ROOT » CORE » BASE » SetWindowAttributes_t

class SetWindowAttributes_t


Types used by the GUI classes.

Function Members (Methods)

Data Members

ULong_tfBackgroundPixelbackground pixel
Pixmap_tfBackgroundPixmapbackground or kNone or kParentRelative
ULong_tfBackingPixelvalue to use in restoring planes
ULong_tfBackingPlanesplanes to be preseved if possible
Int_tfBackingStorekNotUseful, kWhenMapped, kAlways
Int_tfBitGravityone of bit gravity values
ULong_tfBorderPixelborder pixel value
Pixmap_tfBorderPixmapborder of the window
UInt_tfBorderWidthborder width in pixels
Colormap_tfColormapcolor map to be associated with window
Cursor_tfCursorcursor to be displayed (or kNone)
Long_tfDoNotPropagateMaskset of events that should not propagate
Long_tfEventMaskset of events that should be saved
Mask_tfMaskbit mask specifying which fields are valid
Bool_tfOverrideRedirectboolean value for override-redirect
Bool_tfSaveUndershould bits under be saved (popups)?
Int_tfWinGravityone of the window gravity values

Class Charts

Inheritance Inherited Members Includes Libraries
Class Charts

Function documentation