class RooAICRegistry

RooAICRegistry is a utility class for operator p.d.f classes that keeps track of analytical integration codes and associated normalization and integration sets.

Function Members (Methods)

static TClass*Class()
virtual TClass*IsA() const
RooAICRegistry&operator=(const RooAICRegistry&)
const vector<Int_t>&retrieve(Int_t masterCode) const
const vector<Int_t>&retrieve(Int_t masterCode, pRooArgSet& set1) const
const vector<Int_t>&retrieve(Int_t masterCode, pRooArgSet& set1, pRooArgSet& set2) const
const vector<Int_t>&retrieve(Int_t masterCode, pRooArgSet& set1, pRooArgSet& set2, pRooArgSet& set3, pRooArgSet& set4) const
RooAICRegistry(UInt_t size = 10)
RooAICRegistry(const RooAICRegistry& other)
virtual voidShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp) const
Int_tstore(const vector<Int_t>& codeList, RooArgSet* set1 = 0, RooArgSet* set2 = 0, RooArgSet* set3 = 0, RooArgSet* set4 = 0)
virtual voidStreamer(TBuffer&)
voidStreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b)

Data Members

vector<pRooArgSet>_asArr1! Array of 1st RooArgSet pointers
vector<pRooArgSet>_asArr2! Array of 2nd RooArgSet pointers
vector<pRooArgSet>_asArr3! Array of 3rd RooArgSet pointers
vector<pRooArgSet>_asArr4! Array of 4th RooArgSet pointers
vector<vector<Int_t> >_clArr! Array of array of code lists

Class Charts

Inheritance Inherited Members Includes Libraries
Class Charts

Function documentation

RooAICRegistry(UInt_t size = 10)
RooAICRegistry(const RooAICRegistry& other)
 Copy constructor
Int_t store(const vector<Int_t>& codeList, RooArgSet* set1 = 0, RooArgSet* set2 = 0, RooArgSet* set3 = 0, RooArgSet* set4 = 0)
 Store given arrays of integer codes, and up to four RooArgSets in
 the registry (each setX pointer may be null). The registry
 clones all RooArgSets internally so the RooArgSets passed as
 arguments do not need to live beyond the store() call. The return
 value is a unique master code for the given configuration of
 integers and RooArgSets. If an identical combination is
 previously stored in the registry no objects are stored and the
 unique code of the existing entry is returned.
const std::vector<Int_t>& retrieve(Int_t masterCode) const
 Retrieve the array of integer codes associated with the given master code
const std::vector<Int_t>& retrieve(Int_t masterCode, pRooArgSet& set1) const
 Retrieve the array of integer codes associated with the given master code
 and set the passed set1 pointer to the first RooArgSet associated with this master code
const std::vector<Int_t>& retrieve(Int_t masterCode) const
const std::vector<Int_t>& retrieve(Int_t masterCode, pRooArgSet& set1) const