a MapReduce method with no arguments is being executed
Tell a TPoolProcessor which tree and entries range to process. The object sent is a TreeRangeInfo...
void ReplyToIdle(TSocket *s)
Reply to a worker who is idle.
int MPSend(TSocket *s, unsigned code)
Send a message with the specified code on the specified socket.
a MapReduce method with arguments is being executed
Tell a TPoolProcessor which tree to process. The object sent is a TreeInfo.
no task is being executed
enum TProcPool::ETask fTask
the kind of task that is being executed, if any
a ProcTree method is being executed and each worker will process a certain range of each file ...
unsigned fNToProcess
total number of arguments to pass to the workers
TProcPool(unsigned nWorkers=0)
Class constructor.
Execute function with the argument contained in the message.
Execute function without arguments.
Used by the client to tell servers to shutdown.
Ask for a kFuncResult/kProcResult.
Base class for multiprocess applications' clients.
a ProcTree method is being executed and each worker will process a different file ...
void ReplyToFuncResult(TSocket *s)
Reply to a worker who just sent a result.
a Map method with no arguments is being executed
a Map method with arguments is being executed
void Reset()
Reset TProcPool's state.
unsigned fNProcessed
number of arguments already passed to the workers