ROOT logo
// @(#)root/smatrix:$Id$
// Author: T. Glebe, L. Moneta, J. Palacios    2005  

#ifndef ROOT_Math_SVector
#define ROOT_Math_SVector
// source:
// type:      source code
// created:   16. Mar 2001
// author:    Thorsten Glebe
//            HERA-B Collaboration
//            Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik
//            Saupfercheckweg 1
//            69117 Heidelberg
//            Germany
//            E-mail:
// Description: A fixed size Vector class
// changes:
// 16 Mar 2001 (TG) creation
// 21 Mar 2001 (TG) SVector::value_type added
// 21 Mar 2001 (TG) added operators +=, -=, *=, /=
// 26 Mar 2001 (TG) added place_at()
// 03 Apr 2001 (TG) Array() added
// 06 Apr 2001 (TG) CTORS added
// 07 Apr 2001 (TG) CTORS added
// 22 Aug 2001 (TG) CTOR(T*,len) added
// 04 Sep 2001 (TG) moved inlined functions to .icc file
// 14 Jan 2002 (TG) added operator==(), operator!=(), operator>(), operator<()

#ifndef ROOT_Math_MnConfig
#include "Math/MConfig.h"

#include <iosfwd>

// expression engine

#ifndef ROOT_Math_Expression
#include "Math/Expression.h"

namespace ROOT { 

namespace Math { 

//     template <class T, unsigned int D, unsigned int D2> class MatRepStd;

//     template <class A, class T, unsigned int D, unsigned int D2 = 1, class R = MatRepStd<T,D,D2> > class Expr;

    SVector: a generic fixed size Vector class.
    The class is template on the scalar type and on the vector size D. 
    See \ref SVectorDoc

    Original author is Thorsten Glebe
    HERA-B Collaboration, MPI Heidelberg (Germany)

    @ingroup SMatrixSVector

    @authors T. Glebe, L. Moneta and J. Palacios

// SVector
template <class T, unsigned int D>
class SVector {
   /** @name --- Typedefs --- */
   /// contained scalar type
   typedef T  value_type;
   /** STL iterator interface. */
   typedef T*  iterator;
   /** STL const_iterator interface. */
   typedef const T*  const_iterator;
   /** @name --- Constructors --- */
      Default constructor: vector filled with zero values 
   /// contruct from a vector expression
   template <class A>
   SVector(const VecExpr<A,T,D>& rhs);
   /// copy contructor
   SVector(const SVector<T,D>& rhs);
   // new constructs using STL iterator interface
   // skip - need to solve the ambiguities 
#ifdef LATER
       Constructor with STL iterator interface. The data will be copied into the vector
       The iterator size must be equal to the vector size
   template<class InputIterator>
   explicit SVector(InputIterator begin, InputIterator end); 
      Constructor with STL iterator interface. The data will be copied into the vector
      The size must be <= vector size
   template<class InputIterator>
   explicit SVector(InputIterator begin, unsigned int size); 
   // if you use iterator this is not necessary
   /// fill from array with len must be equal to D!
   SVector( const T *  a, unsigned int len);
   /** fill from a SVector iterator of type T*   
      (for ambiguities iterator cannot be generic )
   SVector(const_iterator begin, const_iterator end);
   /// construct a vector of size 1 from a single scalar value
   explicit SVector(const T& a1);
   /// construct a vector of size 2 from 2 scalar values 
   SVector(const T& a1, const T& a2);
   /// construct a vector of size 3 from 3 scalar values 
   SVector(const T& a1, const T& a2, const T& a3);
   /// construct a vector of size 4 from 4 scalar values  
   SVector(const T& a1, const T& a2, const T& a3, const T& a4);
   /// construct a vector of size 5 from 5 scalar values  
   SVector(const T& a1, const T& a2, const T& a3, const T& a4,
           const T& a5);
   /// construct a vector of size 6 from 6 scalar values  
   SVector(const T& a1, const T& a2, const T& a3, const T& a4,
           const T& a5, const T& a6);
   /// construct a vector of size 7 from 7 scalar values  
   SVector(const T& a1, const T& a2, const T& a3, const T& a4,
           const T& a5, const T& a6, const T& a7);
   /// construct a vector of size 8 from 8 scalar values  
   SVector(const T& a1, const T& a2, const T& a3, const T& a4,
           const T& a5, const T& a6, const T& a7, const T& a8);
   /// construct a vector of size 9 from 9 scalar values  
   SVector(const T& a1, const T& a2, const T& a3, const T& a4,
           const T& a5, const T& a6, const T& a7, const T& a8,
           const T& a9);
   /// construct a vector of size 10 from 10 scalar values  
   SVector(const T& a1, const T& a2, const T& a3, const T& a4,
           const T& a5, const T& a6, const T& a7, const T& a8,
           const T& a9, const T& a10);
   /// assignment from a scalar (only for size 1 vector)
   SVector<T,D>& operator=(const T& a1);
   /// assignment  from Vector Expression
   template <class A>
   SVector<T,D>& operator=(const VecExpr<A,T,D>& rhs);
   /** @name --- Access functions --- */
      Enumeration defining the Vector size
   enum {
      /// return vector size
      kSize = D
   /// return dimension $D$
   inline static unsigned int Dim() { return D; }
   /// access the parse tree. Index starts from zero
   T apply(unsigned int i) const;
   /// return read-only pointer to internal array
   const T* Array() const;
   /// return non-const pointer to internal array
   T* Array();
   /** @name --- STL-like interface --- */
   /** STL iterator interface. */
   iterator begin();
   /** STL iterator interface. */
   iterator end();
   /** STL const_iterator interface. */
   const_iterator begin() const;
   /** STL const_iterator interface. */
   const_iterator end() const;

   /// set vector elements copying the values 
   /// iterator size must match vector size
   template<class InputIterator>
   void SetElements(InputIterator begin, InputIterator end); 

   /// set vector elements copying the values 
   /// size must be <= vector size
   template<class InputIterator>
   void SetElements(InputIterator begin, unsigned int size); 
   /** @name --- Operators --- */
   /// element wise comparison
   bool operator==(const T& rhs) const;
   /// element wise comparison
   bool operator!=(const T& rhs) const;
   /// element wise comparison
   bool operator==(const SVector<T,D>& rhs) const;
   /// element wise comparison
   bool operator!=(const SVector<T,D>& rhs) const;
   /// element wise comparison
   template <class A>
   bool operator==(const VecExpr<A,T,D>& rhs) const;
   /// element wise comparison
   template <class A>
   bool operator!=(const VecExpr<A,T,D>& rhs) const;
   /// element wise comparison
   bool operator>(const T& rhs) const;
   /// element wise comparison
   bool operator<(const T& rhs) const;
   /// element wise comparison
   bool operator>(const SVector<T,D>& rhs) const;
   /// element wise comparison
   bool operator<(const SVector<T,D>& rhs) const;
   /// element wise comparison
   template <class A>
   bool operator>(const VecExpr<A,T,D>& rhs) const;
   /// element wise comparison
   template <class A>
   bool operator<(const VecExpr<A,T,D>& rhs) const;
   /// read-only access of vector elements. Index starts from 0. 
   const T& operator[](unsigned int i) const;
   /// read-only access of vector elements. Index starts from 0. 
   const T& operator()(unsigned int i) const;
   /// read-only access of vector elements with check on index. Index starts from 0.
   const T& At(unsigned int i) const;
   /// read/write access of vector elements. Index starts from 0. 
   T& operator[](unsigned int i);
   /// read/write access of vector elements. Index starts from 0. 
   T& operator()(unsigned int i);
   /// read/write access of vector elements with check on index. Index starts from 0.
   T& At(unsigned int i);
   /// self addition with a scalar
   SVector<T,D>& operator+=(const T& rhs);
   /// self subtraction with a scalar
   SVector<T,D>& operator-=(const T& rhs);
   /// self multiplication with a scalar 
   SVector<T,D>& operator*=(const T& rhs);
   /// self division with a scalar
   SVector<T,D>& operator/=(const T& rhs);

   /// self addition with another vector
   SVector<T,D>& operator+=(const SVector<T,D>& rhs);
   /// self subtraction with another vector
   SVector<T,D>& operator-=(const SVector<T,D>& rhs);
   /// self addition with a vector expression
   template <class A>
   SVector<T,D>& operator+=(const VecExpr<A,T,D>& rhs);
   /// self subtraction with a vector expression
   template <class A>
   SVector<T,D>& operator-=(const VecExpr<A,T,D>& rhs);

#ifdef OLD_IMPL
#ifndef __CINT__
   /// self element-wise multiplication  with another vector 
   SVector<T,D>& operator*=(const SVector<T,D>& rhs);
   /// self element-wise division with another vector 
   SVector<T,D>& operator/=(const SVector<T,D>& rhs);
   /// self element-wise multiplication  with a vector expression
   template <class A>
   SVector<T,D>& operator*=(const VecExpr<A,T,D>& rhs);
   /// self element-wise division  with a vector expression
   template <class A>
   SVector<T,D>& operator/=(const VecExpr<A,T,D>& rhs);
   /** @name --- Expert functions --- */
   /// transform vector into a vector of length 1
   SVector<T,D>& Unit();
   /// place a sub-vector starting from the given position
   template <unsigned int D2>
   SVector<T,D>& Place_at(const SVector<T,D2>& rhs, unsigned int row);
   /// place a sub-vector expression starting from the given position
   template <class A, unsigned int D2>
   SVector<T,D>& Place_at(const VecExpr<A,T,D2>& rhs, unsigned int row);
      return a subvector of size N starting at the value row
    where N is the size of the returned vector (SubVector::kSize)
    Condition  row+N <= D
   template <class SubVector >  
   SubVector Sub(unsigned int row) const;

       Function to check if a vector is sharing same memory location of the passed pointer
       This function is used by the expression templates to avoid the alias problem during  
       expression evaluation. When  the vector is in use, for example in operations 
       like V = M * V, where M is a mtrix, a temporary object storing the intermediate result is automatically 
       created when evaluating the expression. 
   bool IsInUse(const T* p) const; 

   /// used by operator<<()
   std::ostream& Print(std::ostream& os) const;
   /** @name --- Data member --- */
   /// SVector data
   T fArray[D];
}; // end of class SVector

// operator<<
template <class T, unsigned int D>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ROOT::Math::SVector<T,D>& rhs);

}  // namespace Math

}  // namespace ROOT

#ifndef __CINT__

// include implementation file
#ifndef ROOT_Math_SVector_icc
#include "Math/SVector.icc"

// include operators and functions
#ifndef ROOT_Math_UnaryOperators
#include "Math/UnaryOperators.h"
#ifndef ROOT_Math_BinaryOperators
#include "Math/BinaryOperators.h"
#ifndef ROOT_Math_MatrixFunctions
#include "Math/Functions.h"

#endif // __CINT__

#endif  /* ROOT_Math_SVector  */