ToyMCSamplerOld is a simple implementation of the TestStatSampler interface. It generates Toy Monte Carlo for a given parameter point, and evaluates a test statistic that the user specifies (passed via the RooStats::TestStatistic interface). Development notes: We need to provide a nice way for the user to:
Int_t | fCounter | counter for naming sampling dist objects |
const char* | fDataName | name of data set in workspace |
Bool_t | fExtended | if nEvents should fluctuate |
RooDataSet* | fLastDataSet | work around for memory issues in nllvar->setData(data, noclone) |
Int_t | fNevents | number of events per toy (may be ignored depending on settings) |
Int_t | fNtoys | number of toys to generate |
const RooArgSet* | fNuisParams | RooArgSet specifying nuisance parameters for interval |
RooArgSet* | fNullPOI | the values of parameters used when evaluating test statistic |
const RooArgSet* | fObservables | RooArgSet specifying the observables in the dataset (needed to evaluate the test statistic) |
Bool_t | fOwnsWorkspace | flag if this object owns its workspace |
const char* | fPdfName | name of common PDF in workspace |
TRandom* | fRand | random generator |
string | fSamplingDistName | name of the model |
Double_t | fSize | |
RooStats::TestStatistic* | fTestStat | pointer to the test statistic that is being sampled |
TString | fVarName | name of test statistic |
RooWorkspace* | fWS | a workspace that owns all the components to be used by the calculator |
Extended interface to append to sampling distribution more samples
Main interface to get a SamplingDistribution
This method generates a toy dataset for the given parameter point.
Main interface to evaluate the test statistic on a dataset
specify the name of the dataset in the workspace to be used
{fDataName = name;}
specify the name of the PDF in the workspace to be used
{fPdfName = name;}
How to randomize the prior. Set to NULL to deactivate randomization.
specify the values of parameters used when evaluating test statistic
specify the nuisance parameters (eg. the rest of the parameters)
{fNuisParams = &set;}
specify the observables in the dataset (needed to evaluate the test statistic)
{fObservables = &set;}
set the size of the test (rate of Type I error) ( Eg. 0.05 for a 95% Confidence Interval)
{fSize = size;}
set the confidence level for the interval (eg. 0.95 for a 95% Confidence Interval)
{fSize = 1.-cl;}
Set the TestStatistic (want the argument to be a function of the data & parameter points
Set the name of the sampling distribution used for plotting
{ if(name) fSamplingDistName = name; }