bool Solve(int maxIter=100, double absTol=1E-8, double relTol=1E-10)
Returns the X value corresponding to the function value fy for (xmin
void optimizeConst(Int_t flag)
If flag is true, perform constant term optimization on function being minimized.
static double GetExpectedPValues(double pnull, double palt, double nsigma, bool usecls, bool oneSided=true)
function given the null and the alt p value - return the expected one given the N - sigma value ...
static int DefaultStrategy()
RooAbsPdf * MakeNuisancePdf(RooAbsPdf &pdf, const RooArgSet &observables, const char *name)
const RooArgSet * GetConditionalObservables() const
get RooArgSet for conditional observables (return NULL if not existing)
virtual Double_t CLs() const
CLs is simply CLs+b/CLb (not a method, but a quantity)
const RooArgSet * GetGlobalObservables() const
get RooArgSet for global observables (return NULL if not existing)
double normal_quantile_c(double z, double sigma)
Inverse ( ) of the cumulative distribution function of the upper tail of the normal (Gaussian) distri...
RooCmdArg CloneData(Bool_t flag)
RooCmdArg PrintLevel(Int_t code)
virtual Bool_t setIndex(Int_t index, Bool_t printError=kTRUE)
Set value by specifying the index code of the desired state.
RooArgSet * getObservables(const RooArgSet &set, Bool_t valueOnly=kTRUE) const
virtual void Print(Option_t *options=0) const
Print TNamed name and title.
const RooAbsCategoryLValue & indexCat() const
Bool_t contains(const RooAbsArg &var) const
HypoTestResult is a base class for results from hypothesis tests.
RooCmdArg Strategy(Int_t code)
virtual Double_t getMin(const char *name=0) const
static RooMsgService & instance()
Return reference to singleton instance.
AsymptoticCalculator(RooAbsData &data, const ModelConfig &altModel, const ModelConfig &nullModel, bool nominalAsimov=false)
virtual Double_t getBinWidth(Int_t i, const char *rangeName=0) const
RooAbsPdf * getPdf(const char *catName) const
Return the p.d.f associated with the given index category name.
virtual Double_t expectedEvents(const RooArgSet *nset) const
Return expected number of events from this p.d.f for use in extended likelihood calculations.
ClassImp(TIterator) Bool_t TIterator return false
Compare two iterator objects.
static void setHideOffset(Bool_t flag)
const RooArgSet * GetNuisanceParameters() const
get RooArgSet containing the nuisance parameters (return NULL if not existing)
ClassDef(AsymptoticCalculator, 2) private bool fOneSidedDiscovery
void setEps(Double_t eps)
Change MINUIT epsilon.
void setStrategy(Int_t strat)
Change MINUIT strategy to istrat.
Template class to wrap any C++ callable object which takes one argument i.e.
static void SetPrintLevel(int level)
static RooAbsData * GenerateCountingAsimovData(RooAbsPdf &pdf, const RooArgSet &obs, const RooRealVar &weightVar, RooCategory *channelCat=0)
RooAbsArg * first() const
Common base class for the Hypothesis Test Calculators.
static RooAbsData * MakeAsimovData(RooAbsData &data, const ModelConfig &model, const RooArgSet &poiValues, RooArgSet &globObs, const RooArgSet *genPoiValues=0)
make the asimov data from the ModelConfig and list of poi - return data set annd snapshoot of global ...
static void FillBins(const RooAbsPdf &pdf, const RooArgList &obs, RooAbsData &data, int &index, double &binVolume, int &ibin)
static TString Format(const char *fmt,...)
Static method which formats a string using a printf style format descriptor and return a TString...
virtual void removeAll()
Remove all arguments from our set, deleting them if we own them.
RooArgSet * getVariables(Bool_t stripDisconnected=kTRUE) const
Return RooArgSet with all variables (tree leaf nodes of expresssion tree)
double normal_cdf(double x, double sigma=1, double x0=0)
Cumulative distribution function of the normal (Gaussian) distribution (lower tail).
Int_t numTypes(const char *=0) const
virtual Int_t getBins(const char *name=0) const
std::map< std::string, std::string >::const_iterator iter
Double_t getVal(const RooArgSet *set=0) const
void setBins(Int_t nBins, const char *name=0)
virtual void add(const RooArgSet &row, Double_t weight=1, Double_t weightError=0)=0
RooArgSet * getParameters(const RooAbsData *data, Bool_t stripDisconnected=kTRUE) const
Create a list of leaf nodes in the arg tree starting with ourself as top node that don't match any of...
virtual const RooArgSet * get() const
const ModelConfig * GetAlternateModel(void) const
double Root() const
Returns root value.
RooFit::MsgLevel globalKillBelow() const
virtual void setVal(Double_t value)
Set value of variable to 'value'.
static double EvaluateNLL(RooAbsPdf &pdf, RooAbsData &data, const RooArgSet *condObs, const RooArgSet *poiSet=0)
const ModelConfig * GetNullModel(void) const
RooAbsArg * find(const char *name) const
Find object with given name in list.
static const std::string & DefaultMinimizerType()
void setConstant(Bool_t value=kTRUE)
RooFitResult * save(const char *name=0, const char *title=0)
Save and return a RooFitResult snaphot of current minimizer status.
RooCmdArg Minimizer(const char *type, const char *alg=0)
virtual void Print(Option_t *options=0) const
This method must be overridden when a class wants to print itself.
virtual Int_t numEntries() const
static int DefaultPrintLevel()
void setGlobalKillBelow(RooFit::MsgLevel level)
virtual const char * GetName() const
Returns name of object.
The ROOT global object gROOT contains a list of all defined classes.
static bool SetObsToExpected(RooAbsPdf &pdf, const RooArgSet &obs)
void setNoRounding(bool flag=kTRUE)
double normal_cdf_c(double x, double sigma=1, double x0=0)
Complement of the cumulative distribution function of the normal (Gaussian) distribution (upper tail)...
static Bool_t hideOffset()
virtual void add(const RooArgSet &row, Double_t weight=1.0, Double_t weightError=0)
Add a data point, with its coordinates specified in the 'data' argset, to the data set...
virtual Double_t sumEntries() const
Bool_t isConstant() const
Class for finding the root of a one dimensional function using the Brent algorithm.
RooCmdArg Import(const char *state, TH1 &histo)
const RooArgSet * GetObservables() const
get RooArgSet for observables (return NULL if not existing)
static const std::string & DefaultMinimizerAlgo()
RooCmdArg Index(RooCategory &icat)
TRObject operator()(const T1 &t1) const
Namespace for the RooStats classes.
RooCmdArg Hesse(Bool_t flag=kTRUE)
void Print(std::ostream &os, const OptionType &opt)
RooAbsReal is the common abstract base class for objects that represent a real value and implements f...
Bool_t canBeExtended() const
ClassImp(TMCParticle) void TMCParticle printf(": p=(%7.3f,%7.3f,%9.3f) ;", fPx, fPy, fPz)
int fUseQTilde
flag to check if calculator is initialized
RooCmdArg WeightVar(const char *name, Bool_t reinterpretAsWeight=kFALSE)
bool SetAllConstant(const RooAbsCollection &coll, bool constant=true)
const RooArgSet * GetSnapshot() const
get RooArgSet for parameters for a particular hypothesis (return NULL if not existing) ...
RooFIter serverMIterator() const
Int_t minimize(const char *type, const char *alg=0)
const RooAbsData * GetData(void) const
static Vc_ALWAYS_INLINE int_v max(const int_v &x, const int_v &y)
Mother of all ROOT objects.
Int_t setPrintLevel(Int_t newLevel)
Change the MINUIT internal printing level.
virtual Double_t getMax(const char *name=0) const
void RemoveConstantParameters(RooArgSet *set)
RooAbsPdf is the abstract interface for all probability density functions The class provides hybrid a...
double f2(const double *x)
Bool_t dependsOn(const RooAbsCollection &serverList, const RooAbsArg *ignoreArg=0, Bool_t valueOnly=kFALSE) const
Test whether we depend on (ie, are served by) any object in the specified collection.
virtual RooFitResult * fitTo(RooAbsData &data, const RooCmdArg &arg1=RooCmdArg::none(), const RooCmdArg &arg2=RooCmdArg::none(), const RooCmdArg &arg3=RooCmdArg::none(), const RooCmdArg &arg4=RooCmdArg::none(), const RooCmdArg &arg5=RooCmdArg::none(), const RooCmdArg &arg6=RooCmdArg::none(), const RooCmdArg &arg7=RooCmdArg::none(), const RooCmdArg &arg8=RooCmdArg::none())
Fit PDF to given dataset.
const RooArgSet * GetParametersOfInterest() const
get RooArgSet containing the parameter of interest (return NULL if not existing)
bool SetFunction(const ROOT::Math::IGenFunction &f, double xlow, double xup)
Sets the function for the rest of the algorithms.
RooLinkedListIter iterator(Bool_t dir=kIterForward) const
RooAbsArg is the common abstract base class for objects that represent a value (of arbitrary type) an...
const RooArgList & pdfList() const
static double DefaultTolerance()
RooCmdArg ConditionalObservables(const RooArgSet &set)
Hypothesis Test Calculator based on the asymptotic formulae for the profile likelihood ratio...
virtual Bool_t add(const RooAbsArg &var, Bool_t silent=kFALSE)
Add element to non-owning set.
RooCmdArg Constrain(const RooArgSet ¶ms)
virtual const char * getLabel() const
Return label string of current state.
RooAbsArg * findServer(const char *name) const
Double_t getError() const
static RooAbsData * GenerateAsimovDataSinglePdf(const RooAbsPdf &pdf, const RooArgSet &obs, const RooRealVar &weightVar, RooCategory *channelCat=0)