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RooFit::TestStatistics Namespace Reference

Namespace for new RooFit test statistic calculation. More...


class  ConstantTermsOptimizer
 Analyzes a function given a dataset/observables for constant terms and caches those in the dataset. More...
class  LikelihoodGradientJob
class  LikelihoodGradientWrapper
 Virtual base class for implementation of likelihood gradient calculation strategies. More...
class  LikelihoodJob
class  LikelihoodSerial
 Serial likelihood calculation strategy implementation. More...
class  LikelihoodWrapper
 Virtual base class for implementation of likelihood calculation strategies. More...
class  MinuitFcnGrad
 Minuit-RooMinimizer interface which synchronizes parameter data and coordinates evaluation of likelihood (gradient) values. More...
class  NLLFactory
class  RooAbsL
class  RooBinnedL
class  RooRealL
 RooAbsReal that wraps RooAbsL likelihoods for use in RooFit outside of the RooMinimizer context. More...
class  RooSubsidiaryL
class  RooSumL
 Likelihood class that sums over multiple -log components. More...
class  RooUnbinnedL
struct  WrapperCalculationCleanFlags
 For communication with wrappers, an instance of this struct must be shared between them and MinuitFcnGrad. More...


enum class  LikelihoodGradientMode { multiprocess }
enum class  LikelihoodMode { serial , multiprocess }
enum class  LikelihoodType { unbinned , binned , subsidiary , sum }
enum class  OffsettingMode { legacy , full }
 Previously, offsetting was only implemented for RooNLLVar components of a likelihood, not for RooConstraintSum terms. More...


std::unique_ptr< RooAbsLbuildLikelihood (RooAbsPdf *pdf, RooAbsData *data)
 Delegating function to build a likelihood without additional arguments.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const LikelihoodJob::update_state_mode value)

Detailed Description

Namespace for new RooFit test statistic calculation.

RooFit::TestStatistics contains a major refactoring of the RooAbsTestStatistic-RooAbsOptTestStatistic-RooNLLVar inheritance tree into:

  1. statistics-based classes on the one hand;
  2. calculation/evaluation/optimization based classes on the other hand.

The likelihood is the central unit on the statistics side. The RooAbsL class is implemented for four kinds of likelihoods: binned, unbinned, "subsidiary" (an optimization for numerical stability that gathers components like global observables) and "sum" (over multiple components of the other types). These classes provide ways to compute their components in parallelizable chunks that can be used by the calculator classes as they see fit.

On top of the likelihood classes, we also provide for convenience a likelihood builder buildLikelihood, as a free function in the namespace. This function analyzes the pdf and automatically constructs the proper likelihood, built up from the available RooAbsL subclasses.

The calculator "Wrapper" classes are abstract interfaces. These can be implemented for different kinds of algorithms, or with different kinds of optimization "back-ends" in mind. In an upcoming PR, we will introduce the fork-based multi-processing implementation based on RooFit::MultiProcess. Other possible implementations could use the GPU or external tools like TensorFlow.

The coupling of all these classes to RooMinimizer is made via the MinuitFcnGrad class, which owns the Wrappers that calculate the likelihood components.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ LikelihoodGradientMode


Definition at line 36 of file LikelihoodGradientWrapper.h.

◆ LikelihoodMode


Definition at line 53 of file LikelihoodWrapper.h.

◆ LikelihoodType


Definition at line 51 of file LikelihoodWrapper.h.

◆ OffsettingMode

Previously, offsetting was only implemented for RooNLLVar components of a likelihood, not for RooConstraintSum terms.

To emulate this behavior, use OffsettingMode::legacy. To also offset the RooSubsidiaryL component (equivalent of RooConstraintSum) of RooSumL likelihoods, use OffsettingMode::full.


Definition at line 59 of file LikelihoodWrapper.h.

Function Documentation

◆ buildLikelihood()

std::unique_ptr< RooAbsL > RooFit::TestStatistics::buildLikelihood ( RooAbsPdf pdf,
RooAbsData data 

Delegating function to build a likelihood without additional arguments.

Definition at line 55 of file buildLikelihood.h.

◆ operator<<()

std::ostream & RooFit::TestStatistics::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const LikelihoodJob::update_state_mode  value 

Definition at line 359 of file LikelihoodJob.cxx.