23#include <unordered_map>
24#include <unordered_set>
29namespace Experimental {
57 return lhs.fPhysicalColumnId ==
rhs.fPhysicalColumnId &&
lhs.fPageNo ==
78struct hash<
ROOT::Experimental::Internal::ROnDiskPage::Key> {
91namespace Experimental {
size_t size(const MatrixT &matrix)
retrieve the size of a square matrix
TRObject operator()(const T1 &t1) const
An in-memory subset of the packed and compressed pages of a cluster.
DescriptorId_t fClusterId
References the cluster identifier in the page source that created the cluster.
void SetColumnAvailable(DescriptorId_t physicalColumnId)
Marks the column as complete; must be done for all columns, even empty ones without associated pages,...
RCluster(DescriptorId_t clusterId)
RCluster(const RCluster &other)=delete
RCluster(RCluster &&other)=default
bool ContainsColumn(DescriptorId_t colId) const
const ColumnSet_t & GetAvailPhysicalColumns() const
std::unordered_map< ROnDiskPage::Key, ROnDiskPage > fOnDiskPages
Lookup table for the on-disk pages.
const ROnDiskPage * GetOnDiskPage(const ROnDiskPage::Key &key) const
size_t GetNOnDiskPages() const
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< ROnDiskPageMap > > fPageMaps
Multiple page maps can be combined in a single RCluster.
DescriptorId_t GetId() const
RCluster & operator=(const RCluster &other)=delete
std::unordered_set< DescriptorId_t > ColumnSet_t
ColumnSet_t fAvailPhysicalColumns
Set of the (complete) columns represented by the RCluster.
void Adopt(std::unique_ptr< ROnDiskPageMap > pageMap)
Move the given page map into this cluster; for on-disk pages that are present in both the cluster at ...
An ROnDiskPageMap that is used for an fMemory allocated as an array of unsigned char.
ROnDiskPageMapHeap(std::unique_ptr< unsigned char[]> memory)
ROnDiskPageMapHeap & operator=(const ROnDiskPageMapHeap &other)=delete
~ROnDiskPageMapHeap() override
std::unique_ptr< unsigned char[]> fMemory
The memory region containing the on-disk pages.
ROnDiskPageMapHeap(const ROnDiskPageMapHeap &other)=delete
ROnDiskPageMapHeap(ROnDiskPageMapHeap &&other)=default
A memory region that contains packed and compressed pages.
virtual ~ROnDiskPageMap()
ROnDiskPageMap(const ROnDiskPageMap &other)=delete
std::unordered_map< ROnDiskPage::Key, ROnDiskPage > fOnDiskPages
void Register(const ROnDiskPage::Key &key, const ROnDiskPage &onDiskPage)
Inserts information about a page stored in fMemory.
ROnDiskPageMap & operator=(const ROnDiskPageMap &other)=delete
ROnDiskPageMap(ROnDiskPageMap &&other)=default
A page as being stored on disk, that is packed and compressed.
std::uint32_t fSize
The compressed and packed size of the page.
std::uint32_t GetSize() const
const void * GetAddress() const
const void * fAddress
The memory location of the bytes.
ROnDiskPage(void *address, std::uint32_t size)
std::uint64_t DescriptorId_t
Distriniguishes elements of the same type within a descriptor, e.g. different fields.
constexpr DescriptorId_t kInvalidDescriptorId
tbb::task_arena is an alias of tbb::interface7::task_arena, which doesn't allow to forward declare tb...
The identifiers that specifies the content of a (partial) cluster.
DescriptorId_t fClusterId
ColumnSet_t fPhysicalColumnSet
On-disk pages within a page source are identified by the column and page number.
Key(DescriptorId_t columnId, std::uint64_t pageNo)
DescriptorId_t fPhysicalColumnId
friend bool operator==(const Key &lhs, const Key &rhs)