List of data types
Atom_t WM token
- Axis_t Axis values type (double)
- bool Builtin basic type
- Bool_t Boolean (0=false, 1=true) (bool)
- Byte_t Byte (8 bits) (unsigned char)
- char Builtin basic type
- char* Builtin basic type
- Char_t Signed Character 1 byte (char)
- CheckSecCtx_t Int_t (*CheckSecCtx_t)(const char *subj, TRootSecContext *ctx);
- ClassStreamerFunc_t Streamer function for a class
- Color_t Color number (short)
- Colormap_t Colormap handle
- COMPAREMETHOD Int_t (*COMPAREMETHOD)(const void **, const void **);
- Cursor_t Cursor handle
- Display_t Display handle
- double Builtin basic type
- Double32_t Double 8 bytes in memory, written as a 4 bytes float
- Double_t Double 8 bytes
- Drawable_t Drawable handle
- float Builtin basic type
- Float16_t Float 4 bytes written with a truncated mantissa
- Float_t Float 4 bytes (float)
- Font_t Font number (short)
- FontH_t Font handle (as opposed to Font_t which is an index)
- FontStruct_t Pointer to font structure
GContext_t Graphics context handle
- GlobusAuth_t Int_t (*GlobusAuth_t)(TAuthenticate *auth, TString &user, TString &det);
- Handle_t Generic resource handle
- int Builtin basic type
- Int_t Signed integer 4 bytes (int)
- ios_base::event_callback void (*event_callback) (event, ios_base&, int index);
- IsAGlobalFunc_t TClass *(*IsAGlobalFunc_t)(const TClass*, const void *obj);
- KeySym_t Key symbol handle
- Krb5Auth_t Int_t (*Krb5Auth_t)(TAuthenticate *auth, TString &user, TString &det, Int_t version);
- long Builtin basic type
- long long Builtin basic type
- Long64_t Portable signed long integer 8 bytes
- Long_t Signed long integer 8 bytes (long)
- Marker_t Marker number (short)
- Mask_t Structure mask type
- MemberStreamerFunc_t Streamer function for a data member
- Option_t Option string (const char)
- ParametricEquation_t void (*ParametricEquation_t)(TGLVertex3 &, Double_t u, Double_t v);
- Pixel_t Pixel value
- Pixmap_t Pixmap handle
- PrintProgress_t void (*PrintProgress_t)(Long64_t tot, Long64_t proc, Float_t proctime, Long64_t bytes);
ReAllocCFun_t void *(*ReAllocCFun_t)(void*, size_t, size_t);
- ReAllocCharFun_t char *(*ReAllocCharFun_t)(char*, size_t, size_t);
- ReAllocFun_t void *(*ReAllocFun_t)(void*, size_t);
- Reflex::OffsetFunction size_t (*OffsetFunction)(void*);
- Reflex::StubFunction void (*StubFunction)(void*, void*, const std::vector<void*>&, void*);
- Region_t Region handle
RooFit::CFUNCD1D Double_t (*CFUNCD1D)(Double_t) ;
- RooFit::CFUNCD1I Double_t (*CFUNCD1I)(Int_t) ;
- RooFit::CFUNCD2DD Double_t (*CFUNCD2DD)(Double_t,Double_t) ;
- RooFit::CFUNCD2DI Double_t (*CFUNCD2DI)(Double_t,Int_t) ;
- RooFit::CFUNCD2ID Double_t (*CFUNCD2ID)(Int_t,Double_t) ;
- RooFit::CFUNCD2II Double_t (*CFUNCD2II)(Int_t,Int_t) ;
- RooFit::CFUNCD2UD Double_t (*CFUNCD2UD)(UInt_t,Double_t) ;
- RooFit::CFUNCD3DDB Double_t (*CFUNCD3DDB)(Double_t,Double_t,Bool_t) ;
- RooFit::CFUNCD3DDD Double_t (*CFUNCD3DDD)(Double_t,Double_t,Double_t) ;
- RooFit::CFUNCD3DII Double_t (*CFUNCD3DII)(Double_t,Int_t,Int_t) ;
- RooFit::CFUNCD3UDD Double_t (*CFUNCD3UDD)(UInt_t,Double_t,Double_t) ;
- RooFit::CFUNCD3UDU Double_t (*CFUNCD3UDU)(UInt_t,Double_t,UInt_t) ;
- RooFit::CFUNCD3UUD Double_t (*CFUNCD3UUD)(UInt_t,UInt_t,Double_t) ;
- RooFit::CFUNCD4DDDB Double_t (*CFUNCD4DDDB)(Double_t,Double_t,Double_t,Bool_t) ;
- RooFit::CFUNCD4DDDD Double_t (*CFUNCD4DDDD)(Double_t,Double_t,Double_t,Double_t) ;
- RooFit::CFUNCD4DDDI Double_t (*CFUNCD4DDDI)(Double_t,Double_t,Double_t,Int_t) ;
- RooStats::SamplingSummaryLookup::AcceptanceCriteria defined by Confidence level, leftside tail probability
- RooStats::SamplingSummaryLookup::LookupTable map ( Index, ( CL, leftside tail prob) )
ROOT::DelArrFunc_t void (*DelArrFunc_t)(void *);
- ROOT::DelFunc_t void (*DelFunc_t)(void *);
- ROOT::DesFunc_t void (*DesFunc_t)(void *);
- ROOT::DirAutoAdd_t void (*DirAutoAdd_t)(void *, TDirectory *);
- ROOT::Math::Derivator::GSLFuncPointer double ( * GSLFuncPointer ) ( double, void * );
- ROOT::Math::GSLFuncPointer double ( * GSLFuncPointer ) ( double, void *);
- ROOT::Math::GSLMCIntegrator::GSLMonteFuncPointer double ( * GSLMonteFuncPointer ) ( double *, size_t, void *);
- ROOT::Math::GSLRngRanLux1 for backward compatibility
- ROOT::Math::GSLRngRanLux2 for backward compatibility
- ROOT::Math::GSLRngRanLux48 for backward compatibility
- ROOT::Math::GSLRootFinder::GSLFuncPointer double ( * GSLFuncPointer ) ( double, void *);
- ROOT::Math::GSLRootFinderDeriv::GSLFdFPointer void ( * GSLFdFPointer ) ( double, void *, double *, double *);
- ROOT::Math::GSLRootFinderDeriv::GSLFuncPointer double ( * GSLFuncPointer ) ( double, void *);
- ROOT::Math::IntegratorOneDim::Type for the enumerations defining the types
- ROOT::MergeFunc_t Long64_t (*MergeFunc_t)(void *, TCollection *, TFileMergeInfo *);
- ROOT::NewArrFunc_t void *(*NewArrFunc_t)(Long_t size, void *arena);
- ROOT::NewFunc_t void *(*NewFunc_t)(void *);
- ROOT::ResetAfterMergeFunc_t void (*ResetAfterMergeFunc_t)(void *, TFileMergeInfo *);
ROOT::TArrayDouble32Proxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around the data members which are array of double32
- ROOT::TArrayFloat16Proxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around the data members which are array of float16
- ROOT::TArrayShortProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around the data members which are array of short
- ROOT::TBoolProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around the data members which are bool
- ROOT::TCharProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around the data members which are char
- ROOT::TClaArrayDouble32Proxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around the data members of object in TClonesArray which are array of double32
- ROOT::TClaArrayFloat16Proxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around the data members of object in TClonesArray which are array of float16
- ROOT::TClaArrayShortProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around the data members of object in TClonesArray which are array of short
- ROOT::TClaBoolProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around the data members of object in TClonesArray which are bool
- ROOT::TClaCharProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around the data members of object in TClonesArray which are char
- ROOT::TClaDouble32Proxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around the data members of object in TClonesArray which are double32
- ROOT::TClaDoubleProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around the data members of object in TClonesArray which are double
- ROOT::TClaFloat16Proxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around the data members of object in TClonesArray which are float16
- ROOT::TClaFloatProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around the data members of object in TClonesArray which are float
- ROOT::TClaIntProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around the data members of object in TClonesArray which are int
- ROOT::TClaLong64Proxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around the data members of object in TClonesArray which are long long
- ROOT::TClaLongProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around the data members of object in TClonesArray which are long
- ROOT::TClaShortProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around the data members of object in TClonesArray which are short
- ROOT::TClaUCharProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around the data members of object in TClonesArray which are unsigned char
- ROOT::TClaUIntProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around the data members of object in TClonesArray which are unsigned int
- ROOT::TClaULong64Proxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around the data members of object in TClonesArray which are unsigned long long
- ROOT::TClaULongProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around the data members of object in TClonesArray which are unsigned long
- ROOT::TClaUShortProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around the data members of object in TClonesArray which are unsigned short
ROOT::TDouble32Proxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around the data members which are double32
- ROOT::TDoubleProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around the data members which are double
- ROOT::TFloat16Proxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around the data members which are float16
- ROOT::TFloatProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around the data members which are float
- ROOT::TIntProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around the data members which are int
- ROOT::TLong64Proxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around the data members which are long long
- ROOT::TLongProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around the data members which are long
ROOT::TSchemaRule::ReadFuncPtr_t void (*ReadFuncPtr_t)( char*, TVirtualObject* );
- ROOT::TSchemaRule::ReadRawFuncPtr_t void (*ReadRawFuncPtr_t)( char*, TBuffer&);
- ROOT::TShortProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around the data members which are short
- ROOT::TStlArrayBoolProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around an stl container of bool
- ROOT::TStlArrayCharProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around an stl container of char
- ROOT::TStlArrayDouble32Proxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around an stl container of double32
- ROOT::TStlArrayDoubleProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around an stl container of double
- ROOT::TStlArrayFloat16Proxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around an stl container of float16_t
- ROOT::TStlArrayFloatProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around an stl container of float
- ROOT::TStlArrayIntProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around an stl container of int
- ROOT::TStlArrayLong64Proxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around an stl container of long long
- ROOT::TStlArrayLongProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around an stl container of long
- ROOT::TStlArrayShortProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around an stl container of UShort_t
- ROOT::TStlArrayUCharProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around an stl container of unsingned char
- ROOT::TStlArrayUIntProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around an stl container of unsigned int
- ROOT::TStlArrayULong64Proxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around an stl contained of unsigned long long
- ROOT::TStlArrayULongProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around an stl container of usigned long
- ROOT::TStlArrayUShortProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around an stl container of unisgned short
- ROOT::TStlBoolProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around an stl container of bool
- ROOT::TStlCharProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around an stl container of char
- ROOT::TStlDouble32Proxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around an stl container of double32
- ROOT::TStlDoubleProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around an stl container of double
- ROOT::TStlFloat16Proxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around an stl container of float16_t
- ROOT::TStlFloatProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around an stl container of float
- ROOT::TStlIntProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around an stl container of int
- ROOT::TStlLong64Proxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around an stl container of long long
- ROOT::TStlLongProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around an stl container of long
- ROOT::TStlShortProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around an stl container of short
- ROOT::TStlUCharProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around an stl container of unsigned char
- ROOT::TStlUIntProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around an stl container of unsigned int
- ROOT::TStlULong64Proxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around an stl container of unsigned long long
- ROOT::TStlULongProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around an stl container of unsigned long
- ROOT::TStlUShortProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around an stl container of unsigned short
ROOT::TUCharProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around the data members which are unsigned char
- ROOT::TUIntProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around the data members which are unsigned int
- ROOT::TULong64Proxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around the data members which are unsigned long long
- ROOT::TULongProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around the data members which are unsigned long
- ROOT::TUShortProxy Concrete Implementation of the branch proxy around the data members which are unsigned short
- SCoord_t Screen coordinates (short)
- SEARCHMETHOD Int_t (*SEARCHMETHOD) (const void *, const void **);
- SecureAuth_t Int_t (*SecureAuth_t)(TAuthenticate *auth, const char *user, const char *passwd,
- short Builtin basic type
- Short_t Signed Short integer 2 bytes (short)
- ShowMembersFunc_t void (*ShowMembersFunc_t)(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
- Size_t Attribute size (float)
- Ssiz_t String size (int)
- Stat_t Statistics type (double)
- Style_t Style number (short)
TBranch::FillLeaves_t void (TBranch::*FillLeaves_t)(TBuffer &b);
- TBranch::ReadLeaves_t void (TBranch::*ReadLeaves_t)(TBuffer &b);
- TClass::StreamerImpl_t void (TClass::*StreamerImpl_t)(void *obj, TBuffer &b, const TClass *onfile_class) const;
- TEveCompositeFrame::IconBarCreator_foo TGFrame* (*IconBarCreator_foo)(TEveCompositeFrame*, TGCompositeFrame*, Int_t);
- TEveDigitSet::Callback_foo void (*Callback_foo)(TEveDigitSet*, Int_t, TObject*);
- TEveDigitSet::TooltipCB_foo TString (*TooltipCB_foo)(TEveDigitSet*, Int_t);
- TEveElement::ImplySelect_foo void (TEveElement::* ImplySelect_foo) ();
- TEveElement::Select_foo void (TEveElement::* Select_foo) (Bool_t);
- TEveGedEditor::NameFrameCreator_t TGedFrame* (*NameFrameCreator_t)(TEveGedEditor*, const TGWindow* parent, const char* tab_name);
- Text_t General string (char)
- TFormula::TFuncG Double_t (TObject::*TFuncG)(const Double_t*,const Double_t*) const;
- TFormulaPrimitive::GenFunc0 Double_t (*GenFunc0)();
- TFormulaPrimitive::GenFunc10 Double_t (*GenFunc10)(Double_t);
- TFormulaPrimitive::GenFunc110 Double_t (*GenFunc110)(Double_t,Double_t);
- TFormulaPrimitive::GenFunc1110 Double_t (*GenFunc1110)(Double_t,Double_t, Double_t);
- TFormulaPrimitive::GenFuncG Double_t (*GenFuncG)(const Double_t*,const Double_t*);
- TFormulaPrimitive::TFunc0 Double_t (TObject::*TFunc0)() const;
- TFormulaPrimitive::TFunc10 Double_t (TObject::*TFunc10)(Double_t) const;
- TFormulaPrimitive::TFunc110 Double_t (TObject::*TFunc110)(Double_t,Double_t) const;
- TFormulaPrimitive::TFunc1110 Double_t (TObject::*TFunc1110)(Double_t,Double_t,Double_t) const;
TGenCollectionProxy::ArrIterfunc_t void* (*ArrIterfunc_t)(void *from, size_t size);
- TGenCollectionProxy::Feedfunc_t void* (*Feedfunc_t)(void *from, void *to, size_t size);
- TGenCollectionProxy::Sizing_t void (*Sizing_t)(void *obj, size_t size);
- TGenCollectionProxy::Staged_t Collection of pre-allocated staged array for associative containers.
- TGLAxisPainter::Lab_t label <pos, value> pair
- TGLAxisPainter::TM_t tick-mark <pos, order> pair
- TGLAxisPainter::TMVec_t vector od tick lines
- TGLViewerBase::SubRender_foo void (TGLSceneBase::* SubRender_foo) (TGLRnrCtx &);
- Time_t Event time
- TMatrixFBase Double_t (TObject::*TFuncG)(const Double_t*,const Double_t*) const;
- TPainter3dAlgorithms::DrawFaceFunc_t void (TPainter3dAlgorithms::*DrawFaceFunc_t)(Int_t *, Double_t *, Int_t, Int_t *, Double_t *);
- TPainter3dAlgorithms::LegoFunc_t void (TPainter3dAlgorithms::*LegoFunc_t)(Int_t,Int_t,Int_t&,Double_t*,Double_t*,Double_t*);
- TPainter3dAlgorithms::SurfaceFunc_t void (TPainter3dAlgorithms::*SurfaceFunc_t)(Int_t,Int_t,Double_t*,Double_t*);
- TProofMgr_t TProofMgr *(*TProofMgr_t)(const char *, Int_t, const char *);
- TSlave_t TSlave *(*TSlave_t)(const char *url, const char *ord, Int_t perf,
- TStreamerInfoActions::TStreamerInfoAction_t Int_t (*TStreamerInfoAction_t)(TBuffer &buf, void *obj, const TConfiguration *conf);
- TStreamerInfoActions::TStreamerInfoLoopAction_t Int_t (*TStreamerInfoLoopAction_t)(TBuffer &buf, void *iter, const void *end, const TLoopConfiguration *loopconf, const TConfiguration *conf);
- TStreamerInfoActions::TStreamerInfoVecPtrLoopAction_t Int_t (*TStreamerInfoVecPtrLoopAction_t)(TBuffer &buf, void *iter, const void *end, const TConfiguration *conf);
- TThread::VoidFunc_t void (*VoidFunc_t)(void *);
- TThread::VoidRtnFunc_t void *(*VoidRtnFunc_t)(void *);
TVirtualBranchBrowsable::MethodCreateListOfBrowsables_t Int_t (*MethodCreateListOfBrowsables_t)
- TVirtualCollectionProxy::CopyIterator_t void* (*CopyIterator_t)(void *dest, const void *source);
- TVirtualCollectionProxy::CreateIterators_t void (*CreateIterators_t)(void *collection, void **begin_arena, void **end_arena);
- TVirtualCollectionProxy::DeleteIterator_t void (*DeleteIterator_t)(void *iter);
- TVirtualCollectionProxy::DeleteTwoIterators_t void (*DeleteTwoIterators_t)(void *begin, void *end);
- TVirtualCollectionProxy::Next_t void* (*Next_t)(void *iter, const void *end);
- TVirtualFitter::FCNFunc_t void (* FCNFunc_t )(Int_t &npar, Double_t *gin, Double_t &f, Double_t *u, Int_t flag);
UChar_t Unsigned Character 1 byte (unsigned char)
- UInt_t Unsigned integer 4 bytes (unsigned int)
- ULong64_t Portable unsigned long integer 8 bytes
- ULong_t Unsigned long integer 8 bytes (unsigned long)
- unsigned Builtin basic type
- unsigned char Builtin basic type
- unsigned int Builtin basic type
- unsigned long Builtin basic type
- unsigned long long Builtin basic type
- unsigned short Builtin basic type
- UShort_t Unsigned Short integer 2 bytes (unsigned short)
- Version_t Class version identifier (short)
- Visual_t Visual handle
- void Builtin basic type
- VoidFuncPtr_t pointer to void function
- Width_t Line width (short)
- Window_t Window handle