ROOT logo
// @(#)root/mathmore:$Id$
// Authors: L. Moneta, A. Zsenei   08/2005 

  *                                                                    *
  * Copyright (c) 2004 ROOT Foundation,  CERN/PH-SFT                   *
  *                                                                    *
  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or      *
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License        *
  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2     *
  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.             *
  *                                                                    *
  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,    *
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of     *
  * General Public License for more details.                           *
  *                                                                    *
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License  *
  * along with this library (see file COPYING); if not, write          *
  * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite      *
  * 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA, or contact the author.             *
  *                                                                    *

// Header file for class GSLRootFinderDeriv
// Created by: moneta  at Sun Nov 21 16:26:03 2004
// Last update: Sun Nov 21 16:26:03 2004
#ifndef ROOT_Math_GSL_RootFinderDeriv
#define ROOT_Math_GSL_RootFinderDeriv

#ifndef ROOT_Math_GSLFunctionAdapter
#include "Math/GSLFunctionAdapter.h"

#ifndef ROOT_Math_IFunctionfwd
#include "Math/IFunctionfwd.h"
#ifndef ROOT_Math_IFunction
#include "Math/IFunction.h"

#ifndef ROOT_Math_IRootFinderMethod
#include "Math/IRootFinderMethod.h"

#include <iostream>

namespace ROOT {
namespace Math {

   class GSLRootFdFSolver; 
   class GSLFunctionDerivWrapper; 

      Base class for GSL Root-Finding algorithms for one dimensional functions which use function derivatives. 
      For finding the roots users should not use this class directly but instantiate the derived classes, 
      for example  ROOT::Math::Roots::Newton for using the Newton algorithm. 
      All the classes defining the alhorithms are defined in the header Math/RootFinderAlgorithm.h
      They possible types implementing root bracketing algorithms which use function 
      derivatives are: 

      See also those classes  for the documentation. 
      See the GSL <A HREF=""> online manual</A> for 
      information on the GSL Root-Finding algorithms
      @ingroup RootFinders

class GSLRootFinderDeriv: public IRootFinderMethod {

   virtual ~GSLRootFinderDeriv(); 

   // usually copying is non trivial, so we make this unaccessible
   GSLRootFinderDeriv(const GSLRootFinderDeriv &); 
   GSLRootFinderDeriv & operator = (const GSLRootFinderDeriv &); 


#if defined(__MAKECINT__) || defined(G__DICTIONARY)     
   bool SetFunction( const IGenFunction & , double , double ) { 
      std::cerr <<"GSLRootFinderDeriv - Error : Algorithm requirs derivatives" << std::endl;  
      return false;
   bool SetFunction( const IGradFunction & f, double xstart) { 
      const void * p = &f; 
      return SetFunction(  &GSLFunctionAdapter<IGradFunction>::F, &GSLFunctionAdapter<IGradFunction>::Df, &GSLFunctionAdapter<IGradFunction>::Fdf, const_cast<void *>(p), xstart ); 

   typedef double ( * GSLFuncPointer ) ( double, void *);
   typedef void ( * GSLFdFPointer ) ( double, void *, double *, double *);
   bool SetFunction( GSLFuncPointer f, GSLFuncPointer df, GSLFdFPointer fdf, void * p, double Root );   

   using IRootFinderMethod::SetFunction;

   /// iterate (return GSL_SUCCESS in case of successful iteration)
   int Iterate(); 

   double Root() const; 

   /// Find the root (return false if failed) 
   bool Solve( int maxIter = 100, double absTol = 1E-8, double relTol = 1E-10);

   /// Return number of iterations
   int Iterations() const {
      return fIter; 

   /// Return the status of last root finding
   int Status() const { return fStatus; }

   const char * Name() const;  

   void SetSolver (  GSLRootFdFSolver * s ); 

   void FreeSolver(); 
   GSLFunctionDerivWrapper * fFunction;     
   GSLRootFdFSolver * fS; 
   mutable double fRoot; 
   mutable double fPrevRoot; 
   int fIter; 
   int fStatus;    
   bool fValidPoint; 
} // namespace Math
} // namespace ROOT

#endif /* ROOT_Math_GSL_RootFinderDeriv */