ROOT  6.06/09
Reference Guide
Macros | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
testFitPerf.cxx File Reference
#include "TH1.h"
#include "TF1.h"
#include "TF2.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
#include "TRandom3.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "Fit/BinData.h"
#include "Fit/UnBinData.h"
#include "Fit/Fitter.h"
#include "HFitInterface.h"
#include "Math/IParamFunction.h"
#include "Math/WrappedTF1.h"
#include "Math/WrappedMultiTF1.h"
#include "Math/WrappedParamFunction.h"
#include "Math/MultiDimParamFunctionAdapter.h"
#include "TGraphErrors.h"
#include "TStyle.h"
#include "TSeqCollection.h"
#include "Math/Polynomial.h"
#include "Math/DistFunc.h"
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "TStopwatch.h"
#include "TVirtualFitter.h"
#include "GaussFunction.h"
#include <cassert>
#include "MinimizerTypes.h"
+ Include dependency graph for testFitPerf.cxx:

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#define USE_VECNLL


typedef ROOT::Math::IParamMultiFunction Func


void printData (const ROOT::Fit::UnBinData &data)
void printResult (int iret)
ROOT::Fit::UnBinDataFillUnBinData (TTree *tree, bool copyData=true, unsigned int dim=1)
template<class T >
void printData (const T &data)
template<class MinType , class T >
int DoBinFit (T *hist, Func &func, bool debug=false, bool useGrad=false)
template<class MinType , class T >
int DoUnBinFit (T *tree, Func &func, bool debug=false, bool copyData=false)
template<class MinType , class T , class VFunc >
int DoUnBinFitVec (T *tree, VFunc &func, int ndim, int npar, const double *p0, bool debug=false, bool copyData=false)
template<class MinType >
int DoFit (TTree *tree, Func &func, bool debug=false, bool copyData=false)
template<class MinType >
int DoFit (TH1 *h1, Func &func, bool debug=false, bool copyData=false)
template<class MinType >
int DoFit (TGraph *gr, Func &func, bool debug=false, bool copyData=false)
template<class MinType , class F >
int DoFitVec (TTree *tree, F &func, int n1, int n2, const double *p, bool debug=false, bool copyData=false)
template<class MinType , class F >
int DoFitVec (TH1 *h1, F &func, int, int, const double *, bool debug=false, bool copyData=false)
template<class MinType , class F >
int DoFitVec (TGraph *gr, F &func, int, int, const double *, bool debug=false, bool copyData=false)
template<class MinType , class FitObj , class FuncObj >
int FitUsingNewFitter (FitObj *fitobj, FuncObj func, bool useGrad=false)
double poly2 (const double *x, const double *p)
int testPolyFit ()
double gaussian (const double *x, const double *p)
double gausnorm (const double *x, const double *p)
double gausnorm2D (const double *x, const double *p)
double gausnormN (const double *x, const double *p)
int testGausFit ()
int testTreeFit ()
int testLargeTreeFit (int nevt=1000)
int testFitPerf ()
int main ()


int nfit
const int N = 20
double iniPar [2 *N]
int ndimObs
int ndimPars
bool USE_BRANCH = false

Macro Definition Documentation

#define USE_VECNLL

Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 393 of file testFitPerf.cxx.

Function Documentation

template<class MinType , class T >
int DoBinFit ( T *  hist,
Func func,
bool  debug = false,
bool  useGrad = false 

Definition at line 395 of file testFitPerf.cxx.

template<class MinType >
int DoFit ( TTree tree,
Func func,
bool  debug = false,
bool  copyData = false 

Definition at line 557 of file testFitPerf.cxx.

template<class MinType >
int DoFit ( TH1 h1,
Func func,
bool  debug = false,
bool  copyData = false 

Definition at line 562 of file testFitPerf.cxx.

template<class MinType >
int DoFit ( TGraph gr,
Func func,
bool  debug = false,
bool  copyData = false 

Definition at line 566 of file testFitPerf.cxx.

template<class MinType , class F >
int DoFitVec ( TTree tree,
F func,
int  n1,
int  n2,
const double p,
bool  debug = false,
bool  copyData = false 

Definition at line 571 of file testFitPerf.cxx.

template<class MinType , class F >
int DoFitVec ( TH1 h1,
F func,
int  ,
int  ,
const double ,
bool  debug = false,
bool  copyData = false 

Definition at line 576 of file testFitPerf.cxx.

template<class MinType , class F >
int DoFitVec ( TGraph gr,
F func,
int  ,
int  ,
const double ,
bool  debug = false,
bool  copyData = false 

Definition at line 580 of file testFitPerf.cxx.

template<class MinType , class T >
int DoUnBinFit ( T *  tree,
Func func,
bool  debug = false,
bool  copyData = false 

Definition at line 448 of file testFitPerf.cxx.

template<class MinType , class T , class VFunc >
int DoUnBinFitVec ( T *  tree,
VFunc &  func,
int  ndim,
int  npar,
const double p0,
bool  debug = false,
bool  copyData = false 

Definition at line 501 of file testFitPerf.cxx.

ROOT::Fit::UnBinData* FillUnBinData ( TTree tree,
bool  copyData = true,
unsigned int  dim = 1 

Definition at line 92 of file testFitPerf.cxx.

template<class MinType , class FitObj , class FuncObj >
int FitUsingNewFitter ( FitObj *  fitobj,
FuncObj  func,
bool  useGrad = false 

Definition at line 586 of file testFitPerf.cxx.

double gausnorm ( const double x,
const double p 

Definition at line 786 of file testFitPerf.cxx.

double gausnorm2D ( const double x,
const double p 

Definition at line 789 of file testFitPerf.cxx.

double gausnormN ( const double x,
const double p 

Definition at line 792 of file testFitPerf.cxx.

double gaussian ( const double x,
const double p 

Definition at line 783 of file testFitPerf.cxx.

int main ( )

Definition at line 1102 of file testFitPerf.cxx.

double poly2 ( const double x,
const double p 

Definition at line 640 of file testFitPerf.cxx.

void printData ( const ROOT::Fit::UnBinData data)

Definition at line 76 of file testFitPerf.cxx.

template<class T >
void printData ( const T &  data)

Definition at line 222 of file testFitPerf.cxx.

void printResult ( int  iret)

Definition at line 83 of file testFitPerf.cxx.

int testFitPerf ( )

Definition at line 1055 of file testFitPerf.cxx.

int testGausFit ( )

Definition at line 796 of file testFitPerf.cxx.

int testLargeTreeFit ( int  nevt = 1000)

Definition at line 987 of file testFitPerf.cxx.

int testPolyFit ( )

Definition at line 644 of file testFitPerf.cxx.

int testTreeFit ( )

Definition at line 885 of file testFitPerf.cxx.

Variable Documentation

double iniPar[2 *N]

Definition at line 72 of file testFitPerf.cxx.

const int N = 20

Definition at line 71 of file testFitPerf.cxx.

int ndimObs

Definition at line 73 of file testFitPerf.cxx.

Referenced by FitUsingNewFitter(), testLargeTreeFit(), and testTreeFit().

int ndimPars

Definition at line 74 of file testFitPerf.cxx.

Referenced by FitUsingNewFitter(), testLargeTreeFit(), and testTreeFit().

int nfit

Definition at line 70 of file testFitPerf.cxx.

bool USE_BRANCH = false

Definition at line 91 of file testFitPerf.cxx.