library: libRooFit #include "RooHist.h" |
class description - header file - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)
void initialize()
Int_t roundBin(Double_t y)
RooHist(Double_t nominalBinWidth, Double_t nSigma = 1, Double_t xErrorFrac = 1.0)
RooHist(const TH1& data, Double_t nominalBinWidth = 0, Double_t nSigma = 1, RooAbsData::ErrorType = RooAbsData::Poisson, Double_t xErrorFrac = 1.0)
RooHist(const TH1& data1, const TH1& data2, Double_t nominalBinWidth = 0, Double_t nSigma = 1, Double_t xErrorFrac = 1.0)
RooHist(const RooHist& hist1, const RooHist& hist2, Double_t wgt1 = 1.0, Double_t wgt2 = 1.0, RooAbsData::ErrorType etype = RooAbsData::Poisson, Double_t xErrorFrac = 1.0)
RooHist(const RooHist&)
virtual ~RooHist()
void addAsymmetryBin(Axis_t binCenter, Int_t n1, Int_t n2, Double_t binWidth = 0, Double_t xErrorFrac = 1.0)
void addBin(Axis_t binCenter, Int_t n, Double_t binWidth = 0, Double_t xErrorFrac = 1.0)
void addBinWithError(Axis_t binCenter, Double_t n, Double_t elow, Double_t ehigh, Double_t binWidth = 0, Double_t xErrorFrac = 1.0)
static TClass* Class()
virtual Double_t getFitRangeBinW() const
virtual Double_t getFitRangeNEvt() const
virtual Double_t getFitRangeNEvt(Double_t xlo, Double_t xhi) const
Double_t getNominalBinWidth() const
Bool_t hasIdenticalBinning(const RooHist& other) const
virtual TClass* IsA() const
RooHist* makePullHist(const RooCurve& curve) const
RooHist* makeResidHist(const RooCurve& curve, bool normalize = false) const
RooHist& operator=(const RooHist&)
virtual void Print(Option_t* options = "0") const
virtual void printToStream(ostream& os, RooPrintable::PrintOption opt = Standard, TString indent = ) const
void setRawEntries(Double_t n)
virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
Double_t _nominalBinWidth
Double_t _nSigma
Double_t _entries
Double_t _rawEntries
RooHist(const TH1 &data, Double_t nominalBinWidth, Double_t nSigma, RooAbsData::ErrorType etype, Double_t xErrorFrac)
Create a histogram from the contents of the specified TH1 object
which may have fixed or variable bin widths. Error bars are
calculated using Poisson statistics. Prints a warning and rounds
any bins with non-integer contents. Use the optional parameter to
specify the confidence level in units of sigma to use for
calculating error bars. The nominal bin width specifies the
default used by addBin(), and is used to set the relative
normalization of bins with different widths. If not set, the
nominal bin width is calculated as range/nbins.
RooHist(const TH1 &data1, const TH1 &data2, Double_t nominalBinWidth, Double_t nSigma, Double_t xErrorFrac)
Create a histogram from the asymmetry between the specified TH1 objects
which may have fixed or variable bin widths, but which must both have
the same binning. The asymmetry is calculated as (1-2)/(1+2). Error bars are
calculated using Binomial statistics. Prints a warning and rounds
any bins with non-integer contents. Use the optional parameter to
specify the confidence level in units of sigma to use for
calculating error bars. The nominal bin width specifies the
default used by addAsymmetryBin(), and is used to set the relative
normalization of bins with different widths. If not set, the
nominal bin width is calculated as range/nbins.
RooHist(const RooHist& hist1, const RooHist& hist2, Double_t wgt1, Double_t wgt2, RooAbsData::ErrorType etype, Double_t xErrorFrac)
Create histogram as sum of two existing histograms. If Poisson errors are selected the histograms are
added and Poisson confidence intervals are calculated for the summed content. If wgt1 and wgt2 are not
1 in this mode, a warning message is printed. If SumW2 errors are selectd the histograms are added
and the histograms errors are added in quadrature, taking the weights into account.
void initialize()
Perform common initialization for all constructors.
Int_t roundBin(Double_t y)
Return the nearest positive integer to the input value
and print a warning if an adjustment is required.
void addBin(Axis_t binCenter, Int_t n, Double_t binWidth, Double_t xErrorFrac)
Add a bin to this histogram with the specified integer bin contents
and using an error bar calculated with Poisson statistics. The bin width
is used to set the relative scale of bins with different widths.
void printToStream(ostream& os, PrintOption opt, TString indent)
Print info about this histogram to the specified output stream.
Standard: number of entries
Shape: error CL and maximum value
Verbose: print our bin contents and errors
Last update: Tue Jul 11 11:45:46 2006
Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Regents of the University of California *
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