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TWebCanvas Class Reference

Basic TCanvasImp ABI implementation for Web-based Graphics Provides painting of main ROOT classes in web browsers using JSROOT

Following settings parameters can be useful for TWebCanvas:

 WebGui.FullCanvas:       1     read-only mode (0), full-functional canvas (1) (default - 1)
 WebGui.StyleDelivery:    1     provide gStyle object to JSROOT client (default - 1)
 WebGui.PaletteDelivery:  1     provide color palette to JSROOT client (default - 1)
 WebGui.TF1UseSave:       1     used saved values for function drawing: 0 - off, 1 - if client fail to evaluate function, 2 - always (default - 1)

TWebCanvas is used by default in interactive ROOT session. To use web-based canvas in batch mode for image generation, one should explicitly specify --web option when starting ROOT:

[shell] root -b --web tutorials/hsimple.root -e 'hpxpy->Draw("colz"); c1->SaveAs("image.png");'

If for any reasons TWebCanvas does not provide required functionality, one always can disable it. Either by specifying root --web=off when starting ROOT or by setting Canvas.Name: TRootCanvas in rootrc file.

Definition at line 35 of file TWebCanvas.h.


struct  PadStatus
struct  WebConn

Public Types

using ObjectSelectSignal_t = std::function<void(TPad *, TObject *)>
 Function type for signals, invoked when object is selected.
using PadClickedSignal_t = std::function<void(TPad *, int, int)>
 Function type for pad-click signals.
using PadSignal_t = std::function<void(TPad *)>
 Function type for pad-related signals - like activate pad signal.
using UpdatedSignal_t = std::function<void()>
 Function type for signals, invoked when canvas drawing or update is completed.

Public Member Functions

 TWebCanvas (TCanvas *c, const char *name, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t width, UInt_t height, Bool_t readonly=kTRUE)
 ~TWebCanvas () override
void ActivateInEditor (TPad *pad, TObject *obj)
 Activate object in editor in web browser.
void AddCustomClass (const std::string &clname, bool with_derived=false)
 Assign custom class.
void Close () override
 Close web canvas - not implemented.
void ForceUpdate () override
 Increment canvas version and force sending data to client - do not wait for reply.
Bool_t GetCanCreateObjects () const
Bool_t GetLongerPolling () const
Int_t GetPaletteDelivery () const
Int_t GetPrimitivesMerge () const
Int_t GetStyleDelivery () const
const std::shared_ptr< ROOT::RWebWindow > & GetWebWindow () const
UInt_t GetWindowGeometry (Int_t &x, Int_t &y, UInt_t &w, UInt_t &h) override
 Returns window geometry including borders and menus.
Bool_t HasEditor () const override
 Returns kTRUE if web canvas has graphical editor.
Bool_t HasMenuBar () const override
 Returns kTRUE if web canvas has menu bar.
Bool_t HasStatusBar () const override
 Returns kTRUE if web canvas has status bar.
Bool_t HasToolBar () const override
Bool_t HasToolTips () const override
 Returns kTRUE if tooltips are activated in web canvas.
void Iconify () override
 Iconify browser window.
Int_t InitWindow () override
 Initialize window for the web canvas At this place canvas is not yet register to the list of canvases - one cannot call RWebWindow::Show()
TClassIsA () const override
Bool_t IsAsyncMode () const
bool IsCustomClass (const TClass *cl) const
 Checks if class belongs to custom.
Bool_t IsFixedSize () const
virtual Bool_t IsReadOnly () const
void RaiseWindow () override
 Raise browser window.
void SetActivePadChangedHandler (PadSignal_t func)
void SetAsyncMode (Bool_t on=kTRUE)
void SetCanCreateObjects (Bool_t on=kTRUE)
void SetCanvasSize (UInt_t w, UInt_t h) override
 Set canvas size of web canvas.
void SetCustomScripts (const std::string &src)
 Configures custom script for canvas.
void SetLongerPolling (Bool_t on)
void SetObjSelectHandler (ObjectSelectSignal_t func)
void SetPadClickedHandler (PadClickedSignal_t func)
void SetPadDblClickedHandler (PadClickedSignal_t func)
void SetPaletteDelivery (Int_t val)
void SetPrimitivesMerge (Int_t cnt)
void SetStyleDelivery (Int_t val)
void SetUpdatedHandler (UpdatedSignal_t func)
void SetWindowPosition (Int_t x, Int_t y) override
 Set window position of web canvas.
void SetWindowSize (UInt_t w, UInt_t h) override
 Set window size of web canvas.
void SetWindowTitle (const char *newTitle) override
 Set window title of web canvas.
void Show () override
 Show canvas in browser window.
void ShowEditor (Bool_t show=kTRUE) override
void ShowMenuBar (Bool_t show=kTRUE) override
void ShowStatusBar (Bool_t show=kTRUE) override
void ShowToolBar (Bool_t show=kTRUE) override
void ShowToolTips (Bool_t show=kTRUE) override
void ShowWebWindow (const ROOT::RWebDisplayArgs &user_args="")
 Show canvas in specified place.
void Streamer (TBuffer &) override
void StreamerNVirtual (TBuffer &ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b)
- Public Member Functions inherited from TCanvasImp
 TCanvasImp (TCanvas *c, const char *name, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t width, UInt_t height)
 TCanvasImp (TCanvas *c, const char *name, UInt_t width, UInt_t height)
 TCanvasImp (TCanvas *c=nullptr)
virtual ~TCanvasImp ()
TCanvasCanvas () const
virtual void ReallyDelete ()
virtual void SetStatusText (const char *text=nullptr, Int_t partidx=0)
void StreamerNVirtual (TBuffer &ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b)

Static Public Member Functions

static Font_t AddFont (const char *name, const char *ttffile, Int_t precision=2)
 Add font to static list of fonts upported by the canvas Name specifies name of the font, second is font file with .ttf or .woff2 extension Only True Type Fonts (ttf) are supported by PDF Returns font index which can be used in auto font_indx = TWebCanvas::AddFont("test", "test.ttf", 2); gStyle->SetStatFont(font_indx);.
static TClassClass ()
static const char * Class_Name ()
static constexpr Version_t Class_Version ()
static TString CreateCanvasJSON (TCanvas *c, Int_t json_compression=0, Bool_t batchmode=kFALSE)
 Create JSON painting output for given canvas Produce JSON can be used for offline drawing with JSROOT.
static TString CreatePadJSON (TPad *pad, Int_t json_compression=0, Bool_t batchmode=kFALSE)
 Create JSON painting output for given pad Produce JSON can be used for offline drawing with JSROOT.
static const char * DeclFileName ()
static TCanvasImpNewCanvas (TCanvas *c, const char *name, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t width, UInt_t height)
 Static method to create TWebCanvas instance Used by plugin manager.
static bool ProduceImage (TPad *pad, const char *filename, Int_t width=0, Int_t height=0)
 Create image using batch (headless) capability of Chrome or Firefox browsers Supported png, jpeg, svg, pdf formats.
static bool ProduceImages (std::vector< TPad * > pads, const char *filename, Int_t width=0, Int_t height=0)
 Create images for several pads using batch (headless) capability of Chrome or Firefox browsers Supported png, jpeg, svg, pdf, webp formats One can include d qualifier which will be replaced by image index using printf functionality.
static Int_t StoreCanvasJSON (TCanvas *c, const char *filename, const char *option="")
 Create JSON painting output for given canvas and store into the file See TBufferJSON::ExportToFile() method for more details about option If option string starts with symbol 'b', JSON for batch mode will be generated.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from TCanvasImp
static TClassClass ()
static const char * Class_Name ()
static constexpr Version_t Class_Version ()
static const char * DeclFileName ()

Protected Types

using PadPaintingReady_t = std::function<void(TPadWebSnapshot *)>
 Function called when pad painting produced.

Protected Member Functions

void AddColorsPalette (TPadWebSnapshot &master)
 Add special canvas objects with list of colors and color palette.
void AddCtrlMsg (unsigned connid, const std::string &key, const std::string &value)
 Add control message for specified connection Same control message can be overwritten many time before it really sends to the client If connid == 0, message will be add to all connections After ctrl message is add to the output, short timer is activated and message send afterwards.
void AddCustomFonts (TPadWebSnapshot &master)
 Add special canvas objects with custom fonts.
void AddSendQueue (unsigned connid, const std::string &msg)
 Add message to send queue for specified connection If connid == 0, message will be add to all connections.
void AssignStatusBits (UInt_t bits)
 Assign clients bits.
UInt_t CalculateColorsHash ()
 Calculate hash function for all colors and palette.
virtual Bool_t CanCreateObject (const std::string &)
Bool_t CheckCanvasModified (bool force_modified=false)
 Check if any pad on the canvas was modified If yes, increment version of correspondent pad Returns true when canvas really modified.
Bool_t CheckDataToSend (unsigned connid=0)
 Check if any data should be send to client If connid != 0, only selected connection will be checked.
void CheckPadModified (TPad *pad)
 Returns true if any pad in the canvas were modified Reset modified flags, increment canvas version (if inc_version is true)
void CreateObjectSnapshot (TPadWebSnapshot &master, TPad *pad, TObject *obj, const char *opt, TWebPS *masterps=nullptr)
 Creates representation of the object for painting in web browser.
TVirtualPadPainterCreatePadPainter () override
 Creates web-based pad painter.
void CreatePadSnapshot (TPadWebSnapshot &paddata, TPad *pad, Long64_t version, PadPaintingReady_t func)
 Create snapshot for pad and all primitives Callback function is used to create JSON in the middle of data processing - when all misc objects removed from canvas list of primitives or histogram list of functions After that objects are moved back to their places.
virtual Bool_t DecodePadOptions (const std::string &, bool process_execs=false)
 Decode all pad options, which includes ranges plus objects options.
TObjectFindPrimitive (const std::string &id, int idcnt=1, TPad *pad=nullptr, TObjLink **objlnk=nullptr, TPad **objpad=nullptr)
 Search of object with given id in list of primitives One could specify pad where search could be start Also if object is in list of primitives, one could ask for entry link for such object, This can allow to change draw option.
Bool_t IsFirstConn (unsigned connid) const
Bool_t IsFirstDrawn () const
virtual Bool_t IsJSSupportedClass (TObject *obj, Bool_t many_primitives=kFALSE)
 Returns kTRUE when object is fully supported on JSROOT side In ROOT7 Paint function will just return appropriate flag that object can be displayed on JSROOT side.
Bool_t IsLocked () override
Bool_t IsWeb () const override
void Lock () override
Bool_t PerformUpdate (Bool_t async) override
 if canvas or any subpad was modified, scan all primitives in the TCanvas and subpads and convert them into the structure which will be delivered to JSROOT client
virtual Bool_t ProcessData (unsigned connid, const std::string &arg)
 Handle data from web browser Returns kFALSE if message was not processed.
void ProcessExecs (TPad *pad, TExec *extra=nullptr)
 Process TExec objects in the pad.
void ProcessLinesForObject (TObject *obj, const std::string &lines)
 Execute one or several methods for selected object String can be separated by ";;" to let execute several methods at once.
TPadProcessObjectOptions (TWebObjectOptions &item, TPad *pad, int idcnt=1)
 Process data for single primitive Returns object pad if object was modified.
void ShowCmd (const std::string &arg, Bool_t show)
 Function used to send command to browser to toggle menu, toolbar, editors, ...
void Unlock () override
Bool_t WaitWhenCanvasPainted (Long64_t ver)
 Wait when specified version of canvas was painted and confirmed by browser.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from TCanvasImp
 TCanvasImp (const TCanvasImp &ci)
TCanvasImpoperator= (const TCanvasImp &ci)

Protected Attributes

PadSignal_t fActivePadChangedSignal
 ! signal emitted when active pad changed in the canvas
std::vector< TPad * > fAllPads
 ! list of all pads recognized during streaming
Bool_t fAsyncMode {kFALSE}
 ! when true, methods like TCanvas::Update will never block
Bool_t fCanCreateObjects {kTRUE}
 ! indicates if canvas allowed to create extra objects for interactive painting
Long64_t fCanvVersion {1}
 ! actual canvas version, changed with every new Modified() call
UInt_t fClientBits {0}
 ! latest status bits from client like editor visible or not
UInt_t fColorsHash {0}
 ! last hash of colors/palette
Long64_t fColorsVersion {0}
 ! current colors/palette version, checked every time when new snapshot created
std::vector< std::string > fCustomClasses
 ! list of custom classes, which can be delivered as is to client
std::string fCustomScripts
 ! custom JavaScript code or URL on JavaScript files to load before start drawing
Bool_t fFixedSize {kFALSE}
 ! is canvas size fixed
Int_t fJsonComp {0}
 ! compression factor for messages send to the client
Bool_t fLongerPolling {kFALSE}
 ! when true, make longer polling in blocking operations
ObjectSelectSignal_t fObjSelectSignal
 ! signal emitted when new object selected in the pad
PadClickedSignal_t fPadClickedSignal
 ! signal emitted when simple mouse click performed on the pad
PadClickedSignal_t fPadDblClickedSignal
 ! signal emitted when simple mouse click performed on the pad
std::map< TPad *, PadStatusfPadsStatus
 ! map of pads in canvas and their status flags
Int_t fPaletteDelivery {1}
 ! colors palette delivery 0:never, 1:once, 2:always, 3:per subpad
Int_t fPrimitivesMerge {100}
 ! number of PS primitives, which will be merged together
Bool_t fProcessingData {kFALSE}
 ! flag used to prevent blocking methods when process data is invoked
Bool_t fReadOnly {kFALSE}
 !< configured display
Int_t fStyleDelivery {0}
 ! gStyle delivery to clients: 0:never, 1:once, 2:always
UInt_t fStyleHash {0}
 ! last hash of gStyle
Long64_t fStyleVersion {0}
 ! current gStyle object version, checked every time when new snapshot created
Int_t fTF1UseSave {1}
 ! use save buffer for TF1/TF2, 0:off, 1:prefer, 2:force
TWebCanvasTimerfTimer {nullptr}
 ! timer to submit control messages
UpdatedSignal_t fUpdatedSignal
 ! signal emitted when canvas updated or state is changed
std::vector< WebConnfWebConn
 ! connections
std::shared_ptr< ROOT::RWebWindowfWindow
std::vector< intfWindowGeometry
 ! last received window geometry
- Protected Attributes inherited from TCanvasImp
TCanvasfCanvas {nullptr}


class TWebCanvasTimer

#include <TWebCanvas.h>

Inheritance diagram for TWebCanvas:

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ ObjectSelectSignal_t

using TWebCanvas::ObjectSelectSignal_t = std::function<void(TPad *, TObject *)>

Function type for signals, invoked when object is selected.

Definition at line 50 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ PadClickedSignal_t

using TWebCanvas::PadClickedSignal_t = std::function<void(TPad *, int, int)>

Function type for pad-click signals.

Definition at line 47 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ PadPaintingReady_t

using TWebCanvas::PadPaintingReady_t = std::function<void(TPadWebSnapshot *)>

Function called when pad painting produced.

Definition at line 55 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ PadSignal_t

using TWebCanvas::PadSignal_t = std::function<void(TPad *)>

Function type for pad-related signals - like activate pad signal.

Definition at line 44 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ UpdatedSignal_t

using TWebCanvas::UpdatedSignal_t = std::function<void()>

Function type for signals, invoked when canvas drawing or update is completed.

Definition at line 41 of file TWebCanvas.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TWebCanvas()

TWebCanvas::TWebCanvas ( TCanvas * c,
const char * name,
Int_t x,
Int_t y,
UInt_t width,
UInt_t height,
Bool_t readonly = kTRUE )


Definition at line 139 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ ~TWebCanvas()

TWebCanvas::~TWebCanvas ( )


Definition at line 169 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

Member Function Documentation

◆ ActivateInEditor()

void TWebCanvas::ActivateInEditor ( TPad * pad,
TObject * obj )

Activate object in editor in web browser.

Definition at line 1208 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ AddColorsPalette()

void TWebCanvas::AddColorsPalette ( TPadWebSnapshot & master)

Add special canvas objects with list of colors and color palette.

Definition at line 439 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ AddCtrlMsg()

void TWebCanvas::AddCtrlMsg ( unsigned connid,
const std::string & key,
const std::string & value )

Add control message for specified connection Same control message can be overwritten many time before it really sends to the client If connid == 0, message will be add to all connections After ctrl message is add to the output, short timer is activated and message send afterwards.

Definition at line 1010 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ AddCustomClass()

void TWebCanvas::AddCustomClass ( const std::string & clname,
bool with_derived = false )

Assign custom class.

Definition at line 332 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ AddCustomFonts()

void TWebCanvas::AddCustomFonts ( TPadWebSnapshot & master)

Add special canvas objects with custom fonts.

Definition at line 471 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ AddFont()

Font_t TWebCanvas::AddFont ( const char * name,
const char * ttffile,
Int_t precision = 2 )

Add font to static list of fonts upported by the canvas Name specifies name of the font, second is font file with .ttf or .woff2 extension Only True Type Fonts (ttf) are supported by PDF Returns font index which can be used in auto font_indx = TWebCanvas::AddFont("test", "test.ttf", 2); gStyle->SetStatFont(font_indx);.

Definition at line 183 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ AddSendQueue()

void TWebCanvas::AddSendQueue ( unsigned connid,
const std::string & msg )

Add message to send queue for specified connection If connid == 0, message will be add to all connections.

Definition at line 1030 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ AssignStatusBits()

void TWebCanvas::AssignStatusBits ( UInt_t bits)

Assign clients bits.

Definition at line 1312 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ CalculateColorsHash()

UInt_t TWebCanvas::CalculateColorsHash ( )

Calculate hash function for all colors and palette.

Definition at line 416 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ CanCreateObject()

virtual Bool_t TWebCanvas::CanCreateObject ( const std::string & )

Definition at line 159 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ CheckCanvasModified()

Bool_t TWebCanvas::CheckCanvasModified ( bool force_modified = false)

Check if any pad on the canvas was modified If yes, increment version of correspondent pad Returns true when canvas really modified.

Definition at line 2061 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ CheckDataToSend()

Bool_t TWebCanvas::CheckDataToSend ( unsigned connid = 0)

Check if any data should be send to client If connid != 0, only selected connection will be checked.

Definition at line 1043 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ CheckPadModified()

void TWebCanvas::CheckPadModified ( TPad * pad)

Returns true if any pad in the canvas were modified Reset modified flags, increment canvas version (if inc_version is true)

Definition at line 2037 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ Class()

static TClass * TWebCanvas::Class ( )
TClass describing this class

◆ Class_Name()

static const char * TWebCanvas::Class_Name ( )
Name of this class

◆ Class_Version()

static constexpr Version_t TWebCanvas::Class_Version ( )
Version of this class

Definition at line 258 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ Close()

void TWebCanvas::Close ( )

Close web canvas - not implemented.

Reimplemented from TCanvasImp.

Definition at line 1128 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ CreateCanvasJSON()

TString TWebCanvas::CreateCanvasJSON ( TCanvas * c,
Int_t json_compression = 0,
Bool_t batchmode = kFALSE )

Create JSON painting output for given canvas Produce JSON can be used for offline drawing with JSROOT.

Definition at line 2218 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ CreateObjectSnapshot()

void TWebCanvas::CreateObjectSnapshot ( TPadWebSnapshot & master,
TPad * pad,
TObject * obj,
const char * opt,
TWebPS * masterps = nullptr )

Creates representation of the object for painting in web browser.

Definition at line 359 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ CreatePadJSON()

TString TWebCanvas::CreatePadJSON ( TPad * pad,
Int_t json_compression = 0,
Bool_t batchmode = kFALSE )

Create JSON painting output for given pad Produce JSON can be used for offline drawing with JSROOT.

Definition at line 2192 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ CreatePadPainter()

TVirtualPadPainter * TWebCanvas::CreatePadPainter ( )

Creates web-based pad painter.

Reimplemented from TCanvasImp.

Definition at line 248 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ CreatePadSnapshot()

void TWebCanvas::CreatePadSnapshot ( TPadWebSnapshot & paddata,
TPad * pad,
Long64_t version,
PadPaintingReady_t func )

Create snapshot for pad and all primitives Callback function is used to create JSON in the middle of data processing - when all misc objects removed from canvas list of primitives or histogram list of functions After that objects are moved back to their places.

Definition at line 487 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ DeclFileName()

static const char * TWebCanvas::DeclFileName ( )
Name of the file containing the class declaration

Definition at line 258 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ DecodePadOptions()

Bool_t TWebCanvas::DecodePadOptions ( const std::string & msg,
bool process_execs = false )

Decode all pad options, which includes ranges plus objects options.

Definition at line 1324 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ FindPrimitive()

TObject * TWebCanvas::FindPrimitive ( const std::string & id,
int idcnt = 1,
TPad * pad = nullptr,
TObjLink ** objlnk = nullptr,
TPad ** objpad = nullptr )

Search of object with given id in list of primitives One could specify pad where search could be start Also if object is in list of primitives, one could ask for entry link for such object, This can allow to change draw option.

Definition at line 2448 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ ForceUpdate()

void TWebCanvas::ForceUpdate ( )

Increment canvas version and force sending data to client - do not wait for reply.

Reimplemented from TCanvasImp.

Definition at line 2135 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ GetCanCreateObjects()

Bool_t TWebCanvas::GetCanCreateObjects ( ) const

Definition at line 222 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ GetLongerPolling()

Bool_t TWebCanvas::GetLongerPolling ( ) const

Definition at line 234 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ GetPaletteDelivery()

Int_t TWebCanvas::GetPaletteDelivery ( ) const

Definition at line 228 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ GetPrimitivesMerge()

Int_t TWebCanvas::GetPrimitivesMerge ( ) const

Definition at line 231 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ GetStyleDelivery()

Int_t TWebCanvas::GetStyleDelivery ( ) const

Definition at line 225 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ GetWebWindow()

const std::shared_ptr< ROOT::RWebWindow > & TWebCanvas::GetWebWindow ( ) const

Definition at line 175 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ GetWindowGeometry()

UInt_t TWebCanvas::GetWindowGeometry ( Int_t & x,
Int_t & y,
UInt_t & w,
UInt_t & h )

Returns window geometry including borders and menus.

Reimplemented from TCanvasImp.

Definition at line 2098 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ HasEditor()

Bool_t TWebCanvas::HasEditor ( ) const

Returns kTRUE if web canvas has graphical editor.

Reimplemented from TCanvasImp.

Definition at line 1220 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ HasMenuBar()

Bool_t TWebCanvas::HasMenuBar ( ) const

Returns kTRUE if web canvas has menu bar.

Reimplemented from TCanvasImp.

Definition at line 1228 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ HasStatusBar()

Bool_t TWebCanvas::HasStatusBar ( ) const

Returns kTRUE if web canvas has status bar.

Reimplemented from TCanvasImp.

Definition at line 1236 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ HasToolBar()

Bool_t TWebCanvas::HasToolBar ( ) const

Reimplemented from TCanvasImp.

Definition at line 212 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ HasToolTips()

Bool_t TWebCanvas::HasToolTips ( ) const

Returns kTRUE if tooltips are activated in web canvas.

Reimplemented from TCanvasImp.

Definition at line 1244 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ Iconify()

void TWebCanvas::Iconify ( )

Iconify browser window.

Reimplemented from TCanvasImp.

Definition at line 1296 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ InitWindow()

Int_t TWebCanvas::InitWindow ( )

Initialize window for the web canvas At this place canvas is not yet register to the list of canvases - one cannot call RWebWindow::Show()

Reimplemented from TCanvasImp.

Definition at line 240 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ IsA()

TClass * TWebCanvas::IsA ( ) const
TClass describing current object

Reimplemented from TCanvasImp.

Definition at line 258 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ IsAsyncMode()

Bool_t TWebCanvas::IsAsyncMode ( ) const

Definition at line 242 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ IsCustomClass()

bool TWebCanvas::IsCustomClass ( const TClass * cl) const

Checks if class belongs to custom.

Definition at line 343 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ IsFirstConn()

Bool_t TWebCanvas::IsFirstConn ( unsigned connid) const

Definition at line 147 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ IsFirstDrawn()

Bool_t TWebCanvas::IsFirstDrawn ( ) const

Definition at line 149 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ IsFixedSize()

Bool_t TWebCanvas::IsFixedSize ( ) const

Definition at line 244 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ IsJSSupportedClass()

Bool_t TWebCanvas::IsJSSupportedClass ( TObject * obj,
Bool_t many_primitives = kFALSE )

Returns kTRUE when object is fully supported on JSROOT side In ROOT7 Paint function will just return appropriate flag that object can be displayed on JSROOT side.

Definition at line 257 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ IsLocked()

Bool_t TWebCanvas::IsLocked ( )

Reimplemented from TCanvasImp.

Definition at line 120 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ IsReadOnly()

virtual Bool_t TWebCanvas::IsReadOnly ( ) const

Definition at line 177 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ IsWeb()

Bool_t TWebCanvas::IsWeb ( ) const

Reimplemented from TCanvasImp.

Definition at line 122 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ Lock()

void TWebCanvas::Lock ( )

Reimplemented from TCanvasImp.

Definition at line 118 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ NewCanvas()

TCanvasImp * TWebCanvas::NewCanvas ( TCanvas * c,
const char * name,
Int_t x,
Int_t y,
UInt_t width,
UInt_t height )

Static method to create TWebCanvas instance Used by plugin manager.

Definition at line 2599 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ PerformUpdate()

Bool_t TWebCanvas::PerformUpdate ( Bool_t async)

if canvas or any subpad was modified, scan all primitives in the TCanvas and subpads and convert them into the structure which will be delivered to JSROOT client

Reimplemented from TCanvasImp.

Definition at line 2120 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ ProcessData()

Bool_t TWebCanvas::ProcessData ( unsigned connid,
const std::string & arg )

Handle data from web browser Returns kFALSE if message was not processed.

Definition at line 1633 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ ProcessExecs()

void TWebCanvas::ProcessExecs ( TPad * pad,
TExec * extra = nullptr )

Process TExec objects in the pad.

Definition at line 1570 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ ProcessLinesForObject()

void TWebCanvas::ProcessLinesForObject ( TObject * obj,
const std::string & lines )

Execute one or several methods for selected object String can be separated by ";;" to let execute several methods at once.

Definition at line 1602 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ ProcessObjectOptions()

TPad * TWebCanvas::ProcessObjectOptions ( TWebObjectOptions & item,
TPad * pad,
int idcnt = 1 )

Process data for single primitive Returns object pad if object was modified.

Definition at line 2353 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ ProduceImage()

bool TWebCanvas::ProduceImage ( TPad * pad,
const char * filename,
Int_t width = 0,
Int_t height = 0 )

Create image using batch (headless) capability of Chrome or Firefox browsers Supported png, jpeg, svg, pdf formats.

Definition at line 2272 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ ProduceImages()

bool TWebCanvas::ProduceImages ( std::vector< TPad * > pads,
const char * filename,
Int_t width = 0,
Int_t height = 0 )

Create images for several pads using batch (headless) capability of Chrome or Firefox browsers Supported png, jpeg, svg, pdf, webp formats One can include d qualifier which will be replaced by image index using printf functionality.

If for pdf format d qualifier not specified, all images will be stored in single PDF file. For all other formats d qualifier will be add before extension automatically

Definition at line 2301 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ RaiseWindow()

void TWebCanvas::RaiseWindow ( )

Raise browser window.

Reimplemented from TCanvasImp.

Definition at line 1304 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ SetActivePadChangedHandler()

void TWebCanvas::SetActivePadChangedHandler ( PadSignal_t func)

Definition at line 216 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ SetAsyncMode()

void TWebCanvas::SetAsyncMode ( Bool_t on = kTRUE)

Definition at line 241 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ SetCanCreateObjects()

void TWebCanvas::SetCanCreateObjects ( Bool_t on = kTRUE)

Definition at line 221 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ SetCanvasSize()

void TWebCanvas::SetCanvasSize ( UInt_t w,
UInt_t h )

Set canvas size of web canvas.

Reimplemented from TCanvasImp.

Definition at line 1278 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ SetCustomScripts()

void TWebCanvas::SetCustomScripts ( const std::string & src)

Configures custom script for canvas.

If started from "load:" or "assert:" prefix will be loaded with JSROOT.AssertPrerequisites function Script should implement custom user classes, which transferred as is to client In the script draw handler for appropriate classes would be assigned

Definition at line 324 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ SetLongerPolling()

void TWebCanvas::SetLongerPolling ( Bool_t on)

Definition at line 233 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ SetObjSelectHandler()

void TWebCanvas::SetObjSelectHandler ( ObjectSelectSignal_t func)

Definition at line 219 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ SetPadClickedHandler()

void TWebCanvas::SetPadClickedHandler ( PadClickedSignal_t func)

Definition at line 217 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ SetPadDblClickedHandler()

void TWebCanvas::SetPadDblClickedHandler ( PadClickedSignal_t func)

Definition at line 218 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ SetPaletteDelivery()

void TWebCanvas::SetPaletteDelivery ( Int_t val)

Definition at line 227 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ SetPrimitivesMerge()

void TWebCanvas::SetPrimitivesMerge ( Int_t cnt)

Definition at line 230 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ SetStyleDelivery()

void TWebCanvas::SetStyleDelivery ( Int_t val)

Definition at line 224 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ SetUpdatedHandler()

void TWebCanvas::SetUpdatedHandler ( UpdatedSignal_t func)

Definition at line 215 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ SetWindowPosition()

void TWebCanvas::SetWindowPosition ( Int_t x,
Int_t y )

Set window position of web canvas.

Reimplemented from TCanvasImp.

Definition at line 1252 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ SetWindowSize()

void TWebCanvas::SetWindowSize ( UInt_t w,
UInt_t h )

Set window size of web canvas.

Reimplemented from TCanvasImp.

Definition at line 1261 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ SetWindowTitle()

void TWebCanvas::SetWindowTitle ( const char * newTitle)

Set window title of web canvas.

Reimplemented from TCanvasImp.

Definition at line 1270 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ Show()

void TWebCanvas::Show ( )

Show canvas in browser window.

Reimplemented from TCanvasImp.

Definition at line 1184 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ ShowCmd()

void TWebCanvas::ShowCmd ( const std::string & arg,
Bool_t show )

Function used to send command to browser to toggle menu, toolbar, editors, ...

Definition at line 1200 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ ShowEditor()

void TWebCanvas::ShowEditor ( Bool_t show = kTRUE)

Reimplemented from TCanvasImp.

Definition at line 187 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ ShowMenuBar()

void TWebCanvas::ShowMenuBar ( Bool_t show = kTRUE)

Reimplemented from TCanvasImp.

Definition at line 185 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ ShowStatusBar()

void TWebCanvas::ShowStatusBar ( Bool_t show = kTRUE)

Reimplemented from TCanvasImp.

Definition at line 186 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ ShowToolBar()

void TWebCanvas::ShowToolBar ( Bool_t show = kTRUE)

Reimplemented from TCanvasImp.

Definition at line 188 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ ShowToolTips()

void TWebCanvas::ShowToolTips ( Bool_t show = kTRUE)

Reimplemented from TCanvasImp.

Definition at line 189 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ ShowWebWindow()

void TWebCanvas::ShowWebWindow ( const ROOT::RWebDisplayArgs & args = "")

Show canvas in specified place.

If parameter args not specified, default ROOT web display will be used

Definition at line 1136 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ StoreCanvasJSON()

Int_t TWebCanvas::StoreCanvasJSON ( TCanvas * c,
const char * filename,
const char * option = "" )

Create JSON painting output for given canvas and store into the file See TBufferJSON::ExportToFile() method for more details about option If option string starts with symbol 'b', JSON for batch mode will be generated.

Definition at line 2243 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

◆ Streamer()

void TWebCanvas::Streamer ( TBuffer & )

Reimplemented from TCanvasImp.

◆ StreamerNVirtual()

void TWebCanvas::StreamerNVirtual ( TBuffer & ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b)

Definition at line 258 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ Unlock()

void TWebCanvas::Unlock ( )

Reimplemented from TCanvasImp.

Definition at line 119 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ WaitWhenCanvasPainted()

Bool_t TWebCanvas::WaitWhenCanvasPainted ( Long64_t ver)

Wait when specified version of canvas was painted and confirmed by browser.

Definition at line 2150 of file TWebCanvas.cxx.

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ TWebCanvasTimer

friend class TWebCanvasTimer

Definition at line 37 of file TWebCanvas.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ fActivePadChangedSignal

PadSignal_t TWebCanvas::fActivePadChangedSignal

! signal emitted when active pad changed in the canvas

Definition at line 113 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ fAllPads

std::vector<TPad *> TWebCanvas::fAllPads

! list of all pads recognized during streaming

Definition at line 93 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ fAsyncMode

Bool_t TWebCanvas::fAsyncMode {kFALSE}

! when true, methods like TCanvas::Update will never block

Definition at line 103 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ fCanCreateObjects

Bool_t TWebCanvas::fCanCreateObjects {kTRUE}

! indicates if canvas allowed to create extra objects for interactive painting

Definition at line 100 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ fCanvVersion

Long64_t TWebCanvas::fCanvVersion {1}

! actual canvas version, changed with every new Modified() call

Definition at line 91 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ fClientBits

UInt_t TWebCanvas::fClientBits {0}

! latest status bits from client like editor visible or not

Definition at line 92 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ fColorsHash

UInt_t TWebCanvas::fColorsHash {0}

! last hash of colors/palette

Definition at line 107 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ fColorsVersion

Long64_t TWebCanvas::fColorsVersion {0}

! current colors/palette version, checked every time when new snapshot created

Definition at line 106 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ fCustomClasses

std::vector<std::string> TWebCanvas::fCustomClasses

! list of custom classes, which can be delivered as is to client

Definition at line 99 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ fCustomScripts

std::string TWebCanvas::fCustomScripts

! custom JavaScript code or URL on JavaScript files to load before start drawing

Definition at line 98 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ fFixedSize

Bool_t TWebCanvas::fFixedSize {kFALSE}

! is canvas size fixed

Definition at line 110 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ fJsonComp

Int_t TWebCanvas::fJsonComp {0}

! compression factor for messages send to the client

Definition at line 97 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ fLongerPolling

Bool_t TWebCanvas::fLongerPolling {kFALSE}

! when true, make longer polling in blocking operations

Definition at line 101 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ fObjSelectSignal

ObjectSelectSignal_t TWebCanvas::fObjSelectSignal

! signal emitted when new object selected in the pad

Definition at line 116 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ fPadClickedSignal

PadClickedSignal_t TWebCanvas::fPadClickedSignal

! signal emitted when simple mouse click performed on the pad

Definition at line 114 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ fPadDblClickedSignal

PadClickedSignal_t TWebCanvas::fPadDblClickedSignal

! signal emitted when simple mouse click performed on the pad

Definition at line 115 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ fPadsStatus

std::map<TPad*, PadStatus> TWebCanvas::fPadsStatus

! map of pads in canvas and their status flags

Definition at line 86 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ fPaletteDelivery

Int_t TWebCanvas::fPaletteDelivery {1}

! colors palette delivery 0:never, 1:once, 2:always, 3:per subpad

Definition at line 95 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ fPrimitivesMerge

Int_t TWebCanvas::fPrimitivesMerge {100}

! number of PS primitives, which will be merged together

Definition at line 96 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ fProcessingData

Bool_t TWebCanvas::fProcessingData {kFALSE}

! flag used to prevent blocking methods when process data is invoked

Definition at line 102 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ fReadOnly

Bool_t TWebCanvas::fReadOnly {kFALSE}

!< configured display

! in read-only mode canvas cannot be changed from client side

Definition at line 90 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ fStyleDelivery

Int_t TWebCanvas::fStyleDelivery {0}

! gStyle delivery to clients: 0:never, 1:once, 2:always

Definition at line 94 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ fStyleHash

UInt_t TWebCanvas::fStyleHash {0}

! last hash of gStyle

Definition at line 105 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ fStyleVersion

Long64_t TWebCanvas::fStyleVersion {0}

! current gStyle object version, checked every time when new snapshot created

Definition at line 104 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ fTF1UseSave

Int_t TWebCanvas::fTF1UseSave {1}

! use save buffer for TF1/TF2, 0:off, 1:prefer, 2:force

Definition at line 108 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ fTimer

TWebCanvasTimer* TWebCanvas::fTimer {nullptr}

! timer to submit control messages

Definition at line 84 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ fUpdatedSignal

UpdatedSignal_t TWebCanvas::fUpdatedSignal

! signal emitted when canvas updated or state is changed

Definition at line 112 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ fWebConn

std::vector<WebConn> TWebCanvas::fWebConn

! connections

Definition at line 83 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ fWindow

std::shared_ptr<ROOT::RWebWindow> TWebCanvas::fWindow

Definition at line 88 of file TWebCanvas.h.

◆ fWindowGeometry

std::vector<int> TWebCanvas::fWindowGeometry

! last received window geometry

Definition at line 109 of file TWebCanvas.h.

Libraries for TWebCanvas:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: