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OpenGL rendering

OpenGL rendering and utility classes.

The GL module incapsulates ROOT's interface to the OpenGL rendering engine and provides the following functionality:

Papers describing OpenGL in ROOT:


class  TArcBall
 Implements the arc-ball rotation manipulator. More...
class  TF2GL
 GL renderer for TF2. More...
class  TGL5DDataSet
class  TGL5DDataSetEditor
 GUI editor for OpenGL 5D Painter. More...
class  TGL5DPainter
 TGL5DPainter implements "gl5d" option for TTree::Draw. More...
class  TGLAdapter
 Allow plot-painters to be used for gl-inpad and gl-viewer. More...
class  TGLAnnotation
 GL-overlay annotation. More...
class  TGLAutoRotator
 Automatically rotates GL camera. More...
class  TGLAxis
 GL Axis. More...
class  TGLAxisPainter
 Utility class to paint axis in GL. More...
class  TGLAxisPainterBox
 Painter class for axes encompassing a 3D box. More...
class  TGLBoundingBox
 Concrete class describing an orientated (free) or axis aligned box of 8 vertices. More...
class  TGLBoxCut
 Used by plot-painters to determine the area of the plot that is cut away. More...
class  TGLBoxPainter
 Paints TH3 histograms by rendering variable-sized boxes matching the bin contents. More...
class  TGLCamera
 Abstract base camera class - concrete classes for orthographic and perspective cameras derive from it. More...
class  TGLCameraGuide
 Draws arrows showing camera orientation in the overlay. More...
class  TGLCameraOverlay
 A GL overlay element which displays camera furstum. More...
class  TGLClip
 Abstract clipping shape - derives from TGLPhysicalShape Adds clip mode (inside/outside) and pure virtual method to approximate shape as set of planes. More...
class  TGLClipBox
 Concrete clip box object. More...
class  TGLClipPlane
 Concrete clip plane object. More...
class  TGLClipSet
 A collection of concrete TGLClip objects to be selected from. More...
class  TGLClipSetEditor
 GUI editor for TGLClipSet. More...
class  TGLClipSetSubEditor
 GUI sub-editor for TGLClipSet. More...
class  TGLColor
 Class encapsulating color information in preferred GL format - an array of four unsigned bytes. More...
class  TGLColorSet
 Class encapsulating a set of colors used throughout standard rendering. More...
class  TGLContext
 This class encapsulates window-system specific information about a GL-context and alows their proper management in ROOT. More...
class  TGLContextIdentity
 Identifier of a shared GL-context. More...
class  TGLCylinder
 Implements a native ROOT-GL cylinder that can be rendered at different levels of detail. More...
class  TGLEmbeddedViewer
 Minimal GL-viewer that can be embedded in a standard ROOT frames. More...
class  TGLEventHandler
 Base-class and default implementation of event-handler for TGLViewer. More...
class  TGLFaceSet
 Implements a native ROOT-GL representation of an arbitrary set of polygons. More...
class  TGLFBO
 Frame-buffer object. More...
class  TGLFont
 A wrapper class for FTFont. More...
class  TGLFontManager
 A FreeType GL font manager. More...
class  TGLFormat
 Encapsulation of format / contents of an OpenGL buffer. More...
class  TGLH2PolyPainter
 Paint TH2Poly. More...
class  TGLHistPainter
 The histogram painter class using OpenGL. More...
class  TGLIsoPainter
 "gliso" option for TH3. More...
class  TGLLegoPainter
 Plot-painter implementing LEGO rendering of TH2 histograms in cartesian, polar, cylindrical and spherical coordinates. More...
class  TGLLightSet
 Encapsulates a set of lights for OpenGL. More...
class  TGLLightSetSubEditor
 Sub-editor for TGLLightSet. More...
class  TGLLine3
 3D space, fixed length, line class, with direction / length 'vector', passing through point 'vertex'. More...
class  TGLLockable
 Simple locking interface used by viewer and scene. More...
class  TGLLogicalShape
 Abstract logical shape - a GL 'drawable' - base for all shapes - faceset sphere etc. More...
class  TGLManip
 Abstract base class for viewer manipulators, which allow direct in viewer manipulation of a (TGlPhysicalShape) object - currently translation, scaling and rotation along/round objects local axes. More...
class  TGLManipSet
 Combine all available manipulators in a collection. More...
class  TGLMatrix
 16 component (4x4) transform matrix - column MAJOR as per GL. More...
class  TGLObject
 Base-class for direct OpenGL renderers. More...
class  TGLOrthoCamera
 Orthographic projection camera. More...
class  TGLOutput
 Wrapper class for GL capture & output routines. More...
class  TGLOverlayButton
 GL-overlay button. More...
class  TGLOverlayElement
 An overlay element. More...
class  TGLOverlayList
 Manage a collection of overlay elements. More...
class  TGLOvlSelectRecord
 Selection record for overlay objects. More...
class  TGLPadPainter
 "Delegating" part of TGLPadPainter. More...
class  TGLParametricEquation
 A parametric surface is a surface defined by a parametric equation, involving two parameters (u, v): More...
class  TGLParametricEquationGL
 GL-renderer wrapper for TGLParametricEquation. More...
class  TGLParametricPlot
class  TGLPerspectiveCamera
 Perspective projection camera - with characteristic foreshortening. More...
class  TGLPhysicalShape
 Concrete physical shape - a GL drawable. More...
class  TGLPlane
 3D plane class - of format Ax + By + Cz + D = 0 More...
class  TGLPlot3D
 Description of TGLPlot3D. More...
class  TGLPlotBox
 Implementation of a box around a histogram/function for plot-painters. More...
class  TGLPlotCamera
 Camera for TGLPlotPainter and sub-classes. More...
class  TGLPlotCoordinates
 Helper class for plot-painters holding information about axis ranges, numbers of bins and flags if certain axis is logarithmic. More...
class  TGLPlotPainter
 Base class for plot-painters that provide GL rendering of various 2D and 3D histograms, functions and parametric surfaces. More...
class  TGLPolyLine
 To draw a 3D polyline in a GL window. More...
class  TGLPolyMarker
 To draw a 3D polymarker in a GL window. More...
class  TGLPShapeObj
 Wrap TGLPysicalShape into TObject so that it can be edited using GED. More...
class  TGLPShapeObjEditor
 GUI editor for TGLPShapeObj. More...
class  TGLPShapeRef
 Base class for references to TGLPysicalShape that need to be notified when the shape is destroyed. More...
class  TGLQuadric
 Wrapper class for GLU quadric shape drawing object. More...
class  TGLRect
 Viewport (pixel base) 2D rectangle class. More...
class  TGLRnrCtx
 The TGLRnrCtx class aggregates data for a given redering context as needed by various parts of the ROOT's OpenGL infrastructure. More...
class  TGLRotateManip
 Rotate manipulator - attaches to physical shape and draws local axes widgets - rings drawn from attached physical center, in plane defined by axis. More...
class  TGLSAFrame
 Standalone GL Viewer GUI main frame. More...
class  TGLSAViewer
 The top level standalone GL-viewer - created via plugin manager. More...
class  TGLScaleManip
 Scale manipulator - attaches to physical shape and draws local axes widgets with box heads. More...
class  TGLScene
 TGLScene provides management and rendering of ROOT's default 3D /object representation as logical and physical shapes. More...
class  TGLSceneBase
 Scene base-class – provides basic interface expected by the TGLViewer or its sub-classes: More...
class  TGLSceneInfo
 Base class for extended scene context. More...
class  TGLScenePad
 Implements VirtualViewer3D interface and fills the base-class visualization structures from pad contents. More...
class  TGLSelectBuffer
 Encapsulates OpenGL select buffer. More...
class  TGLSelectionBuffer
class  TGLSelectRecord
 Standard selection record including information about containing scene and details ob out selected object (TGLPhysicalShape*, TObject* or simply a void* for foreign scenes). More...
class  TGLSelectRecordBase
 Base class for select records. More...
class  TGLSphere
 Implements a native ROOT-GL sphere that can be rendered at different levels of detail. More...
class  TGLStopwatch
 Stopwatch object for timing GL work. More...
class  TGLSurfacePainter
 Implements painting of TH2 with "SURF" option. More...
class  TGLText
 GL Text. More...
class  TGLTF3Painter
 Plot-painter for TF3 functions. More...
class  TGLTH3Composition
class  TGLTH3CompositionPainter
class  TGLTH3Slice
 A slice of a TH3. More...
class  TGLTransManip
 Translation manipulator - attaches to physical shape and draws local axes widgets with arrow heads. More...
class  TGLUtil
 Wrapper class for various misc static functions - error checking, draw helpers etc. More...
class  TGLVector3
 3 component (x/y/z) vector class. More...
class  TGLVertex3
 3 component (x/y/z) vertex class. More...
class  TGLViewer
 Base GL viewer object - used by both standalone and embedded (in pad) GL. More...
class  TGLViewerBase
 Base class for GL viewers. More...
class  TGLViewerEditor
 GUI editor for TGLViewer. More...
class  TGLVoxelPainter
 Paint TH3 histograms as "voxels" - colored boxes, transparent if transfer function was specified. More...
class  TGLWidget
 GL window with context. More...
class  TH2GL
 Rendering of TH2 and derived classes. More...
class  TH3GL
 OpenGL renderer class for TH3. More...
class  TPointSet3DGL
 Direct OpenGL renderer for TPointSet3D. More...
class  TX11GLManager
 The TX11GLManager is X11 implementation of TGLManager. More...