graphics: Basic Graphics
ROOT Tutorials
gui: Graphics User Interface
ROOT Tutorials: TGraph, TGraphErrors, etc
1. approx.C
Macro to test interpolation function Approx
2. bent.C
Bent error bars
3. exclusiongraph.C
Draw three graphs with an exclusion zone.
4. exclusiongraph2.C
Draw several graphs with an exclusion zones.
5. gerrors.C
Draw a graph with error bars
6. gerrors2.C
Draw two graphs with error bars
7. graph.C
Draw a simple graph
8. graph2derrorsfit.C
Create, Draw and fit a TGraph2DErrors
9. graphApply.C
A macro to demonstrate the functionality of TGraphX::Apply() method
10. graphpolar.C
Create and draw a polar graph
11. labels1.C
Setting alphanumeric labels in a 1-d histogram
12. labels2.C
Setting alphanumeric labels
13. motorcycle.C
Macro to test scatterplot smoothers: ksmooth, lowess, supsmu
14. multigraph.C
Create and Draw a TmultiGraph
15. seism.C
strip chart example
16. splines.C
examples of use of the spline classes
17. surfaces.C
Draw 2-Dim functions
18. timeonaxis.C
This macro illustrates the use of the time mode on the axis
19. timeonaxis2.C
Define the time offset as 2003, January 1st
20. waves.C
Hint: Spherical waves
21. zdemo.C
This macro is an example of graphs in log scales with annotations.
22. zones.C
example of script showing how to divide a canvas