Special pdf's: using a product of an (acceptance) efficiency and a pdf as pdf
RooEffProd modelEff(
"model with efficiency", model, eff);
eff.plotOn(frame1, LineColor(
RooPlot *frame2 = t.
"Pdf with and without efficiency"));
model.plotOn(frame2, LineStyle(
data{modelEff.generate(t, 10000)};
data, PrintLevel(-1));
RooPlot *frame3 = t.
"Fitted pdf with efficiency"));
TCanvas *
c =
new TCanvas(
"rf703_effpdfprod", 1200, 400);
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void data
The class RooEffProd implements the product of a PDF with an efficiency function.
A RooPlot is a plot frame and a container for graphics objects within that frame.
static RooPlot * frame(const RooAbsRealLValue &var, double xmin, double xmax, Int_t nBins)
Create a new frame for a given variable in x.
void Draw(Option_t *options=nullptr) override
Draw this plot and all of the elements it contains.
RooRealVar represents a variable that can be changed from the outside.
virtual void SetTitleOffset(Float_t offset=1)
Set distance between the axis and the axis title.
The namespace RooFit contains mostly switches that change the behaviour of functions of PDFs (or othe...
[#1] INFO:NumericIntegration -- RooRealIntegral::init(modelEff_Int[t]) using numeric integrator RooRombergIntegrator to calculate Int(t)
[#1] INFO:NumericIntegration -- RooRealIntegral::init(modelEff_Int[t]) using numeric integrator RooRombergIntegrator to calculate Int(t)
[#1] INFO:Minimization -- RooAbsMinimizerFcn::setOptimizeConst: activating const optimization
[#1] INFO:Minimization -- The following expressions have been identified as constant and will be precalculated and cached: (eff)
[#1] INFO:Minimization -- RooAbsMinimizerFcn::setOptimizeConst: deactivating const optimization
[#1] INFO:NumericIntegration -- RooRealIntegral::init(modelEff_Int[t]) using numeric integrator RooRombergIntegrator to calculate Int(t)
- Date
- July 2008
- Author
- Wouter Verkerke
Definition in file rf703_effpdfprod.C.