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hserv.C File Reference

Detailed Description

Server program which waits for two clients to connect.

It then monitors the sockets and displays the objects it receives. To see how to make a non-blocking server see the script hserv2.C.

To run this demo do the following:

  • Open three windows
  • Start ROOT in all three windows
  • Execute in the first window: .x hserv.C
  • Execute in the second and third windows: .x hclient.C
void hserv() {
// Open a server socket looking for connections on a named service or
// on a specified port.
//TServerSocket *ss = new TServerSocket("rootserv", kTRUE);
TServerSocket *ss = new TServerSocket(9090, kTRUE);
// Accept a connection and return a full-duplex communication socket.
TSocket *s0 = ss->Accept();
TSocket *s1 = ss->Accept();
// tell the clients to start
s0->Send("go 0");
s1->Send("go 1");
// Close the server socket (unless we will use it later to wait for
// another connection).
// Check some options of socket 0.
int val;
s0->GetOption(kSendBuffer, val);
printf("sendbuffer size: %d\n", val);
s0->GetOption(kRecvBuffer, val);
printf("recvbuffer size: %d\n", val);
// Get the remote addresses (informational only).
TInetAddress adr = s0->GetInetAddress();
adr = s1->GetInetAddress();
// Create canvas and pads to display the histograms
TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","The Ntuple canvas",200,10,700,780);
TPad *pad1 = new TPad("pad1","This is pad1",0.02,0.52,0.98,0.98,21);
TPad *pad2 = new TPad("pad2","This is pad2",0.02,0.02,0.98,0.48,21);
TMonitor *mon = new TMonitor;
while (1) {
TMessage *mess;
TSocket *s;
s = mon->Select();
if (mess->What() == kMESS_STRING) {
char str[64];
mess->ReadString(str, 64);
printf("Client %d: %s\n", s==s0 ? 0 : 1, str);
if (mon->GetActive() == 0) {
printf("No more active clients... stopping\n");
} else if (mess->What() == kMESS_OBJECT) {
//printf("got object of class: %s\n", mess->GetClass()->GetName());
TH1 *h = (TH1 *)mess->ReadObject(mess->GetClass());
if (h) {
if (s == s0)
h->DrawCopy(); //draw a copy of the histogram, not the histo itself
delete h; // delete histogram
} else {
printf("*** Unexpected message ***\n");
delete mess;
printf("Client 0: bytes recv = %d, bytes sent = %d\n", s0->GetBytesRecv(),
printf("Client 1: bytes recv = %d, bytes sent = %d\n", s1->GetBytesRecv(),
// Close the socket.
#define s0(x)
Definition RSha256.hxx:90
#define s1(x)
Definition RSha256.hxx:91
#define h(i)
Definition RSha256.hxx:106
constexpr Bool_t kTRUE
Definition RtypesCore.h:100
@ kSendBuffer
Definition TSystem.h:216
@ kRecvBuffer
Definition TSystem.h:217
TObject * ReadObject(const TClass *cl) override
Read object from I/O buffer.
char * ReadString(char *s, Int_t max) override
Read string from I/O buffer.
The Canvas class.
Definition TCanvas.h:23
TH1 is the base class of all histogram classes in ROOT.
Definition TH1.h:58
This class represents an Internet Protocol (IP) address.
void Print(Option_t *option="") const override
Print internet address as string.
UInt_t What() const
Definition TMessage.h:75
TClass * GetClass() const
Definition TMessage.h:71
TSocket * Select()
Return pointer to socket for which an event is waiting.
Definition TMonitor.cxx:322
virtual void Add(TSocket *sock, Int_t interest=kRead)
Add socket to the monitor's active list.
Definition TMonitor.cxx:168
Int_t GetActive(Long_t timeout=-1) const
Return number of sockets in the active list.
Definition TMonitor.cxx:438
virtual void Remove(TSocket *sock)
Remove a socket from the monitor.
Definition TMonitor.cxx:214
The most important graphics class in the ROOT system.
Definition TPad.h:28
TVirtualPad * cd(Int_t subpadnumber=0) override
Set Current pad.
Definition TPad.cxx:597
void Draw(Option_t *option="") override
Draw Pad in Current pad (re-parent pad if necessary).
Definition TPad.cxx:1268
virtual TSocket * Accept(UChar_t Opt=0)
Accept a connection on a server socket.
virtual Int_t Recv(TMessage *&mess)
Receive a TMessage object.
Definition TSocket.cxx:818
virtual void Close(Option_t *opt="")
Close the socket.
Definition TSocket.cxx:389
virtual Int_t Send(const TMessage &mess)
Send a TMessage object.
Definition TSocket.cxx:522
void Print(const char *filename="") const override=0
This method must be overridden when a class wants to print itself.
return c1
Definition legend1.C:41
Fons Rademakers

Definition in file hserv.C.