Set of helper functions that are invoked from the pythonizors, on the Python side.
static PyObject * | add_template (PyObject *pyclass, const std::string &name, std::vector< PyCallable * > *overloads=nullptr) |
static void | AddPropertyToClass (PyObject *pyclass, Cppyy::TCppScope_t scope, Cppyy::TCppIndex_t idata) |
static void | AddScopeToParent (PyObject *parent, const std::string &name, PyObject *newscope) |
bool | AllowImplicit (CallContext *ctxt) |
PyObject * | BindCppObject (Cppyy::TCppObject_t object, Cppyy::TCppType_t klass, const unsigned flags=0) |
PyObject * | BindCppObjectArray (Cppyy::TCppObject_t address, Cppyy::TCppType_t klass, Py_ssize_t *dims) |
PyObject * | BindCppObjectNoCast (Cppyy::TCppObject_t object, Cppyy::TCppType_t klass, const unsigned flags=0) |
static PyObject * | BuildCppClassBases (Cppyy::TCppType_t klass) |
static int | BuildScopeProxyDict (Cppyy::TCppScope_t scope, PyObject *pyclass) |
static PyObject * | CallMethodImp (TemplateProxy *pytmpl, PyObject *&pymeth, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds, bool impOK, uint64_t sighash) |
CPYCPPYY_EXTERN void * | CallVoidP (Cppyy::TCppMethod_t, Cppyy::TCppObject_t, CallContext *) |
static void | CollectUniqueBases (Cppyy::TCppType_t klass, std::deque< std::string > &uqb) |
template<typename T > |
bool | CPPDataMember_Check (T *object) |
template<typename T > |
bool | CPPDataMember_CheckExact (T *object) |
CPPDataMember * | CPPDataMember_New (Cppyy::TCppScope_t scope, Cppyy::TCppIndex_t idata) |
CPPDataMember * | CPPDataMember_NewConstant (Cppyy::TCppScope_t scope, const std::string &name, void *address) |
template<typename T > |
bool | CPPExcInstance_Check (T *object) |
template<typename T > |
bool | CPPExcInstance_CheckExact (T *object) |
template<typename T > |
bool | CPPInstance_Check (T *object) |
template<typename T > |
bool | CPPInstance_CheckExact (T *object) |
template<typename T > |
bool | CPPOverload_Check (T *object) |
template<typename T > |
bool | CPPOverload_CheckExact (T *object) |
CPPOverload * | CPPOverload_New (const std::string &name, PyCallable *method) |
CPPOverload * | CPPOverload_New (const std::string &name, std::vector< PyCallable * > &methods) |
template<typename T > |
bool | CPPScope_Check (T *object) |
template<typename T > |
bool | CPPScope_CheckExact (T *object) |
CPPScope * | CPPScopeMeta_New (Cppyy::TCppScope_t klass, PyObject *args) |
static Py_hash_t | CPyCppyy_PyLong_AsHash_t (PyObject *obj) |
CPYCPPYY_EXPORT Converter * | CreateConverter (const std::string &fullType, dims_t dims=nullptr) |
CPYCPPYY_EXTERN Converter * | CreateConverter (const std::string &name, Py_ssize_t *dims=nullptr) |
PyObject * | CreateExcScopeProxy (PyObject *pyscope, PyObject *pyname, PyObject *parent) |
CPYCPPYY_EXTERN Executor * | CreateExecutor (const std::string &name) |
PyObject * | CreateLowLevelView (bool **, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr) |
PyObject * | CreateLowLevelView (bool *, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr) |
PyObject * | CreateLowLevelView (const char **, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr) |
PyObject * | CreateLowLevelView (double **, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr) |
PyObject * | CreateLowLevelView (double *, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr) |
PyObject * | CreateLowLevelView (float **, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr) |
PyObject * | CreateLowLevelView (float *, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr) |
PyObject * | CreateLowLevelView (int **, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr) |
PyObject * | CreateLowLevelView (int *, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr) |
PyObject * | CreateLowLevelView (long **, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr) |
PyObject * | CreateLowLevelView (long *, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr) |
PyObject * | CreateLowLevelView (long double **, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr) |
PyObject * | CreateLowLevelView (long double *, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr) |
PyObject * | CreateLowLevelView (long long **, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr) |
PyObject * | CreateLowLevelView (long long *, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr) |
PyObject * | CreateLowLevelView (short **, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr) |
PyObject * | CreateLowLevelView (short *, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr) |
PyObject * | CreateLowLevelView (signed char **, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr) |
PyObject * | CreateLowLevelView (signed char *, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr) |
PyObject * | CreateLowLevelView (std::complex< double > **, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr) |
PyObject * | CreateLowLevelView (std::complex< double > *, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr) |
PyObject * | CreateLowLevelView (std::complex< float > **, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr) |
PyObject * | CreateLowLevelView (std::complex< float > *, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr) |
PyObject * | CreateLowLevelView (std::complex< int > **, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr) |
PyObject * | CreateLowLevelView (std::complex< int > *, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr) |
PyObject * | CreateLowLevelView (std::complex< long > **, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr) |
PyObject * | CreateLowLevelView (std::complex< long > *, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr) |
PyObject * | CreateLowLevelView (unsigned char **, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr) |
PyObject * | CreateLowLevelView (unsigned char *, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr) |
PyObject * | CreateLowLevelView (unsigned int **, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr) |
PyObject * | CreateLowLevelView (unsigned int *, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr) |
PyObject * | CreateLowLevelView (unsigned long **, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr) |
PyObject * | CreateLowLevelView (unsigned long *, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr) |
PyObject * | CreateLowLevelView (unsigned long long **, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr) |
PyObject * | CreateLowLevelView (unsigned long long *, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr) |
PyObject * | CreateLowLevelView (unsigned short **, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr) |
PyObject * | CreateLowLevelView (unsigned short *, Py_ssize_t *shape=nullptr) |
static PyObject * | CreateNewCppProxyClass (Cppyy::TCppScope_t klass, PyObject *pybases) |
PyObject * | CreatePointerView (void *ptr, size_t size=(size_t) -1) |
bool | CreatePyStrings () |
PyObject * | CreateScopeProxy (const std::string &scope_name, PyObject *parent=nullptr) |
PyObject * | CreateScopeProxy (Cppyy::TCppScope_t) |
PyObject * | CreateScopeProxy (PyObject *, PyObject *args) |
template<typename T > |
bool | CustomInstanceMethod_Check (T *object) |
template<typename T > |
bool | CustomInstanceMethod_CheckExact (T *object) |
PyObject * | CustomInstanceMethod_New (PyObject *func, PyObject *self, PyObject *pyclass) |
CPYCPPYY_EXTERN void | DestroyConverter (Converter *p) |
CPYCPPYY_EXPORT void | DestroyExecutor (Executor *p) |
PyObject * | DestroyPyStrings () |
static PyObject * | dm_reflex (CPPDataMember *dm, PyObject *args) |
static int | enum_setattro (PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *) |
static int | ep_clear (CPPExcInstance *pyobj) |
static void | ep_dealloc (CPPExcInstance *pyobj) |
static PyObject * | ep_getattro (CPPExcInstance *self, PyObject *attr) |
static PyObject * | ep_new (PyTypeObject *subtype, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) |
static int | ep_nonzero (CPPExcInstance *self) |
static PyObject * | ep_repr (CPPExcInstance *self) |
static PyObject * | ep_richcompare (CPPExcInstance *self, PyObject *other, int op) |
static int | ep_setattro (CPPExcInstance *self, PyObject *attr, PyObject *value) |
static PyObject * | ep_str (CPPExcInstance *self) |
static int | ep_traverse (CPPExcInstance *pyobj, visitproc visit, void *args) |
static PyObject * | eqneq_binop (CPPClass *klass, PyObject *self, PyObject *obj, int op) |
CPYCPPYY_EXTERN const PyResult | Eval (const std::string &expr) |
CPYCPPYY_EXTERN bool | Exec (const std::string &cmd) |
CPYCPPYY_EXTERN void | ExecScript (const std::string &name, const std::vector< std::string > &args) |
static PyObject * | GetAttrDirect (PyObject *pyclass, PyObject *pyname) |
PyObject * | GetScopeProxy (Cppyy::TCppScope_t) |
uint64_t | HashSignature (PyObject *args) |
bool | HaveImplicit (CallContext *ctxt) |
static PyObject * | im_call (PyObject *meth, PyObject *args, PyObject *kw) |
static void | im_dealloc (PyMethodObject *im) |
static PyObject * | im_descr_get (PyObject *meth, PyObject *obj, PyObject *pyclass) |
CPYCPPYY_EXTERN bool | Import (const std::string &name) |
static void | indexiter_dealloc (indexiterobject *ii) |
static PyObject * | indexiter_iternext (indexiterobject *ii) |
static int | indexiter_traverse (indexiterobject *ii, visitproc visit, void *arg) |
bool | InsertDispatcher (CPPScope *klass, PyObject *bases, PyObject *dct, std::ostringstream &err) |
CPYCPPYY_EXTERN void * | Instance_AsVoidPtr (PyObject *pyobject) |
CPYCPPYY_EXTERN bool | Instance_Check (PyObject *pyobject) |
CPYCPPYY_EXTERN bool | Instance_CheckExact (PyObject *pyobject) |
PyObject * | Instance_FromVoidPtr (void *addr, const char *classname, int python_owns) |
CPYCPPYY_EXTERN PyObject * | Instance_FromVoidPtr (void *addr, const std::string &classname, bool python_owns=false) |
CPYCPPYY_EXTERN bool | Instance_IsLively (PyObject *pyobject) |
bool | IsConstructor (uint64_t flags) |
bool | IsCreator (uint64_t flags) |
bool | IsSorted (uint64_t flags) |
template<typename T > |
bool | LowLevelView_Check (T *object) |
template<typename T > |
bool | LowLevelView_CheckExact (T *object) |
static PyObject * | meta_alloc (PyTypeObject *meta, Py_ssize_t nitems) |
static void | meta_dealloc (CPPScope *scope) |
static PyObject * | meta_dir (CPPScope *klass) |
static PyObject * | meta_getattro (PyObject *pyclass, PyObject *pyname) |
static PyObject * | meta_getcppname (CPPScope *scope, void *) |
static PyObject * | meta_getmodule (CPPScope *scope, void *) |
static PyObject * | meta_reflex (CPPScope *klass, PyObject *args) |
static PyObject * | meta_repr (CPPScope *scope) |
static int | meta_setattro (PyObject *pyclass, PyObject *pyname, PyObject *pyval) |
static int | meta_setmodule (CPPScope *scope, PyObject *value, void *) |
bool | NoImplicit (CallContext *ctxt) |
static PyObject * | op_add_stub (PyObject *left, PyObject *right) |
static int | op_clear (CPPInstance *pyobj) |
static void | op_dealloc (CPPInstance *pyobj) |
void | op_dealloc_nofree (CPPInstance *) |
static PyObject * | op_destruct (CPPInstance *self) |
static PyObject * | op_dispatch (PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *) |
static PyObject * | op_div_stub (PyObject *left, PyObject *right) |
static PyObject * | op_get_smartptr (CPPInstance *self) |
static PyObject * | op_getownership (CPPInstance *pyobj, void *) |
static Py_hash_t | op_hash (CPPInstance *self) |
static PyObject * | op_invert_stub (PyObject *pyobj) |
static PyObject * | op_mul_stub (PyObject *left, PyObject *right) |
static PyObject * | op_neg_stub (PyObject *pyobj) |
static CPPInstance * | op_new (PyTypeObject *subtype, PyObject *, PyObject *) |
static int | op_nonzero (CPPInstance *self) |
static PyObject * | op_pos_stub (PyObject *pyobj) |
static PyObject * | op_repr (CPPInstance *self) |
static PyObject * | op_richcompare (CPPInstance *self, PyObject *other, int op) |
static int | op_setownership (CPPInstance *pyobj, PyObject *value, void *) |
static PyObject * | op_str (CPPInstance *self) |
static PyObject * | op_str_internal (PyObject *pyobj, PyObject *lshift, bool isBound) |
static PyObject * | op_sub_stub (PyObject *left, PyObject *right) |
CPYCPPYY_EXTERN bool | Overload_Check (PyObject *pyobject) |
CPYCPPYY_EXTERN bool | Overload_CheckExact (PyObject *pyobject) |
static void | pp_dealloc (CPPDataMember *pyprop) |
static PyObject * | pp_get (CPPDataMember *pyprop, CPPInstance *pyobj, PyObject *) |
static CPPDataMember * | pp_new (PyTypeObject *pytype, PyObject *, PyObject *) |
static int | pp_set (CPPDataMember *pyprop, CPPInstance *pyobj, PyObject *value) |
CPYCPPYY_EXTERN void | Prompt () |
static PyObject * | pt_new (PyTypeObject *subtype, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) |
unsigned long | PyLongOrInt_AsULong (PyObject *pyobject) |
ULong64_t | PyLongOrInt_AsULong64 (PyObject *pyobject) |
bool | Pythonize (PyObject *pyclass, const std::string &name) |
template<typename T > |
bool | RefFloat_Check (T *object) |
template<typename T > |
bool | RefFloat_CheckExact (T *object) |
template<typename T > |
bool | RefInt_Check (T *object) |
template<typename T > |
bool | RefInt_CheckExact (T *object) |
CPYCPPYY_EXPORT bool | RegisterConverter (const std::string &name, cf_t fac) |
CPYCPPYY_EXTERN bool | RegisterConverter (const std::string &name, ConverterFactory_t) |
CPYCPPYY_EXTERN bool | RegisterExecutor (const std::string &name, ExecutorFactory_t) |
bool | ReleasesGIL (CallContext *ctxt) |
CPYCPPYY_EXTERN bool | Scope_Check (PyObject *pyobject) |
CPYCPPYY_EXTERN bool | Scope_CheckExact (PyObject *pyobject) |
static void | sync_templates (PyObject *pyclass, const std::string &mtCppName, const std::string &mtName) |
static std::string | targs2str (TemplateProxy *pytmpl) |
static PyObject * | TC2CppName (PyObject *pytc, const char *cpd, bool allow_voidp) |
template<typename T > |
bool | TemplateProxy_Check (T *object) |
template<typename T > |
bool | TemplateProxy_CheckExact (T *object) |
TemplateProxy * | TemplateProxy_New (const std::string &cppname, const std::string &pyname, PyObject *pyclass) |
static PyObject * | tpc_call (typedefpointertoclassobject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *) |
static PyObject * | tpp_call (TemplateProxy *pytmpl, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) |
static int | tpp_clear (TemplateProxy *pytmpl) |
static void | tpp_dealloc (TemplateProxy *pytmpl) |
static TemplateProxy * | tpp_descrget (TemplateProxy *pytmpl, PyObject *pyobj, PyObject *) |
static PyObject * | tpp_doc (TemplateProxy *pytmpl, void *) |
static PyObject * | tpp_getuseffi (CPPOverload *, void *) |
static Py_hash_t | tpp_hash (TemplateProxy *self) |
static TemplateProxy * | tpp_new (PyTypeObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *) |
static PyObject * | tpp_overload (TemplateProxy *pytmpl, PyObject *args) |
static PyObject * | tpp_repr (TemplateProxy *pytmpl) |
static PyObject * | tpp_richcompare (TemplateProxy *self, PyObject *other, int op) |
static int | tpp_setuseffi (CPPOverload *, PyObject *, void *) |
static PyObject * | tpp_subscript (TemplateProxy *pytmpl, PyObject *args) |
static int | tpp_traverse (TemplateProxy *pytmpl, visitproc visit, void *arg) |
template<typename T > |
bool | TupleOfInstances_Check (T *object) |
template<typename T > |
bool | TupleOfInstances_CheckExact (T *object) |
PyObject * | TupleOfInstances_New (Cppyy::TCppObject_t address, Cppyy::TCppType_t klass, dim_t ndims, dims_t dims) |
template<typename T > |
bool | TypedefPointerToClass_Check (T *object) |
template<typename T > |
bool | TypedefPointerToClass_CheckExact (T *object) |
CPYCPPYY_EXTERN bool | UnregisterConverter (const std::string &name) |
CPYCPPYY_EXTERN bool | UnregisterExecutor (const std::string &name) |
static void | UpdateDispatchMap (TemplateProxy *pytmpl, bool use_targs, uint64_t sighash, CPPOverload *pymeth) |
bool | UseStrictOwnership (CallContext *ctxt) |
static void | vectoriter_dealloc (vectoriterobject *vi) |
static PyObject * | vectoriter_iternext (vectoriterobject *vi) |
Set of helper functions that are invoked from the pythonizors, on the Python side.
For that purpose, they are included in the interface of the PyROOT extension module.