geom: Geometry package
ROOT Tutorials
eve: Event Display
ROOT Tutorials: OpenGL examples
1. glViewerExercise.C
script showing how to use the GL viewer API to animate a picture
2. glViewerLOD.C
To set the Level Of Details when rendering geometry shapes
3. glbox.C
Display a 3D histogram using GL (box option).
4. gldemos.C
Menu for running GL demos.
5. glparametric.C
Show rendering of parametric surfaces.
6. glrose.C
Render a TF2 looking like a rose.
7. glsurfaces.C
Various surfaces rendered with GL.
8. gltf3.C
Draws the Klein bottle.
9. nucleus.C
Model of a nucleus built from TGeo classes.
10. viewer3DLocal.C
Demonstrates 3D viewer architecture TVirtualViewer3D and TBuffer3D in the local frame.
11. viewer3DMaster.C
Demonstrates 3D viewer architecture TVirtualViewer3D and TBuffer3D in the master frame.