Class to find the Root of one dimensional functions. The class is templated on the type of Root solver algorithms. The possible types of Root-finding algorithms are: <ul> <li>Root Bracketing Algorithms which they do not require function derivatives <ol> <li>Roots::Bisection <li>Roots::FalsePos <li>Roots::Brent </ol> <li>Root Finding Algorithms using Derivatives <ol> <li>Roots::Newton <li>Roots::Secant <li>Roots::Steffenson </ol> </ul> This class does not cupport copying @ingroup RootFinders
virtual | ~RootFinder() |
int | Iterate() |
int | Iterations() const |
const char* | Name() const |
double | Root() const |
ROOT::Math::RootFinder | RootFinder(ROOT::Math::RootFinder::EType type = RootFinder::kBRENT) |
int | SetFunction(const ROOT::Math::IGradFunction& f, double xstart) |
int | SetFunction(const ROOT::Math::IGenFunction& f, double xlow, double xup) |
int | SetMethod(ROOT::Math::RootFinder::EType type = RootFinder::kBRENT) |
int | Solve(int maxIter = 100, double absTol = 1E-3, double relTol = 1E-6) |
ROOT::Math::RootFinder& | operator=(const ROOT::Math::RootFinder& rhs) |
ROOT::Math::RootFinder | RootFinder(const ROOT::Math::RootFinder&) |
enum EType { | kBRENT | |
}; |
ROOT::Math::IRootFinderMethod* | fSolver | type of algorithm to be used |
Provide to the solver the function and the initial search interval [xlow, xup] for algorithms not using derivatives (bracketing algorithms) The templated function f must be of a type implementing the \a operator() method, <em> double operator() ( double x ) </em> Returns non zero if interval is not valid (i.e. does not contains a root)
Return the current and latest estimate of the lower value of the Root-finding interval (for bracketing algorithms) double XLower() const { return fSolver->XLower(); } Return the current and latest estimate of the upper value of the Root-finding interval (for bracketing algorithms) double XUpper() const { return fSolver->XUpper(); } Get Name of the Root-finding solver algorithm