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// @(#)root/gviz3d:$Id: TStructViewer.cxx 34883 2010-08-20 13:32:33Z matevz $
// Author: Tomasz Sosnicki   18/09/09

* Copyright (C) 1995-2009, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
* All rights reserved.                                                  *
*                                                                       *
* For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
* For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

#include "TStructViewer.h"
#include "TStructNodeProperty.h"
#include "TStructViewerGUI.h"
#include "TStructNode.h"

#include <TDataMember.h>
#include <TVirtualCollectionProxy.h>
#include <TClassEdit.h>
#include <vector>


class TA {
   virtual ~TA() {}

// TStructViewer viewer represents class, struct or other type as an object in 3D space.
// At the top of the scene we can see objects which is our pointer. Under it we see 
// pointers and collection elements. Collection must inherit from TCollection 
// or be STL collecion. 
// We can change the number of visible levels or objects on the scene with the  GUI or 
// methods. The size of geometry objects is proportional to the memory taken by this object
// or to the number of members inside this object. 
// An easy way to find some class in the viewer is to change the color of the type.
// We can connect for example a TF2 class with red color or connect all classes 
// inheriting from TF2 by adding plus to name. For example typename "TF2+" tells us 
// that all classes inheriting from TF2 will be red.
// Navigation in viewer is very simple like in usual GLViewer. When you put the mouse over 
// some object you can see some information about it (e.g. name, size, actual level).
// When you double click this object, it becames top object on scene.
// Undo and redo operation are supported. 
// Begin_Html
// <p> In this picture we can see TStructViewer with pointer to TList which contains
// other collections and objects of various classes</p>
// <img src="gif/TStructViewer1.jpg">
// End_Html
// Begin_Html
// <p> Other screenshot presents opened TStructNodeEditor</p>
// <img src="gif/TStructViewer2.jpg">
// End_Html

TStructViewer::TStructViewer(void* ptr, const char * clname)
   // Default constructor. An argument "ptr" is a main pointer of type "clname", which should be shown in the viewer

   fPointer = NULL;
   fPointerClass = NULL;
   fTopNode = NULL;

   // add default color 
   fColors.Add(new TStructNodeProperty("+", 17));

   // creating GUI
   fGUI = new TStructViewerGUI(this, NULL, &fColors);
   SetPointer(ptr, clname);

   // Destructor. Clean all object after closing the viewer


void TStructViewer::AddNode(TStructNode* node, ULong_t size)
   // Find list with nodes on specified level and add node to this list and increment list of sizes and list of members

   TList* list = (TList*)fLevelArray[node->GetLevel()];
   // if list doesn't exist -> create one
   if(!list) {
      fLevelArray[node->GetLevel()] = list = new TList();

   // increase number of members on this level
   // increase size of this level
   fLevelSize(node->GetLevel()) += size;

void TStructViewer::CountMembers(TClass* cl, TStructNode* parent, void* pointer)
   // Count allocated memory, increase member counters, find child nodes

   if(!cl) {

   if (cl->InheritsFrom(TClass::Class())) {

   // Set up list of RealData so TClass doesn't create a new object itself
   TIter it(cl->GetListOfDataMembers());
   TDataMember* dm;
   while ((dm = (TDataMember*) it() ))
      // increase counters in parent node
      parent->SetAllMembersCount(parent->GetAllMembersCount() + 1);
      parent->SetMembersCount(parent->GetMembersCount() + 1);

      if (dm->Property() & kIsStatic) {

      void* ptr = NULL;

      if(dm->IsaPointer()) {
         TString trueTypeName = dm->GetTrueTypeName();

         // skip if pointer to pointer
         if(trueTypeName.EndsWith("**")) {

         if (!pointer) {

         void** pptr = (void**)((ULong_t)pointer + dm->GetOffset());
         ptr = *pptr;

         if (!ptr) {

         if(fPointers.GetValue((ULong_t)ptr)) {
         } else {
            fPointers.Add((ULong_t)ptr, (ULong_t)ptr);

         ULong_t size = 0;
         if (TClass* cl2 = TClass::GetClass(dm->GetTypeName())) {
            size = cl2->Size();

         if(size == 0) {
            size = dm->GetUnitSize();

         ENodeType type;
         if(dm->GetDataType()) {   // pointer to basic type
            type = kBasic;
         } else {
            type = kClass;
         // creating TStructNode
         TStructNode* node = new TStructNode(dm->GetName(), dm->GetTypeName(), ptr, parent, size, type);
         AddNode(node, size);
         CountMembers(TClass::GetClass(dm->GetTypeName()), node, ptr);

         // total size = size of parent + size of nodes daughters
         parent->SetTotalSize(parent->GetTotalSize() + node->GetTotalSize() - size);
         // all members of node = all nodes of parent + nodes of daughter - 1 because node is added twice
         parent->SetAllMembersCount(parent->GetAllMembersCount() + node->GetAllMembersCount() - 1);
      } else {
         ptr = (void*)((ULong_t)pointer + dm->GetOffset());

         if (!ptr) {
         CountMembers(TClass::GetClass(dm->GetTypeName()), parent, ptr);
      if (dm->IsSTLContainer()) {

         //it works only for pointer in std object (not pointer)
         TClass* stlClass = TClass::GetClass(dm->GetTypeName());
         if (!stlClass) {

         TVirtualCollectionProxy* proxy = stlClass->GetCollectionProxy();
         if (!proxy) {
         TVirtualCollectionProxy::TPushPop helper(proxy, ptr);

         UInt_t count = proxy->Size();
         parent->SetMembersCount(parent->GetMembersCount() + count);

         if (!proxy->HasPointers() || proxy->GetType() != kNoType_t) { // only objects or pointers to basic type
            parent->SetTotalSize(parent->GetTotalSize() + count * proxy->Sizeof());
            parent->SetAllMembersCount(parent->GetAllMembersCount() + count);
         } else {
            TClass* clProxy = proxy->GetValueClass();
            TString name;
            TString typeName;
            // get size of element
            ULong_t size = 0;
            if (clProxy) {
               name = clProxy->GetName();
               typeName = clProxy->GetName();
               size = clProxy->Size();
            } else {

            // if there is no dictionary
            if (size == 0) {
               size = proxy->Sizeof();

            // searching pointer to pointer
            Bool_t ptp = kFALSE;
            std::vector<std::string> parts;
            int loc;
            TClassEdit::GetSplit(dm->GetTypeName(), parts, loc);
            std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator iPart = parts.begin();
            while (iPart != parts.end() && *iPart == "")
            if (iPart != parts.end() && *iPart != dm->GetTypeName()) {
               for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator iP = iPart,
                  iPE = parts.end(); iP != iPE; ++iP) {
                     if (TString(TClassEdit::ResolveTypedef(iP->c_str(), true).c_str()).EndsWith("**")){
                        ptp = kTRUE;
            if (ptp) {

            void* element;
            for (UInt_t i = 0; i < count ; i++) {
               element = *(void**)proxy->At(i);

               if (!element) {
               if (clProxy->InheritsFrom(TObject::Class())) {
                  name = ((TObject*) element)->GetName();
               // create node
               TStructNode* node = new TStructNode(name, typeName, element, parent, size, kClass);
               // add addition information
               AddNode(node, size);
               // increase parents counter
               parent->SetMembersCount(parent->GetMembersCount() + 1);

               CountMembers(clProxy, node, element);
               parent->SetTotalSize(parent->GetTotalSize() + node->GetTotalSize());
               parent->SetAllMembersCount(parent->GetAllMembersCount() + node->GetAllMembersCount());

   // if our parent node is collection
   if(cl->InheritsFrom(TCollection::Class())) {
      // we change type of node to collection
      // return if invalid pointer to collection
      if (!pointer) {

      TIter it2((TCollection*)pointer);
      TObject* item;
      // loop through all elements in collection
      while((item = it2())) {
         // get size of element
         ULong_t size = 0;
         if (TClass* cl3 = item->IsA()){
            size = cl3->Size();
         // if there is no dictionary
         if (size == 0) {
            size = sizeof(item);

         // create node
         TStructNode* node = new TStructNode(item->GetName(), item->ClassName(), item, parent, size, kClass);
         // add addition information
         AddNode(node, size);
         // increase parents counter
         parent->SetMembersCount(parent->GetMembersCount() + 1);
         CountMembers(item->IsA(), node, item);
         parent->SetTotalSize(parent->GetTotalSize() + node->GetTotalSize());
         parent->SetAllMembersCount(parent->GetAllMembersCount() + node->GetAllMembersCount());

void TStructViewer::Draw(Option_t *option)
   // Draw object if there is valid pointer

   TString opt(option);
   if(opt == "count") {
   } else if (opt == "size") {


   if (fTopNode) {
   } else {

TCanvas* TStructViewer::GetCanvas()
   // Returns canvas used to keep TGeoVolumes

   return fGUI->GetCanvas();

TGMainFrame* TStructViewer::GetFrame()
   // Returns pointer to main window
   return fGUI;
void* TStructViewer::GetPointer() const
   // Return main pointer

   return fPointer;

TExMap TStructViewer::GetLevelMembersCount() const
   // Returns TExMap with pairs <level number, number of objects>

   return fLevelMembersCount;

TExMap TStructViewer::GetLevelSize() const
   // Returns TExMap with pairs <level number, size of level in bytes>

   return fLevelSize;

Bool_t TStructViewer::GetLinksVisibility() const
   // Get visibility of links between objects

   return fGUI->GetLinksVisibility();

void TStructViewer::Prepare()
   // Create top node and find all member nodes
   if (fTopNode) {

   ULong_t size = fPointerClass->Size();

   TString name = "Main pointer";
   if (fPointerClass->InheritsFrom(TObject::Class())) {
      name = ((TObject*) fPointer)->GetName();
   fTopNode = new TStructNode(name, fPointerClass->GetName(), fPointer, NULL, size, kClass);
   AddNode(fTopNode, size);
   CountMembers(fPointerClass, fTopNode, fPointer);

void TStructViewer::Reset()
   // Deleting nodes, maps and array

   TList* lst;
   TIter it(&fLevelArray);
   while ((lst = (TList*) it() )) {

   // deleting maps and array
   fTopNode = NULL;

void TStructViewer::SetColor(TString name, Int_t color)
   // Sets color for the class "name" to color "color"

   TIter it(&fColors);
   TStructNodeProperty* prop;
   while ((prop = (TStructNodeProperty*) it() )) {
      if (name == prop->GetName()) {

   // add color
   prop = new TStructNodeProperty(name.Data(), color);

void TStructViewer::SetLinksVisibility(Bool_t val)
   // ISets links visibility


void TStructViewer::SetPointer(void* ptr, const char* clname)
   // Set main pointer of class "clname"

   if (ptr) {
      TA* a = (TA*) ptr;
      if (clname) {
         fPointerClass = TClass::GetClass(clname);
      } else {
         fPointerClass = TClass::GetClass(typeid(*a));

      if (!fPointerClass) {

      fPointer = ptr;

TColor TStructViewer::GetColor(const char* typeName)
   // Returns color associated with type "typeName"

   TIter it(&fColors);
   TStructNodeProperty* prop;
   while((prop = (TStructNodeProperty*) it())) {
      if (!strcmp(prop->GetName(), typeName)) {
         return prop->GetColor();

   return TColor();