Uses standard C++ memory allocation for the column data pages.
static RPage NewPage(ColumnId_t columnId, std::size_t elementSize, std::size_t nElements)
Reserves memory large enough to hold nElements of the given size.
static void DeletePage(const RPage &page)
Releases the memory pointed to by page and resets the page's information.
A closure that can free the memory associated with a mapped page.
RPageDeleter & operator=(const RPageDeleter &other)=default
RPageDeleter(decltype(fFnDelete) fnDelete)
RPageDeleter(const RPageDeleter &other)=default
RPageDeleter(decltype(fFnDelete) fnDelete, void *userData)
void * fUserData
Optionally additional information necessary to free resources associated with a page.
void operator()(const RPage &page)
std::function< void(const RPage &page, void *userData) fFnDelete)
The callable that is suppped to free the given page; it is called with fUserData as the second argume...
A page is a slice of a column that is mapped into memory.