labels2.C: Setting alphanumeric labels | TGraph, TGraphErrors, etc | multigraph.C: Create and Draw a TmultiGraph |
#include "TString.h" #include "TInterpreter.h" #include <fstream> #include "TH1.h" #include "TGraphSmooth.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TSystem.h" TCanvas *vC1; TGraph *grin, *grout; void DrawSmooth(Int_t pad, const char *title, const char *xt, const char *yt) { vC1->cd(pad); TH1F *vFrame = gPad->DrawFrame(0,-130,60,70); vFrame->SetTitle(title); vFrame->SetTitleSize(0.2); vFrame->SetXTitle(xt); vFrame->SetYTitle(yt); grin->Draw("P"); grout->DrawClone("LPX"); } void motorcycle() { /****************************************************************************** * Author: Christian Stratowa, Vienna, Austria. * * Created: 26 Aug 2001 Last modified: 29 Sep 2001 * ******************************************************************************/ // Macro to test scatterplot smoothers: ksmooth, lowess, supsmu // as described in: // Modern Applied Statistics with S-Plus, 3rd Edition // W.N. Venables and B.D. Ripley // Chapter 9: Smooth Regression, Figure 9.1 // // Example is a set of data on 133 observations of acceleration against time // for a simulated motorcycle accident, taken from Silverman (1985). // data taken from R library MASS: mcycle.txt TString dir = gSystem->UnixPathName(gInterpreter->GetCurrentMacroName()); dir.ReplaceAll("motorcycle.C",""); dir.ReplaceAll("/./","/"); // read file and add to fit object Double_t *x = new Double_t[133]; Double_t *y = new Double_t[133]; Double_t vX, vY; Int_t vNData = 0; ifstream vInput;"%smotorcycle.dat",dir.Data())); while (1) { vInput >> vX >> vY; if (!vInput.good()) break; x[vNData] = vX; y[vNData] = vY; vNData++; }//while vInput.close(); grin = new TGraph(vNData,x,y); // draw graph vC1 = new TCanvas("vC1","Smooth Regression",200,10,900,700); vC1->Divide(2,3); // Kernel Smoother // create new kernel smoother and smooth data with bandwidth = 2.0 TGraphSmooth *gs = new TGraphSmooth("normal"); grout = gs->SmoothKern(grin,"normal",2.0); DrawSmooth(1,"Kernel Smoother: bandwidth = 2.0","times","accel"); // redraw ksmooth with bandwidth = 5.0 grout = gs->SmoothKern(grin,"normal",5.0); DrawSmooth(2,"Kernel Smoother: bandwidth = 5.0","",""); // Lowess Smoother // create new lowess smoother and smooth data with fraction f = 2/3 grout = gs->SmoothLowess(grin,"",0.67); DrawSmooth(3,"Lowess: f = 2/3","",""); // redraw lowess with fraction f = 0.2 grout = gs->SmoothLowess(grin,"",0.2); DrawSmooth(4,"Lowess: f = 0.2","",""); // Super Smoother // create new super smoother and smooth data with default bass = 0 and span = 0 grout = gs->SmoothSuper(grin,"",0,0); DrawSmooth(5,"Super Smoother: bass = 0","",""); // redraw supsmu with bass = 3 (smoother curve) grout = gs->SmoothSuper(grin,"",3); DrawSmooth(6,"Super Smoother: bass = 3","",""); // cleanup delete [] x; delete [] y; delete gs; } motorcycle.C:1 motorcycle.C:2 motorcycle.C:3 motorcycle.C:4 motorcycle.C:5 motorcycle.C:6 motorcycle.C:7 motorcycle.C:8 motorcycle.C:9 motorcycle.C:10 motorcycle.C:11 motorcycle.C:12 motorcycle.C:13 motorcycle.C:14 motorcycle.C:15 motorcycle.C:16 motorcycle.C:17 motorcycle.C:18 motorcycle.C:19 motorcycle.C:20 motorcycle.C:21 motorcycle.C:22 motorcycle.C:23 motorcycle.C:24 motorcycle.C:25 motorcycle.C:26 motorcycle.C:27 motorcycle.C:28 motorcycle.C:29 motorcycle.C:30 motorcycle.C:31 motorcycle.C:32 motorcycle.C:33 motorcycle.C:34 motorcycle.C:35 motorcycle.C:36 motorcycle.C:37 motorcycle.C:38 motorcycle.C:39 motorcycle.C:40 motorcycle.C:41 motorcycle.C:42 motorcycle.C:43 motorcycle.C:44 motorcycle.C:45 motorcycle.C:46 motorcycle.C:47 motorcycle.C:48 motorcycle.C:49 motorcycle.C:50 motorcycle.C:51 motorcycle.C:52 motorcycle.C:53 motorcycle.C:54 motorcycle.C:55 motorcycle.C:56 motorcycle.C:57 motorcycle.C:58 motorcycle.C:59 motorcycle.C:60 motorcycle.C:61 motorcycle.C:62 motorcycle.C:63 motorcycle.C:64 motorcycle.C:65 motorcycle.C:66 motorcycle.C:67 motorcycle.C:68 motorcycle.C:69 motorcycle.C:70 motorcycle.C:71 motorcycle.C:72 motorcycle.C:73 motorcycle.C:74 motorcycle.C:75 motorcycle.C:76 motorcycle.C:77 motorcycle.C:78 motorcycle.C:79 motorcycle.C:80 motorcycle.C:81 motorcycle.C:82 motorcycle.C:83 motorcycle.C:84 motorcycle.C:85 motorcycle.C:86 motorcycle.C:87 motorcycle.C:88 motorcycle.C:89 motorcycle.C:90 motorcycle.C:91 motorcycle.C:92 motorcycle.C:93 motorcycle.C:94 motorcycle.C:95 motorcycle.C:96 motorcycle.C:97 motorcycle.C:98 motorcycle.C:99 motorcycle.C:100 motorcycle.C:101 motorcycle.C:102 motorcycle.C:103 |