Char_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:29
DigitBase_t * fLastDigit
Definition: TEveDigitSet.h:66
void SetLimits(Int_t low, Int_t high)
Set low/high limits on signal value.
static void ColorFromIdx(Color_t ci, UChar_t col[4], Bool_t alpha=kTRUE)
Fill col with RGBA values corresponding to index ci.
Definition: TEveUtil.cxx:192
void ScanMinMaxValues(Int_t &min, Int_t &max)
Iterate over the digits and determine min and max signal values.
you should not use this method at all Int_t Int_t Double_t Double_t Double_t Int_t Double_t Double_t Double_t Double_t b
Definition: TRolke.cxx:630
virtual void SetMainColor(Color_t color)
Override from TEveElement, forward to Frame.
unsigned char UChar_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:34
virtual void StampBackPtrElements(UChar_t stamps)
Add given stamps to elements in the list of reverse references.
Definition: TEveUtil.cxx:608
void DecRefCount()
Definition: TEveUtil.h:176
virtual void UnSelected()
Virtual function called when both fSelected is false and fImpliedSelected is 0.
virtual void IncRefCount(TEveElement *re)
Increase reference count and add re to the list of back-references.
Definition: TEveUtil.cxx:581
const Bool_t kTRUE
Definition: Rtypes.h:91
void ReleaseIds()
Protected method.
void DigitValue(Int_t value)
Set signal value for the last digit added.
Base class for TEveUtil visualization elements, providing hierarchy management, rendering control and...
Definition: TEveElement.h:33
const Int_t n
Definition: legend1.C:16
Base-class for storage of digit collections; provides transformation matrix (TEveTrans), signal to color mapping (TEveRGBAPalette) and visual grouping (TEveFrameBox).
Definition: TEveDigitSet.h:29