36 double operator()(
const double xvector[])
const override;
43 const char*
const override ;
54 std::vector<RooAbsRealLValue*>
#define ClassDefOverride(name, id)
Abstract interface for evaluating a real-valued function of one real variable and performing numerica...
RooAbsRealLValue is the common abstract base class for objects that represent a real value that may a...
Abstract base class for objects that represent a real value and implements functionality common to al...
RooArgSet is a container object that can hold multiple RooAbsArg objects.
Lightweight interface adaptor that binds a RooAbsReal object to a subset of its servers and present i...
std::list< double > * plotSamplingHint(RooAbsRealLValue &, double, double) const override
Interface for returning an optional hint for initial sampling points when constructing a curve projec...
double getMinLimit(UInt_t dimension) const override
Return lower limit on i-th variable.
~RooRealBinding() override
std::vector< double > _xsave
double operator()(const double xvector[]) const override
Evaluate the bound RooAbsReal at the variable values provided in xvector.
double getMaxLimit(UInt_t dimension) const override
Return upper limit on i-th variable.
void restoreXVec() const override
Restore value of all variables to previously saved values by saveXVec()
std::list< double > * binBoundaries(Int_t) const override
std::vector< RooAbsRealLValue * > _vars
Non-owned pointers to variables.
RooAbsRealLValue * observable(unsigned int i) const
Return a pointer to the observable that defines the i-th dimension of the function.
std::vector< RooAbsReal * > _compList
std::vector< double > _compSave
const char * getName() const override
Return name of function.
void loadValues(const double xvector[]) const
Load the vector of variable values into the RooRealVars associated as variables with the bound RooAbs...
const TNamed * _rangeName
void saveXVec() const override
Save value of all variables.
The TNamed class is the base class for all named ROOT classes.