| BinData (const BinData &rhs) |
| copy constructors
| BinData (const DataOptions &opt, const DataRange &range, unsigned int maxpoints=0, unsigned int dim=1, ErrorType err=kValueError) |
| constructor from options and range default is 1D and value errors
| BinData (const DataOptions &opt, unsigned int maxpoints=0, unsigned int dim=1, ErrorType err=kValueError) |
| constructor from option and default range
| BinData (unsigned int maxpoints=0, unsigned int dim=1, ErrorType err=kValueError) |
| constructor from dimension of point and max number of points (to pre-allocate vector) Give a zero value and then use Initialize later one if the size is not known
| BinData (unsigned int n, const double *dataX, const double *dataY, const double *dataZ, const double *val, const double *ex, const double *ey, const double *ez, const double *eval) |
| constructor from external data for 3D with errors on coordinate and value
| BinData (unsigned int n, const double *dataX, const double *dataY, const double *val, const double *ex, const double *ey, const double *eval) |
| constructor from external data for 2D with errors on coordinate and value
| BinData (unsigned int n, const double *dataX, const double *val, const double *ex, const double *eval) |
| constructors using external data
| ~BinData () override |
| destructor
void | Add (const double *x, double val) |
| add multi-dim coordinate data with only value
void | Add (const double *x, double val, const double *ex, double elval, double ehval) |
| add multi-dim coordinate data with both error in coordinates and value
void | Add (const double *x, double val, const double *ex, double eval) |
| add multi-dim coordinate data with both error in coordinates and value
void | Add (const double *x, double val, double eval) |
| add multi-dim coordinate data with only error in value
void | Add (double x, double y) |
| add one dim data with only coordinate and values
void | Add (double x, double y, double ex, double ey) |
| add one dim data with error in the coordinate (x) in this case store the value (y) error and not the inverse
void | Add (double x, double y, double ex, double eyl, double eyh) |
| add one dim data with error in the coordinate (x) and asymmetric errors in the value (y) in this case store the y errors and not the inverse
void | Add (double x, double y, double ey) |
| add one dim data with no error in the coordinate (x) in this case store the inverse of the error in the value (y)
void | AddBinUpEdge (const double *xup) |
| add the bin width data, a pointer to an array with the bin upper edge information.
void | Append (unsigned int newPoints, unsigned int dim=1, ErrorType err=kValueError) |
| Equivalent to Initialize()
const double * | BinUpEdge (unsigned int ipoint) const |
| return an array containing the upper edge of the bin for coordinate i In case of empty bin they could be merged in a single larger bin Return a NULL pointer if the bin width is not stored
const double * | CoordErrors (unsigned int ipoint) const |
| Return a pointer to the errors in the coordinates for the given fit point.
double | Error (unsigned int ipoint) const |
| Return the error on the given point.
const double * | ErrorPtr (unsigned int ipoint) const |
| Return a pointer to the error (or the inverse error) on the value for a given point depending on the type of data.
void | GetAsymError (unsigned int ipoint, double &lowError, double &highError) const |
double | GetBinUpEdgeComponent (unsigned int ipoint, unsigned int icoord) const |
| returns a single coordinate error component of a point.
void | GetBinUpEdgeCoordinates (unsigned int ipoint, double *x) const |
| Thread save version of function retrieving the bin up-edge in case of multidimensions.
double | GetCoordErrorComponent (unsigned int ipoint, unsigned int icoord) const |
| returns a single coordinate error component of a point.
ErrorType | GetErrorType () const |
| retrieve the errortype
const double * | GetPoint (unsigned int ipoint, double &value) const |
| retrieve at the same time a pointer to the coordinate data and the fit value More efficient than calling Coords(i) and Value(i)
const double * | GetPoint (unsigned int ipoint, double &value, double &invError) const |
| retrieve in a single call a pointer to the coordinate data, value and inverse error for the given fit point.
const double * | GetPointError (unsigned int ipoint, double &errlow, double &errhigh) const |
| Get errors on the point (coordinate errors and asymmetric value errors) for the given fit point.
const double * | GetPointError (unsigned int ipoint, double &errvalue) const |
| Retrieve the errors on the point (coordinate and value) for the given fit point It must be called only when the coordinate errors are stored otherwise it will produce an assert.
bool | HasBinEdges () const |
| query if the data store the bin edges instead of the center
bool | HaveAsymErrors () const |
| flag to control if data provides asymmetric errors on the value
bool | HaveCoordErrors () const |
| flag to control if data provides error on the coordinates
void | Initialize (unsigned int newPoints, unsigned int dim=1, ErrorType err=kValueError) |
| Preallocate a data set with given size, dimension and error type.
double | InvError (unsigned int ipoint) const |
| Return the inverse of error on the value for the given fit point useful when error in the coordinates are not stored and then this is used directly this as the weight in the least square function.
bool | IsWeighted () const |
| return true if the data set is weighted We cannot compute ourselves because sometimes errors are filled with 1 instead of zero (as in ROOT::Fit::FillData )
BinData & | LogTransform () |
| apply a Log transformation of the data values can be used for example when fitting an exponential or gaussian Transform the data in place need to copy if want to preserve original data The data sets must not contain negative values.
BinData & | operator= (const BinData &rhs) |
| assignment operator
double | RefVolume () const |
| retrieve the reference volume used to normalize the data when the option bin volume is set
void | SetRefVolume (double value) |
| set the reference volume used to normalize the data when the option bin volume is set
double | SumOfContent () const |
| compute the total sum of the data content (sum of weights in case of weighted data set)
double | SumOfError2 () const |
| compute the total sum of the error square (sum of weight square in case of a weighted data set)
double | Value (unsigned int ipoint) const |
| return the value for the given fit point
const double * | ValuePtr (unsigned int ipoint) const |
| return a pointer to the value for the given fit point
| FitData (const DataOptions &opt, const DataRange &range, unsigned int maxpoints=0, unsigned int dim=1) |
| construct passing options and data range
| FitData (const DataOptions &opt, unsigned int maxpoints=0, unsigned int dim=1) |
| construct passing options and default data range
| FitData (const DataRange &range, unsigned int maxpoints, const double *dataX) |
| constructor for multi-dim external data and a range (data are copied inside according to the range) Uses as argument an iterator of a list (or vector) containing the const double * of the data An example could be the std::vector<const double *>::begin
| FitData (const DataRange &range, unsigned int maxpoints, const double *dataX, const double *dataY) |
| constructor for multi-dim external data and a range (data are copied inside according to the range) Uses as argument an iterator of a list (or vector) containing the const double * of the data An example could be the std::vector<const double *>::begin
| FitData (const DataRange &range, unsigned int maxpoints, const double *dataX, const double *dataY, const double *dataZ) |
| constructor for multi-dim external data and a range (data are copied inside according to the range) Uses as argument an iterator of a list (or vector) containing the const double * of the data An example could be the std::vector<const double *>::begin
template<class Iterator > |
| FitData (const DataRange &range, unsigned int maxpoints, unsigned int dim, Iterator dataItr) |
| constructor for multi-dim external data and a range (data are copied inside according to the range) Uses as argument an iterator of a list (or vector) containing the const double * of the data An example could be the std::vector<const double *>::begin
| FitData (const DataRange &range, unsigned int maxpoints=0, unsigned int dim=1) |
| construct passing range and default options
| FitData (const FitData &rhs) |
| FitData (unsigned int maxpoints=0, unsigned int dim=1) |
| construct with default option and data range
| FitData (unsigned int n, const double *dataX) |
| constructor from external data for 1D data
| FitData (unsigned int n, const double *dataX, const double *dataY) |
| constructor from external data for 2D data
| FitData (unsigned int n, const double *dataX, const double *dataY, const double *dataZ) |
| constructor from external data for 3D data
template<class Iterator > |
| FitData (unsigned int n, unsigned int dim, Iterator dataItr) |
| constructor for multi-dim external data (data are not copied inside) Uses as argument an iterator of a list (or vector) containing the const double * of the data An example could be the std::vector<const double *>::begin In case of weighted data, the external data must have a dim+1 lists of data The passed dim refers just to the coordinate size
virtual | ~FitData () |
| dummy virtual destructor
void | Add (const double *x) |
| add multi-dim coordinate data with only value
void | Add (double x) |
| add one dim data with only coordinate and values
void | Append (unsigned int newPoints, unsigned int dim=1) |
const double * | Coords (unsigned int ipoint) const |
| return a pointer to the coordinates data for the given fit point
const double * | GetCoordComponent (unsigned int ipoint, unsigned int icoord) const |
| returns a single coordinate component of a point.
const std::vector< const double * > & | GetCoordDataPtrs () const |
| direct access to coord data ptrs
unsigned int | NDim () const |
| return coordinate data dimension
unsigned int | NPoints () const |
| return number of fit points
FitData & | operator= (const FitData &rhs) |
DataOptions & | Opt () |
const DataOptions & | Opt () const |
| access to options
const DataRange & | Range () const |
| access to range
unsigned int | Size () const |
| return number of fit points