After the very successful
First ROOT Users Workshop in March 1999 at
Fermilab we are happy to
annouce the Second ROOT Users Workshop, to be held at
CERN the 3rd, 4th and 5th of February 2000 (just a few days before
CHEP 2000).
As the use of ROOT is growing at a rapid pace it becomes important to
meet at a regular basis to discuss technical issues, share ideas,
plan directions for future development, etc. For this we organize the
workshop to be held just a few days before the start of CHEP 2000 so
that many trans-atlantic or pacific visitors can in one trip attend
two conferences.
To register and submit abstracts go to the
registration page. For any inquiries or comments contact directly the
organizers. The registration
fee is CHF 20,-, which includes the workshop dinner.