44 RooCategory* RooAbsHiddenReal::_dummyBlindState = 0;
52 _state(
"Blinding state",this,dummyBlindState())
63 _state(
"Blinding state",this,blindState)
74 _state(
virtual ~RooAbsHiddenReal()
virtual Bool_t setIndex(Int_t index, Bool_t printError=kTRUE)
Set value by specifying the index code of the desired state.
RooAbsCategory & dummyBlindState() const
Return reference to internal dummy RooCategory implementation blinding state switch.
virtual void writeToStream(std::ostream &os, Bool_t compact) const
Special version of writeToStream that disallows reading from stream.
virtual void writeToStream(std::ostream &os, Bool_t compact) const
Write object contents to stream (dummy for now)
virtual void printValue(std::ostream &stream) const
Special version of printValue that doesn't reveal the objects value.
virtual const char * GetName() const
Returns name of object.
virtual Bool_t readFromStream(std::istream &is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t verbose=kFALSE)
Special version of readFromStream that disallows reading from stream.
RooAbsReal is the common abstract base class for objects that represent a real value and implements f...
Bool_t defineType(const char *label)
Define a state with given name, the lowest available positive integer is assigned as index...
static RooCategory * _dummyBlindState