28 double F1(
const double *xx) {
32 double F2(
const double *xx) {
33 double x = xx[0];
double y = xx[1];
34 return b * (y - x*
x );
38 double DerivF1(
const double *,
int icoord) {
39 if (icoord == 0)
return -
42 double DerivF2(
const double *xx,
int icoord) {
44 if (icoord == 0)
return -2 * b *
73 double x0[] = {-1.,-1.};
75 bool ret = rf.
78 std::cerr <<
"testMultiRootFinder - Error running derivative algorithm " << std::endl;
86 std::vector<ROOT::Math::IMultiGenFunction*> funlist;
87 funlist.push_back(&f1);
88 funlist.push_back(&f2);
93 bool ret2 = rf2.
95 std::cerr <<
"testMultiRootFinder - Error running non-derivative algorithm " << std::endl;
96 if (printlevel == 0) rf2.
104 int main (
int argc,
char **argv) {
108 printlevel = atoi(argv[1]);
112 std::cout <<
"testMultiRootFinder --- \t" <<
"OK" << std::endl;
115 std::cerr <<
"testMultiRootFinder --- \t" <<
"FAILED ! " <<
"\t with status = " << status << std::endl;
Class for Multidimensional root finding algorithms bassed on GSL.
GradFunctor class for Multidimensional gradient functions.
Documentation for class Functor class.
bool SetFunctionList(FuncIterator begin, FuncIterator end)
int Status() const
Return the status of last root finding.
bool Solve(const double *x, int maxIter=0, double absTol=0, double relTol=0)
Find the root starting from the point X; Use the number of iteration and tolerance if given otherwise...
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int AddFunction(const ROOT::Math::IMultiGenFunction &func)
int testMultiRootFinder()
double f2(const double *x)
void SetPrintLevel(int level)
void PrintState(std::ostream &os=std::cout)
print iteration state