class TEveUtil
library: libEve
#include "TEveUtil.h"
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class TEveUtil

 Standard utility functions for Eve.

Function Members (Methods)

TEveUtil(const TEveUtil&)
static voidAssertMacro(const Text_t* mac)
static Bool_tCheckMacro(const Text_t* mac)
static TClass*Class()
static voidColorFromIdx(Color_t ci, UChar_t* col, Bool_t alpha = kTRUE)
static voidColorFromIdx(Color_t ci, UChar_t* col, UChar_t transparency)
static voidColorFromIdx(Float_t f1, Color_t c1, Float_t f2, Color_t c2, UChar_t* col, Bool_t alpha = kTRUE)
static Color_t*FindColorVar(TObject* obj, const Text_t* varname)
static Float_tGetFraction(Float_t minM, Float_t maxM, Float_t minQ, Float_t maxQ)
virtual TClass*IsA() const
static Bool_tIsU1IntervalContainedByMeanDelta(Float_t meanM, Float_t deltaM, Float_t meanQ, Float_t deltaQ)
static Bool_tIsU1IntervalContainedByMinMax(Float_t minM, Float_t maxM, Float_t minQ, Float_t maxQ)
static Bool_tIsU1IntervalOverlappingByMeanDelta(Float_t meanM, Float_t deltaM, Float_t meanQ, Float_t deltaQ)
static Bool_tIsU1IntervalOverlappingByMinMax(Float_t minM, Float_t maxM, Float_t minQ, Float_t maxQ)
static voidLoadMacro(const Text_t* mac)
static voidMacro(const Text_t* mac)
TEveUtil&operator=(const TEveUtil&)
static voidSetColorBrightness(Float_t value, Bool_t full_redraw = kFALSE)
static voidSetupEnvironment()
static voidSetupGUI()
virtual voidShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
virtual voidStreamer(TBuffer& b)
voidStreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)

Data Members

static TObjArray*fgDefaultColors

Class Charts

Inheritance Inherited Members Includes Libraries
Class Charts

Function documentation

void SetupEnvironment()
 Setup Include and Macro paths.
 Since inclusion into ROOT this does nothing but could
 potentially be reactivated if some common macros are established
 and shipped with binary ROOT (in macros/eve). For example, these
 might be used to spawn specific GUI / GL configurations.
void SetupGUI()
 Setup icon pictures and mime-types.
Bool_t CheckMacro(const Text_t* mac)
 Checks if macro 'mac' is loaded.
void AssertMacro(const Text_t* mac)
 Load and execute macro 'mac' if it has not been loaded yet.
void Macro(const Text_t* mac)
 Execute macro 'mac'. Do not reload the macro.
void LoadMacro(const Text_t* mac)
 Makes sure that macro 'mac' is loaded, but do not reload it.
void ColorFromIdx(Color_t ci, UChar_t col[4], Bool_t alpha)
 Fill col with RGBA values corresponding to index ci. If alpha
 is true, set alpha component of col to 255.
 ROOT's indexed color palette does not support transparency.
void ColorFromIdx(Color_t ci, UChar_t col[4], UChar_t transparency)
 Fill col with RGBA values corresponding to index ci and transparency.
 ROOT's indexed color palette does not support transparency.
void ColorFromIdx(Float_t f1, Color_t c1, Float_t f2, Color_t c2, UChar_t* col, Bool_t alpha = kTRUE)
 Fill col with weighted RGBA values corresponding to
 color-indices c1 and c2. If alpha is true, set alpha component
 of col to 255.
Color_t* FindColorVar(TObject* obj, const Text_t* varname)
 Find address of Color_t data-member with name varname in object

 This is used to access color information for TGListTreeItem
 coloration from visualization macros that wrap TObjects into
 TEveElementObjectPtr instances.
void SetColorBrightness(Float_t value, Bool_t full_redraw = kFALSE)
 Tweak all ROOT colors to become brighter (if value > 0) or
 darker (value < 0). Reasonable values for the value argument are
 from -0.5 to 0.5 (error will be printed otherwise).
 If value is zero, the original colors are restored.

 You should call TEveManager::FullRedraw3D() afterwards or set
 the argument full_redraw to true (default is false).
Bool_t IsU1IntervalContainedByMinMax(Float_t minM, Float_t maxM, Float_t minQ, Float_t maxQ)
 Return true if interval Q is contained within interval M for U1 variables.
 It is assumed that all values are within the [-2pi, 2pi] interval and
 minM <= maxM & minQ <= maxQ.
Bool_t IsU1IntervalOverlappingByMinMax(Float_t minM, Float_t maxM, Float_t minQ, Float_t maxQ)
 Return true if interval Q is overlapping within interval M for U1 variables.
 It is assumed that all values are within the [-2pi, 2pi] interval and
 minM <= maxM & minQ <= maxQ.
Float_t GetFraction(Float_t minM, Float_t maxM, Float_t minQ, Float_t maxQ)
 Get fraction of interval [minQ, maxQ] in [minM, maxM]
Bool_t IsU1IntervalContainedByMeanDelta(Float_t meanM, Float_t deltaM, Float_t meanQ, Float_t deltaQ)
Bool_t IsU1IntervalOverlappingByMeanDelta(Float_t meanM, Float_t deltaM, Float_t meanQ, Float_t deltaQ)
virtual ~TEveUtil()
TEvePadHolder& operator=(const TEveUtil& )

Last change: root/eve:$Id: TEveUtil.h 26367 2008-11-21 18:08:30Z matevz $
Last generated: 2008-11-24 08:19
Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *

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