class TEvePathMark
library: libEve
#include "TEveVSDStructs.h"
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class TEvePathMark

 Special-point on track:
  kDaughter  - daughter creation; fP is momentum of the daughter
  kReference - position/momentum reference
  kDecay     - decay point, fP not used
  kCluster2D - measurement with large error in one direction (like strip detectors):
               fP - normal to detector plane,
               fE - large error direction, must be normalized.
               Track is propagated to plane and correction in fE direction is discarded.

Function Members (Methods)

TEvePathMark(TEvePathMark::EType_e type = kReference)
TEvePathMark(const TEvePathMark&)
TEvePathMark(TEvePathMark::EType_e type, const TEveVector& v, Float_t time = 0)
TEvePathMark(TEvePathMark::EType_e type, const TEveVector& v, const TEveVector& p, Float_t time = 0)
TEvePathMark(TEvePathMark::EType_e type, const TEveVector& v, const TEveVector& p, const TEveVector& e, Float_t time = 0)
static TClass*Class()
virtual TClass*IsA() const
TEvePathMark&operator=(const TEvePathMark&)
virtual voidShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
virtual voidStreamer(TBuffer& b)
voidStreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
const char*TypeName()

Data Members

enum EType_e { kReference
TEveVectorfEExtra, meaning depends on fType.

Class Charts

Inheritance Inherited Members Includes Libraries
Class Charts

Function documentation

const char* TypeName()
 Return the name of path-mark type.
TEvePathMark(EType_e type=kReference)
TEvePathMark(TEvePathMark::EType_e type, const TEveVector& v, Float_t time = 0)
TEvePathMark(TEvePathMark::EType_e type, const TEveVector& v, const TEveVector& p, Float_t time = 0)
TEvePathMark(TEvePathMark::EType_e type, const TEveVector& v, const TEveVector& p, const TEveVector& e, Float_t time = 0)
virtual ~TEvePathMark()
TEveMCTrack& operator=(const TEvePathMark& )
{ *((TParticle*)this) = p; return *this; }

Last change: root/eve:$Id: TEveVSDStructs.h 25879 2008-10-19 20:49:34Z matevz $
Last generated: 2008-10-20 13:14
Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *

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