ROOT  6.06/09
Reference Guide
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ROOT::Vc Namespace Reference




struct  _MemorySizeCalculation
class  BinaryOperation
class  CpuId
 This class is available for x86 / AMD64 systems to read and interpret information about the CPU's capabilities. More...
struct  DetermineEntryType
struct  DetermineEntryType< sfloat >
struct  ImplementationT
struct  Math
struct  Math< double >
struct  Math< float >
class  Memory
 A helper class for fixed-size two-dimensional arrays. More...
class  Memory< V, 0u, 0u >
 A helper class that is very similar to Memory<V, Size> but with dynamically allocated memory and thus dynamic size. More...
class  Memory< V, Size, 0u >
 A helper class to simplify usage of correctly aligned and padded memory, allowing both vector and scalar access. More...
class  MemoryBase
 Common interface to all Memory classes, independent of allocation on the stack or heap. More...
class  MemoryDimensionBase
class  MemoryDimensionBase< V, Parent, 1, RowMemory >
class  MemoryDimensionBase< V, Parent, 2, RowMemory >
struct  NegateTypeHelper
struct  NegateTypeHelper< unsigned char >
struct  NegateTypeHelper< unsigned int >
struct  NegateTypeHelper< unsigned short >
class  Operand
struct  sfloat
struct  Trigonometric
class  VectorPointerHelper
 Helper class for the Memory::vector(size_t) class of functions. More...
class  VectorPointerHelperConst
 Helper class for the Memory::vector(size_t) class of functions. More...


typedef ImplementationT< VC_IMPLCurrentImplementation
typedef VectorAlignedBaseT VectorAlignedBase
typedef VECTOR_NAMESPACE::double_v double_v
typedef double_v::Mask double_m
typedef VECTOR_NAMESPACE::sfloat_v sfloat_v
typedef sfloat_v::Mask sfloat_m
typedef VECTOR_NAMESPACE::float_v float_v
typedef float_v::Mask float_m
typedef VECTOR_NAMESPACE::int_v int_v
typedef int_v::Mask int_m
typedef VECTOR_NAMESPACE::uint_v uint_v
typedef uint_v::Mask uint_m
typedef VECTOR_NAMESPACE::short_v short_v
typedef short_v::Mask short_m
typedef VECTOR_NAMESPACE::ushort_v ushort_v
typedef ushort_v::Mask ushort_m


enum  BinaryOperation { AddOp, SubOp, MulOp, DivOp }
enum  AlignedFlag { Aligned = 0 }
enum  UnalignedFlag { Unaligned = 1 }
enum  StreamingAndAlignedFlag { Streaming = 2 }
enum  StreamingAndUnalignedFlag { StreamingAndUnaligned = 3 }
enum  MallocAlignment { AlignOnVector, AlignOnCacheline, AlignOnPage }
 Enum that specifies the alignment and padding restrictions to use for memory allocation with Vc::malloc. More...
enum  Implementation {
  ScalarImpl, SSE2Impl, SSE3Impl, SSSE3Impl,
  SSE41Impl, SSE42Impl, AVXImpl, AVX2Impl,
  ImplementationMask = 0xfff
 Enum to identify a certain SIMD instruction set. More...
enum  ExtraInstructions {
  Float16cInstructions = 0x01000, Fma4Instructions = 0x02000, XopInstructions = 0x04000, PopcntInstructions = 0x08000,
  Sse4aInstructions = 0x10000, FmaInstructions = 0x20000, ExtraInstructionsMask = 0xfffff000u
 The list of available instructions is not easily described by a linear list of instruction sets. More...
enum  VecPos {
  X0, X1, X2, X3,
  X4, X5, X6, X7,
  Y0, Y1, Y2, Y3,
  Y4, Y5, Y6, Y7


template<typename V , typename M , typename A >
Vc_ALWAYS_INLINE void deinterleave (V *a, V *b, const M *memory, A align)
 Loads two vectors of values from an interleaved array. More...
template<typename V , typename M >
Vc_ALWAYS_INLINE void deinterleave (V *a, V *b, const M *memory)
template<typename T >
static Vc_ALWAYS_INLINE Vector< T > iif (typename Vector< T >::Mask condition, Vector< T > trueValue, Vector< T > falseValue)
 Function to mimic the ternary operator '?:'. More...
template<typename T , Vc::MallocAlignment A>
Vc_ALWAYS_INLINE_L T *Vc_ALWAYS_INLINE_R malloc (size_t n)
 Allocates memory on the Heap with alignment and padding suitable for vectorized access. More...
template<typename T >
Vc_ALWAYS_INLINE void free (T *p)
 Frees memory that was allocated with Vc::malloc. More...
Vc_ALWAYS_INLINE void prefetchForOneRead (const void *addr)
 Prefetch the cacheline containing addr for a single read access. More...
Vc_ALWAYS_INLINE void prefetchForModify (const void *addr)
 Prefetch the cacheline containing addr for modification. More...
Vc_ALWAYS_INLINE void prefetchClose (const void *addr)
 Prefetch the cacheline containing addr to L1 cache. More...
Vc_ALWAYS_INLINE void prefetchMid (const void *addr)
 Prefetch the cacheline containing addr to L2 cache. More...
Vc_ALWAYS_INLINE void prefetchFar (const void *addr)
 Prefetch the cacheline containing addr to L3 cache. More...
template<typename _T >
static Vc_ALWAYS_INLINE void assertCorrectAlignment (const _T *)
Vc_CONSTEXPR StreamingAndUnalignedFlag operator| (UnalignedFlag, StreamingAndAlignedFlag)
Vc_CONSTEXPR StreamingAndUnalignedFlag operator| (StreamingAndAlignedFlag, UnalignedFlag)
Vc_CONSTEXPR StreamingAndUnalignedFlag operator& (UnalignedFlag, StreamingAndAlignedFlag)
Vc_CONSTEXPR StreamingAndUnalignedFlag operator& (StreamingAndAlignedFlag, UnalignedFlag)
Vc_CONSTEXPR StreamingAndAlignedFlag operator| (AlignedFlag, StreamingAndAlignedFlag)
Vc_CONSTEXPR StreamingAndAlignedFlag operator| (StreamingAndAlignedFlag, AlignedFlag)
Vc_CONSTEXPR StreamingAndAlignedFlag operator& (AlignedFlag, StreamingAndAlignedFlag)
Vc_CONSTEXPR StreamingAndAlignedFlag operator& (StreamingAndAlignedFlag, AlignedFlag)
static const char * versionString ()
static unsigned int versionNumber ()
void checkLibraryAbi (unsigned int compileTimeAbi, unsigned int versionNumber, const char *versionString)
 V_ALIGN (64) unsigned int RandomState[16]
static unsigned int CpuIdAmdAssociativityTable (int bits)
static VC_TARGET_NO_SIMD bool xgetbvCheck (unsigned int bits)
Micro-Architecture Feature Tests
VC_TARGET_NO_SIMD unsigned int extraInstructionsSupported ()
 Determines the extra instructions supported by the current CPU. More...
VC_TARGET_NO_SIMD bool isImplementationSupported (Vc::Implementation impl)
 Tests whether the given implementation is supported by the system the code is executing on. More...
template<typename Impl >
static VC_TARGET_NO_SIMD bool isImplementationSupported ()
VC_TARGET_NO_SIMD Vc::Implementation bestImplementationSupported ()
 Determines the best supported implementation for the current system. More...
static VC_TARGET_NO_SIMD bool currentImplementationSupported ()
 Tests that the CPU and Operating System support the vector unit which was compiled for. More...



Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 475 of file global.h.

typedef double_v::Mask ROOT::Vc::double_m

Definition at line 81 of file vector.h.

typedef VECTOR_NAMESPACE::double_v ROOT::Vc::double_v

Definition at line 80 of file vector.h.

typedef float_v::Mask ROOT::Vc::float_m

Definition at line 85 of file vector.h.

typedef VECTOR_NAMESPACE::float_v ROOT::Vc::float_v

Definition at line 84 of file vector.h.

typedef int_v::Mask ROOT::Vc::int_m

Definition at line 87 of file vector.h.

typedef VECTOR_NAMESPACE::int_v ROOT::Vc::int_v

Definition at line 86 of file vector.h.

typedef sfloat_v::Mask ROOT::Vc::sfloat_m

Definition at line 83 of file vector.h.

typedef VECTOR_NAMESPACE::sfloat_v ROOT::Vc::sfloat_v

Definition at line 82 of file vector.h.

typedef short_v::Mask ROOT::Vc::short_m

Definition at line 91 of file vector.h.

typedef VECTOR_NAMESPACE::short_v ROOT::Vc::short_v

Definition at line 90 of file vector.h.

typedef uint_v::Mask ROOT::Vc::uint_m

Definition at line 89 of file vector.h.

typedef VECTOR_NAMESPACE::uint_v ROOT::Vc::uint_v

Definition at line 88 of file vector.h.

typedef ushort_v::Mask ROOT::Vc::ushort_m

Definition at line 93 of file vector.h.

typedef VECTOR_NAMESPACE::ushort_v ROOT::Vc::ushort_v

Definition at line 92 of file vector.h.

typedef VectorAlignedBaseT ROOT::Vc::VectorAlignedBase

Definition at line 49 of file vector.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation


Definition at line 308 of file global.h.


Definition at line 35 of file operand.h.

The list of available instructions is not easily described by a linear list of instruction sets.

On x86 the following instruction sets always include their predecessors: SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, AVX2

But there are additional instructions that are not necessarily required by this list. These are covered in this enum.


Support for float16 conversions in hardware.


Support for FMA4 instructions.


Support for XOP instructions.


Support for the population count instruction.


Support for SSE4a instructions.


Support for FMA instructions (3 operand variant)


Definition at line 407 of file global.h.

Enum to identify a certain SIMD instruction set.

You can use VC_IMPL for the currently active implementation.

See also

uses only fundamental types


x86 SSE + SSE2


x86 SSE + SSE2 + SSE3


x86 SSE + SSE2 + SSE3 + SSSE3


x86 SSE + SSE2 + SSE3 + SSSE3 + SSE4.1


x86 SSE + SSE2 + SSE3 + SSSE3 + SSE4.1 + SSE4.2


x86 AVX


x86 AVX + AVX2


Definition at line 377 of file global.h.

Enum that specifies the alignment and padding restrictions to use for memory allocation with Vc::malloc.


Align on boundary of vector sizes (e.g.

16 Bytes on SSE platforms) and pad to allow vector access to the end. Thus the allocated memory contains a multiple of VectorAlignment bytes.


Align on boundary of cache line sizes (e.g.

64 Bytes on x86) and pad to allow full cache line access to the end. Thus the allocated memory contains a multiple of 64 bytes.


Align on boundary of page sizes (e.g.

4096 Bytes on x86) and pad to allow full page access to the end. Thus the allocated memory contains a multiple of 4096 bytes.

Definition at line 328 of file global.h.


Definition at line 314 of file global.h.


Definition at line 317 of file global.h.


Definition at line 311 of file global.h.


Definition at line 28 of file shuffle.h.

Function Documentation

template<typename _T >
static Vc_ALWAYS_INLINE void ROOT::Vc::assertCorrectAlignment ( const _T *  )
VC_TARGET_NO_SIMD Vc::Implementation ROOT::Vc::bestImplementationSupported ( )

Determines the best supported implementation for the current system.

The enum value for the best implementation.

Definition at line 83 of file support.cpp.

void ROOT::Vc::checkLibraryAbi ( unsigned int  compileTimeAbi,
unsigned int  versionNumber,
const char *  versionString 

Definition at line 519 of file const.cpp.

static unsigned int ROOT::Vc::CpuIdAmdAssociativityTable ( int  bits)

Definition at line 101 of file cpuid.cpp.

Referenced by ROOT::Vc::CpuId::init().

static VC_TARGET_NO_SIMD bool ROOT::Vc::currentImplementationSupported ( )

Tests that the CPU and Operating System support the vector unit which was compiled for.

This function should be called before any other Vc functionality is used. It checks whether the program will work. If this function returns false then the program should exit with a useful error message before the OS has to kill it because of an invalid instruction exception.

If the program continues and makes use of any vector features not supported by hard- or software then the program will crash.


int main()
std::cerr << "CPU or OS requirements not met for the compiled in vector unit!\n";
exit -1;
true if the OS and hardware support execution of the currently selected SIMD instructions.
false otherwise

Definition at line 138 of file support.h.

Referenced by _UnitTest_verify_vector_unit_supported(), and testCompiledImplementation().

template<typename V , typename M , typename A >
Vc_ALWAYS_INLINE void ROOT::Vc::deinterleave ( V *  a,
V *  b,
const M *  memory,

Loads two vectors of values from an interleaved array.

a,bThe vectors to load the values from memory into.
memoryThe memory location where to read the next 2 * V::Size values from
alignEither pass Vc::Aligned or Vc::Unaligned. It defaults to Vc::Aligned if nothing is specified.

If you store your data as

struct { float x, y; } m[1000];

then the deinterleave function allows you to read Size concurrent x and y values like this:

This code will load m[10], m[12], m[14], ... into x and m[11], m[13], m[15], ... into y.

The deinterleave function supports the following type combinations:

  V \  M | float | double | ushort | short | uint | int
 float_v |   X   |        |    X   |   X   |      |
sfloat_v |   X   |        |    X   |   X   |      |
double_v |       |    X   |        |       |      |
   int_v |       |        |        |   X   |      |  X
  uint_v |       |        |    X   |       |   X  |
 short_v |       |        |        |   X   |      |
ushort_v |       |        |    X   |       |      |

Definition at line 69 of file deinterleave.h.

Referenced by testDeinterleave().

template<typename V , typename M >
Vc_ALWAYS_INLINE void ROOT::Vc::deinterleave ( V *  a,
V *  b,
const M *  memory 

Definition at line 76 of file deinterleave.h.

Referenced by deinterleave().

VC_TARGET_NO_SIMD unsigned int ROOT::Vc::extraInstructionsSupported ( )

Determines the extra instructions supported by the current CPU.

A combination of flags from Vc::ExtraInstructions that the current CPU supports.

Definition at line 99 of file support.cpp.

Referenced by isImplementationSupported(), and testExtraInstructions().

template<typename T >
Vc_ALWAYS_INLINE void ROOT::Vc::free ( T *  p)

Frees memory that was allocated with Vc::malloc.

pThe pointer to the memory to be freed.
Template Parameters
TThe type of the allocated memory.
The destructor of T is not called. If needed, you can call the destructor before calling free:
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
See also

Definition at line 94 of file memory.h.

Referenced by alloc_vprintf2(), AllocateX3DBuffer(), XrdProofdClientMgr::Auth(), TCling::AutoLoad(), begin_request_handler(), TODBCStatement::BindParam(), TKSocket::BlockRead(), TKSocket::BlockWrite(), RooArgSet::cleanup(), RooDataSet::cleanup(), XrdProofdProofServMgr::CleanupProofServ(), TTable::Clear(), close_all_listening_sockets(), TXSocket::Create(), Cppyy::Deallocate(), ROOT::Minuit2::StackAllocator::Deallocate(), TGX11::DeletePictureData(), TGWin32::DeletePictureData(), Memstat::demangle(), TClassEdit::DemangleName(), destroy_asdraw_context32(), ROOT::Math::Delaunay2D::DoFindTriangles(), BidirMMapPipe_impl::PageChunk::domunmap(), drr_func_entry_free(), drr_parse_ret_type(), RooRealMPFE::evaluate(), XrdProofdAux::Expand(), FCGX_ROOT_send_file(), TCastorFile::FindServerAndPath(), free_context(), TXMLEngine::FreeAllAttr(), TXMLEngine::FreeAttr(), TODBCStatement::FreeBuffers(), Memstat::TMemStatMng::FreeHook(), TXMLEngine::FreeNode(), TCling::GetClass(), TCling::GetDeclId(), TEnum::GetEnum(), TUUID::GetNodeIdentifier(), XrdProofdAux::GetProcesses(), Memstat::getSymbols(), TGX11::GetTextExtent(), GetWinNTMemInfo(), TWinNTSystem::GetWorkingDirectory(), GIFquantize(), gl2psFree(), gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(), gsl_integration_workspace_free(), handle_cgi_request(), handle_directory_request(), XrdProofPhyConn::Init(), ROOT::R::TRInterface::Interactive(), Krb5Authenticate(), TCling::LazyFunctionCreatorAutoload(), TNetXNGSystem::Locate(), XrdProofConn::Login(), main(), MakeXImage(), master_thread_run(), mg_close_connection(), mg_connect(), mg_set_request_handler(), mg_start(), mg_vprintf(), TXSocket::Ping(), _UnitTest_Compare::print(), process_new_connection(), TRootSniffer::ProduceMulti(), XrdProofdAdmin::QueryLogPaths(), ROOT::R::R_completion_generator(), TBasket::ReadBasketBuffers(), XrdProofdNetMgr::ReadBufferLocal(), TDCacheFile::ReadBuffers(), THttpServer::ReadFileContent(), TGX11::ReadGIF(), XrdProofdNetMgr::ReadLogPaths(), ReadRemote(), ReadRemoteImage(), realloc2(), rng_free(), TFastCgi::run_func(), TGHtmlBrowser::Selected(), TXSocket::SendCoordinator(), TMonaLisaWriter::SendParameters(), XrdProofConn::SendRecv(), THttpCallArg::SetBinData(), TFPBlock::SetBuffer(), TGWin32::SetClassHints(), TGFileItem::SetDNDData(), TGFileItem::SetDNDObject(), THttpCallArg::SetPostData(), TTable::SetTablePointer(), XrdProofdProofServMgr::SetupProtocol(), SubdivColorMap(), THDFSFile::SysSeek(), THDFSFile::SysStat(), trifree(), XrdProofdAux::VerifyProcessByID(), worker_thread_run(), TWinNTSystem::WorkingDirectory(), XRotCreateTextItem(), XRotDrawHorizontalString(), XRotFreeTextItem(), XRotPaintAlignedString(), XRotTextExtents(), ROOT::Vc::Memory< V, 0u, 0u >::~Memory(), TCivetweb::~TCivetweb(), TFPBlock::~TFPBlock(), THttpCallArg::~THttpCallArg(), TGenCollectionProxy::TStaging::~TStaging(), TXSockBuf::~TXSockBuf(), and XrdSrvBuffer::~XrdSrvBuffer().

template<typename T >
static Vc_ALWAYS_INLINE Vector<T> ROOT::Vc::iif ( typename Vector< T >::Mask  condition,
Vector< T >  trueValue,
Vector< T >  falseValue 

Function to mimic the ternary operator '?:'.

conditionDetermines which values are returned. This is analog to the first argument to the ternary operator.
trueValueThe values to return where condition is true.
falseValueThe values to return where condition is false.
A combination of entries from trueValue and falseValue, according to condition.

So instead of the scalar variant

float x = a > 1.f ? b : b + c;

you'd write

float_v x = Vc::iif (a > 1.f, b, b + c);

Definition at line 47 of file iif.h.

VC_TARGET_NO_SIMD bool ROOT::Vc::isImplementationSupported ( Vc::Implementation  impl)

Tests whether the given implementation is supported by the system the code is executing on.

true if the OS and hardware support execution of instructions defined by impl.
false otherwise
implThe SIMD target to test for.

Definition at line 55 of file support.cpp.

Referenced by isImplementationSupported(), and testIsSupported().

template<typename Impl >
static VC_TARGET_NO_SIMD bool ROOT::Vc::isImplementationSupported ( )

Definition at line 88 of file support.h.

template<typename T , Vc::MallocAlignment A>
Vc_ALWAYS_INLINE_L T* Vc_ALWAYS_INLINE_R ROOT::Vc::malloc ( size_t  n)

Allocates memory on the Heap with alignment and padding suitable for vectorized access.

Memory that was allocated with this function must be released with Vc::free! Other methods might work but are not portable.

nSpecifies the number of objects the allocated memory must be able to store.
Template Parameters
TThe type of the allocated memory. Note, that the constructor is not called.
ADetermines the alignment of the memory. See Vc::MallocAlignment.
Pointer to memory of the requested type, or 0 on error. The allocated memory is padded at the end to be a multiple of the requested alignment A. Thus if you request memory for 21 int objects, aligned via Vc::AlignOnCacheline, you can safely read a full cacheline until the end of the array, without generating an out-of-bounds access. For a cacheline size of 64 Bytes and an int size of 4 Bytes you would thus get an array of 128 Bytes to work with.
  • The standard malloc function specifies the number of Bytes to allocate whereas this function specifies the number of values, thus differing in a factor of sizeof(T).
  • This function is mainly meant for use with builtin types. If you use a custom type with a sizeof that is not a multiple of 2 the results might not be what you expect.
  • The constructor of T is not called. You can make up for this:
    SomeType *array = new(Vc::malloc<SomeType, Vc::AlignOnCacheline>(N)) SomeType[N];
See also

Definition at line 67 of file memory.h.

Referenced by alloc_vprintf(), alloc_vprintf2(), Cppyy::Allocate(), ROOT::Minuit2::StackAllocator::Allocate(), TXMLEngine::AllocateAttr(), TXMLEngine::AllocateNode(), Memstat::TMemStatMng::AllocHook(), XrdProofConn::Authenticate(), begin_request_handler(), TODBCStatement::BindColumn(), TODBCStatement::BindParam(), Cppyy::CallO(), THttpCallArg::CompressWithGzip(), TCivetweb::Create(), TTable::Create(), TX11GLManager::CreateGLPixmap(), TClassEdit::DemangleName(), ROOT::Math::Delaunay2D::DoFindTriangles(), BidirMMapPipe_impl::PageChunk::dommap(), drr_func_cache_init(), drr_func_cache_push(), drr_method_missing(), TStorage::EnterStat(), XrdProofdAux::Expand(), TOracleStatement::GetBinary(), TUUID::GetNodeIdentifier(), TGWin32::GetProperty(), GIFquantize(), gl2psMalloc(), gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(), handle_cgi_request(), mg_set_request_handler(), mg_strndup(), my_strdup(), TASImage::operator=(), TXSocket::PopUpSpare(), TRootSniffer::ProduceBinary(), TRootSniffer::ProduceExe(), TRootSniffer::ProduceImage(), TRootSniffer::ProduceMulti(), ROOT::R::R_completion_generator(), XrdProofdNetMgr::ReadBufferLocal(), TRFIOFile::ReadBuffers(), TDCacheFile::ReadBuffers(), THttpServer::ReadFileContent(), TGX11TTF::RenderString(), rng_alloc(), rr_register_ctf1_fcn(), rr_register_ctf2_fcn(), TFastCgi::run_func(), TMonaLisaWriter::SendParameters(), set_ssl_option(), TGWin32::SetClassHints(), SubdivColorMap(), TASImage::TASImage(), trimalloc(), TGenCollectionProxy::TStaging::TStaging(), XrdSrvBuffer::XrdSrvBuffer(), XRotCreateTextItem(), XRotPaintAlignedString(), and XRotTextExtents().

Definition at line 360 of file global.h.

Definition at line 361 of file global.h.

Definition at line 365 of file global.h.

Definition at line 366 of file global.h.

Definition at line 358 of file global.h.

Definition at line 359 of file global.h.

Definition at line 363 of file global.h.

Definition at line 364 of file global.h.

Vc_ALWAYS_INLINE void ROOT::Vc::prefetchClose ( const void addr)

Prefetch the cacheline containing addr to L1 cache.

This prefetch evicts data from the cache. So use it only for data you really will use.

addrThe cacheline containing addr will be prefetched.

Definition at line 597 of file memory.h.

Vc_ALWAYS_INLINE void ROOT::Vc::prefetchFar ( const void addr)

Prefetch the cacheline containing addr to L3 cache.

This prefetch evicts data from the cache. So use it only for data you really will use.

addrThe cacheline containing addr will be prefetched.

Definition at line 627 of file memory.h.

Vc_ALWAYS_INLINE void ROOT::Vc::prefetchForModify ( const void addr)

Prefetch the cacheline containing addr for modification.

This prefetch evicts data from the cache. So use it only for data you really will use. When the target system supports it the cacheline will be marked as modified while prefetching, saving work later on.

addrThe cacheline containing addr will be prefetched.

Definition at line 582 of file memory.h.

Vc_ALWAYS_INLINE void ROOT::Vc::prefetchForOneRead ( const void addr)

Prefetch the cacheline containing addr for a single read access.

This prefetch completely bypasses the cache, not evicting any other data.

addrThe cacheline containing addr will be prefetched.

Definition at line 565 of file memory.h.

Referenced by main().

Vc_ALWAYS_INLINE void ROOT::Vc::prefetchMid ( const void addr)

Prefetch the cacheline containing addr to L2 cache.

This prefetch evicts data from the cache. So use it only for data you really will use.

addrThe cacheline containing addr will be prefetched.

Definition at line 612 of file memory.h.

ROOT::Vc::V_ALIGN ( 64  )
static unsigned int ROOT::Vc::versionNumber ( )

Definition at line 35 of file version.h.

static const char* ROOT::Vc::versionString ( )

Definition at line 31 of file version.h.

static VC_TARGET_NO_SIMD bool ROOT::Vc::xgetbvCheck ( unsigned int  bits)

Definition at line 39 of file support.cpp.

Referenced by bestImplementationSupported(), and isImplementationSupported().

Variable Documentation


Definition at line 517 of file const.cpp.


Definition at line 515 of file const.cpp.


Definition at line 516 of file const.cpp.