class ROOT::Math::IOptions
Generic interface for defining configuration options of a numerical algorithm
@ingroup NumAlgo
Function Members (Methods)
This is an abstract class, constructors will not be documented.
Look at the header to check for available constructors.
Class Charts
Function documentation
void SetValue(const char* name, double val)
generic methods for retrivieng options
set option value
void SetValue(const char* name, int val)
void SetValue(const char* name, const char* val)
double RValue(const char* name) const
int IValue(const char* name) const
bool GetRealValue(const char* , double& ) const
methods to be re-implemented in the derived classes
{ return false; }
bool GetIntValue(const char* , int& ) const
{ return false; }
void SetRealValue(const char* , double )
method wich need to be re-implemented by the derived classes
{MATH_ERROR_MSG("IOptions::SetRealValue","Invalid setter method called"); }
void SetIntValue(const char* , int )
{MATH_ERROR_MSG("IOptions::SetIntValue","Invalid setter method called"); }
void SetNamedValue(const char* , const char* )
{MATH_ERROR_MSG("IOptions::SetNamedValue","Invalid setter method called"); }
void Print(ostream& = std::cout) const
{MATH_INFO_MSG("IOptions::Print","it is not implemented");}
bool DoGetValue(const char* name, double& val) const