3 #ifndef ROOT_TPySelector
4 #define ROOT_TPySelector
16 #ifndef ROOT_TSelector
virtual void Abort(const char *why, EAbort what=kAbortProcess)
If no 'why' given, read from python error.
virtual Bool_t Notify()
Forward call to derived Notify() if available.
virtual Int_t GetEntry(Long64_t entry, Int_t getall=0)
Boilerplate get entry; same as for generated code; not forwarded.
virtual void Begin(TTree *tree=0)
First function called, and used to setup the python self; forward call.
PyObject * CallSelf(const char *method, PyObject *pyobject=0)
Forward to python.
virtual Int_t Version() const
virtual void SlaveBegin(TTree *tree)
First function called on worker node, needs to make sure python self is setup, then store the tree to...
virtual Bool_t Process(Long64_t entry)
Actual processing; call is forwarded to python self.
virtual void Init(TTree *tree)
Initialize with the current tree to be used; not forwarded (may be called multiple times...
virtual void SlaveTerminate()
End of client; call is forwarded to python self.
virtual void Terminate()
End of job; call is forwarded to python self.
TPySelector(TTree *=0, PyObject *self=0)
virtual ~TPySelector()
Destructor. Only deref if still holding on to Py_None (circular otherwise).
TList * fInput
Current object if processing object (vs. TTree)
A TTree object has a header with a name and a title.
A TSelector object is used by the TTree::Draw, TTree::Scan, TTree::Process to navigate in a TTree and...