Bessel.C: Show the different kinds of Bessel functions available in ROOT | Math tutorials | GammaFun.C: Example showing the usage of the major special math functions (gamma, beta, erf) in ROOT |
void FeldmanCousins() { // Example macro of using the TFeldmanCousins class in root. // // get a FeldmanCousins calculation object with the default limits // of calculating a 90% CL with the minimum signal value scanned // = 0.0 and the maximum signal value scanned of 50.0 //Author : Adrian John Bevan <bevan@SLAC.Stanford.EDU> if (!gROOT->GetClass("TFeldmanCousins")) gSystem->Load("libPhysics"); TFeldmanCousins f; // calculate either the upper or lower limit for 10 observerd // events with an estimated background of 3. The calculation of // either upper or lower limit will return that limit and fill // data members with both the upper and lower limit for you. Double_t Nobserved = 10.0; Double_t Nbackground = 3.0; Double_t ul = f.CalculateUpperLimit(Nobserved, Nbackground); Double_t ll = f.GetLowerLimit(); cout << "For " << Nobserved << " data observed with and estimated background"<<endl; cout << "of " << Nbackground << " candidates, the Feldman-Cousins method of "<<endl; cout << "calculating confidence limits gives:"<<endl; cout << "\tUpper Limit = " << ul << endl; cout << "\tLower Limit = " << ll << endl; cout << "at the 90% CL"<< endl; } FeldmanCousins.C:1 FeldmanCousins.C:2 FeldmanCousins.C:3 FeldmanCousins.C:4 FeldmanCousins.C:5 FeldmanCousins.C:6 FeldmanCousins.C:7 FeldmanCousins.C:8 FeldmanCousins.C:9 FeldmanCousins.C:10 FeldmanCousins.C:11 FeldmanCousins.C:12 FeldmanCousins.C:13 FeldmanCousins.C:14 FeldmanCousins.C:15 FeldmanCousins.C:16 FeldmanCousins.C:17 FeldmanCousins.C:18 FeldmanCousins.C:19 FeldmanCousins.C:20 FeldmanCousins.C:21 FeldmanCousins.C:22 FeldmanCousins.C:23 FeldmanCousins.C:24 FeldmanCousins.C:25 FeldmanCousins.C:26 FeldmanCousins.C:27 FeldmanCousins.C:28 FeldmanCousins.C:29 FeldmanCousins.C:30 FeldmanCousins.C:31 FeldmanCousins.C:32 FeldmanCousins.C:33 |