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CPyCppyy Namespace Reference

Set of helper functions that are invoked from the pythonizors, on the Python side. More...


namespace  PyStrings
namespace  TypeManip
namespace  Utility


struct  CallContext
class  Converter
class  CPPAbstractClassConstructor
class  CPPClassMethod
class  CPPConstructor
class  CPPDataMember
class  CPPExcInstance
class  CPPFunction
class  CPPGetItem
class  CPPIncompleteClassConstructor
class  CPPInstance
class  CPPMethod
class  CPPNamespaceConstructor
class  CPPOverload
class  CPPReverseBinary
class  CPPScope
class  CPPSetItem
class  CPPSmartClass
class  DispatchPtr
class  Executor
struct  indexiterobject
class  InstancePtrConverter
class  LowLevelView
class  MemoryRegulator
struct  Parameter
struct  proxyobject
class  PyCallable
class  PyException
class  PyResult
class  RefExecutor
class  StrictInstancePtrConverter
class  TemplateInfo
class  TemplateProxy
struct  typedefpointertoclassobject
struct  vectoriterobject
class  VoidArrayConverter


typedef Converter *(* cf_t) (dims_t d)
typedef std::vector< std::pair< ptrdiff_t, PyObject * > > CI_DatamemberCache_t
typedef Converter *(* ConverterFactory_t) (Py_ssize_t *dims)
typedef std::map< std::string, cf_tConvFactories_t
typedef CPPScope CPPClass
typedef std::map< Cppyy::TCppObject_t, PyObject * > CppToPyMap_t
 Type object to hold class reference (this is only semantically a presentation of CPPScope instances, not in a C++ sense)
typedef Executor *(* ef_t) ()
typedef std::map< std::string, ef_tExecFactories_t
typedef Executor *(* ExecutorFactory_t) ()
typedef std::function< std::pair< bool, bool >(Cppyy::TCppObject_t, Cppyy::TCppType_t)> MemHook_t
typedef std::pair< uint64_t, CPPOverload * > TP_DispatchEntry_t
 Template proxy object to return functions and methods.
typedef std::map< std::string, std::vector< TP_DispatchEntry_t > > TP_DispatchMap_t
typedef std::shared_ptr< TemplateInfoTP_TInfo_t


enum  ETypeDetails {
  kNone = 0x0000 , kIsStaticData = 0x0001 , kIsConstData = 0x0002 , kIsArrayType = 0x0004 ,
  kIsCachable = 0x0008


static PyObjectadd_template (PyObject *pyclass, const std::string &name, std::vector< PyCallable * > *overloads=nullptr)
static void AddPropertyToClass (PyObject *pyclass, Cppyy::TCppScope_t scope, Cppyy::TCppIndex_t idata)
static void AddScopeToParent (PyObject *parent, const std::string &name, PyObject *newscope)
bool AllowImplicit (CallContext *ctxt)
PyObjectBindCppObject (Cppyy::TCppObject_t object, Cppyy::TCppType_t klass, const unsigned flags=0)
PyObjectBindCppObjectArray (Cppyy::TCppObject_t address, Cppyy::TCppType_t klass, Py_ssize_t *dims)
PyObjectBindCppObjectNoCast (Cppyy::TCppObject_t object, Cppyy::TCppType_t klass, const unsigned flags=0)
static PyObjectBuildCppClassBases (Cppyy::TCppType_t klass)
static int BuildScopeProxyDict (Cppyy::TCppScope_t scope, PyObject *pyclass)
static PyObjectCallMethodImp (TemplateProxy *pytmpl, PyObject *&pymeth, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds, bool impOK, uint64_t sighash)
CPYCPPYY_EXTERN void * CallVoidP (Cppyy::TCppMethod_t, Cppyy::TCppObject_t, CallContext *)
static void CollectUniqueBases (Cppyy::TCppType_t klass, std::deque< std::string > &uqb)
template<typename T >
bool CPPDataMember_Check (T *object)
template<typename T >
bool CPPDataMember_CheckExact (T *object)
CPPDataMemberCPPDataMember_New (Cppyy::TCppScope_t scope, Cppyy::TCppIndex_t idata)
CPPDataMemberCPPDataMember_NewConstant (Cppyy::TCppScope_t scope, const std::string &name, void *address)
template<typename T >
bool CPPExcInstance_Check (T *object)
template<typename T >
bool CPPExcInstance_CheckExact (T *object)
template<typename T >
bool CPPInstance_Check (T *object)
template<typename T >
bool CPPInstance_CheckExact (T *object)
template<typename T >
bool CPPOverload_Check (T *object)
template<typename T >
bool CPPOverload_CheckExact (T *object)
CPPOverloadCPPOverload_New (const std::string &name, PyCallable *method)
CPPOverloadCPPOverload_New (const std::string &name, std::vector< PyCallable * > &methods)
template<typename T >
bool CPPScope_Check (T *object)
template<typename T >
bool CPPScope_CheckExact (T *object)
CPPScopeCPPScopeMeta_New (Cppyy::TCppScope_t klass, PyObject *args)
static Py_hash_t CPyCppyy_PyLong_AsHash_t (PyObject *obj)
CPYCPPYY_EXPORT ConverterCreateConverter (const std::string &fullType, dims_t dims=nullptr)
CPYCPPYY_EXTERN ConverterCreateConverter (const std::string &name, Py_ssize_t *dims=nullptr)
PyObjectCreateExcScopeProxy (PyObject *pyscope, PyObject *pyname, PyObject *parent)
CPYCPPYY_EXTERN ExecutorCreateExecutor (const std::string &name)
PyObjectCreateLowLevelView (bool **, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr)
PyObjectCreateLowLevelView (bool *, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr)
PyObjectCreateLowLevelView (const char **, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr)
PyObjectCreateLowLevelView (double **, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr)
PyObjectCreateLowLevelView (double *, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr)
PyObjectCreateLowLevelView (float **, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr)
PyObjectCreateLowLevelView (float *, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr)
PyObjectCreateLowLevelView (int **, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr)
PyObjectCreateLowLevelView (int *, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr)
PyObjectCreateLowLevelView (long **, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr)
PyObjectCreateLowLevelView (long *, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr)
PyObjectCreateLowLevelView (long double **, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr)
PyObjectCreateLowLevelView (long double *, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr)
PyObjectCreateLowLevelView (long long **, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr)
PyObjectCreateLowLevelView (long long *, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr)
PyObjectCreateLowLevelView (short **, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr)
PyObjectCreateLowLevelView (short *, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr)
PyObjectCreateLowLevelView (signed char **, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr)
PyObjectCreateLowLevelView (signed char *, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr)
PyObjectCreateLowLevelView (std::complex< double > **, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr)
PyObjectCreateLowLevelView (std::complex< double > *, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr)
PyObjectCreateLowLevelView (std::complex< float > **, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr)
PyObjectCreateLowLevelView (std::complex< float > *, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr)
PyObjectCreateLowLevelView (std::complex< int > **, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr)
PyObjectCreateLowLevelView (std::complex< int > *, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr)
PyObjectCreateLowLevelView (std::complex< long > **, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr)
PyObjectCreateLowLevelView (std::complex< long > *, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr)
PyObjectCreateLowLevelView (unsigned char **, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr)
PyObjectCreateLowLevelView (unsigned char *, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr)
PyObjectCreateLowLevelView (unsigned int **, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr)
PyObjectCreateLowLevelView (unsigned int *, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr)
PyObjectCreateLowLevelView (unsigned long **, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr)
PyObjectCreateLowLevelView (unsigned long *, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr)
PyObjectCreateLowLevelView (unsigned long long **, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr)
PyObjectCreateLowLevelView (unsigned long long *, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr)
PyObjectCreateLowLevelView (unsigned short **, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr)
PyObjectCreateLowLevelView (unsigned short *, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr)
static PyObjectCreateNewCppProxyClass (Cppyy::TCppScope_t klass, PyObject *pybases)
PyObjectCreatePointerView (void *ptr, size_t size=(size_t) -1)
bool CreatePyStrings ()
PyObjectCreateScopeProxy (const std::string &scope_name, PyObject *parent=nullptr)
PyObjectCreateScopeProxy (Cppyy::TCppScope_t)
PyObjectCreateScopeProxy (PyObject *, PyObject *args)
template<typename T >
bool CustomInstanceMethod_Check (T *object)
template<typename T >
bool CustomInstanceMethod_CheckExact (T *object)
PyObjectCustomInstanceMethod_New (PyObject *func, PyObject *self, PyObject *pyclass)
CPYCPPYY_EXTERN void DestroyConverter (Converter *p)
CPYCPPYY_EXPORT void DestroyExecutor (Executor *p)
PyObjectDestroyPyStrings ()
static PyObjectdm_reflex (CPPDataMember *dm, PyObject *args)
static int enum_setattro (PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *)
static int ep_clear (CPPExcInstance *pyobj)
static void ep_dealloc (CPPExcInstance *pyobj)
static PyObjectep_getattro (CPPExcInstance *self, PyObject *attr)
static PyObjectep_new (PyTypeObject *subtype, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
static int ep_nonzero (CPPExcInstance *self)
static PyObjectep_repr (CPPExcInstance *self)
static PyObjectep_richcompare (CPPExcInstance *self, PyObject *other, int op)
static int ep_setattro (CPPExcInstance *self, PyObject *attr, PyObject *value)
static PyObjectep_str (CPPExcInstance *self)
static int ep_traverse (CPPExcInstance *pyobj, visitproc visit, void *args)
static PyObjecteqneq_binop (CPPClass *klass, PyObject *self, PyObject *obj, int op)
CPYCPPYY_EXTERN const PyResult Eval (const std::string &expr)
CPYCPPYY_EXTERN bool Exec (const std::string &cmd)
CPYCPPYY_EXTERN void ExecScript (const std::string &name, const std::vector< std::string > &args)
static PyObjectGetAttrDirect (PyObject *pyclass, PyObject *pyname)
PyObjectGetScopeProxy (Cppyy::TCppScope_t)
uint64_t HashSignature (PyObject *args)
bool HaveImplicit (CallContext *ctxt)
static PyObjectim_call (PyObject *meth, PyObject *args, PyObject *kw)
static void im_dealloc (PyMethodObject *im)
static PyObjectim_descr_get (PyObject *meth, PyObject *obj, PyObject *pyclass)
CPYCPPYY_EXTERN bool Import (const std::string &name)
static void indexiter_dealloc (indexiterobject *ii)
static PyObjectindexiter_iternext (indexiterobject *ii)
static int indexiter_traverse (indexiterobject *ii, visitproc visit, void *arg)
bool InsertDispatcher (CPPScope *klass, PyObject *bases, PyObject *dct, std::ostringstream &err)
CPYCPPYY_EXTERN void * Instance_AsVoidPtr (PyObject *pyobject)
CPYCPPYY_EXTERN bool Instance_Check (PyObject *pyobject)
CPYCPPYY_EXTERN bool Instance_CheckExact (PyObject *pyobject)
PyObjectInstance_FromVoidPtr (void *addr, const char *classname, int python_owns)
CPYCPPYY_EXTERN PyObjectInstance_FromVoidPtr (void *addr, const std::string &classname, bool python_owns=false)
CPYCPPYY_EXTERN bool Instance_IsLively (PyObject *pyobject)
bool IsConstructor (uint64_t flags)
bool IsCreator (uint64_t flags)
bool IsSorted (uint64_t flags)
template<typename T >
bool LowLevelView_Check (T *object)
template<typename T >
bool LowLevelView_CheckExact (T *object)
static PyObjectmeta_alloc (PyTypeObject *meta, Py_ssize_t nitems)
static void meta_dealloc (CPPScope *scope)
static PyObjectmeta_dir (CPPScope *klass)
static PyObjectmeta_getattro (PyObject *pyclass, PyObject *pyname)
static PyObjectmeta_getcppname (CPPScope *scope, void *)
static PyObjectmeta_getmodule (CPPScope *scope, void *)
static PyObjectmeta_reflex (CPPScope *klass, PyObject *args)
static PyObjectmeta_repr (CPPScope *scope)
static int meta_setattro (PyObject *pyclass, PyObject *pyname, PyObject *pyval)
static int meta_setmodule (CPPScope *scope, PyObject *value, void *)
bool NoImplicit (CallContext *ctxt)
static PyObjectop_add_stub (PyObject *left, PyObject *right)
static int op_clear (CPPInstance *pyobj)
static void op_dealloc (CPPInstance *pyobj)
void op_dealloc_nofree (CPPInstance *)
static PyObjectop_destruct (CPPInstance *self)
static PyObjectop_dispatch (PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *)
static PyObjectop_div_stub (PyObject *left, PyObject *right)
static PyObjectop_get_smartptr (CPPInstance *self)
static PyObjectop_getownership (CPPInstance *pyobj, void *)
static Py_hash_t op_hash (CPPInstance *self)
static PyObjectop_invert_stub (PyObject *pyobj)
static PyObjectop_mul_stub (PyObject *left, PyObject *right)
static PyObjectop_neg_stub (PyObject *pyobj)
static CPPInstanceop_new (PyTypeObject *subtype, PyObject *, PyObject *)
static int op_nonzero (CPPInstance *self)
static PyObjectop_pos_stub (PyObject *pyobj)
static PyObjectop_repr (CPPInstance *self)
static PyObjectop_richcompare (CPPInstance *self, PyObject *other, int op)
static int op_setownership (CPPInstance *pyobj, PyObject *value, void *)
static PyObjectop_str (CPPInstance *self)
static PyObjectop_str_internal (PyObject *pyobj, PyObject *lshift, bool isBound)
static PyObjectop_sub_stub (PyObject *left, PyObject *right)
CPYCPPYY_EXTERN bool Overload_Check (PyObject *pyobject)
CPYCPPYY_EXTERN bool Overload_CheckExact (PyObject *pyobject)
static void pp_dealloc (CPPDataMember *pyprop)
static PyObjectpp_get (CPPDataMember *pyprop, CPPInstance *pyobj, PyObject *)
static CPPDataMemberpp_new (PyTypeObject *pytype, PyObject *, PyObject *)
static int pp_set (CPPDataMember *pyprop, CPPInstance *pyobj, PyObject *value)
CPYCPPYY_EXTERN void Prompt ()
static PyObjectpt_new (PyTypeObject *subtype, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
unsigned long PyLongOrInt_AsULong (PyObject *pyobject)
ULong64_t PyLongOrInt_AsULong64 (PyObject *pyobject)
bool Pythonize (PyObject *pyclass, const std::string &name)
template<typename T >
bool RefFloat_Check (T *object)
template<typename T >
bool RefFloat_CheckExact (T *object)
template<typename T >
bool RefInt_Check (T *object)
template<typename T >
bool RefInt_CheckExact (T *object)
CPYCPPYY_EXPORT bool RegisterConverter (const std::string &name, cf_t fac)
CPYCPPYY_EXTERN bool RegisterConverter (const std::string &name, ConverterFactory_t)
CPYCPPYY_EXTERN bool RegisterExecutor (const std::string &name, ExecutorFactory_t)
bool ReleasesGIL (CallContext *ctxt)
CPYCPPYY_EXTERN bool Scope_Check (PyObject *pyobject)
CPYCPPYY_EXTERN bool Scope_CheckExact (PyObject *pyobject)
static void sync_templates (PyObject *pyclass, const std::string &mtCppName, const std::string &mtName)
static std::string targs2str (TemplateProxy *pytmpl)
static PyObjectTC2CppName (PyObject *pytc, const char *cpd, bool allow_voidp)
template<typename T >
bool TemplateProxy_Check (T *object)
template<typename T >
bool TemplateProxy_CheckExact (T *object)
TemplateProxyTemplateProxy_New (const std::string &cppname, const std::string &pyname, PyObject *pyclass)
static PyObjecttpc_call (typedefpointertoclassobject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *)
static PyObjecttpp_call (TemplateProxy *pytmpl, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
static int tpp_clear (TemplateProxy *pytmpl)
static void tpp_dealloc (TemplateProxy *pytmpl)
static TemplateProxytpp_descrget (TemplateProxy *pytmpl, PyObject *pyobj, PyObject *)
static PyObjecttpp_doc (TemplateProxy *pytmpl, void *)
static PyObjecttpp_getuseffi (CPPOverload *, void *)
static Py_hash_t tpp_hash (TemplateProxy *self)
static TemplateProxytpp_new (PyTypeObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *)
static PyObjecttpp_overload (TemplateProxy *pytmpl, PyObject *args)
static PyObjecttpp_repr (TemplateProxy *pytmpl)
static PyObjecttpp_richcompare (TemplateProxy *self, PyObject *other, int op)
static int tpp_setuseffi (CPPOverload *, PyObject *, void *)
static PyObjecttpp_subscript (TemplateProxy *pytmpl, PyObject *args)
static int tpp_traverse (TemplateProxy *pytmpl, visitproc visit, void *arg)
template<typename T >
bool TupleOfInstances_Check (T *object)
template<typename T >
bool TupleOfInstances_CheckExact (T *object)
PyObjectTupleOfInstances_New (Cppyy::TCppObject_t address, Cppyy::TCppType_t klass, dim_t ndims, dims_t dims)
template<typename T >
bool TypedefPointerToClass_Check (T *object)
template<typename T >
bool TypedefPointerToClass_CheckExact (T *object)
CPYCPPYY_EXTERN bool UnregisterConverter (const std::string &name)
CPYCPPYY_EXTERN bool UnregisterExecutor (const std::string &name)
static void UpdateDispatchMap (TemplateProxy *pytmpl, bool use_targs, uint64_t sighash, CPPOverload *pymeth)
bool UseStrictOwnership (CallContext *ctxt)
static void vectoriter_dealloc (vectoriterobject *vi)
static PyObjectvectoriter_iternext (vectoriterobject *vi)


PyTypeObject CPPDataMember_Type
PyTypeObject CPPExcInstance_Type
PyTypeObject CPPInstance_Type
PyTypeObject CPPOverload_Type
PyTypeObject CPPScope_Type
PyTypeObject CustomInstanceMethod_Type
static PyMethodDef dm_methods []
static PyNumberMethods ep_as_number
static PyMethodObject * free_list
PyObjectgAbrtException = nullptr
PyObjectgBusException = nullptr
static ConvFactories_t gConvFactories
R__EXTERN bool gDictLookupActive = false
dict_lookup_func gDictLookupOrg = 0
static ExecFactories_t gExecFactories
PyObjectgIllException = nullptr
std::set< std::string > gIteratorTypes
PyObjectgNullPtrObject = nullptr
std::set< Cppyy::TCppType_tgPinnedTypes
std::map< std::string, std::vector< PyObject * > > gPythonizations
PyObjectgPyTypeMap = nullptr
PyObjectgSegvException = nullptr
R__EXTERN PyObjectgThisModule = nullptr
PyTypeObject IndexIter_Type
PyTypeObject InstanceArrayIter_Type
PyTypeObject LowLevelView_Type
static PyGetSetDef meta_getset []
static PyMethodDef meta_methods []
static int numfree = 0
static PyNumberMethods op_as_number
static PyGetSetDef op_getset []
static PyMethodDef op_methods []
PyTypeObject RefFloat_Type
 Custom "builtins," detectable by type, for pass by ref and improved performance.
PyTypeObject RefInt_Type
const int SMALL_ARGS_N = 8
PyTypeObject TemplateProxy_Type
static PyMappingMethods tpp_as_mapping
static PyGetSetDef tpp_getset []
static PyMethodDef tpp_methods []
PyTypeObject TupleOfInstances_Type
 Representation of C-style array of instances.
PyTypeObject TypedefPointerToClass_Type
PyTypeObject VectorIter_Type

Detailed Description

Set of helper functions that are invoked from the pythonizors, on the Python side.

For that purpose, they are included in the interface of the PyROOT extension module.

Typedef Documentation

◆ cf_t

typedef Converter *(* CPyCppyy::cf_t) (dims_t d)

Definition at line 27 of file Converters.h.

◆ CI_DatamemberCache_t

typedef std::vector<std::pair<ptrdiff_t, PyObject*> > CPyCppyy::CI_DatamemberCache_t

Definition at line 24 of file CPPInstance.h.

◆ ConverterFactory_t

typedef Converter *(* CPyCppyy::ConverterFactory_t) (Py_ssize_t *dims)

Definition at line 115 of file API.h.

◆ ConvFactories_t

typedef std::map<std::string, cf_t> CPyCppyy::ConvFactories_t

Definition at line 38 of file Converters.cxx.

◆ CPPClass

Definition at line 63 of file CPPScope.h.

◆ CppToPyMap_t

Type object to hold class reference (this is only semantically a presentation of CPPScope instances, not in a C++ sense)


Definition at line 34 of file CPPScope.h.

◆ ef_t

typedef Executor *(* CPyCppyy::ef_t)()

Definition at line 22 of file Executors.cxx.

◆ ExecFactories_t

typedef std::map<std::string, ef_t> CPyCppyy::ExecFactories_t

Definition at line 23 of file Executors.cxx.

◆ ExecutorFactory_t

typedef Executor *(* CPyCppyy::ExecutorFactory_t) ()

Definition at line 142 of file API.h.

◆ MemHook_t

typedef std::function<std::pair<bool, bool>(Cppyy::TCppObject_t, Cppyy::TCppType_t)> CPyCppyy::MemHook_t

Definition at line 11 of file MemoryRegulator.h.

◆ TP_DispatchEntry_t

typedef std::pair<uint64_t, CPPOverload*> CPyCppyy::TP_DispatchEntry_t

Template proxy object to return functions and methods.

Definition at line 24 of file TemplateProxy.h.

◆ TP_DispatchMap_t

typedef std::map<std::string, std::vector<TP_DispatchEntry_t> > CPyCppyy::TP_DispatchMap_t

Definition at line 25 of file TemplateProxy.h.

◆ TP_TInfo_t

typedef std::shared_ptr<TemplateInfo> CPyCppyy::TP_TInfo_t

Definition at line 48 of file TemplateProxy.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ETypeDetails


Definition at line 19 of file CPPDataMember.cxx.

Function Documentation

◆ add_template()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::add_template ( PyObject pyclass,
const std::string &  name,
std::vector< PyCallable * > *  overloads = nullptr 

Definition at line 28 of file CPPScope.cxx.

◆ AddPropertyToClass()

static void CPyCppyy::AddPropertyToClass ( PyObject pyclass,
Cppyy::TCppScope_t  scope,
Cppyy::TCppIndex_t  idata 

Definition at line 93 of file ProxyWrappers.cxx.

◆ AddScopeToParent()

static void CPyCppyy::AddScopeToParent ( PyObject parent,
const std::string &  name,
PyObject newscope 

Definition at line 112 of file ProxyWrappers.cxx.

◆ AllowImplicit()

bool CPyCppyy::AllowImplicit ( CallContext ctxt)

Definition at line 127 of file CallContext.h.

◆ BindCppObject()

PyObject * CPyCppyy::BindCppObject ( Cppyy::TCppObject_t  object,
Cppyy::TCppType_t  klass,
const unsigned  flags = 0 

Definition at line 897 of file ProxyWrappers.cxx.

◆ BindCppObjectArray()

PyObject * CPyCppyy::BindCppObjectArray ( Cppyy::TCppObject_t  address,
Cppyy::TCppType_t  klass,
Py_ssize_t dims 

◆ BindCppObjectNoCast()

PyObject * CPyCppyy::BindCppObjectNoCast ( Cppyy::TCppObject_t  object,
Cppyy::TCppType_t  klass,
const unsigned  flags = 0 

Definition at line 823 of file ProxyWrappers.cxx.

◆ BuildCppClassBases()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::BuildCppClassBases ( Cppyy::TCppType_t  klass)

Definition at line 440 of file ProxyWrappers.cxx.

◆ BuildScopeProxyDict()

static int CPyCppyy::BuildScopeProxyDict ( Cppyy::TCppScope_t  scope,
PyObject pyclass 

Definition at line 156 of file ProxyWrappers.cxx.

◆ CallMethodImp()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::CallMethodImp ( TemplateProxy pytmpl,
PyObject *&  pymeth,
PyObject args,
PyObject kwds,
bool  impOK,
uint64_t  sighash 

Definition at line 450 of file TemplateProxy.cxx.

◆ CallVoidP()

CPYCPPYY_EXPORT void * CPyCppyy::CallVoidP ( Cppyy::TCppMethod_t  ,
Cppyy::TCppObject_t  ,

Definition at line 895 of file Executors.cxx.

◆ CollectUniqueBases()

static void CPyCppyy::CollectUniqueBases ( Cppyy::TCppType_t  klass,
std::deque< std::string > &  uqb 

Definition at line 403 of file ProxyWrappers.cxx.

◆ CPPDataMember_Check()

template<typename T >
bool CPyCppyy::CPPDataMember_Check ( T *  object)

Definition at line 41 of file CPPDataMember.h.

◆ CPPDataMember_CheckExact()

template<typename T >
bool CPyCppyy::CPPDataMember_CheckExact ( T *  object)

Definition at line 47 of file CPPDataMember.h.

◆ CPPDataMember_New()

CPPDataMember * CPyCppyy::CPPDataMember_New ( Cppyy::TCppScope_t  scope,
Cppyy::TCppIndex_t  idata 

Definition at line 53 of file CPPDataMember.h.

◆ CPPDataMember_NewConstant()

CPPDataMember * CPyCppyy::CPPDataMember_NewConstant ( Cppyy::TCppScope_t  scope,
const std::string &  name,
void *  address 

Definition at line 63 of file CPPDataMember.h.

◆ CPPExcInstance_Check()

template<typename T >
bool CPyCppyy::CPPExcInstance_Check ( T *  object)

Definition at line 26 of file CPPExcInstance.h.

◆ CPPExcInstance_CheckExact()

template<typename T >
bool CPyCppyy::CPPExcInstance_CheckExact ( T *  object)

Definition at line 32 of file CPPExcInstance.h.

◆ CPPInstance_Check()

template<typename T >
bool CPyCppyy::CPPInstance_Check ( T *  object)

Definition at line 121 of file CPPInstance.h.

◆ CPPInstance_CheckExact()

template<typename T >
bool CPyCppyy::CPPInstance_CheckExact ( T *  object)

Definition at line 131 of file CPPInstance.h.

◆ CPPOverload_Check()

template<typename T >
bool CPyCppyy::CPPOverload_Check ( T *  object)

Definition at line 83 of file CPPOverload.h.

◆ CPPOverload_CheckExact()

template<typename T >
bool CPyCppyy::CPPOverload_CheckExact ( T *  object)

Definition at line 89 of file CPPOverload.h.

◆ CPPOverload_New() [1/2]

CPPOverload * CPyCppyy::CPPOverload_New ( const std::string &  name,
PyCallable method 

Definition at line 104 of file CPPOverload.h.

◆ CPPOverload_New() [2/2]

CPPOverload * CPyCppyy::CPPOverload_New ( const std::string &  name,
std::vector< PyCallable * > &  methods 

Definition at line 95 of file CPPOverload.h.

◆ CPPScope_Check()

template<typename T >
bool CPyCppyy::CPPScope_Check ( T *  object)

Definition at line 76 of file CPPScope.h.

◆ CPPScope_CheckExact()

template<typename T >
bool CPyCppyy::CPPScope_CheckExact ( T *  object)

Definition at line 82 of file CPPScope.h.

◆ CPPScopeMeta_New()

CPPScope * CPyCppyy::CPPScopeMeta_New ( Cppyy::TCppScope_t  klass,
PyObject args 

Definition at line 88 of file CPPScope.h.

◆ CPyCppyy_PyLong_AsHash_t()

static Py_hash_t CPyCppyy::CPyCppyy_PyLong_AsHash_t ( PyObject obj)

Definition at line 463 of file CPPInstance.cxx.

◆ CreateConverter() [1/2]

CPYCPPYY_EXPORT CPyCppyy::Converter * CPyCppyy::CreateConverter ( const std::string &  fullType,
dims_t  dims = nullptr 

Definition at line 2675 of file Converters.cxx.

◆ CreateConverter() [2/2]

CPYCPPYY_EXTERN Converter * CPyCppyy::CreateConverter ( const std::string &  name,
Py_ssize_t dims = nullptr 

◆ CreateExcScopeProxy()

PyObject * CPyCppyy::CreateExcScopeProxy ( PyObject pyscope,
PyObject pyname,
PyObject parent 

Definition at line 738 of file ProxyWrappers.cxx.

◆ CreateExecutor()

CPYCPPYY_EXPORT Executor * CPyCppyy::CreateExecutor ( const std::string &  name)

Definition at line 763 of file Executors.cxx.

◆ CreateLowLevelView() [1/37]

PyObject * CPyCppyy::CreateLowLevelView ( bool **  address,
Py_ssize_t shape = nullptr 

Definition at line 834 of file LowLevelViews.cxx.

◆ CreateLowLevelView() [2/37]

PyObject * CPyCppyy::CreateLowLevelView ( bool address,
Py_ssize_t shape = nullptr 

Definition at line 834 of file LowLevelViews.cxx.

◆ CreateLowLevelView() [3/37]

PyObject * CPyCppyy::CreateLowLevelView ( const char **  address,
Py_ssize_t shape = nullptr 

Definition at line 856 of file LowLevelViews.cxx.

◆ CreateLowLevelView() [4/37]

PyObject * CPyCppyy::CreateLowLevelView ( double **  address,
Py_ssize_t shape = nullptr 

Definition at line 849 of file LowLevelViews.cxx.

◆ CreateLowLevelView() [5/37]

PyObject * CPyCppyy::CreateLowLevelView ( double address,
Py_ssize_t shape = nullptr 

Definition at line 849 of file LowLevelViews.cxx.

◆ CreateLowLevelView() [6/37]

PyObject * CPyCppyy::CreateLowLevelView ( float **  address,
Py_ssize_t shape = nullptr 

Definition at line 848 of file LowLevelViews.cxx.

◆ CreateLowLevelView() [7/37]

PyObject * CPyCppyy::CreateLowLevelView ( float *  address,
Py_ssize_t shape = nullptr 

Definition at line 848 of file LowLevelViews.cxx.

◆ CreateLowLevelView() [8/37]

PyObject * CPyCppyy::CreateLowLevelView ( int **  address,
Py_ssize_t shape = nullptr 

Definition at line 842 of file LowLevelViews.cxx.

◆ CreateLowLevelView() [9/37]

PyObject * CPyCppyy::CreateLowLevelView ( int address,
Py_ssize_t shape = nullptr 

Definition at line 842 of file LowLevelViews.cxx.

◆ CreateLowLevelView() [10/37]

PyObject * CPyCppyy::CreateLowLevelView ( long **  address,
Py_ssize_t shape = nullptr 

Definition at line 844 of file LowLevelViews.cxx.

◆ CreateLowLevelView() [11/37]

PyObject * CPyCppyy::CreateLowLevelView ( long *  address,
Py_ssize_t shape = nullptr 

Definition at line 844 of file LowLevelViews.cxx.

◆ CreateLowLevelView() [12/37]

PyObject * CPyCppyy::CreateLowLevelView ( long double **  address,
Py_ssize_t shape = nullptr 

Definition at line 850 of file LowLevelViews.cxx.

◆ CreateLowLevelView() [13/37]

PyObject * CPyCppyy::CreateLowLevelView ( long double address,
Py_ssize_t shape = nullptr 

Definition at line 850 of file LowLevelViews.cxx.

◆ CreateLowLevelView() [14/37]

PyObject * CPyCppyy::CreateLowLevelView ( long long **  address,
Py_ssize_t shape = nullptr 

Definition at line 846 of file LowLevelViews.cxx.

◆ CreateLowLevelView() [15/37]

PyObject * CPyCppyy::CreateLowLevelView ( long long *  address,
Py_ssize_t shape = nullptr 

Definition at line 846 of file LowLevelViews.cxx.

◆ CreateLowLevelView() [16/37]

PyObject * CPyCppyy::CreateLowLevelView ( short **  address,
Py_ssize_t shape = nullptr 

Definition at line 840 of file LowLevelViews.cxx.

◆ CreateLowLevelView() [17/37]

PyObject * CPyCppyy::CreateLowLevelView ( short *  address,
Py_ssize_t shape = nullptr 

Definition at line 840 of file LowLevelViews.cxx.

◆ CreateLowLevelView() [18/37]

PyObject * CPyCppyy::CreateLowLevelView ( signed char **  address,
Py_ssize_t shape = nullptr 

Definition at line 835 of file LowLevelViews.cxx.

◆ CreateLowLevelView() [19/37]

PyObject * CPyCppyy::CreateLowLevelView ( signed char *  address,
Py_ssize_t shape = nullptr 

Definition at line 835 of file LowLevelViews.cxx.

◆ CreateLowLevelView() [20/37]

PyObject * CPyCppyy::CreateLowLevelView ( std::complex< double > **  address,
Py_ssize_t shape = nullptr 

Definition at line 852 of file LowLevelViews.cxx.

◆ CreateLowLevelView() [21/37]

PyObject * CPyCppyy::CreateLowLevelView ( std::complex< double > *  address,
Py_ssize_t shape = nullptr 

Definition at line 852 of file LowLevelViews.cxx.

◆ CreateLowLevelView() [22/37]

PyObject * CPyCppyy::CreateLowLevelView ( std::complex< float > **  address,
Py_ssize_t shape = nullptr 

Definition at line 851 of file LowLevelViews.cxx.

◆ CreateLowLevelView() [23/37]

PyObject * CPyCppyy::CreateLowLevelView ( std::complex< float > *  address,
Py_ssize_t shape = nullptr 

Definition at line 851 of file LowLevelViews.cxx.

◆ CreateLowLevelView() [24/37]

PyObject * CPyCppyy::CreateLowLevelView ( std::complex< int > **  address,
Py_ssize_t shape = nullptr 

Definition at line 853 of file LowLevelViews.cxx.

◆ CreateLowLevelView() [25/37]

PyObject * CPyCppyy::CreateLowLevelView ( std::complex< int > *  address,
Py_ssize_t shape = nullptr 

Definition at line 853 of file LowLevelViews.cxx.

◆ CreateLowLevelView() [26/37]

PyObject * CPyCppyy::CreateLowLevelView ( std::complex< long > **  address,
Py_ssize_t shape = nullptr 

Definition at line 854 of file LowLevelViews.cxx.

◆ CreateLowLevelView() [27/37]

PyObject * CPyCppyy::CreateLowLevelView ( std::complex< long > *  address,
Py_ssize_t shape = nullptr 

Definition at line 854 of file LowLevelViews.cxx.

◆ CreateLowLevelView() [28/37]

PyObject * CPyCppyy::CreateLowLevelView ( unsigned char **  address,
Py_ssize_t shape = nullptr 

Definition at line 836 of file LowLevelViews.cxx.

◆ CreateLowLevelView() [29/37]

PyObject * CPyCppyy::CreateLowLevelView ( unsigned char *  address,
Py_ssize_t shape = nullptr 

Definition at line 836 of file LowLevelViews.cxx.

◆ CreateLowLevelView() [30/37]

PyObject * CPyCppyy::CreateLowLevelView ( unsigned int **  address,
Py_ssize_t shape = nullptr 

Definition at line 843 of file LowLevelViews.cxx.

◆ CreateLowLevelView() [31/37]

PyObject * CPyCppyy::CreateLowLevelView ( unsigned int address,
Py_ssize_t shape = nullptr 

Definition at line 843 of file LowLevelViews.cxx.

◆ CreateLowLevelView() [32/37]

PyObject * CPyCppyy::CreateLowLevelView ( unsigned long **  address,
Py_ssize_t shape = nullptr 

Definition at line 845 of file LowLevelViews.cxx.

◆ CreateLowLevelView() [33/37]

PyObject * CPyCppyy::CreateLowLevelView ( unsigned long *  address,
Py_ssize_t shape = nullptr 

Definition at line 845 of file LowLevelViews.cxx.

◆ CreateLowLevelView() [34/37]

PyObject * CPyCppyy::CreateLowLevelView ( unsigned long long **  address,
Py_ssize_t shape = nullptr 

Definition at line 847 of file LowLevelViews.cxx.

◆ CreateLowLevelView() [35/37]

PyObject * CPyCppyy::CreateLowLevelView ( unsigned long long *  address,
Py_ssize_t shape = nullptr 

Definition at line 847 of file LowLevelViews.cxx.

◆ CreateLowLevelView() [36/37]

PyObject * CPyCppyy::CreateLowLevelView ( unsigned short **  address,
Py_ssize_t shape = nullptr 

Definition at line 841 of file LowLevelViews.cxx.

◆ CreateLowLevelView() [37/37]

PyObject * CPyCppyy::CreateLowLevelView ( unsigned short *  address,
Py_ssize_t shape = nullptr 

Definition at line 841 of file LowLevelViews.cxx.

◆ CreateNewCppProxyClass()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::CreateNewCppProxyClass ( Cppyy::TCppScope_t  klass,
PyObject pybases 

Definition at line 53 of file ProxyWrappers.cxx.

◆ CreatePointerView()

PyObject * CPyCppyy::CreatePointerView ( void *  ptr,
size_t  size = (size_t)-1 

Definition at line 56 of file LowLevelViews.h.

◆ CreatePyStrings()

bool CPyCppyy::CreatePyStrings ( )

Definition at line 69 of file PyStrings.cxx.

◆ CreateScopeProxy() [1/3]

PyObject * CPyCppyy::CreateScopeProxy ( const std::string &  scope_name,
PyObject parent = nullptr 

Definition at line 528 of file ProxyWrappers.cxx.

◆ CreateScopeProxy() [2/3]

PyObject * CPyCppyy::CreateScopeProxy ( Cppyy::TCppScope_t  scope)

Definition at line 506 of file ProxyWrappers.cxx.

◆ CreateScopeProxy() [3/3]

PyObject * CPyCppyy::CreateScopeProxy ( PyObject ,
PyObject args 

Definition at line 517 of file ProxyWrappers.cxx.

◆ CustomInstanceMethod_Check()

template<typename T >
bool CPyCppyy::CustomInstanceMethod_Check ( T *  object)

Definition at line 64 of file CustomPyTypes.h.

◆ CustomInstanceMethod_CheckExact()

template<typename T >
bool CPyCppyy::CustomInstanceMethod_CheckExact ( T *  object)

Definition at line 70 of file CustomPyTypes.h.

◆ CustomInstanceMethod_New()

PyObject * CPyCppyy::CustomInstanceMethod_New ( PyObject func,
PyObject self,
PyObject pyclass 

Definition at line 111 of file CustomPyTypes.cxx.

◆ DestroyConverter()

CPYCPPYY_EXPORT void CPyCppyy::DestroyConverter ( Converter p)

Definition at line 2862 of file Converters.cxx.

◆ DestroyExecutor()

CPYCPPYY_EXPORT void CPyCppyy::DestroyExecutor ( Executor p)

Definition at line 861 of file Executors.cxx.

◆ DestroyPyStrings()

PyObject * CPyCppyy::DestroyPyStrings ( )

Definition at line 134 of file PyStrings.cxx.

◆ dm_reflex()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::dm_reflex ( CPPDataMember dm,
PyObject args 

Definition at line 168 of file CPPDataMember.cxx.

◆ enum_setattro()

static int CPyCppyy::enum_setattro ( PyObject ,
PyObject ,

Definition at line 72 of file CPPScope.cxx.

◆ ep_clear()

static int CPyCppyy::ep_clear ( CPPExcInstance pyobj)

Definition at line 112 of file CPPExcInstance.cxx.

◆ ep_dealloc()

static void CPyCppyy::ep_dealloc ( CPPExcInstance pyobj)

Definition at line 101 of file CPPExcInstance.cxx.

◆ ep_getattro()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::ep_getattro ( CPPExcInstance self,
PyObject attr 

Definition at line 124 of file CPPExcInstance.cxx.

◆ ep_new()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::ep_new ( PyTypeObject *  subtype,
PyObject args,
PyObject kwds 

Definition at line 19 of file CPPExcInstance.cxx.

◆ ep_nonzero()

static int CPyCppyy::ep_nonzero ( CPPExcInstance self)

Definition at line 154 of file CPPExcInstance.cxx.

◆ ep_repr()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::ep_repr ( CPPExcInstance self)

Definition at line 93 of file CPPExcInstance.cxx.

◆ ep_richcompare()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::ep_richcompare ( CPPExcInstance self,
PyObject other,
int  op 

Definition at line 148 of file CPPExcInstance.cxx.

◆ ep_setattro()

static int CPyCppyy::ep_setattro ( CPPExcInstance self,
PyObject attr,
PyObject value 

Definition at line 136 of file CPPExcInstance.cxx.

◆ ep_str()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::ep_str ( CPPExcInstance self)

Definition at line 66 of file CPPExcInstance.cxx.

◆ ep_traverse()

static int CPyCppyy::ep_traverse ( CPPExcInstance pyobj,
visitproc  visit,
void *  args 

Definition at line 51 of file CPPExcInstance.cxx.

◆ eqneq_binop()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::eqneq_binop ( CPPClass klass,
PyObject self,
PyObject obj,
int  op 

Definition at line 347 of file CPPInstance.cxx.

◆ Eval()

const CPyCppyy::PyResult CPyCppyy::Eval ( const std::string &  expr)

Definition at line 368 of file API.cxx.

◆ Exec()

bool CPyCppyy::Exec ( const std::string &  cmd)

Definition at line 347 of file API.cxx.

◆ ExecScript()

void CPyCppyy::ExecScript ( const std::string &  name,
const std::vector< std::string > &  args 

Definition at line 281 of file API.cxx.

◆ GetAttrDirect()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::GetAttrDirect ( PyObject pyclass,
PyObject pyname 

Definition at line 121 of file ProxyWrappers.cxx.

◆ GetScopeProxy()

PyObject * CPyCppyy::GetScopeProxy ( Cppyy::TCppScope_t  scope)

Definition at line 490 of file ProxyWrappers.cxx.

◆ HashSignature()

uint64_t CPyCppyy::HashSignature ( PyObject args)

Definition at line 16 of file CPPOverload.h.

◆ HaveImplicit()

bool CPyCppyy::HaveImplicit ( CallContext ctxt)

Definition at line 123 of file CallContext.h.

◆ im_call()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::im_call ( PyObject meth,
PyObject args,
PyObject kw 

Definition at line 176 of file CustomPyTypes.cxx.

◆ im_dealloc()

static void CPyCppyy::im_dealloc ( PyMethodObject *  im)

Definition at line 151 of file CustomPyTypes.cxx.

◆ im_descr_get()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::im_descr_get ( PyObject meth,
PyObject obj,
PyObject pyclass 

Definition at line 220 of file CustomPyTypes.cxx.

◆ Import()

bool CPyCppyy::Import ( const std::string &  name)

Definition at line 222 of file API.cxx.

◆ indexiter_dealloc()

static void CPyCppyy::indexiter_dealloc ( indexiterobject ii)

Definition at line 271 of file CustomPyTypes.cxx.

◆ indexiter_iternext()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::indexiter_iternext ( indexiterobject ii)

Definition at line 281 of file CustomPyTypes.cxx.

◆ indexiter_traverse()

static int CPyCppyy::indexiter_traverse ( indexiterobject ii,
visitproc  visit,
void *  arg 

Definition at line 276 of file CustomPyTypes.cxx.

◆ InsertDispatcher()

bool CPyCppyy::InsertDispatcher ( CPPScope klass,
PyObject bases,
PyObject dct,
std::ostringstream &  err 

Definition at line 70 of file Dispatcher.cxx.

◆ Instance_AsVoidPtr()

void * CPyCppyy::Instance_AsVoidPtr ( PyObject pyobject)

Definition at line 102 of file API.cxx.

◆ Instance_Check()

bool CPyCppyy::Instance_Check ( PyObject pyobject)

Definition at line 162 of file API.cxx.

◆ Instance_CheckExact()

bool CPyCppyy::Instance_CheckExact ( PyObject pyobject)

Definition at line 173 of file API.cxx.

◆ Instance_FromVoidPtr() [1/2]

PyObject * CPyCppyy::Instance_FromVoidPtr ( void *  addr,
const char *  classname,
int  python_owns 

Definition at line 136 of file API.cxx.

◆ Instance_FromVoidPtr() [2/2]

PyObject * CPyCppyy::Instance_FromVoidPtr ( void *  addr,
const std::string &  classname,
bool  python_owns = false 

Definition at line 117 of file API.cxx.

◆ Instance_IsLively()

bool CPyCppyy::Instance_IsLively ( PyObject pyobject)

Definition at line 184 of file API.cxx.

◆ IsConstructor()

bool CPyCppyy::IsConstructor ( uint64_t  flags)

Definition at line 119 of file CallContext.h.

◆ IsCreator()

bool CPyCppyy::IsCreator ( uint64_t  flags)

Definition at line 115 of file CallContext.h.

◆ IsSorted()

bool CPyCppyy::IsSorted ( uint64_t  flags)

Definition at line 111 of file CallContext.h.

◆ LowLevelView_Check()

template<typename T >
bool CPyCppyy::LowLevelView_Check ( T *  object)

Definition at line 65 of file LowLevelViews.h.

◆ LowLevelView_CheckExact()

template<typename T >
bool CPyCppyy::LowLevelView_CheckExact ( T *  object)

Definition at line 71 of file LowLevelViews.h.

◆ meta_alloc()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::meta_alloc ( PyTypeObject *  meta,
Py_ssize_t  nitems 

Definition at line 81 of file CPPScope.cxx.

◆ meta_dealloc()

static void CPyCppyy::meta_dealloc ( CPPScope scope)

Definition at line 88 of file CPPScope.cxx.

◆ meta_dir()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::meta_dir ( CPPScope klass)

Definition at line 580 of file CPPScope.cxx.

◆ meta_getattro()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::meta_getattro ( PyObject pyclass,
PyObject pyname 

Definition at line 305 of file CPPScope.cxx.

◆ meta_getcppname()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::meta_getcppname ( CPPScope scope,
void *   

Definition at line 104 of file CPPScope.cxx.

◆ meta_getmodule()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::meta_getmodule ( CPPScope scope,
void *   

Definition at line 112 of file CPPScope.cxx.

◆ meta_reflex()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::meta_reflex ( CPPScope klass,
PyObject args 

Definition at line 557 of file CPPScope.cxx.

◆ meta_repr()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::meta_repr ( CPPScope scope)

Definition at line 175 of file CPPScope.cxx.

◆ meta_setattro()

static int CPyCppyy::meta_setattro ( PyObject pyclass,
PyObject pyname,
PyObject pyval 

Definition at line 535 of file CPPScope.cxx.

◆ meta_setmodule()

static int CPyCppyy::meta_setmodule ( CPPScope scope,
PyObject value,
void *   

Definition at line 154 of file CPPScope.cxx.

◆ NoImplicit()

bool CPyCppyy::NoImplicit ( CallContext ctxt)

Definition at line 131 of file CallContext.h.

◆ op_add_stub()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::op_add_stub ( PyObject left,
PyObject right 

Definition at line 672 of file CPPInstance.cxx.

◆ op_clear()

static int CPyCppyy::op_clear ( CPPInstance pyobj)

Definition at line 336 of file CPPInstance.cxx.

◆ op_dealloc()

static void CPyCppyy::op_dealloc ( CPPInstance pyobj)

Definition at line 327 of file CPPInstance.cxx.

◆ op_dealloc_nofree()

void CPyCppyy::op_dealloc_nofree ( CPPInstance pyobj)

Definition at line 201 of file CPPInstance.cxx.

◆ op_destruct()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::op_destruct ( CPPInstance self)

Definition at line 253 of file CPPInstance.cxx.

◆ op_dispatch()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::op_dispatch ( PyObject self,
PyObject args,

Definition at line 264 of file CPPInstance.cxx.

◆ op_div_stub()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::op_div_stub ( PyObject left,
PyObject right 

Definition at line 675 of file CPPInstance.cxx.

◆ op_get_smartptr()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::op_get_smartptr ( CPPInstance self)

Definition at line 293 of file CPPInstance.cxx.

◆ op_getownership()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::op_getownership ( CPPInstance pyobj,
void *   

Definition at line 572 of file CPPInstance.cxx.

◆ op_hash()

static Py_hash_t CPyCppyy::op_hash ( CPPInstance self)

Definition at line 472 of file CPPInstance.cxx.

◆ op_invert_stub()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::op_invert_stub ( PyObject pyobj)

Definition at line 678 of file CPPInstance.cxx.

◆ op_mul_stub()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::op_mul_stub ( PyObject left,
PyObject right 

Definition at line 674 of file CPPInstance.cxx.

◆ op_neg_stub()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::op_neg_stub ( PyObject pyobj)

Definition at line 676 of file CPPInstance.cxx.

◆ op_new()

static CPPInstance * CPyCppyy::op_new ( PyTypeObject *  subtype,
PyObject ,

Definition at line 316 of file CPPInstance.cxx.

◆ op_nonzero()

static int CPyCppyy::op_nonzero ( CPPInstance self)

Definition at line 228 of file CPPInstance.cxx.

◆ op_pos_stub()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::op_pos_stub ( PyObject pyobj)

Definition at line 677 of file CPPInstance.cxx.

◆ op_repr()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::op_repr ( CPPInstance self)

Definition at line 434 of file CPPInstance.cxx.

◆ op_richcompare()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::op_richcompare ( CPPInstance self,
PyObject other,
int  op 

Definition at line 400 of file CPPInstance.cxx.

◆ op_setownership()

static int CPyCppyy::op_setownership ( CPPInstance pyobj,
PyObject value,
void *   

Definition at line 578 of file CPPInstance.cxx.

◆ op_str()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::op_str ( CPPInstance self)

Definition at line 533 of file CPPInstance.cxx.

◆ op_str_internal()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::op_str_internal ( PyObject pyobj,
PyObject lshift,
bool  isBound 

Definition at line 515 of file CPPInstance.cxx.

◆ op_sub_stub()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::op_sub_stub ( PyObject left,
PyObject right 

Definition at line 673 of file CPPInstance.cxx.

◆ Overload_Check()

bool CPyCppyy::Overload_Check ( PyObject pyobject)

Definition at line 199 of file API.cxx.

◆ Overload_CheckExact()

bool CPyCppyy::Overload_CheckExact ( PyObject pyobject)

Definition at line 210 of file API.cxx.

◆ pp_dealloc()

static void CPyCppyy::pp_dealloc ( CPPDataMember pyprop)

Definition at line 155 of file CPPDataMember.cxx.

◆ pp_get()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::pp_get ( CPPDataMember pyprop,
CPPInstance pyobj,

Definition at line 28 of file CPPDataMember.cxx.

◆ pp_new()

static CPPDataMember * CPyCppyy::pp_new ( PyTypeObject *  pytype,
PyObject ,

Definition at line 138 of file CPPDataMember.cxx.

◆ pp_set()

static int CPyCppyy::pp_set ( CPPDataMember pyprop,
CPPInstance pyobj,
PyObject value 

Definition at line 93 of file CPPDataMember.cxx.

◆ Prompt()

void CPyCppyy::Prompt ( )

Definition at line 423 of file API.cxx.

◆ pt_new()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::pt_new ( PyTypeObject *  subtype,
PyObject args,
PyObject kwds 

Definition at line 202 of file CPPScope.cxx.

◆ PyLongOrInt_AsULong()

unsigned long CPyCppyy::PyLongOrInt_AsULong ( PyObject pyobject)

Definition at line 131 of file Utility.cxx.

◆ PyLongOrInt_AsULong64()

ULong64_t CPyCppyy::PyLongOrInt_AsULong64 ( PyObject pyobject)

Definition at line 151 of file Utility.cxx.

◆ Pythonize()

bool CPyCppyy::Pythonize ( PyObject pyclass,
const std::string &  name 

Definition at line 1033 of file Pythonize.cxx.

◆ RefFloat_Check()

template<typename T >
bool CPyCppyy::RefFloat_Check ( T *  object)

Definition at line 14 of file CustomPyTypes.h.

◆ RefFloat_CheckExact()

template<typename T >
bool CPyCppyy::RefFloat_CheckExact ( T *  object)

Definition at line 20 of file CustomPyTypes.h.

◆ RefInt_Check()

template<typename T >
bool CPyCppyy::RefInt_Check ( T *  object)

Definition at line 29 of file CustomPyTypes.h.

◆ RefInt_CheckExact()

template<typename T >
bool CPyCppyy::RefInt_CheckExact ( T *  object)

Definition at line 35 of file CustomPyTypes.h.

◆ RegisterConverter() [1/2]

CPYCPPYY_EXPORT bool CPyCppyy::RegisterConverter ( const std::string &  name,
cf_t  fac 

Definition at line 2870 of file Converters.cxx.

◆ RegisterConverter() [2/2]

CPYCPPYY_EXTERN bool CPyCppyy::RegisterConverter ( const std::string &  name,

◆ RegisterExecutor()

CPYCPPYY_EXPORT bool CPyCppyy::RegisterExecutor ( const std::string &  name,

Definition at line 869 of file Executors.cxx.

◆ ReleasesGIL()

bool CPyCppyy::ReleasesGIL ( CallContext ctxt)

Definition at line 135 of file CallContext.h.

◆ Scope_Check()

bool CPyCppyy::Scope_Check ( PyObject pyobject)

Definition at line 142 of file API.cxx.

◆ Scope_CheckExact()

bool CPyCppyy::Scope_CheckExact ( PyObject pyobject)

Definition at line 152 of file API.cxx.

◆ sync_templates()

static void CPyCppyy::sync_templates ( PyObject pyclass,
const std::string &  mtCppName,
const std::string &  mtName 

Definition at line 138 of file ProxyWrappers.cxx.

◆ targs2str()

static std::string CPyCppyy::targs2str ( TemplateProxy pytmpl)

Definition at line 426 of file TemplateProxy.cxx.

◆ TC2CppName()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::TC2CppName ( PyObject pytc,
const char *  cpd,
bool  allow_voidp 

Definition at line 20 of file TemplateProxy.cxx.

◆ TemplateProxy_Check()

template<typename T >
bool CPyCppyy::TemplateProxy_Check ( T *  object)

Definition at line 79 of file TemplateProxy.h.

◆ TemplateProxy_CheckExact()

template<typename T >
bool CPyCppyy::TemplateProxy_CheckExact ( T *  object)

Definition at line 85 of file TemplateProxy.h.

◆ TemplateProxy_New()

TemplateProxy * CPyCppyy::TemplateProxy_New ( const std::string &  cppname,
const std::string &  pyname,
PyObject pyclass 

Definition at line 91 of file TemplateProxy.h.

◆ tpc_call()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::tpc_call ( typedefpointertoclassobject self,
PyObject args,

Definition at line 75 of file CustomPyTypes.cxx.

◆ tpp_call()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::tpp_call ( TemplateProxy pytmpl,
PyObject args,
PyObject kwds 

Definition at line 489 of file TemplateProxy.cxx.

◆ tpp_clear()

static int CPyCppyy::tpp_clear ( TemplateProxy pytmpl)

Definition at line 353 of file TemplateProxy.cxx.

◆ tpp_dealloc()

static void CPyCppyy::tpp_dealloc ( TemplateProxy pytmpl)

Definition at line 363 of file TemplateProxy.cxx.

◆ tpp_descrget()

static TemplateProxy * CPyCppyy::tpp_descrget ( TemplateProxy pytmpl,
PyObject pyobj,

Definition at line 692 of file TemplateProxy.cxx.

◆ tpp_doc()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::tpp_doc ( TemplateProxy pytmpl,
void *   

Definition at line 385 of file TemplateProxy.cxx.

◆ tpp_getuseffi()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::tpp_getuseffi ( CPPOverload ,
void *   

Definition at line 724 of file TemplateProxy.cxx.

◆ tpp_hash()

static Py_hash_t CPyCppyy::tpp_hash ( TemplateProxy self)

Definition at line 330 of file TemplateProxy.cxx.

◆ tpp_new()

static TemplateProxy * CPyCppyy::tpp_new ( PyTypeObject *  ,
PyObject ,

Definition at line 315 of file TemplateProxy.cxx.

◆ tpp_overload()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::tpp_overload ( TemplateProxy pytmpl,
PyObject args 

Definition at line 750 of file TemplateProxy.cxx.

◆ tpp_repr()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::tpp_repr ( TemplateProxy pytmpl)

Definition at line 417 of file TemplateProxy.cxx.

◆ tpp_richcompare()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::tpp_richcompare ( TemplateProxy self,
PyObject other,
int  op 

Definition at line 336 of file TemplateProxy.cxx.

◆ tpp_setuseffi()

static int CPyCppyy::tpp_setuseffi ( CPPOverload ,
PyObject ,
void *   

Definition at line 730 of file TemplateProxy.cxx.

◆ tpp_subscript()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::tpp_subscript ( TemplateProxy pytmpl,
PyObject args 

Definition at line 711 of file TemplateProxy.cxx.

◆ tpp_traverse()

static int CPyCppyy::tpp_traverse ( TemplateProxy pytmpl,
visitproc  visit,
void *  arg 

Definition at line 375 of file TemplateProxy.cxx.

◆ TupleOfInstances_Check()

template<typename T >
bool CPyCppyy::TupleOfInstances_Check ( T *  object)

Definition at line 17 of file TupleOfInstances.h.

◆ TupleOfInstances_CheckExact()

template<typename T >
bool CPyCppyy::TupleOfInstances_CheckExact ( T *  object)

Definition at line 23 of file TupleOfInstances.h.

◆ TupleOfInstances_New()

PyObject * CPyCppyy::TupleOfInstances_New ( Cppyy::TCppObject_t  address,
Cppyy::TCppType_t  klass,
dim_t  ndims,
dims_t  dims 

Definition at line 89 of file TupleOfInstances.cxx.

◆ TypedefPointerToClass_Check()

template<typename T >
bool CPyCppyy::TypedefPointerToClass_Check ( T *  object)

Definition at line 49 of file CustomPyTypes.h.

◆ TypedefPointerToClass_CheckExact()

template<typename T >
bool CPyCppyy::TypedefPointerToClass_CheckExact ( T *  object)

Definition at line 55 of file CustomPyTypes.h.

◆ UnregisterConverter()

CPYCPPYY_EXPORT bool CPyCppyy::UnregisterConverter ( const std::string &  name)

Definition at line 2883 of file Converters.cxx.

◆ UnregisterExecutor()

CPYCPPYY_EXPORT bool CPyCppyy::UnregisterExecutor ( const std::string &  name)

Definition at line 882 of file Executors.cxx.

◆ UpdateDispatchMap()

static void CPyCppyy::UpdateDispatchMap ( TemplateProxy pytmpl,
bool  use_targs,
uint64_t  sighash,
CPPOverload pymeth 

Definition at line 432 of file TemplateProxy.cxx.

◆ UseStrictOwnership()

bool CPyCppyy::UseStrictOwnership ( CallContext ctxt)

Definition at line 139 of file CallContext.h.

◆ vectoriter_dealloc()

static void CPyCppyy::vectoriter_dealloc ( vectoriterobject vi)

Definition at line 320 of file CustomPyTypes.cxx.

◆ vectoriter_iternext()

static PyObject * CPyCppyy::vectoriter_iternext ( vectoriterobject vi)

Definition at line 325 of file CustomPyTypes.cxx.

Variable Documentation

◆ CPPDataMember_Type

PyTypeObject CPyCppyy::CPPDataMember_Type

Definition at line 196 of file CPPDataMember.cxx.

◆ CPPExcInstance_Type

CPYCPPYY_IMPORT PyTypeObject CPyCppyy::CPPExcInstance_Type

Definition at line 226 of file CPPExcInstance.cxx.

◆ CPPInstance_Type

PyTypeObject CPyCppyy::CPPInstance_Type

Definition at line 745 of file CPPInstance.cxx.

◆ CPPOverload_Type

CPYCPPYY_IMPORT PyTypeObject CPyCppyy::CPPOverload_Type

Definition at line 850 of file CPPOverload.cxx.

◆ CPPScope_Type

PyTypeObject CPyCppyy::CPPScope_Type

Definition at line 635 of file CPPScope.cxx.

◆ CustomInstanceMethod_Type

PyTypeObject CPyCppyy::CustomInstanceMethod_Type
Initial value:
= {
PyObject_HEAD_INIT( &PyType_Type ) 0 ,
0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0,
(char*)"CPyCppyy custom instance method (internal)",
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
static void im_dealloc(PyMethodObject *im)
static PyObject * im_call(PyObject *meth, PyObject *args, PyObject *kw)

Definition at line 242 of file CustomPyTypes.cxx.

◆ dm_methods

PyMethodDef CPyCppyy::dm_methods[]
Initial value:
= {
{(char*)"__cpp_reflex__", (PyCFunction)dm_reflex, METH_VARARGS,
(char*)"C++ datamember reflection information" },
{(char*)nullptr, nullptr, 0, nullptr }
static PyObject * dm_reflex(CPPDataMember *dm, PyObject *args)

Definition at line 189 of file CPPDataMember.cxx.

◆ ep_as_number

PyNumberMethods CPyCppyy::ep_as_number

Definition at line 163 of file CPPExcInstance.cxx.

◆ free_list

PyMethodObject* CPyCppyy::free_list

Definition at line 104 of file CustomPyTypes.cxx.

◆ gAbrtException

PyObject * CPyCppyy::gAbrtException = nullptr

Definition at line 177 of file CPyCppyyModule.cxx.

◆ gBusException

PyObject * CPyCppyy::gBusException = nullptr

Definition at line 174 of file CPyCppyyModule.cxx.

◆ gConvFactories

ConvFactories_t CPyCppyy::gConvFactories

Definition at line 39 of file Converters.cxx.

◆ gDictLookupActive

bool CPyCppyy::gDictLookupActive = false

Definition at line 32 of file TPyClassGenerator.cxx.

◆ gDictLookupOrg

dict_lookup_func CPyCppyy::gDictLookupOrg = 0

Definition at line 27 of file Utility.cxx.

◆ gExecFactories

ExecFactories_t CPyCppyy::gExecFactories

Definition at line 24 of file Executors.cxx.

◆ gIllException

PyObject * CPyCppyy::gIllException = nullptr

Definition at line 176 of file CPyCppyyModule.cxx.

◆ gIteratorTypes

std::set< std::string > CPyCppyy::gIteratorTypes

Definition at line 1030 of file Pythonize.cxx.

◆ gNullPtrObject

PyObject * CPyCppyy::gNullPtrObject = nullptr

Definition at line 173 of file CPyCppyyModule.cxx.

◆ gPinnedTypes

std::set< Cppyy::TCppType_t > CPyCppyy::gPinnedTypes

Definition at line 179 of file CPyCppyyModule.cxx.

◆ gPythonizations

std::map< std::string, std::vector< PyObject * > > CPyCppyy::gPythonizations

Definition at line 178 of file CPyCppyyModule.cxx.

◆ gPyTypeMap

PyObject * CPyCppyy::gPyTypeMap = nullptr

Definition at line 172 of file CPyCppyyModule.cxx.

◆ gSegvException

PyObject * CPyCppyy::gSegvException = nullptr

Definition at line 175 of file CPyCppyyModule.cxx.

◆ gThisModule

PyObject * CPyCppyy::gThisModule = nullptr

Definition at line 100 of file TPython.cxx.

◆ IndexIter_Type

PyTypeObject CPyCppyy::IndexIter_Type
Initial value:
= {
PyObject_HEAD_INIT( &PyType_Type ) 0 ,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
static int indexiter_traverse(indexiterobject *ii, visitproc visit, void *arg)

Definition at line 293 of file CustomPyTypes.cxx.

◆ InstanceArrayIter_Type

PyTypeObject CPyCppyy::InstanceArrayIter_Type
Initial value:
= {
PyObject_HEAD_INIT( &PyType_Type ) 0 ,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0,
0, 0, ia_getset, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

Definition at line 59 of file TupleOfInstances.cxx.

◆ LowLevelView_Type

PyTypeObject CPyCppyy::LowLevelView_Type

Definition at line 651 of file LowLevelViews.cxx.

◆ meta_getset

PyGetSetDef CPyCppyy::meta_getset[]
Initial value:
= {
{(char*)"__cpp_name__", (getter)meta_getcppname, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr},
{(char*)"__module__", (getter)meta_getmodule, (setter)meta_setmodule, nullptr, nullptr},
{(char*)nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}
static PyObject * meta_getmodule(CPPScope *scope, void *)
Definition CPPScope.cxx:112
static PyObject * meta_getcppname(CPPScope *scope, void *)
Definition CPPScope.cxx:104

Definition at line 627 of file CPPScope.cxx.

◆ meta_methods

PyMethodDef CPyCppyy::meta_methods[]
Initial value:
= {
{(char*)"__cpp_reflex__", (PyCFunction)meta_reflex, METH_VARARGS,
(char*)"C++ datamember reflection information" },
{(char*)"__dir__", (PyCFunction)meta_dir, METH_NOARGS, nullptr},
{(char*)nullptr, nullptr, 0, nullptr}
static PyObject * meta_reflex(CPPScope *klass, PyObject *args)
Definition CPPScope.cxx:557
static PyObject * meta_dir(CPPScope *klass)
Definition CPPScope.cxx:580

Definition at line 618 of file CPPScope.cxx.

◆ numfree

int CPyCppyy::numfree = 0

Definition at line 105 of file CustomPyTypes.cxx.

◆ op_as_number

PyNumberMethods CPyCppyy::op_as_number

Definition at line 681 of file CPPInstance.cxx.

◆ op_getset

PyGetSetDef CPyCppyy::op_getset[]
Initial value:
= {
{(char*)"__python_owns__", (getter)op_getownership, (setter)op_setownership,
(char*)"If true, python manages the life time of this object", nullptr},
{(char*)nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}
static PyObject * op_getownership(CPPInstance *pyobj, void *)

Definition at line 594 of file CPPInstance.cxx.

◆ op_methods

PyMethodDef CPyCppyy::op_methods[]
Initial value:
= {
{(char*)"__destruct__", (PyCFunction)op_destruct, METH_NOARGS, nullptr},
{(char*)"__dispatch__", (PyCFunction)op_dispatch, METH_VARARGS,
(char*)"dispatch to selected overload"},
{(char*)"__smartptr__", (PyCFunction)op_get_smartptr, METH_NOARGS,
(char*)"get associated smart pointer, if any"},
{(char*)nullptr, nullptr, 0, nullptr}
static PyObject * op_dispatch(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *)
static PyObject * op_destruct(CPPInstance *self)

Definition at line 305 of file CPPInstance.cxx.

◆ RefFloat_Type

PyTypeObject CPyCppyy::RefFloat_Type
Initial value:
= {
PyObject_HEAD_INIT( &PyType_Type ) 0 ,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
(char*)"CPyCppyy float object for pass by reference",
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

Custom "builtins," detectable by type, for pass by ref and improved performance.

Definition at line 27 of file CustomPyTypes.cxx.

◆ RefInt_Type

PyTypeObject CPyCppyy::RefInt_Type
Initial value:
= {
PyObject_HEAD_INIT( &PyType_Type ) 0 ,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
(char*)"CPyCppyy long object for pass by reference",
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

Definition at line 49 of file CustomPyTypes.cxx.


const int CPyCppyy::SMALL_ARGS_N = 8

Definition at line 13 of file CallContext.h.

◆ TemplateProxy_Type

PyTypeObject CPyCppyy::TemplateProxy_Type

Definition at line 845 of file TemplateProxy.cxx.

◆ tpp_as_mapping

PyMappingMethods CPyCppyy::tpp_as_mapping
Initial value:
= {
nullptr, (binaryfunc)tpp_subscript, nullptr

Definition at line 737 of file TemplateProxy.cxx.

◆ tpp_getset

PyGetSetDef CPyCppyy::tpp_getset[]
Initial value:
= {
{(char*)"__doc__", (getter)tpp_doc, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr},
{(char*)"__useffi__", (getter)tpp_getuseffi, (setter)tpp_setuseffi,
(char*)"unused", nullptr},
{(char*)nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}
static PyObject * tpp_doc(TemplateProxy *pytmpl, void *)
static PyObject * tpp_getuseffi(CPPOverload *, void *)

Definition at line 741 of file TemplateProxy.cxx.

◆ tpp_methods

PyMethodDef CPyCppyy::tpp_methods[]
Initial value:
= {
{(char*)"__overload__", (PyCFunction)tpp_overload, METH_VARARGS,
(char*)"select overload for dispatch" },
{(char*)nullptr, nullptr, 0, nullptr }
static PyObject * tpp_overload(TemplateProxy *pytmpl, PyObject *args)

Definition at line 838 of file TemplateProxy.cxx.

◆ TupleOfInstances_Type

PyTypeObject CPyCppyy::TupleOfInstances_Type

Representation of C-style array of instances.


Definition at line 158 of file TupleOfInstances.cxx.

◆ TypedefPointerToClass_Type

PyTypeObject CPyCppyy::TypedefPointerToClass_Type
Initial value:
= {
PyObject_HEAD_INIT( &PyType_Type ) 0 ,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

Definition at line 83 of file CustomPyTypes.cxx.

◆ VectorIter_Type

PyTypeObject CPyCppyy::VectorIter_Type
Initial value:
= {
PyObject_HEAD_INIT( &PyType_Type ) 0 ,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

Definition at line 352 of file CustomPyTypes.cxx.