4#ifndef ROOT_TLimitDataSource
5#define ROOT_TLimitDataSource
#define ClassDefOverride(name, id)
TH1 is the base class of all histogram classes in ROOT.
This class serves as input for the TLimit::ComputeLimit method.
virtual void SetOwner(bool swtch=kTRUE)
Gives to the TLimitDataSource the ownership of the various objects given as input.
TObjArray fErrorOnBackground
Packed error sources for background.
TObjArray fErrorOnSignal
Packed error sources for signal.
virtual TObjArray * GetErrorOnSignal()
virtual TObjArray * GetSignal()
virtual void AddChannel(TH1 *, TH1 *, TH1 *)
Adds a channel with signal, background and data given as input.
Default constructor.
TObjArray fIds
Packed IDs for the different error sources.
TObjArray fDummyTA
Dummy objects the class will use and delete.
TObjArray fSignal
Packed input signal.
virtual TObjArray * GetCandidates()
virtual TObjArray * GetBackground()
virtual TObjArray * GetErrorNames()
~TLimitDataSource() override
TObjArray fCandidates
Packed input candidates (data)
virtual TObjArray * GetErrorOnBackground()
TObjArray fBackground
Packed input background.
TObjArray fDummyIds
Array of dummy object (used for bookeeping)
Mother of all ROOT objects.