Extension of the FCNBase for the Fumili method. Fumili applies only to
minimization problems used for fitting. The method is based on a
linearization of the model function negleting second derivatives.
User needs to provide the model function. The figure-of-merit describing
the difference between the model function and the actual measurements
has to be implemented by the user in a subclass of FumiliFCNBase.
For an example see the FumiliChi2FCN and FumiliStandardChi2FCN classes.
@author Andras Zsenei and Lorenzo Moneta, Creation date: 23 Aug 2004
@see <A HREF="http://www.cern.ch/winkler/minuit/tutorial/mntutorial.pdf">MINUIT Tutorial</A> on function minimization, section 5
@see FumiliChi2FCN
@see FumiliStandardChi2FCN
@ingroup Minuit
virtual | ~FumiliFCNBase() |
virtual unsigned int | Dimension() |
virtual double | ROOT::Minuit2::FCNBase::ErrorDef() const |
virtual void | EvaluateAll(const vector<double>& par) |
virtual const vector<double>& | Gradient() const |
virtual double | Hessian(unsigned int row, unsigned int col) const |
virtual double | ROOT::Minuit2::FCNBase::operator()(const vector<double>& x) const |
ROOT::Minuit2::FCNBase& | ROOT::Minuit2::FCNBase::operator=(const ROOT::Minuit2::FCNBase&) |
virtual void | ROOT::Minuit2::FCNBase::SetErrorDef(double) |
virtual double | ROOT::Minuit2::FCNBase::Up() const |
virtual double | Value() const |
vector<double>& | Gradient() |
vector<double>& | Hessian() |
virtual void | InitAndReset(unsigned int npar) |
void | SetFCNValue(double value) |
vector<double> | fGradient | |
vector<double> | fHessian | |
const ROOT::Minuit2::ParametricFunction* | fModelFunction | |
unsigned int | fNumberOfParameters | |
double | fValue |
FumiliFCNBase(const ParametricFunction& modelFCN) { fModelFunction = &modelFCN; }
Return cached Value of objective function estimated previously using the FumiliFCNBase::EvaluateAll method
{ return fValue; }
Return cached Value of function Gradient estimated previously using the FumiliFCNBase::EvaluateAll method
{ return fGradient; }
Return Value of the i-th j-th element of the Hessian matrix estimated previously using the FumiliFCNBase::EvaluateAll method @param row row Index of the matrix @param col col Index of the matrix
return number of function variable (parameters) , i.e. function dimension
{ return fNumberOfParameters; }
methods to be used by the derived classes to set the values
{ fValue = value; }