SimpleLikelihoodRatioTestStat: TestStatistic that returns -log(L[null] / L[alt]) where L is the likelihood.
RooArgSet* | fAltParameters | |
RooAbsPdf* | fAltPdf | |
RooArgSet | fConditionalObs | |
RooArgSet* | fDetailedOutput | ! |
bool | fDetailedOutputEnabled | |
bool | fFirstEval | |
RooAbsReal* | fNllAlt | ! transient copy of the alt NLL |
RooAbsReal* | fNllNull | ! transient copy of the null NLL |
RooArgSet* | fNullParameters | |
RooAbsPdf* | fNullPdf | |
Bool_t | fReuseNll | |
static Bool_t | fgAlwaysReuseNll |
set the conditional observables which will be used when creating the NLL so the pdf's will not be normalized on the conditional observables when computing the NLL
{fConditionalObs.removeAll(); fConditionalObs.add(set);}