12 #ifndef ROOT_TParallelCoordEditor
13 #define ROOT_TParallelCoordEditor
15 #ifndef ROOT_TGedFrame
This is the TParallelCoord editor.
virtual void DoApplySelect()
Slot to apply a selection to the tree.
virtual void DoShowRanges(Bool_t s)
Slot to show or not the ranges on the pad.
TGTextButton * fRenameVar
TParallelCoordEditor(const TGWindow *p=0, Int_t width=140, Int_t height=30, UInt_t options=kChildFrame, Pixel_t back=GetDefaultFrameBackground())
Normal constructor.
TGTextButton * fDeleteVar
virtual void DoGlobalLineWidth(Int_t)
Slot to set the global line width.
virtual void DoHistColorSelect(Pixel_t)
Slot to set the histograms color.
virtual void DoHistBinning()
Slot to set the axes histogram binning.
virtual void DoHistShowBoxes(Bool_t)
Slot to set histogram height.
TGColorSelect * fHistColorSelect
virtual void DoSelectLineWidth(Int_t)
Slot to set the line width of selection.
TGCheckButton * fPaintEntries
virtual void ConnectSignals2Slots()
Connect signals to slots.
TGButtonGroup * fLineTypeBgroup
virtual void DoFirstEntry()
Slot to set the first entry.
virtual void DoVariableSelect(const char *var)
Slot to select a variable.
TGCheckButton * fHideAllRanges
virtual void DoAlphaField()
Slot to set the alpha value from the entry field.
TGCheckButton * fDelayDrawing
TGTextEntry * fAddVariable
virtual void DoLiveAlpha(Int_t a)
Slot to set alpha value online.
virtual void DoHistWidth()
Slot to set histogram width.
virtual void DoWeightCut()
Slot to update the weight cut.
virtual void DoLiveEntriesToDraw()
Slot to update the entries fields from the slider position.
static Pixel_t GetDefaultFrameBackground()
Get default frame background.
virtual void DoDotsSpacing()
Slot to set the line dotspacing.
TGLineWidthComboBox * fSelectLineWidth
TGColorSelect * fSelectLineColor
virtual void DoHistPatternSelect(Style_t)
Slot to set the histograms fill style.
virtual void DoDeleteVar()
Slot to delete a variable().
TGCheckButton * fActivateSelection
virtual void DoSelectionSelect(const char *title)
Slot to set the selection beeing edited.
virtual void DoSelectLineColor(Pixel_t)
Slot to set the line color of selection.
TGTextButton * fDeleteSelection
TGTextButton * fButtonAddVar
virtual void DoPaintEntries(Bool_t)
Slot to postpone the entries drawing.
virtual void DoEntriesToDraw()
Slot to select the entries to be drawn.
TGNumberEntryField * fFirstEntry
TGNumberEntryField * fHistWidth
TGComboBox * fSelectionSelect
virtual void DoLiveDotsSpacing(Int_t a)
Slot to set the dots spacing online.
void CleanUpSelections()
Clean up the selection combo box.
TGColorSelect * fGlobalLineColor
TGCompositeFrame * fVarTab
virtual void DoUnApply()
Slot to reset the tree entry list to the original one.
TParallelCoord * fParallel
TGNumberEntryField * fHistBinning
virtual void DoLineType()
Slot to set the line type.
TGLineWidthComboBox * fGlobalLineWidth
TGDoubleHSlider * fEntriesToDraw
virtual void DoAddVariable()
Slot to add a variable.
TGRadioButton * fLineTypeCurves
void CleanUpVariables()
Clean up the variables combo box.
virtual void DoActivateSelection(Bool_t)
Slot to activate or not a selection.
virtual void DoAlpha()
Slot to set the alpha value.
virtual void SetModel(TObject *obj)
Pick up the used parallel coordinates plot attributes.
virtual void DoNentries()
Slot to set the number of entries to display.
virtual void DoDeleteSelection()
Slot to delete a selection.
virtual void DoGlobalLineColor(Pixel_t)
Slot to set the global line color.
virtual void DoDelayDrawing(Bool_t)
Slot to delay the drawing.
virtual void DoLiveWeightCut(Int_t n)
Slot to update the wieght cut entry field from the slider position.
TGNumberEntryField * fWeightCutField
virtual void DoAddSelection()
Slot to add a selection.
TGedPatternSelect * fHistPatternSelect
void MakeVariablesTab()
Make the "variable" tab.
Parallel Coordinates class.
Mother of all ROOT objects.
TGNumberEntryField * fAlphaField
TGNumberEntryField * fDotsSpacingField
virtual void DoHideAllRanges(Bool_t)
Slot to hide all the ranges.
TGCheckButton * fHistShowBoxes
TGTextButton * fApplySelect
TGNumberEntryField * fNentries
TGTextButton * fAddSelection
virtual void DoDotsSpacingField()
Slot to set the line dotspacing from the entry field.
TGCheckButton * fShowRanges
TGRadioButton * fLineTypePoly
TGTextEntry * fAddSelectionField