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Reference Guide
No Matches

When using RooFit, statistical models can be conveniently handled and stored as a RooWorkspace.

However, for the sake of interoperability with other statistical frameworks, and also ease of manipulation, it may be useful to store statistical models in text form.

The RooJSONFactoryWSTool is a helper class to achieve exactly this, exporting to and importing from JSON and YML.

In order to import a workspace from a JSON file, you can do

ws = ROOT.RooWorkspace("ws")
tool = ROOT.RooJSONFactoryWSTool(ws)

Similarly, in order to export a workspace to a JSON file, you can do

tool = ROOT.RooJSONFactoryWSTool(ws)

Analogously, in C++, you can do

// ...
RooWorkspace ws("ws");
When using RooFit, statistical models can be conveniently handled and stored as a RooWorkspace.
Persistable container for RooFit projects.


// ...

For more details, consult the tutorial rf515_hfJSON.

In order to import and export YML files, ROOT needs to be compiled with the external dependency RapidYAML, which needs to be installed on your system when building ROOT.

The RooJSONFactoryWSTool only knows about a limited set of classes for import and export. If import or export of a class you're interested in fails, you might need to add your own importer or exporter. Please consult the relevant section in the RooFit Developer Documentation to learn how to do that (Implement JSON I/O for a RooFit class with RooFit HS3).

You can always get a list of all the available importers and exporters by calling the following functions:


Alternatively, you can generate a LaTeX version of the available importers and exporters by calling

tool = ROOT.RooJSONFactoryWSTool(ws)

Definition at line 38 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.h.


struct  CombinedData
class  DependencyMissingError

Public Member Functions

 RooJSONFactoryWSTool (RooWorkspace &ws)
 ~RooJSONFactoryWSTool ()
void exportCategory (RooAbsCategory const &cat, RooFit::Detail::JSONNode &node)
 Export a RooAbsCategory object to a JSONNode.
bool exportJSON (std::ostream &os)
 Export the workspace to JSON format and write to the output stream.
bool exportJSON (std::string const &fileName)
 Export the workspace to JSON format and write to the specified file.
std::string exportJSONtoString ()
 Export the workspace to a JSON string.
std::string exportTransformed (const RooAbsReal *original, const std::string &suffix, const std::string &formula)
bool exportYML (std::ostream &os)
 Export the workspace to YML format and write to the output stream.
bool exportYML (std::string const &fileName)
 Export the workspace to YML format and write to the specified file.
std::string exportYMLtoString ()
 Export the workspace to a YML string.
std::string getStringAttribute (const std::string &obj, const std::string &attrib)
bool hasAttribute (const std::string &obj, const std::string &attrib)
void importFunction (const RooFit::Detail::JSONNode &n, bool importAllDependants)
 Import a function from the JSONNode into the workspace.
void importFunction (const std::string &jsonString, bool importAllDependants)
 Import a function from a JSON string into the workspace.
bool importJSON (std::istream &os)
 Imports a JSON file from the given input stream to the workspace.
bool importJSON (std::string const &filename)
 Imports a JSON file from the given filename to the workspace.
void importJSONElement (const std::string &name, const std::string &jsonString)
bool importJSONfromString (const std::string &s)
 Import the workspace from a JSON string.
void importVariableElement (const RooFit::Detail::JSONNode &n)
bool importYML (std::istream &os)
 Imports a YML file from the given input stream to the workspace.
bool importYML (std::string const &filename)
 Imports a YML file from the given filename to the workspace.
bool importYMLfromString (const std::string &s)
 Import the workspace from a YML string.
void queueExport (RooAbsArg const &arg)
template<class T >
T * request (const std::string &objname, const std::string &requestAuthor)
template<class T >
T * requestArg (const RooFit::Detail::JSONNode &node, const std::string &key)
template<class T >
RooArgList requestArgList (const RooFit::Detail::JSONNode &node, const std::string &seqName)
template<class T >
RooArgSet requestArgSet (const RooFit::Detail::JSONNode &node, const std::string &seqName)
template<class T , class Coll_t >
Coll_t requestCollection (const RooFit::Detail::JSONNode &node, const std::string &seqName)
void setAttribute (const std::string &obj, const std::string &attrib)
void setStringAttribute (const std::string &obj, const std::string &attrib, const std::string &value)
RooWorkspaceworkspace ()
template<class Obj_t , typename... Args_t>
Obj_t & wsEmplace (RooStringView name, Args_t &&...args)
template<class Obj_t >
Obj_t & wsImport (Obj_t const &obj)

Static Public Member Functions

static RooFit::Detail::JSONNodeappendNamedChild (RooFit::Detail::JSONNode &node, std::string const &name)
static std::unique_ptr< RooFit::Detail::JSONTreecreateNewJSONTree ()
 Create a new JSON tree with version information.
static void error (const char *s)
 Writes an error message to the RooFit message service and throws a runtime_error.
static void error (const std::string &s)
static void exportArray (std::size_t n, double const *contents, RooFit::Detail::JSONNode &output)
 Export an array of doubles to a JSONNode.
static void exportHisto (RooArgSet const &vars, std::size_t n, double const *contents, RooFit::Detail::JSONNode &output)
 Export histogram data to a JSONNode.
static void fillSeq (RooFit::Detail::JSONNode &node, RooAbsCollection const &coll, size_t nMax=-1)
static RooFit::Detail::JSONNode const * findNamedChild (RooFit::Detail::JSONNode const &node, std::string const &name)
template<typename... Keys_t>
static RooFit::Detail::JSONNodegetRooFitInternal (RooFit::Detail::JSONNode &node, Keys_t const &...keys)
static RooFit::Detail::JSONNodemakeVariablesNode (RooFit::Detail::JSONNode &rootNode)
static std::string name (const RooFit::Detail::JSONNode &n)
static RooArgSet readAxes (const RooFit::Detail::JSONNode &node)
 Read axes from the JSONNode and create a RooArgSet representing them.
static std::unique_ptr< RooDataHistreadBinnedData (const RooFit::Detail::JSONNode &n, const std::string &namecomp, RooArgSet const &vars)
 Read binned data from the JSONNode and create a RooDataHist object.
static std::ostream & warning (const std::string &s)
 Writes a warning message to the RooFit message service.

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr bool useListsInsteadOfDicts = true

Private Member Functions

void exportAllObjects (RooFit::Detail::JSONNode &n)
 Export all objects in the workspace to a JSONNode.
RooJSONFactoryWSTool::CombinedData exportCombinedData (RooAbsData const &data)
 Export combined data from the workspace to a custom struct.
void exportData (RooAbsData const &data)
 Export data from the workspace to a JSONNode.
void exportModelConfig (RooFit::Detail::JSONNode &rootnode, RooStats::ModelConfig const &mc, const std::vector< RooJSONFactoryWSTool::CombinedData > &d)
void exportObject (RooAbsArg const &func, std::set< std::string > &exportedObjectNames)
 Export an object from the workspace to a JSONNode.
template<class T >
void exportObjects (T const &args, std::set< std::string > &exportedObjectNames)
void exportSingleModelConfig (RooFit::Detail::JSONNode &rootnode, RooStats::ModelConfig const &mc, std::string const &analysisName, std::map< std::string, std::string > const *dataComponents)
void exportVariable (const RooAbsArg *v, RooFit::Detail::JSONNode &n)
 Export a variable from the workspace to a JSONNode.
void exportVariables (const RooArgSet &allElems, RooFit::Detail::JSONNode &n)
 Export variables from the workspace to a JSONNode.
void importAllNodes (const RooFit::Detail::JSONNode &n)
 Imports all nodes of the JSON data and adds them to the workspace.
void importDependants (const RooFit::Detail::JSONNode &n)
 Import all dependants (servers) of a node into the workspace.
void importVariable (const RooFit::Detail::JSONNode &n)
 Import a variable from the JSONNode into the workspace.
template<class T >
T * requestImpl (const std::string &objname)
RooRealVarrequestImpl (const std::string &objname)
RooAbsPdfrequestImpl (const std::string &objname)
RooAbsRealrequestImpl (const std::string &objname)

Private Attributes

const RooFit::Detail::JSONNode_attributesNode = nullptr
std::unique_ptr< RooFit::JSONIO::Detail::Domains_domains
const RooFit::Detail::JSONNode_rootnodeInput = nullptr
RooFit::Detail::JSONNode_rootnodeOutput = nullptr
std::vector< RooAbsArg const * > _serversToExport
RooFit::Detail::JSONNode_varsNode = nullptr

#include <RooFitHS3/RooJSONFactoryWSTool.h>

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ RooJSONFactoryWSTool()

RooJSONFactoryWSTool::RooJSONFactoryWSTool ( RooWorkspace ws)

Definition at line 825 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ ~RooJSONFactoryWSTool()

RooJSONFactoryWSTool::~RooJSONFactoryWSTool ( )

Definition at line 827 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

Member Function Documentation

◆ appendNamedChild()

JSONNode & RooJSONFactoryWSTool::appendNamedChild ( RooFit::Detail::JSONNode node,
std::string const &  name 

Definition at line 849 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ createNewJSONTree()

std::unique_ptr< JSONTree > RooJSONFactoryWSTool::createNewJSONTree ( )

Create a new JSON tree with version information.

std::unique_ptr<JSONTree> A unique pointer to the created JSON tree.

Definition at line 1951 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ error() [1/2]

void RooJSONFactoryWSTool::error ( const char *  s)

Writes an error message to the RooFit message service and throws a runtime_error.

sThe error message to be logged and thrown.

Definition at line 2323 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ error() [2/2]

static void RooJSONFactoryWSTool::error ( const std::string &  s)

Definition at line 123 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.h.

◆ exportAllObjects()

void RooJSONFactoryWSTool::exportAllObjects ( RooFit::Detail::JSONNode n)

Export all objects in the workspace to a JSONNode.

This function exports all the objects in the workspace to the provided JSONNode. The objects' information is added as key-value pairs to the JSONNode.

nThe JSONNode to which the objects will be exported.

Definition at line 1815 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ exportArray()

void RooJSONFactoryWSTool::exportArray ( std::size_t  n,
double const *  contents,
RooFit::Detail::JSONNode output 

Export an array of doubles to a JSONNode.

This function exports an array of doubles, represented by the provided size and contents, to a JSONNode. The array elements are added to the JSONNode as a sequence of values.

nThe size of the array.
contentsA pointer to the array containing the double values.
outputThe JSONNode to which the array will be exported.

Definition at line 1331 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ exportCategory()

void RooJSONFactoryWSTool::exportCategory ( RooAbsCategory const &  cat,
RooFit::Detail::JSONNode node 

Export a RooAbsCategory object to a JSONNode.

This function exports a RooAbsCategory object, represented by the provided categories and indices, to a JSONNode. The category labels and corresponding indices are added to the JSONNode as key-value pairs.

catThe RooAbsCategory object to be exported.
nodeThe JSONNode to which the category data will be exported.

Definition at line 1355 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ exportCombinedData()

RooJSONFactoryWSTool::CombinedData RooJSONFactoryWSTool::exportCombinedData ( RooAbsData const &  data)

Export combined data from the workspace to a custom struct.

This function exports combined data from the workspace, represented by the provided RooAbsData object, to a CombinedData struct. The struct contains information such as variables, categories, and bin contents of the combined data.

dataThe RooAbsData object representing the combined data to be exported.
CombinedData A custom struct containing the exported combined data.

Definition at line 1388 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ exportData()

void RooJSONFactoryWSTool::exportData ( RooAbsData const &  data)

Export data from the workspace to a JSONNode.

This function exports data represented by the provided RooAbsData object, to a JSONNode. The data's information is added as key-value pairs to the JSONNode.

dataThe RooAbsData object representing the data to be exported.

Definition at line 1463 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ exportHisto()

void RooJSONFactoryWSTool::exportHisto ( RooArgSet const &  vars,
std::size_t  n,
double const *  contents,
RooFit::Detail::JSONNode output 

Export histogram data to a JSONNode.

This function exports histogram data, represented by the provided variables and contents, to a JSONNode. The histogram's axes information and bin contents are added as key-value pairs to the JSONNode.

varsThe RooArgSet representing the variables associated with the histogram.
nThe number of bins in the histogram.
contentsA pointer to the array containing the bin contents of the histogram.
outputThe JSONNode to which the histogram data will be exported.

Definition at line 1294 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ exportJSON() [1/2]

bool RooJSONFactoryWSTool::exportJSON ( std::ostream &  os)

Export the workspace to JSON format and write to the output stream.

osThe output stream to write the JSON data to.
bool Returns true on successful export, false otherwise.

Definition at line 1978 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ exportJSON() [2/2]

bool RooJSONFactoryWSTool::exportJSON ( std::string const &  filename)

Export the workspace to JSON format and write to the specified file.

filenameThe name of the JSON file to create and write the data to.
bool Returns true on successful export, false otherwise.

Definition at line 1993 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ exportJSONtoString()

std::string RooJSONFactoryWSTool::exportJSONtoString ( )

Export the workspace to a JSON string.

std::string The JSON string representing the exported workspace.

Definition at line 1927 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ exportModelConfig()

void RooJSONFactoryWSTool::exportModelConfig ( RooFit::Detail::JSONNode rootnode,
RooStats::ModelConfig const &  mc,
const std::vector< RooJSONFactoryWSTool::CombinedData > &  d 

Definition at line 1710 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ exportObject()

void RooJSONFactoryWSTool::exportObject ( RooAbsArg const &  func,
std::set< std::string > &  exportedObjectNames 

Export an object from the workspace to a JSONNode.

This function exports an object, represented by the provided RooAbsArg, from the workspace to a JSONNode. The object's information is added to the JSONNode as key-value pairs.

funcThe RooAbsArg representing the object to be exported.
exportedObjectNamesA set of strings containing names of previously exported objects to avoid duplicates. This set is updated with the name of the newly exported object.

Definition at line 1021 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ exportObjects()

template<class T >
void RooJSONFactoryWSTool::exportObjects ( T const &  args,
std::set< std::string > &  exportedObjectNames 

Definition at line 199 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.h.

◆ exportSingleModelConfig()

void RooJSONFactoryWSTool::exportSingleModelConfig ( RooFit::Detail::JSONNode rootnode,
RooStats::ModelConfig const &  mc,
std::string const &  analysisName,
std::map< std::string, std::string > const *  dataComponents 

Definition at line 1732 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ exportTransformed()

std::string RooJSONFactoryWSTool::exportTransformed ( const RooAbsReal original,
const std::string &  suffix,
const std::string &  formula 

Definition at line 999 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ exportVariable()

void RooJSONFactoryWSTool::exportVariable ( const RooAbsArg v,
RooFit::Detail::JSONNode n 

Export a variable from the workspace to a JSONNode.

This function exports a variable, represented by the provided RooAbsArg pointer 'v', from the workspace to a JSONNode. The variable's information is added to the JSONNode as key-value pairs.

vThe pointer to the RooAbsArg representing the variable to be exported.
nodeThe JSONNode to which the variable will be exported.

Definition at line 947 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ exportVariables()

void RooJSONFactoryWSTool::exportVariables ( const RooArgSet allElems,
RooFit::Detail::JSONNode n 

Export variables from the workspace to a JSONNode.

This function exports variables, represented by the provided RooArgSet, from the workspace to a JSONNode. The variables' information is added to the JSONNode as key-value pairs.

allElemsThe RooArgSet representing the variables to be exported.
nThe JSONNode to which the variables will be exported.

Definition at line 991 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ exportYML() [1/2]

bool RooJSONFactoryWSTool::exportYML ( std::ostream &  os)

Export the workspace to YML format and write to the output stream.

osThe output stream to write the YML data to.
bool Returns true on successful export, false otherwise.

Definition at line 2011 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ exportYML() [2/2]

bool RooJSONFactoryWSTool::exportYML ( std::string const &  filename)

Export the workspace to YML format and write to the specified file.

filenameThe name of the YML file to create and write the data to.
bool Returns true on successful export, false otherwise.

Definition at line 2026 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ exportYMLtoString()

std::string RooJSONFactoryWSTool::exportYMLtoString ( )

Export the workspace to a YML string.

std::string The YML string representing the exported workspace.

Definition at line 1939 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ fillSeq()

void RooJSONFactoryWSTool::fillSeq ( RooFit::Detail::JSONNode node,
RooAbsCollection const &  coll,
size_t  nMax = -1 

Definition at line 829 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ findNamedChild()

JSONNode const * RooJSONFactoryWSTool::findNamedChild ( RooFit::Detail::JSONNode const &  node,
std::string const &  name 

Definition at line 859 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ getRooFitInternal()

template<typename... Keys_t>
static RooFit::Detail::JSONNode & RooJSONFactoryWSTool::getRooFitInternal ( RooFit::Detail::JSONNode node,
Keys_t const &...  keys 

Definition at line 170 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.h.

◆ getStringAttribute()

std::string RooJSONFactoryWSTool::getStringAttribute ( const std::string &  obj,
const std::string &  attrib 

Definition at line 2060 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ hasAttribute()

bool RooJSONFactoryWSTool::hasAttribute ( const std::string &  obj,
const std::string &  attrib 

Definition at line 2038 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ importAllNodes()

void RooJSONFactoryWSTool::importAllNodes ( const RooFit::Detail::JSONNode n)

Imports all nodes of the JSON data and adds them to the workspace.

nThe JSONNode representing the root node of the JSON data.

Definition at line 2088 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ importDependants()

void RooJSONFactoryWSTool::importDependants ( const RooFit::Detail::JSONNode n)

Import all dependants (servers) of a node into the workspace.

This function imports all the dependants (servers) of the given JSONNode into the workspace. The dependants' information is read from the JSONNode and added to the workspace.

nThe JSONNode representing the node whose dependants are to be imported.

Definition at line 1690 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ importFunction() [1/2]

void RooJSONFactoryWSTool::importFunction ( const RooFit::Detail::JSONNode n,
bool  importAllDependants 

Import a function from the JSONNode into the workspace.

This function imports a function from the given JSONNode into the workspace. The function's information is read from the JSONNode and added to the workspace.

pThe JSONNode representing the function to be imported.
importAllDependantsA boolean flag indicating whether to import all dependants (servers) of the function.

Definition at line 1168 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ importFunction() [2/2]

void RooJSONFactoryWSTool::importFunction ( const std::string &  jsonString,
bool  importAllDependants 

Import a function from a JSON string into the workspace.

This function imports a function from the provided JSON string into the workspace. The function's information is read from the JSON string and added to the workspace.

jsonStringThe JSON string containing the function information.
importAllDependantsA boolean flag indicating whether to import all dependants (servers) of the function.

Definition at line 1277 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ importJSON() [1/2]

bool RooJSONFactoryWSTool::importJSON ( std::istream &  is)

Imports a JSON file from the given input stream to the workspace.

isThe input stream containing the JSON data.
bool Returns true on successful import, false otherwise.

Definition at line 2187 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ importJSON() [2/2]

bool RooJSONFactoryWSTool::importJSON ( std::string const &  filename)

Imports a JSON file from the given filename to the workspace.

filenameThe name of the JSON file to import.
bool Returns true on successful import, false otherwise.

Definition at line 2204 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ importJSONElement()

void RooJSONFactoryWSTool::importJSONElement ( const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  jsonString 

Definition at line 2250 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ importJSONfromString()

bool RooJSONFactoryWSTool::importJSONfromString ( const std::string &  s)

Import the workspace from a JSON string.

sThe JSON string containing the workspace data.
bool Returns true on successful import, false otherwise.

Definition at line 1904 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ importVariable()

void RooJSONFactoryWSTool::importVariable ( const RooFit::Detail::JSONNode n)

Import a variable from the JSONNode into the workspace.

This function imports a variable from the given JSONNode into the workspace. The variable's information is read from the JSONNode and added to the workspace.

pThe JSONNode representing the variable to be imported.

Definition at line 1650 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ importVariableElement()

void RooJSONFactoryWSTool::importVariableElement ( const RooFit::Detail::JSONNode n)

Definition at line 2268 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ importYML() [1/2]

bool RooJSONFactoryWSTool::importYML ( std::istream &  is)

Imports a YML file from the given input stream to the workspace.

isThe input stream containing the YML data.
bool Returns true on successful import, false otherwise.

Definition at line 2223 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ importYML() [2/2]

bool RooJSONFactoryWSTool::importYML ( std::string const &  filename)

Imports a YML file from the given filename to the workspace.

filenameThe name of the YML file to import.
bool Returns true on successful import, false otherwise.

Definition at line 2237 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ importYMLfromString()

bool RooJSONFactoryWSTool::importYMLfromString ( const std::string &  s)

Import the workspace from a YML string.

sThe YML string containing the workspace data.
bool Returns true on successful import, false otherwise.

Definition at line 1916 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ makeVariablesNode()

JSONNode & RooJSONFactoryWSTool::makeVariablesNode ( RooFit::Detail::JSONNode rootNode)

Definition at line 881 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ name()

std::string RooJSONFactoryWSTool::name ( const RooFit::Detail::JSONNode n)

Definition at line 876 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ queueExport()

void RooJSONFactoryWSTool::queueExport ( RooAbsArg const &  arg)

Definition at line 182 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.h.

◆ readAxes()

RooArgSet RooJSONFactoryWSTool::readAxes ( const RooFit::Detail::JSONNode node)

Read axes from the JSONNode and create a RooArgSet representing them.

This function reads axes information from the given JSONNode and creates a RooArgSet with variables representing these axes.

topNodeThe JSONNode containing the axes information to be read.
RooArgSet A RooArgSet containing the variables created from the JSONNode.

Definition at line 1557 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ readBinnedData()

std::unique_ptr< RooDataHist > RooJSONFactoryWSTool::readBinnedData ( const RooFit::Detail::JSONNode n,
const std::string &  name,
RooArgSet const &  vars 

Read binned data from the JSONNode and create a RooDataHist object.

This function reads binned data from the given JSONNode and creates a RooDataHist object. The binned data is associated with the specified name and variables (RooArgSet) in the workspace.

nThe JSONNode representing the binned data to be read.
nameThe name to be associated with the created RooDataHist object.
varsThe RooArgSet representing the variables associated with the binned data.
std::unique_ptr<RooDataHist> A unique pointer to the created RooDataHist object.

Definition at line 1598 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ request()

template<class T >
T * RooJSONFactoryWSTool::request ( const std::string &  objname,
const std::string &  requestAuthor 

Definition at line 59 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.h.

◆ requestArg()

template<class T >
T * RooJSONFactoryWSTool::requestArg ( const RooFit::Detail::JSONNode node,
const std::string &  key 

Definition at line 68 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.h.

◆ requestArgList()

template<class T >
RooArgList RooJSONFactoryWSTool::requestArgList ( const RooFit::Detail::JSONNode node,
const std::string &  seqName 

Definition at line 102 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.h.

◆ requestArgSet()

template<class T >
RooArgSet RooJSONFactoryWSTool::requestArgSet ( const RooFit::Detail::JSONNode node,
const std::string &  seqName 

Definition at line 96 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.h.

◆ requestCollection()

template<class T , class Coll_t >
Coll_t RooJSONFactoryWSTool::requestCollection ( const RooFit::Detail::JSONNode node,
const std::string &  seqName 

Definition at line 78 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.h.

◆ requestImpl() [1/4]

template<class T >
T * RooJSONFactoryWSTool::requestImpl ( const std::string &  objname)

◆ requestImpl() [2/4]

RooRealVar * RooJSONFactoryWSTool::requestImpl ( const std::string &  objname)

Definition at line 887 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ requestImpl() [3/4]

RooAbsPdf * RooJSONFactoryWSTool::requestImpl ( const std::string &  objname)

Definition at line 902 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ requestImpl() [4/4]

RooAbsReal * RooJSONFactoryWSTool::requestImpl ( const std::string &  objname)

Definition at line 917 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ setAttribute()

void RooJSONFactoryWSTool::setAttribute ( const std::string &  obj,
const std::string &  attrib 

Definition at line 2052 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ setStringAttribute()

void RooJSONFactoryWSTool::setStringAttribute ( const std::string &  obj,
const std::string &  attrib,
const std::string &  value 

Definition at line 2073 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ warning()

std::ostream & RooJSONFactoryWSTool::warning ( const std::string &  s)

Writes a warning message to the RooFit message service.

strThe warning message to be logged.
std::ostream& A reference to the output stream.

Definition at line 2312 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx.

◆ workspace()

RooWorkspace * RooJSONFactoryWSTool::workspace ( )

Definition at line 107 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.h.

◆ wsEmplace()

template<class Obj_t , typename... Args_t>
Obj_t & RooJSONFactoryWSTool::wsEmplace ( RooStringView  name,
Args_t &&...  args 

Definition at line 117 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.h.

◆ wsImport()

template<class Obj_t >
Obj_t & RooJSONFactoryWSTool::wsImport ( Obj_t const &  obj)

Definition at line 110 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ _attributesNode

const RooFit::Detail::JSONNode* RooJSONFactoryWSTool::_attributesNode = nullptr

Definition at line 233 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.h.

◆ _domains

std::unique_ptr<RooFit::JSONIO::Detail::Domains> RooJSONFactoryWSTool::_domains

Definition at line 239 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.h.

◆ _rootnodeInput

const RooFit::Detail::JSONNode* RooJSONFactoryWSTool::_rootnodeInput = nullptr

Definition at line 232 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.h.

◆ _rootnodeOutput

RooFit::Detail::JSONNode* RooJSONFactoryWSTool::_rootnodeOutput = nullptr

Definition at line 234 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.h.

◆ _serversToExport

std::vector<RooAbsArg const *> RooJSONFactoryWSTool::_serversToExport

Definition at line 240 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.h.

◆ _varsNode

RooFit::Detail::JSONNode* RooJSONFactoryWSTool::_varsNode = nullptr

Definition at line 235 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.h.

◆ _workspace

RooWorkspace& RooJSONFactoryWSTool::_workspace

Definition at line 236 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.h.

◆ useListsInsteadOfDicts

constexpr bool RooJSONFactoryWSTool::useListsInsteadOfDicts = true

Definition at line 40 of file RooJSONFactoryWSTool.h.

Libraries for RooJSONFactoryWSTool:

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