library: libOracle
#include "TOracleStatement.h"


class description - header file - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)

class TOracleStatement : public TSQLStatement

Inheritance Chart:
void CloseBuffer() Bool_t IsParSettMode() const Bool_t IsResultSet() const void SetBufferSize(Int_t size) public:
TOracleStatement(Connection* conn, Statement* stmt, Int_t niter, Bool_t errout = kTRUE) TOracleStatement(const TOracleStatement&) virtual ~TOracleStatement() static TClass* Class() virtual void Close(Option_t* = "") virtual Int_t GetBufferLength() const virtual Double_t GetDouble(Int_t npar) virtual const char* GetFieldName(Int_t nfield) virtual Int_t GetInt(Int_t npar) virtual Long_t GetLong(Int_t npar) virtual Long64_t GetLong64(Int_t npar) virtual Int_t GetNumAffectedRows() virtual Int_t GetNumFields() virtual Int_t GetNumParameters() virtual const char* GetString(Int_t npar) virtual UInt_t GetUInt(Int_t npar) virtual ULong64_t GetULong64(Int_t npar) virtual TClass* IsA() const virtual Bool_t IsNull(Int_t) virtual Bool_t NextIteration() virtual Bool_t NextResultRow() TOracleStatement& operator=(const TOracleStatement&) virtual Bool_t Process() virtual Bool_t SetDouble(Int_t npar, Double_t value) virtual Bool_t SetInt(Int_t npar, Int_t value) virtual Bool_t SetLong(Int_t npar, Long_t value) virtual Bool_t SetLong64(Int_t npar, Long64_t value) virtual Bool_t SetNull(Int_t npar) virtual Bool_t SetString(Int_t npar, const char* value, Int_t maxsize = 256) virtual Bool_t SetUInt(Int_t npar, UInt_t value) virtual Bool_t SetULong64(Int_t npar, ULong64_t value) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual Bool_t StoreResult() virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)

Data Members

Connection* fConn connection to Oracle Statement* fStmt executed statement ResultSet* fResult query result (rows) vector<MetaData>* fFieldInfo info for each field in the row TOracleStatement::TBufferRec* fBuffer buffer of values and field names Int_t fBufferSize size of fBuffer Int_t fNumIterations size of internal statement buffer Int_t fIterCounter counts nextiteration calls and process iterations, if required Int_t fWorkingMode 1 - settingpars, 2 - getting results

Class Description

  SQL statement class for Oracle                                      
  See TSQLStatement class documentation for more details.             

TOracleStatement(Connection* conn, Statement* stmt, Int_t niter, Bool_t errout)
 Normal constructor of TOracleStatement class
 On creation time specifies buffer length, which should be
 used in data fetching or data inserting
 Destructor of TOracleStatement clas
void Close(Option_t *)
 Close Oracle statement
 Removes and destroys all buffers and metainfo
void SetBufferSize(Int_t size)
 Set buffer size, which is used to keep string values of
 currently fetched column.
void CloseBuffer()
 Destroy buffers, used in data fetching
Bool_t Process()
 Process SQL statement
Int_t GetNumAffectedRows()
 Return number of affected rows after statement Process() was called
 Make sense for queries like SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE
Int_t GetNumParameters()
 Return number of parameters in statement
 Not yet implemented for Oracle
Bool_t SetNull(Int_t npar)
 Set NULL as value of parameter npar
Bool_t SetInt(Int_t npar, Int_t value)
 Set integer value for parameter npar
Bool_t SetUInt(Int_t npar, UInt_t value)
 Set unsigned integer value for parameter npar
Bool_t SetLong(Int_t npar, Long_t value)
 Set long integer value for parameter npar
Bool_t SetLong64(Int_t npar, Long64_t value)
 Set 64-bit integer value for parameter npar
Bool_t SetULong64(Int_t npar, ULong64_t value)
 Set unsigned 64-bit integer value for parameter npar
Bool_t SetDouble(Int_t npar, Double_t value)
 Set double value for parameter npar
Bool_t SetString(Int_t npar, const char* value, Int_t maxsize)
 Set string value for parameter npar
Bool_t NextIteration()
 Add next iteration for statement with parameters
Bool_t StoreResult()
 Store result of statement processing.
 Required to access results of SELECT queries
Int_t GetNumFields()
 Returns number of fields in result set
const char* GetFieldName(Int_t npar)
 Return field name in result set
Bool_t NextResultRow()
 Move cursor to next row in result set.
 For Oracle it may lead to additional request to database
Bool_t IsNull(Int_t npar)
 Checks if fieled value in result set is NULL
Int_t GetInt(Int_t npar)
 return field value as integer
UInt_t GetUInt(Int_t npar)
 return field value as unsigned integer
Long_t GetLong(Int_t npar)
 return field value as long integer
Long64_t GetLong64(Int_t npar)
 return field value as 64-bit integer
ULong64_t GetULong64(Int_t npar)
 return field value as unsigned 64-bit integer
Double_t GetDouble(Int_t npar)
 return field value as double
const char* GetString(Int_t npar)
 return field value as string
Bool_t IsParSettMode()
Bool_t IsResultSet()
TOracleStatement(Connection* conn, Statement* stmt, Int_t niter, Bool_t errout = kTRUE)
Int_t GetBufferLength()

Author: Sergey Linev 6/02/2006
Last update: root/oracle:$Name: $:$Id: TOracleStatement.cxx,v 1.5 2006/06/25 18:43:24 brun Exp $
Copyright (C) 1995-2006, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *

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