Class RooObjCacheManager is an implementation of class RooCacheManager
static Bool_t | _clearObsList | Clear obslist on sterilize? |
Bool_t | _clearOnRedirect | |
Int_t | RooCacheManager<RooAbsCacheElement>::_lastIndex | Last slot accessed |
Int_t | RooCacheManager<RooAbsCacheElement>::_maxSize | Maximum size |
vector<RooNormSetCache> | RooCacheManager<RooAbsCacheElement>::_nsetCache | ! Normalization/Integration set manager |
vector<RooAbsCacheElement*> | RooCacheManager<RooAbsCacheElement>::_object | ! Payload |
Bool_t | _optCacheModeSeen | ! |
RooArgSet* | _optCacheObservables | ! current optCacheObservables |
RooAbsArg* | RooAbsCache::_owner | Pointer to owning RooAbsArg |
Int_t | RooCacheManager<RooAbsCacheElement>::_size | Actual use |
Bool_t | RooCacheManager<RooAbsCacheElement>::_wired | ! In wired mode, there is a single payload which is returned always |
Constructor of object cache manager for given owner. If clearCacheOnServerRedirect is true all cache elements will be cleared when a server redirect is intercepted by the cache manager. This is the default strategy and should only be overridden when you really understand what you're doing as properly implementing server redirect in cache elements can get very complicated, especially if there are (cyclical) reference back to the owning object
Intercept server redirect calls. If clearOnRedirect was set, sterilize the cache (i.e. keep the structure but delete all contents). If not forward serverRedirect to cache elements
Intercept calls to perform automatic optimization of cache mode operation. Forward calls to existing cache elements and save configuration of cache mode optimization so that it can be applied on new cache elements upon insertion
Set owner link on all object inserted into cache. Also if cache mode optimization was requested, apply it now to cache element being inserted
Add details on cache contents when printing in tree mode
If clearOnRedirect is false, forward constant term optimization calls to cache elements