class Engine>
class ROOT::Math::Random< Engine >
Documentation for the Random class.
Definition at line 43 of file Random.h.
| Random () |
| Random (unsigned int seed) |
double | Beta (double a, double b) |
| Beta distribution.
unsigned int | Binomial (unsigned int ntot, double prob) |
| discrete distributions
double | BreitWigner (double mean=0., double gamma=1) |
| Breit Wigner distribution.
double | ChiSquare (double nu) |
| chi-square
void | Circle (double &x, double &y, double r=1) |
| generate random numbers in a 2D circle of radius 1
unsigned int | EngineSize () const |
| Return the size of the generator state.
double | Exp (double tau) |
| Exponential distribution.
double | FDist (double nu1, double nu2) |
| F-distribution.
RandomFunctions< Engine, EngineBaseType > & | Functions () |
double | Gamma (double a, double b) |
| Gamma distribution.
double | Gaus (double mean=0, double sigma=1) |
uint64_t | Integer () |
double | Landau (double m=0, double s=1) |
| Landau distribution.
double | Logistic (double a) |
| Logistic distribution.
double | LogNormal (double zeta, double sigma) |
| Log-normal distribution.
std::vector< unsigned int > | Multinomial (unsigned int ntot, const std::vector< double > &p) |
| Multinomial distribution.
unsigned int | NegativeBinomial (double n, double prob) |
| Negative Binomial distribution First parameter is n, second is probability To be consistent with Random::Binomial.
double | operator() () |
double | Pareto (double a, double b) |
| Pareto distribution.
unsigned int | Poisson (double mu) |
| Poisson distribution.
double | Rayleigh (double sigma) |
| Rayleigh distribution.
double | Rndm () |
void | RndmArray (int n, double *array) |
| Generate an array of random numbers between ]0,1] 0 is excluded and 1 is included Function to preserve ROOT Trandom compatibility.
Engine & | Rng () |
void | SetSeed (int seed) |
void | Sphere (double &x, double &y, double &z, double r=1) |
| generate random numbers in a 3D sphere of radius 1
double | tDist (double nu) |
| t student distribution
std::string | Type () const |
| Return the type (name) of the used generator.
double | Uniform (double a, double b) |
double | Uniform (double a=1.0) |
double | Uniform2 (double a, double b) |