Class RooDataProjBinding is a lightweight interface adaptor that projects a real function via summation of states provided in a dataset. The real function must be attached to the dataset before creating this binding object. If the dataset only contains category variables, the summation is optimized performing a weighted sum over the states of a RooSuperCategory that is constructed from all the categories in the dataset
void | RooRealBinding::loadValues(const Double_t[] xvector) const |
Roo1DTable* | _catTable | Supercategory table generated from _data |
Bool_t | RooRealBinding::_clipInvalid | |
list<RooAbsReal*> | RooRealBinding::_compList | ! |
list<Double_t> | RooRealBinding::_compSave | ! |
const RooAbsData* | _data | Dataset used for projection |
UInt_t | RooAbsFunc::_dimension | Number of observables |
Bool_t | _first | Bit indicating if operator() has been called yet |
const RooAbsReal* | RooRealBinding::_func | |
Double_t | RooRealBinding::_funcSave | ! |
Int_t | RooAbsFunc::_ncall | Function call counter |
const RooArgSet* | _nset | Normalization set for real function |
const RooArgSet* | RooRealBinding::_nset | |
const TNamed* | RooRealBinding::_rangeName | ! |
const RooAbsReal* | _real | Real function to be projected |
RooSuperCategory* | _superCat | Supercategory constructed from _data's category variables |
Bool_t | RooAbsFunc::_valid | Is binding in valid state? |
RooAbsRealLValue** | RooRealBinding::_vars | |
Double_t* | RooRealBinding::_xsave | |
Bool_t | RooRealBinding::_xvecValid |
Constructor of a data weighted average function binding with variables 'vars' for function 'real' and dataset 'data' with weights.
Evaluate data-projected values of the bound real function.